Mirko Grcic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Books by Mirko Grcic

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić - Analiza prostorne organizacije industrije regiona Beograd compressed

Analiza prostorne organizacije industrije regiona Beograd - Analysis of spatial organization of industry of the region Belgrade, 1990

In the introductory part of this book main paradigms in industrial geography, and systems paradig... more In the introductory part of this book main paradigms in industrial geography, and systems paradigm as relative new growth rate in this discipline are analyzed. Review of principal results of systems approach in industrial geography was been given, in order to consider their heuristically possibilities, and critical retrospects of deficiency of this approach. The aim of the present work was the research off the spatial structure of the industrial system of the Belgrade region and its change in a definite span of time. Spatial structure in the work was understood, as a set of spatial relations between elements of the industrial systems. The set consists of three kinds of relations: element - element, element - system, system - environment. The system consists of three kinds of structures - organizational, functional and the the territorial (spatial) structure - and their combinations. The work presents an approximate approach to spatial dynamic structuralism, whose aim was to research spatial transformations. The fundamental assumption from methodology point of view was as integral as possible connection, join of the elements of structure and dynamics, which was the consequence of the conviction that simultaneous and equivalent treatment of these elements, makes it possible to make an accurate research of spatial changes which occurred in the industry of the given region, facilitating at the same time the possibility of application of different kinds of quantitative methods in the scope of given problem. Empirical research has been made for the years 1966-1983, and the structure of peculiar branches (29 groups) was taken into account and this was done on different scale - region, commune, center and elementary industrial unit (plant works). In conclusion in stressed that systems approach is favorable as concept and method, but yet to pay attention to not lose thematically and methodological substance of industrial geography as science.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić, Ljiljana Grčić MAČVA ŠABAČKA POSAVINA I POCERINA PDF info

Mirko Grčić, Ljiljana Grčić MAČVA, ŠABAČKA POSAVINA I POCERINA, 2002

Mačva, Šabačka Posavina i Pocerina ima površinu 1 641 km2, 194 000 stanovnika, 100 seoskih i 2 gr... more Mačva, Šabačka Posavina i Pocerina ima površinu 1 641 km2, 194 000 stanovnika, 100 seoskih i 2 gradska naselja. To je dobro individualisana geografska celina omeđena rekama Savom, Drinom i planinom Cer. Istraživani prostor u celini obuhvata tri opštine (Šabac, Bogatić i Vladimirce) i mačvanski deo opštine Sremska Mitrovica. U ovoj regionalno izdiferenciranoj sredini prepliću se prirodni i društveni uticaji, koji u međusobnim interakcijama generišu raznovrsne geografske procese. Nastojali smo da prikažemo te procese prostorno i vremenski. U tu svrhu smo vršili komparativne statističke analize promena između dva popisa poljoprivrede (1960. i 1991. godine) i stanovništva (1961. i 1991. godine). Иzlaganja су potkrepљена argumentima, činjenicama i oslonjena na naučne izvore.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić INDUSTRIJSKA GEOGRAFIJA


Geografi se bave prostornim ili teritorijalnim aspektom industrije. Oni se koncentrišu oko pitanj... more Geografi se bave prostornim ili teritorijalnim aspektom industrije. Oni se koncentrišu oko pitanja gde je industrijska aktivnost lokalizovana i kako se taj razmeštaj menjao kroz vreme. Vrlo je značajno, da geografi nastoje da razumeju zašto je industrija razmeštena u datom prostoru. U tom traženju uzroka industrijske lokacije, oni istražuju relacije između teritorijalnog razmeštaja industrije i razmeštaja drugih geografskih fenomena, kako prirodnih tako i kulturalnih. To znači da uz pomoć fakata geografi treba da pokažu logiku prostorne organizacije industrije, osnovne uzročne veze između industrije i drugih sadržaja geografskog prostora. Posebno treba da pokažu, do kojeg stepena lokacione odluke imaju primarni karakter, to znači do kojeg stepena su determinisane delovanjem skrivenih sila u nesvesnim sferama i koliko daleko seže sloboda ljudskog izbora. Prema tome, problematika industrijske geografije ulazi u krug osnovnih i večnih pitanja geografije i pripada jednoj od najvećih tema nauke svih vremena - odnosu prirode i društva.



In the book "Serbia and the Balkans on the old geographical maps of European cartographers from I... more In the book "Serbia and the Balkans on the old geographical maps of European cartographers from II to XX Century", authors analyzed numerous european cartographers and their works (maps, atlases), for the first time in a real analytical, synthetic and constructive way. The large-format book, on 720 pages, technically and graphically remarkably done, printed in Latin script, in the Serbian language, will be in a prominent place in many libraries. It brings an abundance of data and so many geographical maps (260) and photographs (74), that it makes an remarkable encyclopedia. We must be grateful to the authors for presenting us many things that, from the second to the twentieth century, inspired cartographers to create original works, some of which represent real works of art.
The book by Mirko Grčić and Ljiljana Grčić is for watching, enjoying, reading, thinking and scientific analysis of a number of objects, phenomena and mapped elements, on which modern cartography was built. It evokes a geographical, historical, demographic and political past in a special way. Facsimiles of the original maps, or parts of them, relating to our country and the Balkan Peninsula, have been chosen with such care that the authors deserve praise. In the book, geographical maps are processed in facsimiles and through interpreters, which in certain periods brought exceptional progress to European and world cartography. Scientists from the most famous European cartographic schools from Venice, Genoa, Rome, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Nuremberg, Paris, London, Vienna and other centers, as well as Russian and Serbian geographers and cartographers, took part in that scientific and cartographic progress. Their cartographic works constantly portrayed Serbia as a European cultural and geographical area, even in the periods when the Balkan Peninsula and Southeast Europe were controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
The interpretation of each map specifies when, where, how, and for what purpose they were made. In order to make the maps as understandable as possible, the authors gave the identification of the toponyms marked on them through interpreters, which helps to understand the text and the context of the map. For easier and better use, at the end of the book, there are lists of maps, an index of geographical terms and a register of names. The text that accompanied the attached maps is at an enviable height, clear and concrete, documented, supported by verified literature, unambiguous. The special value of this book is not only the presented historical-cartographic material, but also historical-geographical, political-geographical, cultural-geographical and toponomastic aspects, through which the authors observe the context of individual maps, evolution of geographical and cartographic knowledge and methods and finally the process of continuous change. components of geospace in the period from the II to the XX century.
The book has a conclusion (seven pages), a summary in Serbian and English (10 pages), a list of used literature and data sources (51 pages), a list of maps (12 pages), a list of images (three pages), gratitude of the author to those who enabled the use of the presented maps (one page), geographical register and name register (34 pages).
Part of the essence of their research, presented in the book we point out, stems from the author's understanding that geographical maps do not become obsolete over time, but retain their cognitive interest as illustrations and as documents of the time of origin. "Over time, geographical maps move into the category of historical maps. The value of a map as a historical source is related to its territory. Old maps, like old writings and monuments, are a cure for oblivion. And not only that, geographical space has always been a complex field., as on the stage, historical processes took place and left their mark on it ... Creating geographical maps is a skill that has gradually evolved into science. Cartographers have for centuries crossed out and taken knowledge from each other and gradually perfected them in the constant tendency to present the world in its diversity and to be understood in the complex of the omnipresence of the power of the Creator ".
When we talk about the area of Serbia and the Balkan Peninsula, which for centuries has had the function of transit, merging, permeation, separation, isolation and contact of two continents, several states and peoples, the maps presented in the book by Mirko Grčić and Ljiljana Grčić, each in its own way, show common features. This contributes in many ways to the knowledge of the past, as a basis for perceiving the present and the future. We quote "geographical inertia in the Balkans is turbulent, because under the influence of geographical features of merging and permeation and their opposite features of isolation and separation, historical time here does not move as a wheel, but as a periodic pendulum between phases of construction and disintegration of socio-geographical structures. a geopolitical process known as Balkanization. " This statement has many justifications. Little known to foreign researchers for centuries, the Balkan Peninsula is only sporadically, and mostly inaccurately, shown in books and on geographical maps. Ancient geographers sought to present horizontal and vertical elements of the terrain, river network, roads and cities. Many maps lack a scale, projection and some other mathematical elements, so they could not realistically see and measure lengths, heights, areas, define proportional relations and so. According to the words and sentences from the book we are presenting, Jovan Cvijić pointed out this situation in the sense that the production of geographical maps about this part of Southeast Europe can be divided into a time when the points and outlines of the borders of the Balkan Peninsula were unknown, the time when the contours of the Balkan Peninsula can be discerned on maps, but with insufficient precision of the sea coastline, and the time when the real situation was determined by geodetic surveying and scientific methods.
Perfection is a special feature of the book by Mirko Grčić and Ljiljana Grčić, as well as the systematic, chronological introduction of readers into the treated issues. It is an ascending line of narration, which from the general and long past, reaches to the special and close to us. Thus, for example, we learn that "the first Serbian original map appeared at the end of the 18th century. It was a plan called Grunt of the Krušedol Monastery, drawn by Zaharije Stefanović Orfelin. In the 19th century, Serbian maps became a common good, the country rose to the level when maps are based on cadastral and geodetic surveys. In Serbia, those maps appeared in the second half of the 19th century in the independent Principality of Serbia, and became the basis for later maps in various scales. With general or geographical cartography, military or topographic cartography developed at the end of the 19th century, and thematic cartography experienced a real expansion in the 20th century.
With all the praise for the published work, we end the review with a quote from a few sentences written in the conclusion: "Geographical maps from past times are not only the subject of interest of collectors but also researchers, who use them to try to illuminate the currents and driving forces of human civilization and thus move human thought forward. Cartographic works are not only witnesses of history, but also participants in the creation of history. In the historical retrospective, maps reveal how the geographical image of the world had changed in the eyes of people, from myths and legends to geographical discoveries and exact research of the world." That is why maps must not only be made, maps must be studied.
From Book Review, Stevan M. Stanković

