Ljubisa Bojic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
Papers by Ljubisa Bojic
European Journal of Futures Research
New technologies are emerging at a fast pace without being properly analyzed in terms of their so... more New technologies are emerging at a fast pace without being properly analyzed in terms of their social impact or adequately regulated by societies. One of the biggest potentially disruptive technologies for the future is the metaverse, or the new Internet, which is being developed by leading tech companies. The idea is to create a virtual reality universe that would allow people to meet, socialize, work, play, entertain, and create.Methods coming from future studies are used to analyze expectations and narrative building around the metaverse. Additionally, it is examined how metaverse could shape the future relations of power and levels of media addiction in the society.Hype and disappointment dynamics created after the video presentation of meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg have been found to affect the present, especially in terms of certainty and designability. This idea is supported by a variety of data, including search engine n-grams, trends in the diffusion of NFT technology, indicat...
Times of uncertainty and fear were brought on by Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is a fruitful gro... more Times of uncertainty and fear were brought on by Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is a fruitful ground for fake news, as citizens try to find explanations that fit into their worldviews. This process polarizes society and creates echo chambers amplified by recommender systems. Our main goal is to detect anti-vaxxer echo chambers in Serbia by analyzing online reactions to the recent detention of prominent anti-vaxxer Dr. Jovana Stojkovic. A content analysis of online comments is deployed in anti-regime left-leaning, anti-regime right-leaning, and pro-government media to explore attitudes towards a vaccination conspiracy theory, police action towards anti-vaxxers, and the government crisis response team. We clearly identify the anti-vaccine echo chamber among commentators of anti-regime right-leaning media (YouTube podcasts). Additionally, we describe attitudes expressed around issues related to vaccination. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.
Filozofija i drustvo
The aim of this paper is to clarify specific aspects of the impact of the brain-machine interface... more The aim of this paper is to clarify specific aspects of the impact of the brain-machine interface on our understanding of subjectivity. The brain-machine interface is presented as a phase of cyborgization of humans. Some projects in the field of brain-machine interface are aimed at enabling consensual telepathy - communication without symbolic mediation. Consensual telepathy refers to one of potential ways of transmission of information within singularity. Therefore, consensual telepathy is an important aspect of singularity. Singularity or human-machine symbiosis shows some similarities with child-mother unity. Therefore, the psychodynamic perspective might be considered useful in thinking about human-machine symbiosis. Knowledge from developmental psychodynamic psychology combined with insights by Slavoj Zizek and Jean Baudrillard provides an additional perspective looking at human-machine symbiosis. The paper claims that if consensual telepathy becomes another way of communicatio...
L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 20... more L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 2013 indiquent que les nouveaux médias ont causé des changements significatifs dans les sociétés à travers le monde. Les caractéristiques du nouveau medium, telles que l’interactivité et la possibilité de son utilisation de n’importe quel lieu, à tout moment, pointent la possibilité élevée de développement de l’addiction par ses utilisateurs. Les données indiquent la hausse de l’utilisation générale des médias au cours des soixante dernières années. D’autre part, pendant cette même période a été notée la baisse de la participation politique, ensemble avec le déclin de la socialisation et de la participation active dans des organisations professionnelles. Les questions de recherche sont réparties en de grandes questions, relatives à l’examen sur les personnes qui sont plus sujettes à devenir dépendantes aux medias, à découvrir si les personnes sont plus dépendantes aux medias anciens ou nou...
Srpska politička misao
Accurately forming personality judgments is of vital importance in a wide range of social interac... more Accurately forming personality judgments is of vital importance in a wide range of social interactions. Although people are able to make fairly accurate personality judgments of others, recent technological advances in machine learning made computers better at predicting personality than humans. In this review, we will focus on computer-based personality judgments and their theoretical considerations and practical implications in politics. More precisely, we will discuss (i) the use of social platforms and digital devices in collecting so-called digital footprints, (ii) personality traits that are assessed based on digital footprints, (iii) advantages and disadvantages of using computer-based personality judgments, (iv) persuasive communication based on digital footprints of personality traits, and lastly, (v) the matters of privacy and informed consent. With this review, we aim to provide a guide how to use computer-based personality judgment in a way to serve the public interest.
Serbian Political Thought, 2016
Appearance of the Internet and its spread to 38.8% of world population from 1995 to 2013 indicate... more Appearance of the Internet and its spread to 38.8% of world population from 1995 to 2013 indicate that new media bring significant changes to societies around the world. Features of new media such as interactivity and possibility to use it from anywhere anytime indicate the Internet may be highly addictive. Data point to increases in overall media use over the last 60 years. On the other hand, decreases in political participation are registered together with decline in socializing and active membership in professional organizations for the same period. Research is conducted through nationally representative survey in Serbia during 2013. All hypotheses of this study have been confirmed including main one, saying that increases in media addiction cause decreases in political participation. Those who have less confidence in future are bigger media addicts, those who fear about present and future are bigger media addicts, those who are not interested in politics are bigger media addicts, those who have less political knowledge are bigger media addicts and finally that low participants in elections are bigger media addicts. This study is limited to Serbia, while it would be useful to measure media addiction in all countries. New methodology introduced by this study should be improved. Results of further studies should be presented with 3D graphs.
