Jasmina Moskovljevic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)


Papers by Jasmina Moskovljevic

Research paper thumbnail of Moskovljevic (2008) Klase glagola psiholoških stanja

Зборник радова са 37. научног састанка слависта у Вукове дане, 2008

This paper presents and explores data on various subclasses of psych-verbs in contemporary Serbia... more This paper presents and explores data on various subclasses of psych-verbs in contemporary Serbian. As in a number of other languages, these verbs are characterized by numerous unique properties at both syntactic and argument structure levels. Ву using four main criteria - number of arguments they take, morpho-syntactic properties of their arguments, 0-roles they assign to their arguments, and different syntactic frames in which they occur - twenty four different subclasses of psych-verbs are
identified and further examined .

Research paper thumbnail of Moskovljević, J. (1996) O podizanju negacije u srpskom jeziku

Južnoslovenski filolog, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Word Awareness and Early Foreign Language Acquisition

The present review sets out to synthesize the existing research on word awareness at different st... more The present review sets out to synthesize the existing research on word awareness at different stages of development and its association with early foreign language acquisition. word awareness is an important, but less studied component of metalinguistic awareness, particularly in terms of a foreign language acquisition. The paper presents and analyses not only the theoretical underpinnings of this phenomenon, but also the experimental research of all three aspects of its development: development of awareness of word as a unit of language, development of awareness of the arbitrary nature of the lexical sign, and development of understanding of the "word" as a metalinguistic concept. special attention is paid to the study of the nature of relationship between the development of the word awareness and early foreign language acquisition.

Research paper thumbnail of Rani pragmatski razvoj – tipologija komunikativnih akata jednoipogodišnjaka

Примењена лингвистика, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Grammatical priming of inflected nouns by inflected adjectives

Cognition, 1985

Abstract Two experiments are reported in which subjects made rapid lexical decisions about inflec... more Abstract Two experiments are reported in which subjects made rapid lexical decisions about inflected nouns preceded by inflected adjectives or pseudoadjectives that did or did not agree grammatically. Both adjectives and pseudoadjectives were shown to affect lexical decision times for nouns, suggesting that the priming of inflected nouns by inflected adjectives occurred at the level of the inflections. Inflected pseudonouns, however, were not affected similarly, suggesting that lexical factors were contributing to the priming in addition to grammatical factors. This instance of grammatical priming is described as an effect that arises post-lexically, based on the outcomes of relatively independent lexical and syntactical processors.

Research paper thumbnail of On complex sentences with a commentative conditional clause

Juznoslovenski filolog

UDK 808 ЈА СМИ НА Д. МО СКО ВЉЕ ВИЋ ПО ПО ВИЋ* Уни вер зи тет у Бе о гра ду Фи ло ло шки фа кул т... more UDK 808 ЈА СМИ НА Д. МО СКО ВЉЕ ВИЋ ПО ПО ВИЋ* Уни вер зи тет у Бе о гра ду Фи ло ло шки фа кул тет Ка те дра за општу лингвистику О ЗАВИСНОСЛОЖЕНИМ РЕЧЕНИЦАМА СА КОМЕНТАТИВНОМ КОНДИЦИОНАЛНОМ КЛАУЗОМ** Уз типичне зависносложене реченице са кондиционалном клаузом, у савременом српском језику нису ретке ни кондиционалне клаузе коментативног типа: На отварање изложбе дошло је двадесетак људи, ако их је било и толико; Уколико добро памтим, багрем је прошле године цветао рано и сл. У раду је издвојено девет различитих типова оваквих реченица, презентована је грађа која их илуструје, анализирана синтаксичка структура ове врсте зависносложених реченица, издвојени су њихови синтаксички и семантички подтипови и одређене њихове дис курс не функ ци је. Кључне речи: за ви сно сло же на ре че ни ца, кон ди ци о нал на кла у за, комен та тив на кла у за, епи сте мич ка мо дал ност, се ман тич ке, праг мат ске и дис курс не функ ци је ис ка за.

Research paper thumbnail of Coreference relations in complex sentence with a complement clause

Juznoslovenski filolog, 2015

** Овај рад на стао је у окви ру про јек та "Стан дард ни срп ски је зик: син таксич ка, се ман т... more ** Овај рад на стао је у окви ру про јек та "Стан дард ни срп ски је зик: син таксич ка, се ман тич ка и праг ма тич ка ис тра жи ва ња" (178004), ко ји фи нан си ра Мини стар ство про све те и на у ке Ре пу бли ке Ср би је.