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grcic GEOGRAFIJA KULTURA I CIVILIZACIJA PDF.pdf

Introduction and managing the geographical space is synchronized with development of the world ci... more Introduction and managing the geographical space is synchronized with
development of the world civilizations. The geographical knowledge is civilization
heritage and one of the pillars of today's global civilization. Geographical
way of understanding civilization is required in the corps of sciences
of civilization, which we call "civilizatiology", but the geography of
civilizations is still neglected discipline that only paves its way. The aim of
this book is to actualize and summarize one of the universal and eternal questions
of human thought in general - the question of territorial structure, organization
and space-time dynamics of civilizations in connection with physical-
geographical background. It's not just a walk from the ruins of bygone
civilizations and sightseeing glittering fragments of the past, but scientific observations on the difficult but glorious ascent of the human spirit and the legacy of the transience of human labor and creativity.

Research paper thumbnail of M. Grcic POLITICKA GEOGRAFIJA. pdf.pdf

This book is assignment to providing the student wjith a political geography. Substantial text an... more This book is assignment to providing the student wjith a political geography. Substantial text and current problems who are considered made that this book will be core textbook not only for students of political geography, than and international relations and political science, and all social scientists adopting the geographical approach. In theoretical sense this text not belonging and not following any ideological directions. Author is endevaoured to get a thing done realistic describe in an unusually integrated manner that processes and relations who are relevant to the understanding of the political structure of the modern world, and Balkans specially. Geographical scales, national, subnational, supranational and global, are used as an organizational frame through which geopolitics, the territorial state, nationalism, imperialism, kolonialism, federalism, separatism are investigated. Although it maintains its original structure, combining traditional theory with more recent and realistic developments, this book includes much substantive new material reflecting the rapid resurgence of political geography in recent years.

Research paper thumbnail of Grcic M Sluka N. GLOBALNI GRADOVI_pdf.pdf

The book offers a consideration of modern world economy structures from the point of view of two ... more The book offers a consideration of modern world economy structures from the point of view of two disciplines – geourbanistics and globalistics. The concept of the emerging cities-centred pattern of world economy is introduced. Emphasis is given to the theory of “world cities” and to their conducting role in global economic interactions. Inner structures of world cities, which are going through major changes
under the impact of their modern international functions, are analyzed.
This book will be essential reading for those interested in problems of world urbanization and the geography of world economy development. The proposed material reaches a wide readership among both teachers and students of geographical departments at universities and teachers’ training institutes.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grcic GEOGRAFIJA RELIGIJA.pdf

This book is an attempt to shed light on the new way of the complex problems about geography of r... more This book is an attempt to shed light on the new way of the complex
problems about geography of religions and sacred geography. Special
attention in the monograph is devoted to the empirical analysis of
specific religions, in their development and mutual coupling with the
environment. The author perceives their creators activities, religious centers, borders and barriers for expansion in the area. It is interesting that all world religions originated in the Eurasian mainland edge zone. It corresponds to contrasts of land and sea, mountains and lowlands, dry and humid climate, forests and deserts, agriculture and animal husbandry. This zone has experienced a significant evolution in human history, such as the creation of a reasonable human being, the origin of agriculture, the rise of agrarian civilization and the establishment of monotheism; it was created in some areas of northwest India, across the Middle East to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. This fact proves that is impossible to exclude the geographical factor in explaining the genesis and evolution of the world's religions, as is often the case in various historical, anthropological, sociological and related research.

Papers by Mirko Grcic

Research paper thumbnail of Вук Караџић и прва географска дела о Србији и Црној Гори

GLOBUS - Journal for methodological and didactical questions in Geography, 2023

Abstract: Geography stood at the starting point of Serbian science and culture in the 19th centur... more Abstract: Geography stood at the starting point of Serbian science and culture in the 19th century. The turning points in its development marked the works of four authors - Pavle Solarić, Vuk Karadžić, Vladimir Karić and Jovan Cvijić. Solarić published The General Geography (in Venice, 1804), which can be considered the first book in geography (predominantly political geography) in The Serbian language. Vuk Karadzic was the author of the first books about Geography of Serbia and Geography of Montenegro and Boka Kotorska in the first decades of the 19th century, and in that sense we consider him a pioneer in the field of national geography of this countries. Karić's book "Serbia" represents the peak of Serbian geography of the 19th century. Cvijić was the first doctor of geography in Serbia and the founder of the first professional scientific geographical institution - the Geographical Institute of the Great School in Belgrade (1893). The aim of this paper is to shed new light on the geographical works of Vuk Karadzic, and thus move scientific thought forward. We hope that this paper will be the basis for deeper studies of the subject-metodological essence and socio-historical context of
Vuk's geographical works.

Извод: Географија је стајала у полазиштима српске науке и културе у 19. веку. Преломне тачке у њеном развоју означила су дела четворице аутора - Павла Соларића, Вука Караџића Владимира Карића и Јована Цвијића. Соларић је издао
Општу географију (у Венецији, 1804), која се може сматрати првoм књигом из
географије (претежно политичке географије), на српском језику. Вук Караџић је
био аутор првих књига о географији Србије и географији Црне Горе и Боке
Которске у првим деценијама XIX века и у том смислу га сматрамо пиониром на
пољу националне географије ових земаља. Карићево дело „Србија“ представља
врхунац српске географије XIX века. Цвијић је био први доктор географије у
Србији и оснивач прве стручне научнe географске установе - Географског института Велике школе у Београду (1893). Циљ овога рада је да баци ново светло на географска дела Вука Караџића и тако покрене научну мисао напред. Надамо се да ће овај рад бити основа за дубља проучавања предметно-методолошке суштине
и друштвено-историјског контекста Вукових географских радова.

Research paper thumbnail of Сакрална географија православљa и религиозни туризам

Research paper thumbnail of Geographical logic and philosophical view of the world

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2009

Процеси развоја и узајамних релација човека (друштва) и природе у реалном простору и времену, чин... more Процеси развоја и узајамних релација човека (друштва) и природе у реалном простору и времену, чине суштину предмета географије. То су уједно универзална и вечна питања науке и филозофије уопште. Насупрот очигледног јединства и целовитости света, постоји дуализам закона природе и друштва, релативност времена и простора, конфронтираност материјалног и духовног начела, противуречност процеса поретка и хаоса или нужности и случајности. Ни један научник или филозоф не може да "дефинитивно протумачи" људску стварност-која је велика мистерија, у свој својој разноликости и посебности, у свој својој беди и величанствености, у двосмисленостима и противуречностима. Из њих проистичу проблеми дефиниције географије и њеног места у систему наука.

Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitical determinants of interethnic relations on the Balkan Peninsula

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2002

Извод: Савремена политичка карта Балкана плод је сложеног историјског процеса настајања, развоја ... more Извод: Савремена политичка карта Балкана плод је сложеног историјског процеса настајања, развоја и нестајања геополитичких система, који се одвијао под утицајем сплета разноврсних, често дијаметрално супротних чинилаца географског, етнографског, привредног, друштвеног, културно-политичког карактера. Циљ овога рада је да истакне неке детерминанте тог процеса који је познат у литератури под називом "балканизација".

Research paper thumbnail of Gnoseological Model of Standard Anthropogeography as General Geographical Science in the Concept of Vojislav S. Radovanović

Демографија, 2015

Vojislav Radovanović belongs to the classics of Serbian anthropogeographic school and his extensi... more Vojislav Radovanović belongs to the classics of Serbian anthropogeographic school and his extensive work is topical today, not only because of plenty of facts collected at the territory of Macedonia and Serbia in early and mid XX century, but also for conceptions and methods, as well as depth of thought and logic of his observations. The main goal of this research paper is to shed light on research principles of classics of Serbian anthropogeography, led by Jovan Cvijić and to consider the model of classic anthropogeography according to V. Radovanović, which is representing the foundation of modern geography in Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Geographical image of the world in the London Psalter Maps from the 13th century

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021

The subjects of this paper are two maps from the 13th century Psalter, found in London. These are... more The subjects of this paper are two maps from the 13th century Psalter, found in London. These are the Psalter World Map and the Psalter List Map. Both maps are designed in the shape of a circular disk, modeled on medieval mappae mundi T-O type. The first is a pictorial map, the second is descriptive. The primary goal of these maps was not to objectively present geographical reality, but to express biblical symbolism and medieval Christian cosmology and thus serve as a reminder in devotional practice. By their deconstruction, we discover not only the religious Christian view of the world, but also the historical and cultural representations of medieval people projected on a geographical basis. Maps from the London Psalter have so far been viewed more as a "religious document" than as an objective "geographical image" and a "historical document". Therefore, they were rarely used as a historicalgeographical source. The aim of this paper is to deconstruct t...