With explosion of technological innovation, people tend to develop an addiction to new media such... more With explosion of technological innovation, people tend to develop an addiction to new media such as mobile devices, computers, and gaming consoles. This study expands the previous research by addressing the overall (new and old) media addiction in Serbia by using eight universal indicators. The study found that 88% of participants are the potential media addicts while only 7.6% of them show the signs of the extreme media addiction. As it is very significant to know and understand the media addiction in our society, the media addiction research should be standardized and continuous.
L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 20... more L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 2013 indiquent que les nouveaux medias ont cause des changements significatifs dans les societes a travers le monde. Les caracteristiques du nouveau medium, telles que l’interactivite et la possibilite de son utilisation de n’importe quel lieu, a tout moment, pointent la possibilite elevee de developpement de l’addiction par ses utilisateurs. Les donnees indiquent la hausse de l’utilisation generale des medias au cours des soixante dernieres annees. D’autre part, pendant cette meme periode a ete notee la baisse de la participation politique, ensemble avec le declin de la socialisation et de la participation active dans des organisations professionnelles. Les questions de recherche sont reparties en de grandes questions, relatives a l’examen sur les personnes qui sont plus sujettes a devenir dependantes aux medias, a decouvrir si les personnes sont plus dependantes aux medias anciens ou nou...
Abstract: Social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been becoming very popular... more Abstract: Social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been becoming very popular during the last few years. Facebook is currently the world’s most populous “country” with more than 1.3 billion “inhabitants”. According to the statistical data, the users share their impressions daily in the form of statuses about upcoming events and present state of affairs, their problems, plans, novel experiences about the products, political stances, and alike. Having the possibility to extract the information of interest from a huge amount of hand-created data about the users’ personal affinities and their usage within logistics system, it is facilitated to meet the customers’ needs. In this paper we present a procedure for finding and analyzing valuable information related to the specific products, and its effect on logistics system decision-making. Filtering is being done by already developed software for neurolinguistics social network analysis “Symbols”. This software offers g...
Advances in mobile devices technology enabled media access anywhere and anytime. The appearance o... more Advances in mobile devices technology enabled media access anywhere and anytime. The appearance of social networks opened new realms of life simulation, potentially boosting media addictions. Personal characteristics in combination with stressful situations may be causing repression of inner impulses, thus provoking some psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety or loneliness. In this situation, person might look into characteristics and content of different media to find the one which addresses his or her repressed impulses, thus enabling “simulation of life”. Person susceptible to one addiction might at some point decide to change it with another one, like alcohol or drugs use. The results of this research indicate that materialistic persons oriented towards societal success are more likely to become media addicts. Stressful situations coming from family, workplace, education and moral and ethical norms are strongly linked to media addiction. Family as a liberating agen...
Energy Innovation for the Twenty-First Century, 2019
Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 2019
Fears, attitudes, closeness of different social categories and media use were explored by through... more Fears, attitudes, closeness of different social categories and media use were explored by through the Results of Oxford Happiness Inventory and Multiple Lickert scale. Findings include that happier individuals are better connected to their family, express positive stands on teachers, professors, sport workers and members of some nations. These notions are connected to results of previous research inquiries about wellbeing and increased agreeableness, increased extroversion, increased openness to experience and decreased neuroticism.
Serbian Political Thought, 2018
In this article, the authors analyze the most significant achievements of the current dynamics of... more In this article, the authors analyze the most significant achievements of the current dynamics of the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU (Process of Stabilization and Association), with a special emphasis on numerous issues that stand in the "European way" of these countries. In this context, a specific analysis will be linked to numerous internal problems in the Western Balkans countries, as well as in their bilateral relations, and how does this affect the possible acceleration of the European integration process. Of course, the authors in this paper devoted considerable attention to the role of "non-EU" countries in the region of the Western Balkans, especially the Russian Federation, the Republic of Turkey and the People's Republic of China. Also, the presentation will discuss how the countries of the Western Europe, which obviously will remain dominant in the European Union in the next period (Germany, France and Italy) will position themselves concerning a new enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans. Also, the unfinished process of Brexit (2016) opens up some problems when it comes to the entering the countries of the Western Balkans into the European Union. Certainly, there are some "weak points" in the European integration process of the Western Balkans countries (corruption and organized crime in the case of Montenegro, relations with the government in Pristina when it comes to Serbia, etc.).
