Nina Miladinović | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
Papers by Nina Miladinović
In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental comp... more In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental composition of soil from the territory near the community of Paraćin, comparison the analysis of flooded and not flooded soil. The purpose of the study was to determined how and why the floods affecting the composition of the soil and what needs to be done to recover the land. In this study was tested 12 samples. In this samples was determined by potentiometric pH in 1M solution of potassium chloride (KCl) and pH in the water; mass proportion of calcium-carbonate (CaCO3) qualitative and volumetric at Scheibler's calcimeter; mass proportion of hummus with volumetric method by Kotzman; content of phosphorus with Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the absorbance in a spectrophotometer and the content of potassium Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the emission intensity on the flame photometer. The share of nitrogen in the soil obtained by calculation on the basis of the content of humus. The obtained results showed that the soil which had been flooded contains less of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as pH of the soil is lower, i.e that the land is acidified. It has been concluded that the floods have an unfavourable influence on the elemental composition of soil and it is necessary the flooded land feeding with certain complex mineral fertilizers to make soil composition suitable for growing some plants.
Keywords: soil, floods, fertilizer, structure, elements
This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana... more This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana) from the Velika Morava near the town of Paraćin. The purpose of the study was to examine whether the bivalvia have antibacterial activity against four Gram-positive and four Gram-negative human culture and are they used for human consuming or further scientific study. In this study had been used three shells. The types of bacteria on which research have been done are Gram-negative: Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Proteus sp. and Gram-positive: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus sp., Streptococcus (β-hemolytic group B). Agar was Colombia blood agar with 100% sheep erythrocytes. The results showed that river shells Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana don’t have an antibacterial effect. These results led to the conclusion that the river Bivalvia aren’t recommended for further production of drugs.
Keywords: Bivalvia, shells, antibacterial effect, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria
In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which ha... more In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which had been grilled and baked. The purpose of the study was to determine which kind of preparation of the meat is more harmful by comparing the amounts of PAHs. In the study was tested six samples. Three samples were baked and three were grilled. Methods which have been used are the QuEChERS extraction method and method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine the amount of PAHs in samples of meat. The results showed that the baked meat has about seven times larger amount of one of PAHs (naphthalene) than meat from the grill. These results led to the conclusion that the baked meat is more harmful than the grilled one and the reason for this is that the baking takes place indoors.
Keywords: meat, PAH, QuEChERS, GC-MS
Esej na temu kompleksnih jedinjenja. Hemija.
It looks very idyllic when you are famous. Fancy clothes, expensive shoes, huge villas, cool cars... more It looks very idyllic when you are famous. Fancy clothes, expensive shoes, huge villas, cool cars... but how big the price of fame actually is? What does it take to reach the top? First, the path to fame is not easy. You should let go of many of enjoyment to become famous. Sometimes you have to endure hunger, stress, surgery... All of that just to look good in the media. When you are famous, you don't think rationally because you have lot of money and you think that you are happy. Of course, when you have lot of money, you change yourself but not on purpose. It's a big difference when you become famous, are you young or older. When you are young, you are more exposed to stress and it's harder submit popularity. It's logical to visit psychiatrist when you are under a lot of stress. And these are usually younger actors or singers who don't know how else to cope with stress. For example Meryem Uzerli known for her role Hürrem Sultan had a nervous breakdown and had to visit a psychiatrist. Many well-known personalities become dependent on different types of drugs, to help handle the stress. And it's possible to lose yourself, like Madonna said "My huge success has in fact been a nightmare, like the black hole in which I lost myself". Also, it's great to be in media and have fans. But that can be deadly if you don't know how to deal with a pressure. The pressure is also on family and friends, not only on the celebrity. Sometimes family is not ready for that pressure and then the family breaks. That can be emotionally exhausting. Media pressure is real problem because most of celebrities have to change their body with surgery or to go on diets and both of this isn't good for body full of stress. Because of media, when celebrities change theirself in some surgery and when public finds out, they condemn celebrity. That also affect on personality and can lead to depression or anxiety. Sometimes, media are ready to initiate a scandal which usually aren't correct. When that happens famous people aren't able to go out of the house for a few weeks. It's awkward in that moment but and when time passes, the consequences remain and that is terrible for someones psyche.