Research paper thumbnail of Историјско - географска анализа карте Корнелијуса де Јодеа "Croatia versus turcam" из 1593. године

Research paper thumbnail of Components of geographical position of Serbia

Zbornik radova PMF-Geografski institut, Beograd, 2001

... 1. Grčić, MD (1998) Geopolitički položaj Srbije u Podunavlju i privredne integracije Evrope. ... more ... 1. Grčić, MD (1998) Geopolitički položaj Srbije u Podunavlju i privredne integracije Evrope. u: Podunavlje u Srbiji, Beograd: UUS, str. 45-52. 2. Grčić, MD (1984) Geopolitički položaj Jugoslavije u prošlosti i danas. Zbornik radova Geografskog instituta PMF, Beograd, br. 31. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives in geography of culture and civilizations

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 2014

This paper presents a comparative analysis of relevant methodological essence of "traditional" an... more This paper presents a comparative analysis of relevant methodological essence of "traditional" and "new" cultural geography. In the introduction is given an explanation of philosophic concepts of space, environment, place and the region in cultural geography. In second section is analyzed the meaning of civilization and the genesis of geography of civilization (géographie de civilisation). Special attention is on features of geographical posibilism as methodological paradigm, and the concept of cultural landscape as the essence of classical geography of culture and civilization. After this part are researched specific characteristics of certain academic schools and methodological perspectives in cultural geography. Postmodern paradigm and essence of "new" cultural geography are in the main focus. Postmodernism is changing the meaning of the basic concepts in cultural geography, which are analyzed in the introduction, such as space, culture, cultural region, cultural landscape and others. "New" cultural geography reassessed social and moral issues associated with the characteristics of the postmodern era. In this regard, methodological paradigm must be changed. This ascertainment is based on the interpretation of humanistic geography, where the emphasis is on the interpretation of cultural symbols, causal link and the "spirit of place" (Spiritus Loci). In accordance with modern conceptions of human in psychological notion, there are at least three theoretical directions, which find resonance in the appropriate cultural geography: behaviorism, psychoanalytic concept and cognitive concept-gestaltism and geography of perception. In conclusion is emphasized the need of finding a dialectical unity in "classical" and "new" cultural geography.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Serbian cartography from the end of XVIII to the beginning of the XX century

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2019

This paper represents summary of development of geographical and cartographical knowledge of Serb... more This paper represents summary of development of geographical and cartographical knowledge of Serbian authors about Serbia and Balkan. Important maps in the Serbian language are presented with a brief overview of their content, context and methodology. The main directions, stages of development and the most important cartographers and cartographic works in the Serbian language from the end of the XVII century to the creation of the Yugoslav state in the first quarter of the XX century are discussed. During this period, great historical and geopolitical changes took place in the Balkan Peninsula, such as revolutions, uprisings and wars, awakening the national consciousness of the Balkan peoples and the creation of nation-states. The development of Serbian cartography and geography in this period ranged from national romanticism, through descriptive and inventorying of geographical material, to explicit and applied scientific geography and cartography, which began with the establishment of two institutions at the end of the 19 th century-the Geographical Section of the Serbian Army General Staff (today the Military Geographical Institute) and the Geographic institutes at the Big School (today's Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade). The author traces the development of cartography through the evolution of content and the interpretation of the context of maps.

Research paper thumbnail of Cartographic image of Serbia and other neighboring countries on the Balkan Peninsula on the maps of Martin Waldseemüller from early 16th century

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2020

Martin Waldseemüller has a special place in the history of European cartography and geography, du... more Martin Waldseemüller has a special place in the history of European cartography and geography, due to the original cartographic works that influenced the expansion of the geographical horizons of Europeans in the 16th century. In the introductory section, the author gives an overview of his most important works, which still attract the attention of researchers in the field of historical geography, historical cartography, toponomastics and related scientific disciplines. Author then analyzes the text and context of Waldzemiler's maps. The aim of this work is to shed new light on geographical knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula and Serbian countries in the age of Humanism and the Renaissance, based on an analysis of Martin Waldseemüller's geographic maps from the early 16th century. Special attention is paid to the contents of the map Tabula moderna Bossine, Servie, Gretiae et Sclavonie, from 1507.

Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture in a Transitional Crisis Period: Crop Production in the Administrative Region of Belgrade from 1991 to 2002

Mitteilungen Der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić - Analiza prostorne organizacije industrije regiona Beograd compressed

Analiza prostorne organizacije industrije regiona Beograd - Analysis of spatial organization of industry of the region Belgrade, 1990

In the introductory part of this book main paradigms in industrial geography, and systems paradig... more In the introductory part of this book main paradigms in industrial geography, and systems paradigm as relative new growth rate in this discipline are analyzed. Review of principal results of systems approach in industrial geography was been given, in order to consider their heuristically possibilities, and critical retrospects of deficiency of this approach. The aim of the present work was the research off the spatial structure of the industrial system of the Belgrade region and its change in a definite span of time. Spatial structure in the work was understood, as a set of spatial relations between elements of the industrial systems. The set consists of three kinds of relations: element - element, element - system, system - environment. The system consists of three kinds of structures - organizational, functional and the the territorial (spatial) structure - and their combinations. The work presents an approximate approach to spatial dynamic structuralism, whose aim was to research spatial transformations. The fundamental assumption from methodology point of view was as integral as possible connection, join of the elements of structure and dynamics, which was the consequence of the conviction that simultaneous and equivalent treatment of these elements, makes it possible to make an accurate research of spatial changes which occurred in the industry of the given region, facilitating at the same time the possibility of application of different kinds of quantitative methods in the scope of given problem. Empirical research has been made for the years 1966-1983, and the structure of peculiar branches (29 groups) was taken into account and this was done on different scale - region, commune, center and elementary industrial unit (plant works). In conclusion in stressed that systems approach is favorable as concept and method, but yet to pay attention to not lose thematically and methodological substance of industrial geography as science.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić, Ljiljana Grčić MAČVA ŠABAČKA POSAVINA I POCERINA PDF info

Mirko Grčić, Ljiljana Grčić MAČVA, ŠABAČKA POSAVINA I POCERINA, 2002

Mačva, Šabačka Posavina i Pocerina ima površinu 1 641 km2, 194 000 stanovnika, 100 seoskih i 2 gr... more Mačva, Šabačka Posavina i Pocerina ima površinu 1 641 km2, 194 000 stanovnika, 100 seoskih i 2 gradska naselja. To je dobro individualisana geografska celina omeđena rekama Savom, Drinom i planinom Cer. Istraživani prostor u celini obuhvata tri opštine (Šabac, Bogatić i Vladimirce) i mačvanski deo opštine Sremska Mitrovica. U ovoj regionalno izdiferenciranoj sredini prepliću se prirodni i društveni uticaji, koji u međusobnim interakcijama generišu raznovrsne geografske procese. Nastojali smo da prikažemo te procese prostorno i vremenski. U tu svrhu smo vršili komparativne statističke analize promena između dva popisa poljoprivrede (1960. i 1991. godine) i stanovništva (1961. i 1991. godine). Иzlaganja су potkrepљена argumentima, činjenicama i oslonjena na naučne izvore.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić INDUSTRIJSKA GEOGRAFIJA


Geografi se bave prostornim ili teritorijalnim aspektom industrije. Oni se koncentrišu oko pitanj... more Geografi se bave prostornim ili teritorijalnim aspektom industrije. Oni se koncentrišu oko pitanja gde je industrijska aktivnost lokalizovana i kako se taj razmeštaj menjao kroz vreme. Vrlo je značajno, da geografi nastoje da razumeju zašto je industrija razmeštena u datom prostoru. U tom traženju uzroka industrijske lokacije, oni istražuju relacije između teritorijalnog razmeštaja industrije i razmeštaja drugih geografskih fenomena, kako prirodnih tako i kulturalnih. To znači da uz pomoć fakata geografi treba da pokažu logiku prostorne organizacije industrije, osnovne uzročne veze između industrije i drugih sadržaja geografskog prostora. Posebno treba da pokažu, do kojeg stepena lokacione odluke imaju primarni karakter, to znači do kojeg stepena su determinisane delovanjem skrivenih sila u nesvesnim sferama i koliko daleko seže sloboda ljudskog izbora. Prema tome, problematika industrijske geografije ulazi u krug osnovnih i večnih pitanja geografije i pripada jednoj od najvećih tema nauke svih vremena - odnosu prirode i društva.



