Mirjana Nećak | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Books by Mirjana Nećak



Izveštaj iz istraživanja položaja osoba sa invaliditetom na tržištu rada u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, ... more Izveštaj iz istraživanja položaja osoba sa invaliditetom
na tržištu rada u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, Nišu i Novom Sadu

Research paper thumbnail of Siromaštvo, ruralnost, rod: Istraživanje funkcionisanja sistema socijalne zaštite u ruralnim oblastima Srbije

Research paper thumbnail of Siromaštvo, ruralnost, rod: Istraživanje funkcionisanja sistema socijalne zaštite u ruralnim oblastima Srbije

The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social... more The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social services for rural population, i.e. to give insight into the needs of the rural population, especially women. Furthermore, it aims to examine the availability and quality of social services provided by the government and the nongovernmental sector in Serbia and Kosovo, thus advocating for improvement of the social protection systems.

Teaching Documents by Mirjana Nećak



Mogu li vaspitanje i obrazovanje uprkos uvreženom mišljenju o njihovom preplitanju, usklađivanju ... more Mogu li vaspitanje i obrazovanje uprkos uvreženom mišljenju o njihovom preplitanju, usklađivanju i dopunjavanju, na bilo koji način biti i suprotstavljeni? Zašto bismo se uopšte pitali tako nešto? Zašto i pored toliko napora da podižemo i vaspitavamo svoje potomstvo, pored toliko pažljivog promišljanja da ih kao profesionalci obrazujemo, i dalje treba da tragamo za boljim rešenjima i da težimo iskorenjivanju, zaceljivanju pojava koje naprosto ne uobličavaju ponašanje dece, ali i odraslih, u poželjnom smeru brige i razumevanja drugog, različitog, sličnog, ali nikad i istog? Ko mi je sličan, ko je različit, u kome se prepoznajem?
(Ne)mogućnost dijaloga se ne posmatra u prostom sledu jednog ili drugog procesa, već u dijalektici koja nastaje upravo u blizinama koje svako od nas gradi tokom procesa vaspitavanja i obrazovanja. Razumevanje njihove rodne dimenzije sasvim sigurno dovodi i do poželjnog smera ka kojem bi svi trebalo da težimo.

Papers by Mirjana Nećak

Research paper thumbnail of Designing a sustainable brand by engaging brand-consumers' collaboration Generation Z co-creators and influencers in Serbia


The purpose of this paper isto identify the scope of Generation Z's participation in the proc... more The purpose of this paper isto identify the scope of Generation Z's participation in the process of collaboration with brands in Serbia and to study the potentials in the future. Collaboration between Generation Z (GenZ) and brands in the digital world and intensive era of social media marketing has two roles: GenZ as co-creators and influencers. The aim of the research isto measure statistically significant differences in the answers of the respondents in relation to the examined opinions, needs, attitudes and intentions of the members of GenZ regarding the process of collaboration (co-creators and influencers). In January & February 2021 the research was conducted with 303 respondents of GenZ in the online survey. The results show that almost 70% of members of GenZ believe that organizations should more often organize activities in which consumers participate. By involving GenZ in the process of collaboration with brand, product and service development, receiving regular feedb...

Research paper thumbnail of Siromastvo Ruralnost Rod Istraživanje Funkcionisanja Sistema Socijalne Zastite U Ruralnim Oblastima Srbije

Beograd: Centar za etiku, pravo i primenjenu filozofiju (CELAP), 2016

The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social... more The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social services for rural population, i.e. to give insight into the needs of the rural population, especially women. Furthermore, it aims to examine the availability and quality of social services provided by the government and the nongovernmental sector in Serbia and Kosovo, thus advocating for improvement of the social protection systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Siromastvo Ruralnost Rod Istraživanje Funkcionisanja Sistema Socijalne Zastite U Ruralnim Oblastima Srbije

Beograd: Centar za etiku, pravo i primenjenu filozofiju (CELAP), 2016

The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social... more The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social services for rural population, i.e. to give insight into the needs of the rural population, especially women. Furthermore, it aims to examine the availability and quality of social services provided by the government and the nongovernmental sector in Serbia and Kosovo, thus advocating for improvement of the social protection systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Employer Branding as an HR Tool for Talent Management – An Overview