Srpska politička misao, 2017
Two aspects of technologically driven civilization are evident: availability of new media and int... more Two aspects of technologically driven civilization are evident: availability of new media and interactivity. This study examines media addiction on three levels: purpose of use, medium of choice and online application utilized. Media addiction increases with those who use media for fun as opposed to individuals who use media for information; level of media addiction is higher with users of new media as opposed to users of old media; more interactive and less practical online applications such as social networks and chat are more addictive. When looking into nature of new and old media it is possible to conclude that media addiction may be related to number of senses grabbed by media and media features, such as live broadcasting and interactivity. This brings us to conclusion that future of media may be in employment of additional human senses in its use.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, 2019
The unique possibilities of the online social networks such as real-time data access, knowledge o... more The unique possibilities of the online social networks such as real-time data access, knowledge of users’ changing preferences and access to their statuses provide the possibility for innovation in the analysis of people’s behavior and opinions, when compared to classical offline methods. Literature review shows lack of studies about the use of public Facebook data in Serbia for the improvement of different product sale, political or promotional campaigns, recommender systems, etc. In this paper, we present the way how data from Facebook can be collected in order to gain insight into the individuals’ preferences and statuses, as well as their connection to a company's fan pages. In particular, we present data collection framework – Symbols – used for collecting individual specific data. The framework stores data into local database and involves a module for graph and content-based analysis of these data. The proposed framework for social network analysis can be used as a decisio...
Srpska politička misao, 2013
Др жа ва пред ста вља сва ка ко је дан од нај зна чај ни јих об ликадру штве ногипо ли тич когор ... more Др жа ва пред ста вља сва ка ко је дан од нај зна чај ни јих об ликадру штве ногипо ли тич когор га ни зо ва њадру штва,ко јијеод у век пред ста вљао зна чај но ме сто ана ли зе по ли ти ко ло шких и со ци о лошкихана ли за.Онасеуса вре ме номдру штвуиз но ваусто ли чи лакао је даноднај ва жни јихфор мидру штве ногипо ли тич когжи во та,такодаједа насго то воне мо гу ћеза ми сли тина чиннако јибидру штво функ ци о ни са лобезње ногпо сто ја њадр жа ве.Овојеујед ноиглав ни раз логзбогко гајете маовогбро јапо све ће наупра вопро у ча ва њедржа веукон тек стуса вре ме нихпо ли тич кихпро це са. Мо но граф скасту ди јаЂор ђаСто ја но ви ћате жидапро ме ном пер спек ти ве и ши ре њем ин те лек ту ал ног хо ри зон та до при не се обу хват ни јемраз у ме ва њуфраг мен та ци јесрп скогдру штваукон текстумо дер ни змаипост мо дер ни зма.Дабисмобо љераз у ме липо ло-жајСр би јеуса вре ме нимпо ли тич кимпро це си маУрошШу ва ко вић ана ли зи ра нај но ви је те о риј ско-ем пи риј ско ис тра жи ва ње о од но су из ме ђу мо дер ни за ци је и тран зи ци је. Ис цр пље на про це сом транзи ци је Ср би ја се да нас су о ча ва са мно го број ним про бле ми ма, а на рас кр шћусво јихме ђу на род нихин те гра ци ја.Ура дуСне жа неГрксе ана ли зи ра јуин те гра ци о нипро це си,неса мозбогре ги о нал непо ве зано сти ме ђу др жа ва ма, већ због то га што ти про це си има ју сво је ве ли кееко ном скепред но сти,иуње мусеис ти чуве ли кеструк тур не не јед на ко стигло бал нееко но ми јеко јесеис ти чукаораз логна стан ка ду бо когја заиз ме ђубо га тихиси ро ма шних,ка копо је ди на цата кои др жа ва.Љу би шаДе спо то вићиЖи во јинЂу рићутомсми слуис ти чу да је основ на су шти на ак ту ел них нео ли бе рал них про це са усме ре на ка де мон та жи кључ них ин сти ту ци о нал них ка па ци те та мо дер не на ци о нал недр жа ве. По редглав нете меуовомбро јусена ла зииру бри ка,,Огле ди и сту ди је" у ко јој мо же те на ћи ве ли ки број ра до ва ко ји се та ко ђе ба веве о маак ту ел нимте ма ма,каоиру бри ка,,Освр ти,кри ти каи при ка зи". По што ва неко ле ге,накра јуовогувод ни како ри сти мопри лику да вас оба ве сти мо да ће ауто ри и ре цен зен ти убу ду ће мо ра ти дапо све тепо себ нупа жњука дасера диоко ри шће нојли те ра ту ри, тј.дали те ра ту рако јасена во динакра јура дамо радасепо кло пи сали те ра ту ромци ти ра номуну тарра да.Доовеод лу кејеРе дак ци-јача со пи саСрп скепо ли тич кеми слидо шлапри пре ма ју ћиовајброј ча со пи са,ана консу ге сти јеЦЕ ОН-адасуауто риупо је ди нимра дови мато ком2012.го ди нена во ди лили те ра ту руко јани јеби лаци тира науса момра ду.Ка коИн сти тутзапо ли тич кесту ди јепо редовог ча со пи са из да је и По ли тич ку ре ви ју и На ци о нал ни ин те рес, ова ква по ли ти каћесепри ме њи ва тииуњи ма.Оноштотре бана по ме ну ти једасуауто риза по сле нинаИн сти ту тузапо ли тич кесту ди је,ас об зи ромнатодара денаистомпро јек ту,ве о маче стопри ну ђе нида ко ри стера до веизпо ли ти ко ло шкихча со пи са,ко јихне маве ли киброј уСр би ји,азбогче га,по реддру гих,ко ри стеира до веоб ја вље неунашимча со пи си ма.За хва љу је мосенасу ге сти јуЦЕ ОН-аисма тра мо даћеонадо при не тиуве ћа њуугле дана шегча со пи са. * Овај текст је настао као део рада у оквиру пројеката бр. 179009, који финансира Министарство просветe, наукe и технолошког развоја Републике Србије.