In the book "Serbia and the Balkans on the old geographical maps of European cartographers from I... more In the book "Serbia and the Balkans on the old geographical maps of European cartographers from II to XX Century", authors analyzed numerous european cartographers and their works (maps, atlases), for the first time in a real analytical, synthetic and constructive way. The large-format book, on 720 pages, technically and graphically remarkably done, printed in Latin script, in the Serbian language, will be in a prominent place in many libraries. It brings an abundance of data and so many geographical maps (260) and photographs (74), that it makes an remarkable encyclopedia. We must be grateful to the authors for presenting us many things that, from the second to the twentieth century, inspired cartographers to create original works, some of which represent real works of art.
The book by Mirko Grčić and Ljiljana Grčić is for watching, enjoying, reading, thinking and scientific analysis of a number of objects, phenomena and mapped elements, on which modern cartography was built. It evokes a geographical, historical, demographic and political past in a special way. Facsimiles of the original maps, or parts of them, relating to our country and the Balkan Peninsula, have been chosen with such care that the authors deserve praise. In the book, geographical maps are processed in facsimiles and through interpreters, which in certain periods brought exceptional progress to European and world cartography. Scientists from the most famous European cartographic schools from Venice, Genoa, Rome, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Nuremberg, Paris, London, Vienna and other centers, as well as Russian and Serbian geographers and cartographers, took part in that scientific and cartographic progress. Their cartographic works constantly portrayed Serbia as a European cultural and geographical area, even in the periods when the Balkan Peninsula and Southeast Europe were controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
The interpretation of each map specifies when, where, how, and for what purpose they were made. In order to make the maps as understandable as possible, the authors gave the identification of the toponyms marked on them through interpreters, which helps to understand the text and the context of the map. For easier and better use, at the end of the book, there are lists of maps, an index of geographical terms and a register of names. The text that accompanied the attached maps is at an enviable height, clear and concrete, documented, supported by verified literature, unambiguous. The special value of this book is not only the presented historical-cartographic material, but also historical-geographical, political-geographical, cultural-geographical and toponomastic aspects, through which the authors observe the context of individual maps, evolution of geographical and cartographic knowledge and methods and finally the process of continuous change. components of geospace in the period from the II to the XX century.
The book has a conclusion (seven pages), a summary in Serbian and English (10 pages), a list of used literature and data sources (51 pages), a list of maps (12 pages), a list of images (three pages), gratitude of the author to those who enabled the use of the presented maps (one page), geographical register and name register (34 pages).
Part of the essence of their research, presented in the book we point out, stems from the author's understanding that geographical maps do not become obsolete over time, but retain their cognitive interest as illustrations and as documents of the time of origin. "Over time, geographical maps move into the category of historical maps. The value of a map as a historical source is related to its territory. Old maps, like old writings and monuments, are a cure for oblivion. And not only that, geographical space has always been a complex field., as on the stage, historical processes took place and left their mark on it ... Creating geographical maps is a skill that has gradually evolved into science. Cartographers have for centuries crossed out and taken knowledge from each other and gradually perfected them in the constant tendency to present the world in its diversity and to be understood in the complex of the omnipresence of the power of the Creator ".
When we talk about the area of Serbia and the Balkan Peninsula, which for centuries has had the function of transit, merging, permeation, separation, isolation and contact of two continents, several states and peoples, the maps presented in the book by Mirko Grčić and Ljiljana Grčić, each in its own way, show common features. This contributes in many ways to the knowledge of the past, as a basis for perceiving the present and the future. We quote "geographical inertia in the Balkans is turbulent, because under the influence of geographical features of merging and permeation and their opposite features of isolation and separation, historical time here does not move as a wheel, but as a periodic pendulum between phases of construction and disintegration of socio-geographical structures. a geopolitical process known as Balkanization. " This statement has many justifications. Little known to foreign researchers for centuries, the Balkan Peninsula is only sporadically, and mostly inaccurately, shown in books and on geographical maps. Ancient geographers sought to present horizontal and vertical elements of the terrain, river network, roads and cities. Many maps lack a scale, projection and some other mathematical elements, so they could not realistically see and measure lengths, heights, areas, define proportional relations and so. According to the words and sentences from the book we are presenting, Jovan Cvijić pointed out this situation in the sense that the production of geographical maps about this part of Southeast Europe can be divided into a time when the points and outlines of the borders of the Balkan Peninsula were unknown, the time when the contours of the Balkan Peninsula can be discerned on maps, but with insufficient precision of the sea coastline, and the time when the real situation was determined by geodetic surveying and scientific methods.
Perfection is a special feature of the book by Mirko Grčić and Ljiljana Grčić, as well as the systematic, chronological introduction of readers into the treated issues. It is an ascending line of narration, which from the general and long past, reaches to the special and close to us. Thus, for example, we learn that "the first Serbian original map appeared at the end of the 18th century. It was a plan called Grunt of the Krušedol Monastery, drawn by Zaharije Stefanović Orfelin. In the 19th century, Serbian maps became a common good, the country rose to the level when maps are based on cadastral and geodetic surveys. In Serbia, those maps appeared in the second half of the 19th century in the independent Principality of Serbia, and became the basis for later maps in various scales. With general or geographical cartography, military or topographic cartography developed at the end of the 19th century, and thematic cartography experienced a real expansion in the 20th century.
With all the praise for the published work, we end the review with a quote from a few sentences written in the conclusion: "Geographical maps from past times are not only the subject of interest of collectors but also researchers, who use them to try to illuminate the currents and driving forces of human civilization and thus move human thought forward. Cartographic works are not only witnesses of history, but also participants in the creation of history. In the historical retrospective, maps reveal how the geographical image of the world had changed in the eyes of people, from myths and legends to geographical discoveries and exact research of the world." That is why maps must not only be made, maps must be studied.
From Book Review, Stevan M. Stanković

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grcic GEOGRAFIJA KULTURA I CIVILIZACIJA PDF.pdf

Introduction and managing the geographical space is synchronized with development of the world ci... more Introduction and managing the geographical space is synchronized with
development of the world civilizations. The geographical knowledge is civilization
heritage and one of the pillars of today's global civilization. Geographical
way of understanding civilization is required in the corps of sciences
of civilization, which we call "civilizatiology", but the geography of
civilizations is still neglected discipline that only paves its way. The aim of
this book is to actualize and summarize one of the universal and eternal questions
of human thought in general - the question of territorial structure, organization
and space-time dynamics of civilizations in connection with physical-
geographical background. It's not just a walk from the ruins of bygone
civilizations and sightseeing glittering fragments of the past, but scientific observations on the difficult but glorious ascent of the human spirit and the legacy of the transience of human labor and creativity.

Research paper thumbnail of M. Grcic POLITICKA GEOGRAFIJA. pdf.pdf

This book is assignment to providing the student wjith a political geography. Substantial text an... more This book is assignment to providing the student wjith a political geography. Substantial text and current problems who are considered made that this book will be core textbook not only for students of political geography, than and international relations and political science, and all social scientists adopting the geographical approach. In theoretical sense this text not belonging and not following any ideological directions. Author is endevaoured to get a thing done realistic describe in an unusually integrated manner that processes and relations who are relevant to the understanding of the political structure of the modern world, and Balkans specially. Geographical scales, national, subnational, supranational and global, are used as an organizational frame through which geopolitics, the territorial state, nationalism, imperialism, kolonialism, federalism, separatism are investigated. Although it maintains its original structure, combining traditional theory with more recent and realistic developments, this book includes much substantive new material reflecting the rapid resurgence of political geography in recent years.

Research paper thumbnail of Grcic M Sluka N. GLOBALNI GRADOVI_pdf.pdf

The book offers a consideration of modern world economy structures from the point of view of two ... more The book offers a consideration of modern world economy structures from the point of view of two disciplines – geourbanistics and globalistics. The concept of the emerging cities-centred pattern of world economy is introduced. Emphasis is given to the theory of “world cities” and to their conducting role in global economic interactions. Inner structures of world cities, which are going through major changes
under the impact of their modern international functions, are analyzed.
This book will be essential reading for those interested in problems of world urbanization and the geography of world economy development. The proposed material reaches a wide readership among both teachers and students of geographical departments at universities and teachers’ training institutes.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grcic GEOGRAFIJA RELIGIJA.pdf

This book is an attempt to shed light on the new way of the complex problems about geography of r... more This book is an attempt to shed light on the new way of the complex
problems about geography of religions and sacred geography. Special
attention in the monograph is devoted to the empirical analysis of
specific religions, in their development and mutual coupling with the
environment. The author perceives their creators activities, religious centers, borders and barriers for expansion in the area. It is interesting that all world religions originated in the Eurasian mainland edge zone. It corresponds to contrasts of land and sea, mountains and lowlands, dry and humid climate, forests and deserts, agriculture and animal husbandry. This zone has experienced a significant evolution in human history, such as the creation of a reasonable human being, the origin of agriculture, the rise of agrarian civilization and the establishment of monotheism; it was created in some areas of northwest India, across the Middle East to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. This fact proves that is impossible to exclude the geographical factor in explaining the genesis and evolution of the world's religions, as is often the case in various historical, anthropological, sociological and related research.