International Journal of Management Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Cultures of rejection in the Covid-19 crisis

Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2021

This article offers a collectively developed analysis of the Covid-19 crisis as it relates to con... more This article offers a collectively developed analysis of the Covid-19 crisis as it relates to contemporary cultures of rejection, i.e. the socio-cultural conditions in which authoritarian and right-wing populist politics thrive, in Europe. We explore how the pandemic and its management reinforces, transforms and/or overrides existing antagonisms and institutes new ones in Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Germany and Sweden. We discuss how the Covid-19 crisis affects the rise of new statisms; gendered patterns of social reproduction; mobility and migration; digital infrastructures; and new political mobilizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital activism: The case study of Internet users' reaction to the new EU copyright rules

Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad pola... more Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad polazi od objašnjenja digitalnog aktivizam i njegovih manifestacija, kako bi se prikazao i analizirao slučaj reakcija korisnika interneta na predlog izmene Direktive Evropske unije o autorskom pravu. Ističe se ona vrsta aktivizma koji animira prosečne korisnike interneta, članove virtuelnih zajednica koje su po svojoj prirodi nepolitične. U studiji slučaja jasno se vide elementi digitalnog aktivizma: širenje informacija, metaoglašavanje, iznošenje stava, digitalne peticije, metoda poplave. Ovaj rad naglašava važnost digitalnog aktivizma, njegovih prednosti i njegovih nedostataka. Događajima koji su usledili nakon reakcija korisnika interneta na član 17 u predlogu nove EU direktive o autorskim pravima od 2016. godine do njenog usvajanja i kasnije, dobijamo uvid u potrebu za kombinovanjem onlajn i oflajn aktivizma. Ključne reči: društveni aktivizam, digitalni aktivizam, autorsko pravo, Direktiva EU o autorskom pravu. 1 Rad je nastao kao rezultat master rada "Digitalni aktivizam u EU: studija slučaja reakcije internet zajednice na pravila EU o autorskom pravu", odbranjenom u oktobru 2019. godine na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Fakultetu političkih nauka.

Research paper thumbnail of ANALIZA Stavovi građana i reakcija države na epidemiju COVID

straživanje i analiza: Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na živote građana, ekonomsku sliku države kao i ... more straživanje i analiza: Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na živote građana, ekonomsku sliku države kao i stavove po pitanju reakcije države na pandemiju. Istraživanje je rađeno za potrebe pisanja rada istraživačkog i naučnog rada tima iz Srbije zajedno sa istraživačima iz Crne Gore. Istraživanje je nezavisno i samofinansirano. Istraživački rad će pružiti komparativnu analizu stavova građana Srbije i Crne Gore o uticaju pandemije COVID-19 na živote građana, njihove navike u potrošnji kao i namere potrošnje u budućnosti, ekonomsku sliku države kao i stavove po pitanju reakcije države na pandemiju. U ovom izveštaju pokriven je samo deo tema a drugi deo prikazaće komparaciju navika potrošnje građana Srbije i Crne Gore sa evropskim zemljama. Sa ciljem komparativne analize uticaja pandemije COVID-19 na svest i navike građana, te njihovih stavova po pitanju uticaja COVID-19 na ekonomske aktivnosti zemlje i državni odgovor na pandemiju, sprovedeno je istraživanje tokom druge polovine aprila 2020. u Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. Autori istraživanja za Srbiju su Dr Tatjana Mamula Nikolić, profesor i konsultant i Mirjana Nećak, MA, istraživač.

Research paper thumbnail of Digitalni aktivizam: primer reakcije internet korisnika na nova pravila EU o autorskom pravu