Building Simulation, 2015
The paper presents investigations of space heating metering in a residence in a multistory reside... more The paper presents investigations of space heating metering in a residence in a multistory residential building. The entire building is heated by a district heating system (DHS). The residence may be heated by DHS and/or electrical energy. The analyzed residence may be either the non-disconnected or disconnected from DHS. The residence has a low heat demand compared to the average heat demand of all DHS consumers. Space heating is simulated by using software EnergyPlus during the 6-month heating season with a weather file of Kragujevac, Serbia. Specially, it is analyzed how the district heating metering is influenced by inter unit heat flows from the neighbor residences. Then, the notion of heat stealing (theft) is explained. For the residence, the heat consumption coefficient inside the entire DHS is introduced to direct the special attention to the low heating efficiency of all heat consumers inside the studied DHS. In addition, the primary fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and heat costs are calculated and discussed.
Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 1997
The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) to t... more The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) to the effects of prednisone treatment in 79 subjects with Bell's palsy. Patients were randomly assigned either to the HBO2-treated group (n = 42) or to the prednisone-treated group (n = 37). The HBO2 group was exposed to 2.8 atm abs of 100% oxygen for 60 min, twice a day, 5 days a week and was given a placebo orally. The prednisone group was exposed to 2.8 atm abs of 7% O2 (equivalent to 21% O2 in air at normal pressure) following the same schedule as the HBO2 group; prednisone was given orally (total of 450 mg in 8 days). Subjects from both groups were treated in the hyperbaric chamber for up to 30 sessions or to complete recovery, and were followed up for 9 mo. At the end of the follow-up period, 95.2% of subjects treated with HBO2, and 75.7% of subjects treated with prednisone recovered completely. The average time to complete the recovery in the HBO2 group was 22 days as opposed to ...
Applied Energy, 2015
h i g h l i g h t s Currently in Serbia the use of GSHP over natural gas boiler and GSHP with PV ... more h i g h l i g h t s Currently in Serbia the use of GSHP over natural gas boiler and GSHP with PV is not justified. The impact of the embodied energy, embodied carbon, and investment is included in this paper. The operation of this house is simulated by software EnergyPlus. The newly-developed floor-ceiling radiant heating has the best performances. In future with decrease in R, the panel heating by GSHP may have lower total energy consumption than that by natural gas.
Energy and Buildings, 2015
ABSTRACT An investigated sea-shell solar concentrator is non-imaging, asymmetric, stationary and ... more ABSTRACT An investigated sea-shell solar concentrator is non-imaging, asymmetric, stationary and has long trough. This concentrator consists of a parabolic, cylindrical trough reflector, a flat double-sided flat absorber (for heat production), and a flat aperture. Three concentrators of such design were investigated by specular solar ray tracing with the software CATIA. They differ in the location of the absorber inside the concentrator. The optical efficiency of direct solar ray transfer inside these concentrators was investigated for different solar ray altitudes at the concentrator aperture for the concentrators installed in Kragujevac, Serbia. For the solar ray altitudes between 50° and 69.75°, the highest optical efficiency was obtained at the solar concentrator where the absorber contains the focus line of the parabola reflector. For the solar ray altitudes between 21° and 50°, the highest optical efficiency was obtained by the solar concentrator where the absorber contains the vertex line of the parabola reflector.
European Journal of Futures Research
New technologies are emerging at a fast pace without being properly analyzed in terms of their so... more New technologies are emerging at a fast pace without being properly analyzed in terms of their social impact or adequately regulated by societies. One of the biggest potentially disruptive technologies for the future is the metaverse, or the new Internet, which is being developed by leading tech companies. The idea is to create a virtual reality universe that would allow people to meet, socialize, work, play, entertain, and create.Methods coming from future studies are used to analyze expectations and narrative building around the metaverse. Additionally, it is examined how metaverse could shape the future relations of power and levels of media addiction in the society.Hype and disappointment dynamics created after the video presentation of meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg have been found to affect the present, especially in terms of certainty and designability. This idea is supported by a variety of data, including search engine n-grams, trends in the diffusion of NFT technology, indicat...
Times of uncertainty and fear were brought on by Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is a fruitful gro... more Times of uncertainty and fear were brought on by Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is a fruitful ground for fake news, as citizens try to find explanations that fit into their worldviews. This process polarizes society and creates echo chambers amplified by recommender systems. Our main goal is to detect anti-vaxxer echo chambers in Serbia by analyzing online reactions to the recent detention of prominent anti-vaxxer Dr. Jovana Stojkovic. A content analysis of online comments is deployed in anti-regime left-leaning, anti-regime right-leaning, and pro-government media to explore attitudes towards a vaccination conspiracy theory, police action towards anti-vaxxers, and the government crisis response team. We clearly identify the anti-vaccine echo chamber among commentators of anti-regime right-leaning media (YouTube podcasts). Additionally, we describe attitudes expressed around issues related to vaccination. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.