Research paper thumbnail of Вук Караџић и прва географска дела о Србији и Црној Гори

GLOBUS - Journal for methodological and didactical questions in Geography, 2023

Abstract: Geography stood at the starting point of Serbian science and culture in the 19th centur... more Abstract: Geography stood at the starting point of Serbian science and culture in the 19th century. The turning points in its development marked the works of four authors - Pavle Solarić, Vuk Karadžić, Vladimir Karić and Jovan Cvijić. Solarić published The General Geography (in Venice, 1804), which can be considered the first book in geography (predominantly political geography) in The Serbian language. Vuk Karadzic was the author of the first books about Geography of Serbia and Geography of Montenegro and Boka Kotorska in the first decades of the 19th century, and in that sense we consider him a pioneer in the field of national geography of this countries. Karić's book "Serbia" represents the peak of Serbian geography of the 19th century. Cvijić was the first doctor of geography in Serbia and the founder of the first professional scientific geographical institution - the Geographical Institute of the Great School in Belgrade (1893). The aim of this paper is to shed new light on the geographical works of Vuk Karadzic, and thus move scientific thought forward. We hope that this paper will be the basis for deeper studies of the subject-metodological essence and socio-historical context of
Vuk's geographical works.

Извод: Географија је стајала у полазиштима српске науке и културе у 19. веку. Преломне тачке у њеном развоју означила су дела четворице аутора - Павла Соларића, Вука Караџића Владимира Карића и Јована Цвијића. Соларић је издао
Општу географију (у Венецији, 1804), која се може сматрати првoм књигом из
географије (претежно политичке географије), на српском језику. Вук Караџић је
био аутор првих књига о географији Србије и географији Црне Горе и Боке
Которске у првим деценијама XIX века и у том смислу га сматрамо пиониром на
пољу националне географије ових земаља. Карићево дело „Србија“ представља
врхунац српске географије XIX века. Цвијић је био први доктор географије у
Србији и оснивач прве стручне научнe географске установе - Географског института Велике школе у Београду (1893). Циљ овога рада је да баци ново светло на географска дела Вука Караџића и тако покрене научну мисао напред. Надамо се да ће овај рад бити основа за дубља проучавања предметно-методолошке суштине
и друштвено-историјског контекста Вукових географских радова.

Research paper thumbnail of Сакрална географија православљa и религиозни туризам

Research paper thumbnail of Geographical logic and philosophical view of the world

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2009

Процеси развоја и узајамних релација човека (друштва) и природе у реалном простору и времену, чин... more Процеси развоја и узајамних релација човека (друштва) и природе у реалном простору и времену, чине суштину предмета географије. То су уједно универзална и вечна питања науке и филозофије уопште. Насупрот очигледног јединства и целовитости света, постоји дуализам закона природе и друштва, релативност времена и простора, конфронтираност материјалног и духовног начела, противуречност процеса поретка и хаоса или нужности и случајности. Ни један научник или филозоф не може да "дефинитивно протумачи" људску стварност-која је велика мистерија, у свој својој разноликости и посебности, у свој својој беди и величанствености, у двосмисленостима и противуречностима. Из њих проистичу проблеми дефиниције географије и њеног места у систему наука.

Research paper thumbnail of Geopolitical determinants of interethnic relations on the Balkan Peninsula

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2002

Извод: Савремена политичка карта Балкана плод је сложеног историјског процеса настајања, развоја ... more Извод: Савремена политичка карта Балкана плод је сложеног историјског процеса настајања, развоја и нестајања геополитичких система, који се одвијао под утицајем сплета разноврсних, често дијаметрално супротних чинилаца географског, етнографског, привредног, друштвеног, културно-политичког карактера. Циљ овога рада је да истакне неке детерминанте тог процеса који је познат у литератури под називом "балканизација".

Research paper thumbnail of Gnoseological Model of Standard Anthropogeography as General Geographical Science in the Concept of Vojislav S. Radovanović

Демографија, 2015

Vojislav Radovanović belongs to the classics of Serbian anthropogeographic school and his extensi... more Vojislav Radovanović belongs to the classics of Serbian anthropogeographic school and his extensive work is topical today, not only because of plenty of facts collected at the territory of Macedonia and Serbia in early and mid XX century, but also for conceptions and methods, as well as depth of thought and logic of his observations. The main goal of this research paper is to shed light on research principles of classics of Serbian anthropogeography, led by Jovan Cvijić and to consider the model of classic anthropogeography according to V. Radovanović, which is representing the foundation of modern geography in Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Geographical image of the world in the London Psalter Maps from the 13th century

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2021

The subjects of this paper are two maps from the 13th century Psalter, found in London. These are... more The subjects of this paper are two maps from the 13th century Psalter, found in London. These are the Psalter World Map and the Psalter List Map. Both maps are designed in the shape of a circular disk, modeled on medieval mappae mundi T-O type. The first is a pictorial map, the second is descriptive. The primary goal of these maps was not to objectively present geographical reality, but to express biblical symbolism and medieval Christian cosmology and thus serve as a reminder in devotional practice. By their deconstruction, we discover not only the religious Christian view of the world, but also the historical and cultural representations of medieval people projected on a geographical basis. Maps from the London Psalter have so far been viewed more as a "religious document" than as an objective "geographical image" and a "historical document". Therefore, they were rarely used as a historicalgeographical source. The aim of this paper is to deconstruct t...

Research paper thumbnail of Историјско - географска анализа карте Корнелијуса де Јодеа "Croatia versus turcam" из 1593. године

Research paper thumbnail of Components of geographical position of Serbia

Zbornik radova PMF-Geografski institut, Beograd, 2001

... 1. Grčić, MD (1998) Geopolitički položaj Srbije u Podunavlju i privredne integracije Evrope. ... more ... 1. Grčić, MD (1998) Geopolitički položaj Srbije u Podunavlju i privredne integracije Evrope. u: Podunavlje u Srbiji, Beograd: UUS, str. 45-52. 2. Grčić, MD (1984) Geopolitički položaj Jugoslavije u prošlosti i danas. Zbornik radova Geografskog instituta PMF, Beograd, br. 31. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives in geography of culture and civilizations

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 2014

This paper presents a comparative analysis of relevant methodological essence of "traditional" an... more This paper presents a comparative analysis of relevant methodological essence of "traditional" and "new" cultural geography. In the introduction is given an explanation of philosophic concepts of space, environment, place and the region in cultural geography. In second section is analyzed the meaning of civilization and the genesis of geography of civilization (géographie de civilisation). Special attention is on features of geographical posibilism as methodological paradigm, and the concept of cultural landscape as the essence of classical geography of culture and civilization. After this part are researched specific characteristics of certain academic schools and methodological perspectives in cultural geography. Postmodern paradigm and essence of "new" cultural geography are in the main focus. Postmodernism is changing the meaning of the basic concepts in cultural geography, which are analyzed in the introduction, such as space, culture, cultural region, cultural landscape and others. "New" cultural geography reassessed social and moral issues associated with the characteristics of the postmodern era. In this regard, methodological paradigm must be changed. This ascertainment is based on the interpretation of humanistic geography, where the emphasis is on the interpretation of cultural symbols, causal link and the "spirit of place" (Spiritus Loci). In accordance with modern conceptions of human in psychological notion, there are at least three theoretical directions, which find resonance in the appropriate cultural geography: behaviorism, psychoanalytic concept and cognitive concept-gestaltism and geography of perception. In conclusion is emphasized the need of finding a dialectical unity in "classical" and "new" cultural geography.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Serbian cartography from the end of XVIII to the beginning of the XX century

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2019

This paper represents summary of development of geographical and cartographical knowledge of Serb... more This paper represents summary of development of geographical and cartographical knowledge of Serbian authors about Serbia and Balkan. Important maps in the Serbian language are presented with a brief overview of their content, context and methodology. The main directions, stages of development and the most important cartographers and cartographic works in the Serbian language from the end of the XVII century to the creation of the Yugoslav state in the first quarter of the XX century are discussed. During this period, great historical and geopolitical changes took place in the Balkan Peninsula, such as revolutions, uprisings and wars, awakening the national consciousness of the Balkan peoples and the creation of nation-states. The development of Serbian cartography and geography in this period ranged from national romanticism, through descriptive and inventorying of geographical material, to explicit and applied scientific geography and cartography, which began with the establishment of two institutions at the end of the 19 th century-the Geographical Section of the Serbian Army General Staff (today the Military Geographical Institute) and the Geographic institutes at the Big School (today's Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade). The author traces the development of cartography through the evolution of content and the interpretation of the context of maps.