CM: Communication and Media, 2019

Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad pola... more Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad polazi od objašnjenja digitalnog aktivizam i njegovih manifestacija, kako bi se prikazao i analizirao slučaj reakcija korisnika interneta na predlog izmene Direktive Evropske unije o autorskom pravu. Ističe se ona vrsta aktivizma koji animi-ra prosečne korisnike interneta, članove virtuelnih zajednica koje su po svojoj prirodi nepolitične. U studiji slučaja jasno se vide elementi digitalnog aktivizma: širenje in-formacija, metaoglašavanje, iznošenje stava, digitalne peticije, metoda poplave. Ovaj rad naglašava važnost digitalnog aktivizma, njegovih prednosti i njegovih nedostataka. Događajima koji su usledili nakon reakcija korisnika interneta na član 17 u predlogu nove EU direktive o autorskim pravima od 2016. godine do njenog usvajanja i kasnije, dobijamo uvid u potrebu za kombinovanjem onlajn i oflajn aktivizma. Ključne reči: društveni aktivizam, digitalni aktivizam, autorsko pravo, Direktiva EU o autorskom pravu. 1. Uvod Od kada ujutru otvorimo oči pa tokom celog dana dok se ne legne na spa-vanje, nešto više od polovine svetske populacije je na različite načine prisutna na internetu (Internet World Stats, 2019) 3˝. Koliko se internet danas smatra važnim delom života govori i činjenica da su Ujedinjene Nacije pristup in-ternetu proglasile jednim od ljudskih prava. Za prosečnog korisnika internet je mesto gde se druži, uči, zabavlja, kupuje, prodaje, diskutuje, protestuje, 1 Rad je nastao kao rezultat master rada "Digitalni aktivizam u EU: studija slučaja reakcije internet zajednice na pravi-la EU o autorskom pravu", odbranjenom u oktobru 2019. godine na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Fakultetu političkih nauka. 2 Kontakt sa autorkom: mirjana.necak@gmail.com. 3 Prema podacima sa sajta Internet World Stats u junu 2019. godine, 57,3% svetske populacije imalo je pristup inter-netu.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Employee Engagement in Performance Management

World Applied Sciences Journal, 2019

In today's economy attraction and retention of experienced, skilled and creative employees have b... more In today's economy attraction and retention of experienced, skilled and creative employees have become a top priority. There is clear evidence to suggest that what employees look for in their work is a mixture of both tangible and intangible elements that create a stimulating environment where their contribution is recognized and appropriately rewarded, where they have the chance to develop and participate and where the leadership of the organization supports their efforts. If company does not measure employee engagement, there would be no way to take knowledgeable actions on improving organization culture or strengthening the employee experiences at work. Development of an engaged and committed employee is a task of strategic management that includes vision and mission of company. The objective of this paper is to present the results of the survey that shows intercorrelation between the level of performance management and employee engagement. The survey was done in the beginning of 2019 in an non-profit organization. The paper shows, apart from the importance of conducting regular employee engagement surveys, how employee engagement could impact on the organization competitiveness. These results were the baseline to examine the current situation in the organization, where to find bottlenecks and how to map the best performance model.


Conference on the third mission of the university Proceedings, 2018

The transformational leader of 21st century, who is, at the same time, the leader in permanent le... more The transformational leader of 21st century, who is, at the same time, the leader in permanent learning and creation, is different in understanding of the need to change his or her own manner and style of
communication with employees, who, under the impact and by accepting the change, themselves become creators of added value in the company. The knowledge era is shifting towards the era of design thinking, entrepreneurship and innovation. Some recent research show that collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking
are the four skills acting as indispensable wheels on the exciting 21st century’ journey. The Y generation and digital natives are different in their learning style and the way in which they expect to be trained, and coached. By 2020, the share of Serbian Y generation among working population will be more than 50%, according to the estimates of the Republic Statistical Office. The paper would represent results of the research conducted among Serbian millennials regarding their style of learning and behavior, and attitudes toward collaborative and interactive learning.

Conference Presentations by Mirjana Nećak

Research paper thumbnail of Employer Branding as an HR Tool for Talent Management – Case study Serbian Y generation

Proceedings of the PaKSoM 2019 1st Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation, 2019

Abstract—Employer branding is a relatively new but necessary tool for HR managers, especially tod... more Abstract—Employer branding is a relatively new but necessary tool for HR managers, especially today when Y generations steps on the job market. The Y generation is goal-oriented, tech-savvy, engaged and demands a lot of flexibility. The shift in the traditional forms of recruitment and retention fast becoming the lifeline of companies
around the world. Through the exploration of the Y generation, we analyze how employers need to innovate their company in order to attract but also retain talent.