Seminarski rad o računarskim mrežama
Esej na temu društvene pokretljivost tj. socijalne mobilnosti.
Potenciometrija Uvod: Potenciometrija predstavlja metodu hemijske analize zasnovanu na merenju p... more Potenciometrija Uvod: Potenciometrija predstavlja metodu hemijske analize zasnovanu na merenju potencijala pogodne indikatorske elektode uronjene u rastvor koji sadrži ispitivanu jonsku vrstu. Potencijal elektrode uslovljen je stvaranjem dvojnog električnog sloja koji nastaje kao rezultat odigravanja ravnotežne elektrohemijske reakcije na granici metal / rastvor. Razlika potencijala između elektroda ćelije meri se pomoću osjetljivih mernih instrumenata, potenciometra i voltmetra. Ovi merni instrumenti omogućuju merenje razlike potencijala uz minimalni tok struje kroz elektrohemijsku ćeliju.
Kvalitativna neorganska analiza služi za dokazivanje prisustva nekog hemijskog elementa ili neorg... more Kvalitativna neorganska analiza služi za dokazivanje prisustva nekog hemijskog elementa ili neorganskog jedinjenja u datom uzorku. Uzorak se analizira mokrim ili suvim putem (u plamenu). Najpre uzorak treba rastvoriti u vodi, međutim ako uzorak nije rastvoran u vodi treba pokušati rastvoriti uzorak u sirćetnu kiselinu, hlorovodoničnu kiselinu ili azotnu kiselinu. Postupak suvim putem se izvodi na sledeći način. Igla se natopi hlorovodoničnom kiselinom i stavi u plamen. Zatim se opet natopi u hlorovodoničnu kiselinu a potom u uzorak kako bi se deo uzorka preveo u hloride iz kojih je analiza suvim putem najefikasnija, i tako unese u plamen koji bi trebalo da se oboji ako se u njemu nalazi određeni katjon. Svaki jon je svrstan u određenu analitičku grupu i za svaki jon postoji specifična reakcija. Cilj vežbe bio je da se odredi koji katjon i anjon se nalaze u datom uzorku. Potreban materijal: • epruvete • stalak za epruvete • boca za destilovanu vodu • kašičica • igla • sahatno staklo • čaše • plamenik Dobijeni uzorci rastvoreni su u vodi a nakon toga je vršena analiza uzoraka. U prvom uzorku dokazani su sledeći katjon i anjon: Ba² + + SO 4 2-→ BaSO 4 ↓ + HCl beli talog CH 3COO-+ H + → CH3COOH ↑ miris sirćeta U drugom uzorku dokazani su sledeći katjoni i anjoni: Co 2+ + n SCN + m H20 → [CO(SCN) n (H2O) m ] 2-n ljubičasti rastvor Da bi se u potpunosti dokazao jon kobalta , kompleks je eksrahovan iz vodenog rastvora u amil alkohol i alkoholni sloj je poprimio plavu boju. Mg 2+ + NH 3 + HPO 4 → MgNH 4 PO 4 ↓ zvezdasti talog NO 3-+ 6Fe 2+ + 4H 2 SO 4 → 6Fe 3+ + 2NO ↑ Fe 2+ + NO ↑ → [Fe(NO)] 2+ mrki prsten CH 3 COO-+ H + → CH 3 COOH ↑ miris sirćeta U trećem uzorku dokazani su sledeći anjoni i katjon:
Izolovanje hlorofilnih i karotenoidnih pigmenata iz listova biljaka je najpogodnije raditi metodo... more Izolovanje hlorofilnih i karotenoidnih pigmenata iz listova biljaka je najpogodnije raditi metodom hromatografije na koloni. Hromatografija na koloni je jedna od preparativnih hromatografskih metoda za razdvajanje smeša koja se bavi razdvajanjem komponenti radi dalje analize i za tako nešto je najpogodnija jer pomoću nje mogu da se razdvajaju veće količine uzoraka. Nakon hromatografije na koloni, dobijeni uzorci se analiziraju metodom tankoslojne hromatografije (TLC). TLC je metoda koja funkcioniše na sledećem principu: stacionarna faza sastavljena od tankog sloja materijala za adsopciju koja je pričvršćena na ravnu ploču dok se mobilna faza sastoji iz ispitivanog uzorka koji je rastvoren u odgovarajućem rastvaraču. Mobilna faza se potom kreće po stacionarnoj ploči, potiskivana kapilarnim silama i tako se uzorak razdvaja u pojedine komponente. Vrsta pigmenta može se odrediti i snimanjem UV/Vis spektara pomoću spektrofotometrije. Spektrofotometrija je zapravo kvantitativno merenje reflektivnih ili transmisionih osobina materijala kao funkcija talasne dužine.