Filozofija i drustvo
The aim of this paper is to clarify specific aspects of the impact of the brain-machine interface... more The aim of this paper is to clarify specific aspects of the impact of the brain-machine interface on our understanding of subjectivity. The brain-machine interface is presented as a phase of cyborgization of humans. Some projects in the field of brain-machine interface are aimed at enabling consensual telepathy - communication without symbolic mediation. Consensual telepathy refers to one of potential ways of transmission of information within singularity. Therefore, consensual telepathy is an important aspect of singularity. Singularity or human-machine symbiosis shows some similarities with child-mother unity. Therefore, the psychodynamic perspective might be considered useful in thinking about human-machine symbiosis. Knowledge from developmental psychodynamic psychology combined with insights by Slavoj Zizek and Jean Baudrillard provides an additional perspective looking at human-machine symbiosis. The paper claims that if consensual telepathy becomes another way of communicatio...
L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 20... more L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 2013 indiquent que les nouveaux médias ont causé des changements significatifs dans les sociétés à travers le monde. Les caractéristiques du nouveau medium, telles que l’interactivité et la possibilité de son utilisation de n’importe quel lieu, à tout moment, pointent la possibilité élevée de développement de l’addiction par ses utilisateurs. Les données indiquent la hausse de l’utilisation générale des médias au cours des soixante dernières années. D’autre part, pendant cette même période a été notée la baisse de la participation politique, ensemble avec le déclin de la socialisation et de la participation active dans des organisations professionnelles. Les questions de recherche sont réparties en de grandes questions, relatives à l’examen sur les personnes qui sont plus sujettes à devenir dépendantes aux medias, à découvrir si les personnes sont plus dépendantes aux medias anciens ou nou...
Srpska politička misao
Accurately forming personality judgments is of vital importance in a wide range of social interac... more Accurately forming personality judgments is of vital importance in a wide range of social interactions. Although people are able to make fairly accurate personality judgments of others, recent technological advances in machine learning made computers better at predicting personality than humans. In this review, we will focus on computer-based personality judgments and their theoretical considerations and practical implications in politics. More precisely, we will discuss (i) the use of social platforms and digital devices in collecting so-called digital footprints, (ii) personality traits that are assessed based on digital footprints, (iii) advantages and disadvantages of using computer-based personality judgments, (iv) persuasive communication based on digital footprints of personality traits, and lastly, (v) the matters of privacy and informed consent. With this review, we aim to provide a guide how to use computer-based personality judgment in a way to serve the public interest.
Serbian Political Thought, 2016
Appearance of the Internet and its spread to 38.8% of world population from 1995 to 2013 indicate... more Appearance of the Internet and its spread to 38.8% of world population from 1995 to 2013 indicate that new media bring significant changes to societies around the world. Features of new media such as interactivity and possibility to use it from anywhere anytime indicate the Internet may be highly addictive. Data point to increases in overall media use over the last 60 years. On the other hand, decreases in political participation are registered together with decline in socializing and active membership in professional organizations for the same period. Research is conducted through nationally representative survey in Serbia during 2013. All hypotheses of this study have been confirmed including main one, saying that increases in media addiction cause decreases in political participation. Those who have less confidence in future are bigger media addicts, those who fear about present and future are bigger media addicts, those who are not interested in politics are bigger media addicts, those who have less political knowledge are bigger media addicts and finally that low participants in elections are bigger media addicts. This study is limited to Serbia, while it would be useful to measure media addiction in all countries. New methodology introduced by this study should be improved. Results of further studies should be presented with 3D graphs.
With explosion of technological innovation, people tend to develop an addiction to new media such... more With explosion of technological innovation, people tend to develop an addiction to new media such as mobile devices, computers, and gaming consoles. This study expands the previous research by addressing the overall (new and old) media addiction in Serbia by using eight universal indicators. The study found that 88% of participants are the potential media addicts while only 7.6% of them show the signs of the extreme media addiction. As it is very significant to know and understand the media addiction in our society, the media addiction research should be standardized and continuous.
L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 20... more L’apparition de l’internet et sa propagation sur 38,8% de la population mondiale entre 1995 et 2013 indiquent que les nouveaux medias ont cause des changements significatifs dans les societes a travers le monde. Les caracteristiques du nouveau medium, telles que l’interactivite et la possibilite de son utilisation de n’importe quel lieu, a tout moment, pointent la possibilite elevee de developpement de l’addiction par ses utilisateurs. Les donnees indiquent la hausse de l’utilisation generale des medias au cours des soixante dernieres annees. D’autre part, pendant cette meme periode a ete notee la baisse de la participation politique, ensemble avec le declin de la socialisation et de la participation active dans des organisations professionnelles. Les questions de recherche sont reparties en de grandes questions, relatives a l’examen sur les personnes qui sont plus sujettes a devenir dependantes aux medias, a decouvrir si les personnes sont plus dependantes aux medias anciens ou nou...