Izveštaj iz istraživanja položaja osoba sa invaliditetom na tržištu rada u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, ... more Izveštaj iz istraživanja položaja osoba sa invaliditetom
na tržištu rada u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, Nišu i Novom Sadu

Research paper thumbnail of Siromaštvo, ruralnost, rod: Istraživanje funkcionisanja sistema socijalne zaštite u ruralnim oblastima Srbije

Research paper thumbnail of Siromaštvo, ruralnost, rod: Istraživanje funkcionisanja sistema socijalne zaštite u ruralnim oblastima Srbije

The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social... more The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social services for rural population, i.e. to give insight into the needs of the rural population, especially women. Furthermore, it aims to examine the availability and quality of social services provided by the government and the nongovernmental sector in Serbia and Kosovo, thus advocating for improvement of the social protection systems.



Mogu li vaspitanje i obrazovanje uprkos uvreženom mišljenju o njihovom preplitanju, usklađivanju ... more Mogu li vaspitanje i obrazovanje uprkos uvreženom mišljenju o njihovom preplitanju, usklađivanju i dopunjavanju, na bilo koji način biti i suprotstavljeni? Zašto bismo se uopšte pitali tako nešto? Zašto i pored toliko napora da podižemo i vaspitavamo svoje potomstvo, pored toliko pažljivog promišljanja da ih kao profesionalci obrazujemo, i dalje treba da tragamo za boljim rešenjima i da težimo iskorenjivanju, zaceljivanju pojava koje naprosto ne uobličavaju ponašanje dece, ali i odraslih, u poželjnom smeru brige i razumevanja drugog, različitog, sličnog, ali nikad i istog? Ko mi je sličan, ko je različit, u kome se prepoznajem?
(Ne)mogućnost dijaloga se ne posmatra u prostom sledu jednog ili drugog procesa, već u dijalektici koja nastaje upravo u blizinama koje svako od nas gradi tokom procesa vaspitavanja i obrazovanja. Razumevanje njihove rodne dimenzije sasvim sigurno dovodi i do poželjnog smera ka kojem bi svi trebalo da težimo.

Research paper thumbnail of Designing a sustainable brand by engaging brand-consumers' collaboration Generation Z co-creators and influencers in Serbia


The purpose of this paper isto identify the scope of Generation Z's participation in the proc... more The purpose of this paper isto identify the scope of Generation Z's participation in the process of collaboration with brands in Serbia and to study the potentials in the future. Collaboration between Generation Z (GenZ) and brands in the digital world and intensive era of social media marketing has two roles: GenZ as co-creators and influencers. The aim of the research isto measure statistically significant differences in the answers of the respondents in relation to the examined opinions, needs, attitudes and intentions of the members of GenZ regarding the process of collaboration (co-creators and influencers). In January & February 2021 the research was conducted with 303 respondents of GenZ in the online survey. The results show that almost 70% of members of GenZ believe that organizations should more often organize activities in which consumers participate. By involving GenZ in the process of collaboration with brand, product and service development, receiving regular feedb...

Research paper thumbnail of Siromastvo Ruralnost Rod Istraživanje Funkcionisanja Sistema Socijalne Zastite U Ruralnim Oblastima Srbije

Beograd: Centar za etiku, pravo i primenjenu filozofiju (CELAP), 2016

The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social... more The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social services for rural population, i.e. to give insight into the needs of the rural population, especially women. Furthermore, it aims to examine the availability and quality of social services provided by the government and the nongovernmental sector in Serbia and Kosovo, thus advocating for improvement of the social protection systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Siromastvo Ruralnost Rod Istraživanje Funkcionisanja Sistema Socijalne Zastite U Ruralnim Oblastima Srbije

Beograd: Centar za etiku, pravo i primenjenu filozofiju (CELAP), 2016

The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social... more The main goal of this research project is to examine the current situation in the field of social services for rural population, i.e. to give insight into the needs of the rural population, especially women. Furthermore, it aims to examine the availability and quality of social services provided by the government and the nongovernmental sector in Serbia and Kosovo, thus advocating for improvement of the social protection systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Employer Branding as an HR Tool for Talent Management – An Overview