Research paper thumbnail of On distribution of complementizers in contemporary Serbian

Juznoslovenski filolog, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Repetition priming is not purely episodic in origin

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1987

The sufficiency of similarity among surface attributes of word pairs

Research paper thumbnail of Moskovljevic (2008) Klase glagola psiholoških stanja

Зборник радова са 37. научног састанка слависта у Вукове дане, 2008

This paper presents and explores data on various subclasses of psych-verbs in contemporary Serbia... more This paper presents and explores data on various subclasses of psych-verbs in contemporary Serbian. As in a number of other languages, these verbs are characterized by numerous unique properties at both syntactic and argument structure levels. Ву using four main criteria - number of arguments they take, morpho-syntactic properties of their arguments, 0-roles they assign to their arguments, and different syntactic frames in which they occur - twenty four different subclasses of psych-verbs are
identified and further examined .

Research paper thumbnail of Moskovljević, J. (1996) O podizanju negacije u srpskom jeziku

Južnoslovenski filolog, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of Word Awareness and Early Foreign Language Acquisition

The present review sets out to synthesize the existing research on word awareness at different st... more The present review sets out to synthesize the existing research on word awareness at different stages of development and its association with early foreign language acquisition. word awareness is an important, but less studied component of metalinguistic awareness, particularly in terms of a foreign language acquisition. The paper presents and analyses not only the theoretical underpinnings of this phenomenon, but also the experimental research of all three aspects of its development: development of awareness of word as a unit of language, development of awareness of the arbitrary nature of the lexical sign, and development of understanding of the "word" as a metalinguistic concept. special attention is paid to the study of the nature of relationship between the development of the word awareness and early foreign language acquisition.

Research paper thumbnail of Rani pragmatski razvoj – tipologija komunikativnih akata jednoipogodišnjaka

Примењена лингвистика, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Grammatical priming of inflected nouns by inflected adjectives

Cognition, 1985

Abstract Two experiments are reported in which subjects made rapid lexical decisions about inflec... more Abstract Two experiments are reported in which subjects made rapid lexical decisions about inflected nouns preceded by inflected adjectives or pseudoadjectives that did or did not agree grammatically. Both adjectives and pseudoadjectives were shown to affect lexical decision times for nouns, suggesting that the priming of inflected nouns by inflected adjectives occurred at the level of the inflections. Inflected pseudonouns, however, were not affected similarly, suggesting that lexical factors were contributing to the priming in addition to grammatical factors. This instance of grammatical priming is described as an effect that arises post-lexically, based on the outcomes of relatively independent lexical and syntactical processors.

Research paper thumbnail of On complex sentences with a commentative conditional clause

Juznoslovenski filolog

UDK 808 ЈА СМИ НА Д. МО СКО ВЉЕ ВИЋ ПО ПО ВИЋ* Уни вер зи тет у Бе о гра ду Фи ло ло шки фа кул т... more UDK 808 ЈА СМИ НА Д. МО СКО ВЉЕ ВИЋ ПО ПО ВИЋ* Уни вер зи тет у Бе о гра ду Фи ло ло шки фа кул тет Ка те дра за општу лингвистику О ЗАВИСНОСЛОЖЕНИМ РЕЧЕНИЦАМА СА КОМЕНТАТИВНОМ КОНДИЦИОНАЛНОМ КЛАУЗОМ** Уз типичне зависносложене реченице са кондиционалном клаузом, у савременом српском језику нису ретке ни кондиционалне клаузе коментативног типа: На отварање изложбе дошло је двадесетак људи, ако их је било и толико; Уколико добро памтим, багрем је прошле године цветао рано и сл. У раду је издвојено девет различитих типова оваквих реченица, презентована је грађа која их илуструје, анализирана синтаксичка структура ове врсте зависносложених реченица, издвојени су њихови синтаксички и семантички подтипови и одређене њихове дис курс не функ ци је. Кључне речи: за ви сно сло же на ре че ни ца, кон ди ци о нал на кла у за, комен та тив на кла у за, епи сте мич ка мо дал ност, се ман тич ке, праг мат ске и дис курс не функ ци је ис ка за.

Research paper thumbnail of Coreference relations in complex sentence with a complement clause

Juznoslovenski filolog, 2015

** Овај рад на стао је у окви ру про јек та "Стан дард ни срп ски је зик: син таксич ка, се ман т... more ** Овај рад на стао је у окви ру про јек та "Стан дард ни срп ски је зик: син таксич ка, се ман тич ка и праг ма тич ка ис тра жи ва ња" (178004), ко ји фи нан си ра Мини стар ство про све те и на у ке Ре пу бли ке Ср би је.

Research paper thumbnail of On distribution of complementizers in contemporary Serbian

Juznoslovenski filolog, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Repetition priming is not purely episodic in origin

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1987

The sufficiency of similarity among surface attributes of word pairs