Abstract: Social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been becoming very popular... more Abstract: Social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have been becoming very popular during the last few years. Facebook is currently the world’s most populous “country” with more than 1.3 billion “inhabitants”. According to the statistical data, the users share their impressions daily in the form of statuses about upcoming events and present state of affairs, their problems, plans, novel experiences about the products, political stances, and alike. Having the possibility to extract the information of interest from a huge amount of hand-created data about the users’ personal affinities and their usage within logistics system, it is facilitated to meet the customers’ needs. In this paper we present a procedure for finding and analyzing valuable information related to the specific products, and its effect on logistics system decision-making. Filtering is being done by already developed software for neurolinguistics social network analysis “Symbols”. This software offers g...
Advances in mobile devices technology enabled media access anywhere and anytime. The appearance o... more Advances in mobile devices technology enabled media access anywhere and anytime. The appearance of social networks opened new realms of life simulation, potentially boosting media addictions. Personal characteristics in combination with stressful situations may be causing repression of inner impulses, thus provoking some psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety or loneliness. In this situation, person might look into characteristics and content of different media to find the one which addresses his or her repressed impulses, thus enabling “simulation of life”. Person susceptible to one addiction might at some point decide to change it with another one, like alcohol or drugs use. The results of this research indicate that materialistic persons oriented towards societal success are more likely to become media addicts. Stressful situations coming from family, workplace, education and moral and ethical norms are strongly linked to media addiction. Family as a liberating agen...
Energy Innovation for the Twenty-First Century, 2019
Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 2019
Fears, attitudes, closeness of different social categories and media use were explored by through... more Fears, attitudes, closeness of different social categories and media use were explored by through the Results of Oxford Happiness Inventory and Multiple Lickert scale. Findings include that happier individuals are better connected to their family, express positive stands on teachers, professors, sport workers and members of some nations. These notions are connected to results of previous research inquiries about wellbeing and increased agreeableness, increased extroversion, increased openness to experience and decreased neuroticism.
Serbian Political Thought, 2018
In this article, the authors analyze the most significant achievements of the current dynamics of... more In this article, the authors analyze the most significant achievements of the current dynamics of the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU (Process of Stabilization and Association), with a special emphasis on numerous issues that stand in the "European way" of these countries. In this context, a specific analysis will be linked to numerous internal problems in the Western Balkans countries, as well as in their bilateral relations, and how does this affect the possible acceleration of the European integration process. Of course, the authors in this paper devoted considerable attention to the role of "non-EU" countries in the region of the Western Balkans, especially the Russian Federation, the Republic of Turkey and the People's Republic of China. Also, the presentation will discuss how the countries of the Western Europe, which obviously will remain dominant in the European Union in the next period (Germany, France and Italy) will position themselves concerning a new enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans. Also, the unfinished process of Brexit (2016) opens up some problems when it comes to the entering the countries of the Western Balkans into the European Union. Certainly, there are some "weak points" in the European integration process of the Western Balkans countries (corruption and organized crime in the case of Montenegro, relations with the government in Pristina when it comes to Serbia, etc.).
Srpska politička misao, 2017
Two aspects of technologically driven civilization are evident: availability of new media and int... more Two aspects of technologically driven civilization are evident: availability of new media and interactivity. This study examines media addiction on three levels: purpose of use, medium of choice and online application utilized. Media addiction increases with those who use media for fun as opposed to individuals who use media for information; level of media addiction is higher with users of new media as opposed to users of old media; more interactive and less practical online applications such as social networks and chat are more addictive. When looking into nature of new and old media it is possible to conclude that media addiction may be related to number of senses grabbed by media and media features, such as live broadcasting and interactivity. This brings us to conclusion that future of media may be in employment of additional human senses in its use.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics, 2019
The unique possibilities of the online social networks such as real-time data access, knowledge o... more The unique possibilities of the online social networks such as real-time data access, knowledge of users’ changing preferences and access to their statuses provide the possibility for innovation in the analysis of people’s behavior and opinions, when compared to classical offline methods. Literature review shows lack of studies about the use of public Facebook data in Serbia for the improvement of different product sale, political or promotional campaigns, recommender systems, etc. In this paper, we present the way how data from Facebook can be collected in order to gain insight into the individuals’ preferences and statuses, as well as their connection to a company's fan pages. In particular, we present data collection framework – Symbols – used for collecting individual specific data. The framework stores data into local database and involves a module for graph and content-based analysis of these data. The proposed framework for social network analysis can be used as a decisio...