International Journal of Management Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Cultures of rejection in the Covid-19 crisis

Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2021

This article offers a collectively developed analysis of the Covid-19 crisis as it relates to con... more This article offers a collectively developed analysis of the Covid-19 crisis as it relates to contemporary cultures of rejection, i.e. the socio-cultural conditions in which authoritarian and right-wing populist politics thrive, in Europe. We explore how the pandemic and its management reinforces, transforms and/or overrides existing antagonisms and institutes new ones in Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Germany and Sweden. We discuss how the Covid-19 crisis affects the rise of new statisms; gendered patterns of social reproduction; mobility and migration; digital infrastructures; and new political mobilizations.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital activism: The case study of Internet users' reaction to the new EU copyright rules

Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad pola... more Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad polazi od objašnjenja digitalnog aktivizam i njegovih manifestacija, kako bi se prikazao i analizirao slučaj reakcija korisnika interneta na predlog izmene Direktive Evropske unije o autorskom pravu. Ističe se ona vrsta aktivizma koji animira prosečne korisnike interneta, članove virtuelnih zajednica koje su po svojoj prirodi nepolitične. U studiji slučaja jasno se vide elementi digitalnog aktivizma: širenje informacija, metaoglašavanje, iznošenje stava, digitalne peticije, metoda poplave. Ovaj rad naglašava važnost digitalnog aktivizma, njegovih prednosti i njegovih nedostataka. Događajima koji su usledili nakon reakcija korisnika interneta na član 17 u predlogu nove EU direktive o autorskim pravima od 2016. godine do njenog usvajanja i kasnije, dobijamo uvid u potrebu za kombinovanjem onlajn i oflajn aktivizma. Ključne reči: društveni aktivizam, digitalni aktivizam, autorsko pravo, Direktiva EU o autorskom pravu. 1 Rad je nastao kao rezultat master rada "Digitalni aktivizam u EU: studija slučaja reakcije internet zajednice na pravila EU o autorskom pravu", odbranjenom u oktobru 2019. godine na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Fakultetu političkih nauka.

Research paper thumbnail of ANALIZA Stavovi građana i reakcija države na epidemiju COVID

straživanje i analiza: Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na živote građana, ekonomsku sliku države kao i ... more straživanje i analiza: Uticaj pandemije COVID-19 na živote građana, ekonomsku sliku države kao i stavove po pitanju reakcije države na pandemiju. Istraživanje je rađeno za potrebe pisanja rada istraživačkog i naučnog rada tima iz Srbije zajedno sa istraživačima iz Crne Gore. Istraživanje je nezavisno i samofinansirano. Istraživački rad će pružiti komparativnu analizu stavova građana Srbije i Crne Gore o uticaju pandemije COVID-19 na živote građana, njihove navike u potrošnji kao i namere potrošnje u budućnosti, ekonomsku sliku države kao i stavove po pitanju reakcije države na pandemiju. U ovom izveštaju pokriven je samo deo tema a drugi deo prikazaće komparaciju navika potrošnje građana Srbije i Crne Gore sa evropskim zemljama. Sa ciljem komparativne analize uticaja pandemije COVID-19 na svest i navike građana, te njihovih stavova po pitanju uticaja COVID-19 na ekonomske aktivnosti zemlje i državni odgovor na pandemiju, sprovedeno je istraživanje tokom druge polovine aprila 2020. u Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. Autori istraživanja za Srbiju su Dr Tatjana Mamula Nikolić, profesor i konsultant i Mirjana Nećak, MA, istraživač.

Research paper thumbnail of Digitalni aktivizam: primer reakcije internet korisnika na nova pravila EU o autorskom pravu