Research paper thumbnail of Cartographic image of Serbia and other neighboring countries on the Balkan Peninsula on the maps of Martin Waldseemüller from early 16th century

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2020

Martin Waldseemüller has a special place in the history of European cartography and geography, du... more Martin Waldseemüller has a special place in the history of European cartography and geography, due to the original cartographic works that influenced the expansion of the geographical horizons of Europeans in the 16th century. In the introductory section, the author gives an overview of his most important works, which still attract the attention of researchers in the field of historical geography, historical cartography, toponomastics and related scientific disciplines. Author then analyzes the text and context of Waldzemiler's maps. The aim of this work is to shed new light on geographical knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula and Serbian countries in the age of Humanism and the Renaissance, based on an analysis of Martin Waldseemüller's geographic maps from the early 16th century. Special attention is paid to the contents of the map Tabula moderna Bossine, Servie, Gretiae et Sclavonie, from 1507.

Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture in a Transitional Crisis Period: Crop Production in the Administrative Region of Belgrade from 1991 to 2002

Mitteilungen Der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Aktuelle Veränderungen der strukturellen und regionalen Disparitäten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in Serbien – Eine Shift-Share Analyse

Mitteilungen Der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2023

In diesem Beitrag wird eine vergleichende Analyse der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Arbeits... more In diesem Beitrag wird eine vergleichende Analyse der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes und der regionalen Konzentration der Beschäftigung in Serbien im Zeitraum von 2015 bis 2020 präsentiert. Eine Shift-Share-Analyse wurde verwendet, um die räumliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu messen. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse wurde eine Typologie von 25 Regionen (NUTS 3-Ebene) in Serbien erstellt und die wichtigsten Prozesse des Strukturwandels und der regionalen Differenzierung wurden als Indikatoren für die regionale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ermittelt. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Schlussfolgerungen über die Standortpolitik des Staates im gegebenen Zeitraum gezogen, und zwar sowohl im Kontext der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen als auch in Bezug auf das akzeptierte Modell des Wirtschaftswachstums. Der Artikel gibt auch einen kurzen Einblick in die wichtigsten methodischen Fragen der Shift-Share-Analyse, wobei ein neuartiges Typogramm für die Klassifizierung von territorialen Einheiten vorgeschlagen wird, das bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse und der Diskussion Anwendung findet. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die strukturellen Veränderungen und die regionale Differenzierung des Arbeitsmarktes in Serbien zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind wichtig für die Analyse der Dynamik in der räumlichen Verteilung der Beschäftigung und der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes sowie für die Verbesserung der regionalen und sektoralen Politik, der Regionalplanung und der Planung des Arbeitsmarktmanagements auf regionaler und nationaler Ebene.

Research paper thumbnail of Gnoseological models in geographic research of relationship between nature and society

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 2011

Апстракт: Рад представља ретроспективни преглед теорија и концепција о односу човека и природе, к... more Апстракт: Рад представља ретроспективни преглед теорија и концепција о односу човека и природе, које су утицале на развој географске мисли и у одређеним историјским условима задобијали улогу научних парадигми. У вези с тим, предметни, методолошки и гносеолошки преображај друштвене географије има објашњење у концепцији о структури научних револуција Т. С. Куна.

Research paper thumbnail of Промене у размештају становништва света узроковане геноцидом и етничким чишћењима

Research paper thumbnail of Genesis of the city Šabac and origin of its name

Zbornik Radova: Geografski institut Jovan Cvijić, 2011

Origin and meaning of the name of the city of Šabac was object of interest for many Serbian and f... more Origin and meaning of the name of the city of Šabac was object of interest for many Serbian and foreign historical geographers, linguist geographers, anthropogeographers and others. Nevertheless, the meaning of this name has not been clearly researched till today. Some scientist believed that "Zaslon, the city on the river Sava, is Šabac in Greek", some others believe that the name Šabac is in Serbian language. In this research paper authors deals with two hypotheses about the name. First hypothesis connects city name with the river Sava, and the second with name of god Sabacius (Sabazije), who was identified as Dionysus and Thracian god horse rider. However, these names are much older than material evidences about city genesis.

Research paper thumbnail of Euroregions and Eurocorridors as factors of the integration of South-Eastern Europe with European Union

Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2003

Извод: Интеграциони процес у Европској Унији, кроз формирање трансграничних региона, доприноси де... more Извод: Интеграциони процес у Европској Унији, кроз формирање трансграничних региона, доприноси дефункционализацији државних граница, умањујући њихову баријерну улогу. Формирање транс-граничних региона, који укључују земље изван садашњих граница Европске Уније, потпомогнути су програмима/иницијативама, као што је ИНТЕРРЕГ. Овај процес представља развојни потенцијал, не само за пограничне регионе већ за земље Југосточне Европе у целини, испољен кроз кретања радне снаге, капитала и културних утицаја. Ипак, позитивни ефекти отварања граница са наглашеном интеграционом функцијом не могу бити реализовани без синхронизованог развоја саобраћаја. За земље Југоисточне Европе, највећи значај има пројекат пан-европских саобраћајних коридора, дефинисан 1994. године на Криту а касније допуњен у Хелсинкију 1997. године. Од укупно десет коридора, њих шест пролази кроз регион ЈИ Европе. Коридор X је, по својим физичким, техни;ким И економским карактеристикама, постојећим капацитетима, окосница саобра}ајне мре`е ЈИ Европе. Крајњи циљ формирања пан-европске саобраћајне мреже је функционална међурегионална интеграција, са поједностављеним и убрзаним саобраћајним токовима, који подразумевају отворене границе, али и унапређене и усклађене саобраћајне инфраструктуре и услуге. Кључне речи: саобраћај, трансгранична сарадња, паневропски коридори, Југоисто;на Европа.

Research paper thumbnail of Gerhard Mercator's maps as a source of geographical knowledge about Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and surrounding countries in the 16th century

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva

The author considers the issue of the conceptualization of the geographical space that is known t... more The author considers the issue of the conceptualization of the geographical space that is known today as the Western Balkans on Gerhard Mercator's maps from the second half of the 16th century, from which, even in cases of incorrect cartographic representations, it is possible to conclude about the changes of certain geographical objects and phenomena in the past time. Two Mercator maps were analysed: Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae parte, and Walachia, Servia, Bvlgaria, Romania, both from 1589. The characteristics, symbols and context of Mercator's cartographic representations of relief, hydrography, settlements and other geographical phenomena are discussed. Special attention was paid to the cartographic registration of river courses and settlements. The distortion of surfaces and wrong representations in the positioning of some geographical objects were pointed out, which should be taken into account when identifying individual toponyms on Mercator's maps. Th...

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Historical Migrations on the Settlements and Origin of Population in the Mačva Region (Western Serbia)


HERALD, 2019

У овом раду аутор је анализирао Карту Истока чији је аутор Свети Јероним (Eusebii Hieronymi), јед... more У овом раду аутор је анализирао Карту Истока чији је аутор Свети Јероним (Eusebii Hieronymi), један од црквених отаца и најобразованијих људи свога доба (IV−V век). У фокусу пажње је Балканско полуострво, Црноморски регион, Мала Азија и Блиски исток. Карта је шематски нацртана, препознају се контуре обала, острва и полуострва, речних токова. Нема картографску мрежу, исток је на горњој страни карте, што је особина средњовековних монашких карата. Карта обилује митолошким библијским представама. Из мноштва топонима на карти се види да је Свети Јероним имао доста добре географске представе, али му је приоритет био библијски контекст карте, а не географска прецизност. Био је пореклом са Балканског полуострва, из римске провинције Далмације, али су га као теолога и оца цркве више занимала места за античке и библијске митове, места везана за путовања Светог Павла и историјска места ширења раног хришћанства. Овај рад кроз тумачења топонима открива садржину и контекст карте, и на тај начин д...



Today, when traditional energy has entered the phase of “ecological braking” and decarbonization ... more Today, when traditional energy has entered the phase of “ecological braking” and decarbonization of energy technologies, there is a transition of renewable sources and a “nuclear renaissance”. In this regard, a “nuclear dilemma” appears in Serbia as well. After the question of whether to build a nuclear power plant, the question of location - where to build a nuclear power plant - is one of the most important when it comes to its fi t into the physical environment and social environment, and as such belongs to the circle of interest of spatial planners. Planning the choice of the location of a nuclear power plant requires a comprehensive scientifi c investigation of certain aspects and criteria (economic, technical,
environmental, etc.). The purpose of such surveys is to identify possible threats to the safety of a facility in a given area, as well as to determine the degree of environmental impact. The results of the location research are refl ected in the preparation of laws and bylaws, as well as planning, strategic and other documents and political decisions, which precede
the construction of such facilities. Therefore, in the orientation choice of technology and place for the construction of a nuclear power plant, specialists in a wide range of disciplines participate, among which spatial planners have a synthetic role and importance, as well as state authorities of diff erent territorial levels related to spatial planning and regional policy. Geographers and spatial planners, who are experts in the fi eld of site studies, should be involved from the outset in the teams for the preparation of the location regulations and reports, which must be in line with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA).Key words: Nuclear power plants, nuclear dilemma, location criteria, spatial planning, Serbia.