Uvod: Ekstrakcija je metoda odvajanja u kojoj se supstanca iz jedne faze prevodi u drugu. Ekstrak... more Uvod: Ekstrakcija je metoda odvajanja u kojoj se supstanca iz jedne faze prevodi u drugu. Ekstrakcija po Soksletu je čvrsto-tečna ekstrakcija. Najčešće se koristi za ekstrakciju masti i ulja iz biljnog i životinjskog materijala. U ovoj vežbi se ekstrahuju masti iz Štarkovog proizvoda Smoki. Potreban pribor: balon, Soksletov ekstraktor, povratni kondenzator, kalota, filter papir, vata, tehnička vaga, rotacioni vakuum uparivač, stalak, kleme, izvor vode Potrebne supstance: Štarkov proizvod Smoki, etar Postupak: Na tehničkoj vagi se odmeri masa uzorka Smokija. Uzorak se stavi na filter papir odgovarajuće veličine i uvije se u čauru. Čaura se na oba kraja zapuši vatom i savije ka sredini. Ovako pripremljen uzorak se stavi u Soksletov ekstraktor. Treba obratiti pažnju, da čaura ne bude viša od sifona. Izmeri se masa balona. Posle toga se u 1/3 balona sipa etar i balon se stavi u kalotu. Na balon se stavlja Soksletov ekstraktor i povratni kondenzator, koji se pričvrsti za stalak. Na kondenzator se priključi voda, uključi se kalota i time započinje ekstrakcija.
Ime škole: OŠ ''Stevan Jakovljević'' Naziv mesta i opština: Paraćin, Paraćin Kategorija takmičenj... more Ime škole: OŠ ''Stevan Jakovljević'' Naziv mesta i opština: Paraćin, Paraćin Kategorija takmičenja: Okružno takmičenje iz hemije Ime i prezime nastavnika hemije: IVANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ REZIME Sapuni su alkalne soli viših masnih kiselina. Fabrički dobijeni sapuni pored alkalnih soli viših masnih kiselina sadrže i vodu, parfemske supstance, supstance za negu kože, boje i sl.
Drafts by Nina Miladinović
Solvent dyes during the application process, lose their crystal or particulate structure and form... more Solvent dyes during the application process, lose their crystal or particulate structure and formed a molecular solution in the media being colored. They cannot be classified according to a specific chemical type of dyes and are found among the azo, metal-complex, disperse, anthraquinone, triarylmethane, or phthalocyanine dyes. They are insoluble in water but soluble in different types of solvents. Solvent dyes are used for dyeing substrates in which they can dissolve, e.g. polymers, varnish, ink, waxes, and fats.