Srpska politička misao, 2013
Др жа ва пред ста вља сва ка ко је дан од нај зна чај ни јих об ликадру штве ногипо ли тич когор ... more Др жа ва пред ста вља сва ка ко је дан од нај зна чај ни јих об ликадру штве ногипо ли тич когор га ни зо ва њадру штва,ко јијеод у век пред ста вљао зна чај но ме сто ана ли зе по ли ти ко ло шких и со ци о лошкихана ли за.Онасеуса вре ме номдру штвуиз но ваусто ли чи лакао је даноднај ва жни јихфор мидру штве ногипо ли тич когжи во та,такодаједа насго то воне мо гу ћеза ми сли тина чиннако јибидру штво функ ци о ни са лобезње ногпо сто ја њадр жа ве.Овојеујед ноиглав ни раз логзбогко гајете маовогбро јапо све ће наупра вопро у ча ва њедржа веукон тек стуса вре ме нихпо ли тич кихпро це са. Мо но граф скасту ди јаЂор ђаСто ја но ви ћате жидапро ме ном пер спек ти ве и ши ре њем ин те лек ту ал ног хо ри зон та до при не се обу хват ни јемраз у ме ва њуфраг мен та ци јесрп скогдру штваукон текстумо дер ни змаипост мо дер ни зма.Дабисмобо љераз у ме липо ло-жајСр би јеуса вре ме нимпо ли тич кимпро це си маУрошШу ва ко вић ана ли зи ра нај но ви је те о риј ско-ем пи риј ско ис тра жи ва ње о од но су из ме ђу мо дер ни за ци је и тран зи ци је. Ис цр пље на про це сом транзи ци је Ср би ја се да нас су о ча ва са мно го број ним про бле ми ма, а на рас кр шћусво јихме ђу на род нихин те гра ци ја.Ура дуСне жа неГрксе ана ли зи ра јуин те гра ци о нипро це си,неса мозбогре ги о нал непо ве зано сти ме ђу др жа ва ма, већ због то га што ти про це си има ју сво је ве ли кееко ном скепред но сти,иуње мусеис ти чуве ли кеструк тур не не јед на ко стигло бал нееко но ми јеко јесеис ти чукаораз логна стан ка ду бо когја заиз ме ђубо га тихиси ро ма шних,ка копо је ди на цата кои др жа ва.Љу би шаДе спо то вићиЖи во јинЂу рићутомсми слуис ти чу да је основ на су шти на ак ту ел них нео ли бе рал них про це са усме ре на ка де мон та жи кључ них ин сти ту ци о нал них ка па ци те та мо дер не на ци о нал недр жа ве. По редглав нете меуовомбро јусена ла зииру бри ка,,Огле ди и сту ди је" у ко јој мо же те на ћи ве ли ки број ра до ва ко ји се та ко ђе ба веве о маак ту ел нимте ма ма,каоиру бри ка,,Освр ти,кри ти каи при ка зи". По што ва неко ле ге,накра јуовогувод ни како ри сти мопри лику да вас оба ве сти мо да ће ауто ри и ре цен зен ти убу ду ће мо ра ти дапо све тепо себ нупа жњука дасера диоко ри шће нојли те ра ту ри, тј.дали те ра ту рако јасена во динакра јура дамо радасепо кло пи сали те ра ту ромци ти ра номуну тарра да.Доовеод лу кејеРе дак ци-јача со пи саСрп скепо ли тич кеми слидо шлапри пре ма ју ћиовајброј ча со пи са,ана консу ге сти јеЦЕ ОН-адасуауто риупо је ди нимра дови мато ком2012.го ди нена во ди лили те ра ту руко јани јеби лаци тира науса момра ду.Ка коИн сти тутзапо ли тич кесту ди јепо редовог ча со пи са из да је и По ли тич ку ре ви ју и На ци о нал ни ин те рес, ова ква по ли ти каћесепри ме њи ва тииуњи ма.Оноштотре бана по ме ну ти једасуауто риза по сле нинаИн сти ту тузапо ли тич кесту ди је,ас об зи ромнатодара денаистомпро јек ту,ве о маче стопри ну ђе нида ко ри стера до веизпо ли ти ко ло шкихча со пи са,ко јихне маве ли киброј уСр би ји,азбогче га,по реддру гих,ко ри стеира до веоб ја вље неунашимча со пи си ма.За хва љу је мосенасу ге сти јуЦЕ ОН-аисма тра мо даћеонадо при не тиуве ћа њуугле дана шегча со пи са. * Овај текст је настао као део рада у оквиру пројеката бр. 179009, који финансира Министарство просветe, наукe и технолошког развоја Републике Србије.
Building Simulation, 2015
The paper presents investigations of space heating metering in a residence in a multistory reside... more The paper presents investigations of space heating metering in a residence in a multistory residential building. The entire building is heated by a district heating system (DHS). The residence may be heated by DHS and/or electrical energy. The analyzed residence may be either the non-disconnected or disconnected from DHS. The residence has a low heat demand compared to the average heat demand of all DHS consumers. Space heating is simulated by using software EnergyPlus during the 6-month heating season with a weather file of Kragujevac, Serbia. Specially, it is analyzed how the district heating metering is influenced by inter unit heat flows from the neighbor residences. Then, the notion of heat stealing (theft) is explained. For the residence, the heat consumption coefficient inside the entire DHS is introduced to direct the special attention to the low heating efficiency of all heat consumers inside the studied DHS. In addition, the primary fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and heat costs are calculated and discussed.
Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 1997
The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) to t... more The purpose of this study was to compare the therapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) to the effects of prednisone treatment in 79 subjects with Bell's palsy. Patients were randomly assigned either to the HBO2-treated group (n = 42) or to the prednisone-treated group (n = 37). The HBO2 group was exposed to 2.8 atm abs of 100% oxygen for 60 min, twice a day, 5 days a week and was given a placebo orally. The prednisone group was exposed to 2.8 atm abs of 7% O2 (equivalent to 21% O2 in air at normal pressure) following the same schedule as the HBO2 group; prednisone was given orally (total of 450 mg in 8 days). Subjects from both groups were treated in the hyperbaric chamber for up to 30 sessions or to complete recovery, and were followed up for 9 mo. At the end of the follow-up period, 95.2% of subjects treated with HBO2, and 75.7% of subjects treated with prednisone recovered completely. The average time to complete the recovery in the HBO2 group was 22 days as opposed to ...