VI Конгрес географа Србије са међународним учешћем , 2024

Апстракт: У овом раду дат је концизан преглед важнијих изазова који се појављују пред географиј... more Апстракт: У овом раду дат је концизан преглед важнијих изазова који се појављују пред
географијом као науком и као струком у процесу либерализације у првом кварталу XXI
века. Ови изазови ће још јачати у будућности, услед промена у друштвеном, економском,
политичком и академском окружењу. Јасно је да ће будућност ове дисциплине у великој мери
зависити од способности прилагођавања новом окружењу. Овај рад има за циљ, не да понуди
конкретна решења, него да подстакне наше географе/географкиње ка критичкој оцени
филозофије властите науке, и да је организовано мењају према потребама које доноси ново
доба - постмодерно доба.



The process of genesis, evolution and transformation of the development of Timočka krajina in Eas... more The process of genesis, evolution and transformation of the development of Timočka krajina in Eastern Serbia, as a long-term process, went through various phases of «opening» or «closing», which alternated in a chain and influenced the ups and downs in the development trajectory of this area. This space was a complex field in which various geographical determinants were intertwined and interpenetrated, affecting the directions of fusion and interpenetration and the characteristics of isolation and separation of this space in relation to the centers of economic and political power, sources of modernization and
innovation, which acted as poles of development and general progress in the wider area. Therefore, in the present and in the modern historical context, it is necessary that we constantly deal with certain evelopment determinants such as infrastructure systems, demographic processes and economic trends that had a positive or negative impact on the regional development and integration of this otherwise important geographical area of Serbia. In this paper, we will analyze the physical-geographical and socio-geographical determinants of opening or, on the contrary, closing in certain phases of the long historical development process of Timočka krajina.


Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, 2023

Abstract: The topic of this paper covers two important areas of spatial planning - energy and env... more Abstract: The topic of this paper covers two important areas of spatial planning - energy and environment in mutual conditioning and interdependence. In this regard, key reforms and fundamental changes in strategies and plans have been implemented recently, with the aim of achieving greater energy security on the one hand, and the transition of low-carbon energy on the other. Serbia's economy is expanding and demanding an increase in energy consumption. This country is scarce in energy resources and oriented towards importing non-renewable fossil fuels (high-carbon crude oil and natural gas). Therefore, it is necessary to gradually substitution sources that are not renewable with low-carbon renewable energy sources such as solar, aeolian, geothermal, biomass energy and hydropower. One of the strategic goals and international commitments is to decarbonize energy in order to reduce emissions of harmful gases that affect global climate warming. The geographical implications of the energy transition in Serbia are an insufficiently researched, but very important field for integrated planning of sustainable energy production and environmental development in the long term. The aim of this paper is to analyze the components of the energy transition in Serbia and the geographical implications in this regard.
Keywords: Energy transition, energy trilemma, energy landscape, energy resources, spatial planning, Serbia.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić Problem celovitosti u geografiji


The problem of the holistic view is essential for the definition of "complex object" of geography... more The problem of the holistic view is essential for the definition of "complex object" of geography, its subject, methods, and places in the system of sciences. In modern geography there is a need to clearly define the subject of general geography, not as a conglomerate of data submitted by the branch of science. However, any theoretical generalization usually is accompanied by opposite theories. So, on the contrary to the wholeness of the objects, there are a binary opposition theories and dichotomies like: monism - dualism, holism - reductionism, idiographic - nomotetic access, global - regional (local), general - particular, natural - cultural, necessity - a coincidence, differentiation - integration, analysis - synthesis and so on, which were harmful to the clarity of geographical thought. As a result, the impose questions are "Where is geography?", "What are its goals?", "Where are the limits of geographical research?", "What is the essence of the subject and methodology of geography?" What is the essence of the geographical aspects of research facilities, which are also the subject
of the other sciences?". Such issues need to be constantly designing, but always in other aspects and of the new level of understanding, to overcome one-sidedness. The aim of this paper is to draw the attention of geographers to resolve these theoretical questions of geography.
Key words: Geography, theory, wholeness, region, area, geo-system.


Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, 2022


Abstract : Geographers and spatial planners traditionally explore the problems of revitalisation, sustainable development and organisation of rural spaces from local to global level. In spatial sciences such as rural geography and spatial planning, rural space is considered as a tripartite structure - a village, rural space and a rural-urban continuum. Planning for sustainable development of villages and rural areas in the long term requires the application of interdisciplinary and complex methodological approaches. This work gave a brief overview of theoretical and conceptual models of rural studies: horological (how rural elements are deployed in space), functional (how they function in geospace), systemic (how they are organized in space), humanistic (behavioral, qualitative approach). The systemic approach in the research and planning of villages and rural territorial complexes involves the exposure of three subsystems in mutual causal and consequential consequential conditions – subsystems of conditions (environments), structural-functional subsystems and subsystems of planning and management. These are then parsed into a series of subsystems, whose research we come to complex causal-consequential relationships, trajectories and development scenarios. This brings to mind the conceptual model of complex research and planning for sustainable development of rural spaces, which sheds new light on the subject-methodological essence of rural geography and spatial planning.


Међународна научна конференција "Туризам у савременом европском и евроазијском простору - стање, проблеми, изазови, перспективе", 2022

Abstract: Old maps can be a basic or auxiliary tool for researching cultural heritage as the tour... more Abstract: Old maps can be a basic or auxiliary tool for researching cultural heritage as the tourist potential of Eastern Herzegovina. This region has a very long historical tradition as a spiritual and cultural focal point (the focus) of Serbian ethnic identity since the 10th century, when it was mentioned by byzantine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenit in his writing "De administrando imperio". Although geographically heterogeneous and diverse, this region has its own cultural individuality, ethnic identity and "spirit of place" (genius loci). Today, the first thing tourists notice in eastern Herzegovina are picturesque landscapes and cultural heritage - old towns, fortresses and barracks, churches and monasteries, roads and bridges from the past centuries. Old maps, some of which are very rare today, bring a lot of information from the depths of the past, which are needed for the inventory and tourist valorization of the cultural heritage of this region.
Keywords: Balkans, Eastern Herzegovina, old geographical maps, tourist potential, cultural tourism, knowledge tourism, military tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Grčić, M. Proučavanja podunavlja Ferdinanda Marsiljija kao dokumetaciona osnova za planiranje vojnog turizma


Abstract: The work "Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus" by Luigi Ferdinand Marsigly published in 1726., i... more Abstract: The work "Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus" by Luigi Ferdinand Marsigly published in 1726., it presents complex synthesis of different knowledge about physical-geographical and cultural-historical sites and objects in the Danube Belt, including numerous graphic and cartographic depictions. The aim of this work is to analyze settlements, fortifications and ancient archaeological sites in Marsigli's work, and thus to reach conclusions on the possible planning and arrangement of sites and routes for development of cultural military tourism in the Danube Belt..

Research paper thumbnail of Мирко Грчић Проблем целовитости у географији. Mirko Grčić THE PROBLEM OF WHOLENESS IN GEOGRAPHY


Abstract: The problem of the holistic view is essential for the definition of "complex object" of... more Abstract: The problem of the holistic view is essential for the definition of "complex object" of geography, its
subject, methods, and places in the system of sciences. In modern geography there is a need to clearly define the
subject of general geography, not as a conglomerate of data submitted by the branch of science. However, any
theoretical generalization usually is accompanied by opposite theories. So, on the contrary to the wholeness of
the objects, there are a binary opposition theories and dichotomies like: monism - dualism, holism -
reductionism, idiographic - nomotetic access, global - regional (local), general - particular, natural - cultural,
necessity - a coincidence, differentiation - integration, analysis - synthesis and so on, which were harmful to the
clarity of geographical thought. As a result, the impose questions are "Where is geography?", "What are its
goals?", "Where are the limits of geographical research?", "What is the essence of the subject and methodology
of geography?" What is the essence of the geographical aspects of research facilities, which are also the subject
of the other sciences?". Such issues need to be constantly designing, but always in other aspects and of the new
level of understanding, to overcome one-sidedness. The aim of this paper is to draw the attention of geographers
to resolve these theoretical questions of geography.
Key words: Geography, theory, wholeness, region, area, geo-system.