In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental comp... more In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental composition of soil from the territory near the community of Paraćin, comparison the analysis of flooded and not flooded soil. The purpose of the study was to determined how and why the floods affecting the composition of the soil and what needs to be done to recover the land. In this study was tested 12 samples. In this samples was determined by potentiometric pH in 1M solution of potassium chloride (KCl) and pH in the water; mass proportion of calcium-carbonate (CaCO3) qualitative and volumetric at Scheibler's calcimeter; mass proportion of hummus with volumetric method by Kotzman; content of phosphorus with Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the absorbance in a spectrophotometer and the content of potassium Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the emission intensity on the flame photometer. The share of nitrogen in the soil obtained by calculation on the basis of the content of humus. The obtained results showed that the soil which had been flooded contains less of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as pH of the soil is lower, i.e that the land is acidified. It has been concluded that the floods have an unfavourable influence on the elemental composition of soil and it is necessary the flooded land feeding with certain complex mineral fertilizers to make soil composition suitable for growing some plants.
Keywords: soil, floods, fertilizer, structure, elements
This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana... more This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana) from the Velika Morava near the town of Paraćin. The purpose of the study was to examine whether the bivalvia have antibacterial activity against four Gram-positive and four Gram-negative human culture and are they used for human consuming or further scientific study. In this study had been used three shells. The types of bacteria on which research have been done are Gram-negative: Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Proteus sp. and Gram-positive: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus sp., Streptococcus (β-hemolytic group B). Agar was Colombia blood agar with 100% sheep erythrocytes. The results showed that river shells Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana don’t have an antibacterial effect. These results led to the conclusion that the river Bivalvia aren’t recommended for further production of drugs.
Keywords: Bivalvia, shells, antibacterial effect, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria
In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which ha... more In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which had been grilled and baked. The purpose of the study was to determine which kind of preparation of the meat is more harmful by comparing the amounts of PAHs. In the study was tested six samples. Three samples were baked and three were grilled. Methods which have been used are the QuEChERS extraction method and method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine the amount of PAHs in samples of meat. The results showed that the baked meat has about seven times larger amount of one of PAHs (naphthalene) than meat from the grill. These results led to the conclusion that the baked meat is more harmful than the grilled one and the reason for this is that the baking takes place indoors
In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental comp... more In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental composition of soil from the territory near the community of Paraćin, comparison the analysis of flooded and not flooded soil. The purpose of the study was to determined how and why the floods affecting the composition of the soil and what needs to be done to recover the land. In this study was tested 12 samples. In this samples was determined by potentiometric pH in 1M solution of potassium chloride (KCl) and pH in the water; mass proportion of calcium-carbonate (CaCO3) qualitative and volumetric at Scheibler's calcimeter; mass proportion of hummus with volumetric method by Kotzman; content of phosphorus with Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the absorbance in a spectrophotometer and the content of potassium Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the emission intensity on the flame photometer. The share of nitrogen in the soil obtained by calculation on the basis of the content of humus. The obtained results showed that the soil which had been flooded contains less of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as pH of the soil is lower, i.e that the land is acidified. It has been concluded that the floods have an unfavourable influence on the elemental composition of soil and it is necessary the flooded land feeding with certain complex mineral fertilizers to make soil composition suitable for growing some plants.
Keywords: soil, floods, fertilizer, structure, elements
This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana... more This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana) from the Velika Morava near the town of Paraćin. The purpose of the study was to examine whether the bivalvia have antibacterial activity against four Gram-positive and four Gram-negative human culture and are they used for human consuming or further scientific study. In this study had been used three shells. The types of bacteria on which research have been done are Gram-negative: Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Proteus sp. and Gram-positive: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus sp., Streptococcus (β-hemolytic group B). Agar was Colombia blood agar with 100% sheep erythrocytes. The results showed that river shells Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana don’t have an antibacterial effect. These results led to the conclusion that the river Bivalvia aren’t recommended for further production of drugs.
Keywords: Bivalvia, shells, antibacterial effect, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria
In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which ha... more In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which had been grilled and baked. The purpose of the study was to determine which kind of preparation of the meat is more harmful by comparing the amounts of PAHs. In the study was tested six samples. Three samples were baked and three were grilled. Methods which have been used are the QuEChERS extraction method and method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine the amount of PAHs in samples of meat. The results showed that the baked meat has about seven times larger amount of one of PAHs (naphthalene) than meat from the grill. These results led to the conclusion that the baked meat is more harmful than the grilled one and the reason for this is that the baking takes place indoors.