Applied Energy, 2015
h i g h l i g h t s Currently in Serbia the use of GSHP over natural gas boiler and GSHP with PV ... more h i g h l i g h t s Currently in Serbia the use of GSHP over natural gas boiler and GSHP with PV is not justified. The impact of the embodied energy, embodied carbon, and investment is included in this paper. The operation of this house is simulated by software EnergyPlus. The newly-developed floor-ceiling radiant heating has the best performances. In future with decrease in R, the panel heating by GSHP may have lower total energy consumption than that by natural gas.
Energy and Buildings, 2015
ABSTRACT An investigated sea-shell solar concentrator is non-imaging, asymmetric, stationary and ... more ABSTRACT An investigated sea-shell solar concentrator is non-imaging, asymmetric, stationary and has long trough. This concentrator consists of a parabolic, cylindrical trough reflector, a flat double-sided flat absorber (for heat production), and a flat aperture. Three concentrators of such design were investigated by specular solar ray tracing with the software CATIA. They differ in the location of the absorber inside the concentrator. The optical efficiency of direct solar ray transfer inside these concentrators was investigated for different solar ray altitudes at the concentrator aperture for the concentrators installed in Kragujevac, Serbia. For the solar ray altitudes between 50° and 69.75°, the highest optical efficiency was obtained at the solar concentrator where the absorber contains the focus line of the parabola reflector. For the solar ray altitudes between 21° and 50°, the highest optical efficiency was obtained by the solar concentrator where the absorber contains the vertex line of the parabola reflector.
Process of Media Addiction and Its Implications to Political Participation in Serbia, 2013
Appearance of internet and its spread to 38.8% of world population from 1995 to 2013 indicate tha... more Appearance of internet and its spread to 38.8% of world population from 1995 to 2013 indicate that new media bring significant changes to societies around the world. Features of new media such as interactivity and possibility to use it from anywhere anytime indicate internet may be highly addictive.
Data point to increases in overall media use over the last 60 years. On the other hand, decreases in political participation are registered together with decline in socializing and active membership in professional organizations for the same period. Research questions are divided into large ones relating to examination of what kind of people are more susceptible to becoming media addicts, finding out if people are more addicted to old than to new media and inquiring into consequences of media addiction including its effects to political participation.
Classical thinkers have been examined as basis for hypotheses with special attention directed towards anomie, alienation and mass society. Nowadays literature has been examined as well, focusing on modern social structure, advance of technology, globalization, disappointment with democracy, new media landscape and narcissism. Main presumption coming from examination of different theoretical perspectives is that social changes such as appearance of mass production and expansion of mass media decreased possibilities for expression and increased manipulation of profit interest. This may be causing appearance of frustrations leading towards different kinds of addictions as substitutions for unrealized goals, thus causing decrease in political participation. This decrease makes it possible for “wrong people” to become social agents as they perform representative functions in poor manner, which potentially causes more frustration.
Research was conducted through nationally representative survey in Serbia during 2011. This study establishes new methodology to measure addiction to all media through a single survey; it divides media addicts according to level of their addiction and uses length of media use as objective indicator, for the first time, while it also includes subjective indicators. All hypotheses of this study have been confirmed including main one, saying that increases in media addiction cause decreases in political participation.
First set of research results says that some kind of people are more susceptible to media addiction than others, including those who consider social success more important than the intimate wish, those who repress their basic needs and wishes, those who use media for fun, those whose main life preoccupations is work, those who are younger, those who are less educated, those who love or hate media and those who feel repression from family, ethical norms, education and workplace. On the other hand, results indicate that people who feel liberation from family are less susceptible to media addiction.
Second set of research results indicate that new media are more addictive than old ones, some media features such as live broadcast, interactivity and non-linearity possibly make new media more addictive than old ones, amusing internet applications are more addictive than practical ones and those who socialize online are bigger addicts than those who socialize in person.
Third set of research results indicate consequence of media addiction might be decreased reception & expression capability towards non-preferred media, based on correlations between addicts happy or unhappy with some media and their willingness to receive other media and based on expression potential of different media.
Special attention has been given to results about relation of media addiction and political participation to conclude that those who have less confidence in future are bigger media addicts, those who fear about present and future are bigger media addicts, those who are not interested in politics are bigger media addicts, those who have less political knowledge are bigger media addicts and finally that low participants in elections are bigger media addicts.
This study is limited to Serbia, while it would be useful to measure media addiction in all countries. New methodology introduced by this study should be improved. Results of further studies should be presented with 3D graphs. Results concerning family as liberating agent of low media addicts may be used to revive and strengthen this “basis unit of society” as a measure against media addiction. Continuation of examination into how media affect expression and reception.