Књажевачки крај - потенцијали. стање и перспективе Развоја. Зборник радова научне конференције, 2019

УДК 625.7(497.11)"625" Универзитет у Београду-Географски факултет КЊАЖЕВАЧКИ КРАЈ (ИСТОЧНА СРБИЈА... more УДК 625.7(497.11)"625" Универзитет у Београду-Географски факултет КЊАЖЕВАЧКИ КРАЈ (ИСТОЧНА СРБИЈА) У МРЕЖИ АНТИЧКИХ ПУТЕВА 2, стр. 9-28. Апстракт: Потенцијали развоја читаве источне Србије, укључујући и књажевачки крај, пре две хиљаде година били су слични данашњим-планинско-котлински рељеф, ретка насељеност и важан транзитни положај. У римско доба ова територија је била централна област провинције Горње Мезије. Због важности географског положаја и минералних ресурса, плански се развијала путна мрежа и мрежа утврђења различитог ранга, којe су билe окосница просторне организације територије. Ови инфраструктурни системи били су предмет планирања још у античко римско и византијско доба, што се може закључити из сачуваних старих карата и списа, као што су Птолемејева карта из 2. века и Појтингерова карта из 3-4. века нове ере. У средњем веку услед геополитичких промена у приморју и у унутрашњости Балканског полуострва мењала се хијерархија центара моћи и у вези с тим мењала се мрежа путева и градова, али принцип географске инерције је деловао тако да те промене не буду нагле и будућност је увек на неки начин личила на прошлост. Инфраструктурни системипутна мрежа и градови су модернизовани, прилагођавани потребама новог доба, али је њихов размештај остајао приближно исти. Циљ овога рада је да на основу факсимила старих карата, прикаже историјско-географске ритмове просторне организације територије источне Србије.


Флогистон - часопис за историју науке, broj 25 [Phlogiston 25]., 2017

Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, October 12–14, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Hercegovina i Hercegovci na fotografijama Simonovica i Dedijera

Мементо Јевто Дедијер - Зборник радова, 2018

Apstrakt: Cilj ovoga rada je da prikaže narodni život u Istočnoj Hercegovini krajem XIX i početko... more Apstrakt: Cilj ovoga rada je da prikaže narodni život u Istočnoj Hercegovini krajem XIX i početkom XX veka kroz retrospektivu fotografija koje je načinio poznati fotograf, Cvijićev i Dedijerov savremenik i saradnik, Radivoj Simonović. Radivoj Simonović je bio jedan od prvih amaterskih fotografa u Evropi. Počeo je da fotografiše u Hercegovini, krajem XIX veka, pošto je proučio optiku i hemiju za izradu fotografija. Nešto kasnije je nabavio novu opremu i putovao poput Cvijića po različitim predelima beležeći fotoaparatom ono o čemu su Cvijić i Dedijer pisali. Bio je po profesiji lekar, ali su ga zanimali najviše motivi i prizori iz fizičke geografije, antropogeografije i etnografije. Načinio je dragocenu fotografsku dokumentaciju sa terena, u kojoj dominiraju prirodni fenomeni krša, antropološki tipovi ljudi, tipovi kuća, poljoprivredni radovi, narodne nošnje i običaji i slično. Takođe će biti prikazane neke fotografije koje je objavio Jevto Dedijer u svojim delima.


Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja - Geneze i perspektive razvoja, 2018

Apstrakt. Potencijali razvoja Istočne Hercegovine pre dve hiljade godina bili su slični današnjim... more Apstrakt. Potencijali razvoja Istočne Hercegovine pre dve hiljade godina bili su slični današnjimškrti kraški prirodni uslovi, retka naseljenost i važan tranzitni položaj. Zbog važnosti geografskog položaja, planski se razvijala putna mreža i mreža utvrđenih gradova, koji su bili okosnica prostorne organizacije teritorije. Ovi infrastrukturni sistemi bili su predmet planiranja još u antičko rimsko i vizantijsko doba, što se može zaključiti iz sačuvanih starih karata i spisa, kao što su Ptolemejeva karta iz II veka, Pojtingerova karte iz III-IV veka nove ere, spisi vizantijskog cara Porfirogenita iz X veka i niz srednjovekovnih karata. U srednjem veku usled geopolitičkih promena u primorju i u unutrašnjosti Balkanskog poluostrva menjala se hijerarhija centara moći i u vezi s tim menjala se mreža puteva i gradova, ali princip geografske inercije je delovao tako da te promene ne budu nagle i budućnost je uvek na neki način ličila na prošlost. Infrastrukturni sistemi-putna mreža i gradovi su modernizovani, prilagođavani potrebama novog doba, ali je njihov razmeštaj ostajao približno isti. Cilj ovoga rada je da na osnovu faksimila starih karata, prikaže istorijsko-geografske ritmove prostorne organizacije teritorije Istočne Hercegovine.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grcic about Jovan Cvijic

Jovan Cvijic: Life, Work, Times, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić GEOPOLITICAL IDEAS OF JOVAN CVIJIĆ

150th Anniversary of Jovan Cvijic's Birth, 2016

Jovan Cvijic left a great scientific heritage in the field of anthropogeography. One of the impor... more Jovan Cvijic left a great scientific heritage in the field of anthropogeography. One of the important aspects of his work were numerous lectures and articles in which he stated his observations and views on geopolitical issues, such as issues of geographical position of the Balkan Peninsula, economical and geostrategic position of Serbia after the Berlin Congress, the Macedonian question, the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 'and about custom war with the "dualist monarchy". In his geopolitical analyzes, Cvijić gives crucial importance to the geographical position of Serbia and considers its spatio-physical, spatio-functional and historical determinants, seeking to observe Serbia in all its complexity, dynamism and processuality. This paper examines Cvijić's views on the geographical position of Serbia, the position and status of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonian and Albanian issue or issue of Macedonia's identity and Serbian-Albanian relations from the geopolitical perspective. Before and during the First World War Cvijić became involved in the scientific founding of the Yugoslav idea, the unification of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and demarcation of their common state. He even believed in possibility of creating a "Yugoslav civilization", which proved to be, in the long run, a supra-confessional utopianism. Surprisingly, most reviews of Cvijić's scientific work in the field of anthropogeography and geopolitics, are one-sided and impressionistic and in range between undervaluations and even uninformed evaluations to the generalized, partly pathetic glorifications. In this paper, an attempt was made to systematize and objective assessment of the most important Cvijić's standpoints on specific geopolitical issues. Some of those standpoints have become topical again due to dissolution of the former Yugoslavia.

Research paper thumbnail of Mirko Grčić Ed. V. Jović and A. M. Petrović 150th Anniversary of Jovan Cvijić’s Birth-Proceedings


Српска академија наука и уметности (САНУ) издала је 2016. године на енглеском језику зборник рад... more Српска академија наука и уметности (САНУ) издала је 2016. године
на енглеском језику зборник радова са међународног научног
симпозијума, одржаног од 12. до 14. октобра 2015. године, под
насловом 150th Anniversary of Jovan Cvijic’s birth (150 година од
рођења Јована Цвијића). Осим овог Зборника, САНУ је издала
још и монографију на српском и енглеском језику Јован Цвијић –
живот, дело, време (Jovan Cvijić – Life, Work, Times) и припремила
каталог Београдски атлас Јована Цвијића (The Belgrade Atlas of Jovan Cvijić). Тиме се САНУ на достојан начин одужила некадашњем
председнику Српске краљевске академије и бившем ректору
Универзитета у Београду. САНУ је и раније издала неколико
зборника радова са научних скупова посвећених овом великану
српске науке: У спомен 30-годишњице смрти Јована Цвијића
(1957); Цвијићев зборник у спомен 100. годишњице његовог рођења
(1968); Научно дело Јована Цвијића – поводом педесете годишњице
његове смрти (1982); Зборник радова са научног скупа Друштвено-
политичка делатност Јована Цвијића, одржаног у САНУ поводом
стогодишњице његове смрти 2002 (2005). Зборник којим је обележен век и по од рођења Јована Цвијића, садржи 820 страница текста у две књиге. Уредници – академик Видојко Јовић, председник Организационог одбора и др Ана Петровић из Географског института Јован Цвијић САНУ – истакли су у Предговору да је на истоименом научном скупу презентовано преко 100 радова, као и да су присуствовали аутори из
15 европских земаља.

Research paper thumbnail of Grčić, M. (2021). Prikaz knjige S. Stanković (2020). Jovan Cvijić od Loznice do Sorbone

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 101(2), 2021

Књига има 464 стране, подељена је на 46 поглавља и око 98 одељака тако да нема тешкоћа у читању ... more Књига има 464 стране, подељена је на 46 поглавља и око 98
одељака тако да нема тешкоћа у читању и акцептирању садржаја. У текст је
уклопљено око 20 прикладних црно-белих фотографија и мноштво одабраних
цитата његових оцењивача, који представљају праву ризницу мисли и опсервација,
што чини књигу занимљивом и поучном за шири круг читалаца. Књига о којој је
реч није класична биографија Јована Цвијића већ оригинално и добро
документовано дело о његовом научном раду у широком дијапазону од геологије и
физичке географије до антропогеографије, социологије и етнологије, затим о
његовој образовно-васпитној и просветитељској мисији, организационим способностима у улози председника Српске краљевске академије, ректора Универзитета и
руководиоца Географског завода, и о његовом ангажовању у решавању "националних" тј. геополитичких и других државних питања у доба анексионе кризе,
балканских ратова, Првог светског рата и мировне конференције у Версају.