Keywords: meat, PAH, QuEChERS, GC-MS
Esej na temu kompleksnih jedinjenja. Hemija.
It looks very idyllic when you are famous. Fancy clothes, expensive shoes, huge villas, cool cars... more It looks very idyllic when you are famous. Fancy clothes, expensive shoes, huge villas, cool cars... but how big the price of fame actually is? What does it take to reach the top? First, the path to fame is not easy. You should let go of many of enjoyment to become famous. Sometimes you have to endure hunger, stress, surgery... All of that just to look good in the media. When you are famous, you don't think rationally because you have lot of money and you think that you are happy. Of course, when you have lot of money, you change yourself but not on purpose. It's a big difference when you become famous, are you young or older. When you are young, you are more exposed to stress and it's harder submit popularity. It's logical to visit psychiatrist when you are under a lot of stress. And these are usually younger actors or singers who don't know how else to cope with stress. For example Meryem Uzerli known for her role Hürrem Sultan had a nervous breakdown and had to visit a psychiatrist. Many well-known personalities become dependent on different types of drugs, to help handle the stress. And it's possible to lose yourself, like Madonna said "My huge success has in fact been a nightmare, like the black hole in which I lost myself". Also, it's great to be in media and have fans. But that can be deadly if you don't know how to deal with a pressure. The pressure is also on family and friends, not only on the celebrity. Sometimes family is not ready for that pressure and then the family breaks. That can be emotionally exhausting. Media pressure is real problem because most of celebrities have to change their body with surgery or to go on diets and both of this isn't good for body full of stress. Because of media, when celebrities change theirself in some surgery and when public finds out, they condemn celebrity. That also affect on personality and can lead to depression or anxiety. Sometimes, media are ready to initiate a scandal which usually aren't correct. When that happens famous people aren't able to go out of the house for a few weeks. It's awkward in that moment but and when time passes, the consequences remain and that is terrible for someones psyche.
Seminarski rad o računarskim mrežama
Esej na temu društvene pokretljivost tj. socijalne mobilnosti.
Potenciometrija Uvod: Potenciometrija predstavlja metodu hemijske analize zasnovanu na merenju p... more Potenciometrija Uvod: Potenciometrija predstavlja metodu hemijske analize zasnovanu na merenju potencijala pogodne indikatorske elektode uronjene u rastvor koji sadrži ispitivanu jonsku vrstu. Potencijal elektrode uslovljen je stvaranjem dvojnog električnog sloja koji nastaje kao rezultat odigravanja ravnotežne elektrohemijske reakcije na granici metal / rastvor. Razlika potencijala između elektroda ćelije meri se pomoću osjetljivih mernih instrumenata, potenciometra i voltmetra. Ovi merni instrumenti omogućuju merenje razlike potencijala uz minimalni tok struje kroz elektrohemijsku ćeliju.