CM: Communication and Media, 2019

Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad pola... more Sažetak: Društveni digitalni aktivizam je tema kojom se naučna zajednica malo bavi. Ovaj rad polazi od objašnjenja digitalnog aktivizam i njegovih manifestacija, kako bi se prikazao i analizirao slučaj reakcija korisnika interneta na predlog izmene Direktive Evropske unije o autorskom pravu. Ističe se ona vrsta aktivizma koji animi-ra prosečne korisnike interneta, članove virtuelnih zajednica koje su po svojoj prirodi nepolitične. U studiji slučaja jasno se vide elementi digitalnog aktivizma: širenje in-formacija, metaoglašavanje, iznošenje stava, digitalne peticije, metoda poplave. Ovaj rad naglašava važnost digitalnog aktivizma, njegovih prednosti i njegovih nedostataka. Događajima koji su usledili nakon reakcija korisnika interneta na član 17 u predlogu nove EU direktive o autorskim pravima od 2016. godine do njenog usvajanja i kasnije, dobijamo uvid u potrebu za kombinovanjem onlajn i oflajn aktivizma. Ključne reči: društveni aktivizam, digitalni aktivizam, autorsko pravo, Direktiva EU o autorskom pravu. 1. Uvod Od kada ujutru otvorimo oči pa tokom celog dana dok se ne legne na spa-vanje, nešto više od polovine svetske populacije je na različite načine prisutna na internetu (Internet World Stats, 2019) 3˝. Koliko se internet danas smatra važnim delom života govori i činjenica da su Ujedinjene Nacije pristup in-ternetu proglasile jednim od ljudskih prava. Za prosečnog korisnika internet je mesto gde se druži, uči, zabavlja, kupuje, prodaje, diskutuje, protestuje, 1 Rad je nastao kao rezultat master rada "Digitalni aktivizam u EU: studija slučaja reakcije internet zajednice na pravi-la EU o autorskom pravu", odbranjenom u oktobru 2019. godine na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, Fakultetu političkih nauka. 2 Kontakt sa autorkom: mirjana.necak@gmail.com. 3 Prema podacima sa sajta Internet World Stats u junu 2019. godine, 57,3% svetske populacije imalo je pristup inter-netu.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Employee Engagement in Performance Management

World Applied Sciences Journal, 2019

In today's economy attraction and retention of experienced, skilled and creative employees have b... more In today's economy attraction and retention of experienced, skilled and creative employees have become a top priority. There is clear evidence to suggest that what employees look for in their work is a mixture of both tangible and intangible elements that create a stimulating environment where their contribution is recognized and appropriately rewarded, where they have the chance to develop and participate and where the leadership of the organization supports their efforts. If company does not measure employee engagement, there would be no way to take knowledgeable actions on improving organization culture or strengthening the employee experiences at work. Development of an engaged and committed employee is a task of strategic management that includes vision and mission of company. The objective of this paper is to present the results of the survey that shows intercorrelation between the level of performance management and employee engagement. The survey was done in the beginning of 2019 in an non-profit organization. The paper shows, apart from the importance of conducting regular employee engagement surveys, how employee engagement could impact on the organization competitiveness. These results were the baseline to examine the current situation in the organization, where to find bottlenecks and how to map the best performance model.


Conference on the third mission of the university Proceedings, 2018

The transformational leader of 21st century, who is, at the same time, the leader in permanent le... more The transformational leader of 21st century, who is, at the same time, the leader in permanent learning and creation, is different in understanding of the need to change his or her own manner and style of
communication with employees, who, under the impact and by accepting the change, themselves become creators of added value in the company. The knowledge era is shifting towards the era of design thinking, entrepreneurship and innovation. Some recent research show that collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking
are the four skills acting as indispensable wheels on the exciting 21st century’ journey. The Y generation and digital natives are different in their learning style and the way in which they expect to be trained, and coached. By 2020, the share of Serbian Y generation among working population will be more than 50%, according to the estimates of the Republic Statistical Office. The paper would represent results of the research conducted among Serbian millennials regarding their style of learning and behavior, and attitudes toward collaborative and interactive learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Employer Branding as an HR Tool for Talent Management – Case study Serbian Y generation

Proceedings of the PaKSoM 2019 1st Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation, 2019

Abstract—Employer branding is a relatively new but necessary tool for HR managers, especially tod... more Abstract—Employer branding is a relatively new but necessary tool for HR managers, especially today when Y generations steps on the job market. The Y generation is goal-oriented, tech-savvy, engaged and demands a lot of flexibility. The shift in the traditional forms of recruitment and retention fast becoming the lifeline of companies
around the world. Through the exploration of the Y generation, we analyze how employers need to innovate their company in order to attract but also retain talent.