Kvalitativna neorganska analiza služi za dokazivanje prisustva nekog hemijskog elementa ili neorg... more Kvalitativna neorganska analiza služi za dokazivanje prisustva nekog hemijskog elementa ili neorganskog jedinjenja u datom uzorku. Uzorak se analizira mokrim ili suvim putem (u plamenu). Najpre uzorak treba rastvoriti u vodi, međutim ako uzorak nije rastvoran u vodi treba pokušati rastvoriti uzorak u sirćetnu kiselinu, hlorovodoničnu kiselinu ili azotnu kiselinu. Postupak suvim putem se izvodi na sledeći način. Igla se natopi hlorovodoničnom kiselinom i stavi u plamen. Zatim se opet natopi u hlorovodoničnu kiselinu a potom u uzorak kako bi se deo uzorka preveo u hloride iz kojih je analiza suvim putem najefikasnija, i tako unese u plamen koji bi trebalo da se oboji ako se u njemu nalazi određeni katjon. Svaki jon je svrstan u određenu analitičku grupu i za svaki jon postoji specifična reakcija. Cilj vežbe bio je da se odredi koji katjon i anjon se nalaze u datom uzorku. Potreban materijal: • epruvete • stalak za epruvete • boca za destilovanu vodu • kašičica • igla • sahatno staklo • čaše • plamenik Dobijeni uzorci rastvoreni su u vodi a nakon toga je vršena analiza uzoraka. U prvom uzorku dokazani su sledeći katjon i anjon: Ba² + + SO 4 2-→ BaSO 4 ↓ + HCl beli talog CH 3COO-+ H + → CH3COOH ↑ miris sirćeta U drugom uzorku dokazani su sledeći katjoni i anjoni: Co 2+ + n SCN + m H20 → [CO(SCN) n (H2O) m ] 2-n ljubičasti rastvor Da bi se u potpunosti dokazao jon kobalta , kompleks je eksrahovan iz vodenog rastvora u amil alkohol i alkoholni sloj je poprimio plavu boju. Mg 2+ + NH 3 + HPO 4 → MgNH 4 PO 4 ↓ zvezdasti talog NO 3-+ 6Fe 2+ + 4H 2 SO 4 → 6Fe 3+ + 2NO ↑ Fe 2+ + NO ↑ → [Fe(NO)] 2+ mrki prsten CH 3 COO-+ H + → CH 3 COOH ↑ miris sirćeta U trećem uzorku dokazani su sledeći anjoni i katjon:
Izolovanje hlorofilnih i karotenoidnih pigmenata iz listova biljaka je najpogodnije raditi metodo... more Izolovanje hlorofilnih i karotenoidnih pigmenata iz listova biljaka je najpogodnije raditi metodom hromatografije na koloni. Hromatografija na koloni je jedna od preparativnih hromatografskih metoda za razdvajanje smeša koja se bavi razdvajanjem komponenti radi dalje analize i za tako nešto je najpogodnija jer pomoću nje mogu da se razdvajaju veće količine uzoraka. Nakon hromatografije na koloni, dobijeni uzorci se analiziraju metodom tankoslojne hromatografije (TLC). TLC je metoda koja funkcioniše na sledećem principu: stacionarna faza sastavljena od tankog sloja materijala za adsopciju koja je pričvršćena na ravnu ploču dok se mobilna faza sastoji iz ispitivanog uzorka koji je rastvoren u odgovarajućem rastvaraču. Mobilna faza se potom kreće po stacionarnoj ploči, potiskivana kapilarnim silama i tako se uzorak razdvaja u pojedine komponente. Vrsta pigmenta može se odrediti i snimanjem UV/Vis spektara pomoću spektrofotometrije. Spektrofotometrija je zapravo kvantitativno merenje reflektivnih ili transmisionih osobina materijala kao funkcija talasne dužine.
Uvod: Ekstrakcija je metoda odvajanja u kojoj se supstanca iz jedne faze prevodi u drugu. Ekstrak... more Uvod: Ekstrakcija je metoda odvajanja u kojoj se supstanca iz jedne faze prevodi u drugu. Ekstrakcija po Soksletu je čvrsto-tečna ekstrakcija. Najčešće se koristi za ekstrakciju masti i ulja iz biljnog i životinjskog materijala. U ovoj vežbi se ekstrahuju masti iz Štarkovog proizvoda Smoki. Potreban pribor: balon, Soksletov ekstraktor, povratni kondenzator, kalota, filter papir, vata, tehnička vaga, rotacioni vakuum uparivač, stalak, kleme, izvor vode Potrebne supstance: Štarkov proizvod Smoki, etar Postupak: Na tehničkoj vagi se odmeri masa uzorka Smokija. Uzorak se stavi na filter papir odgovarajuće veličine i uvije se u čauru. Čaura se na oba kraja zapuši vatom i savije ka sredini. Ovako pripremljen uzorak se stavi u Soksletov ekstraktor. Treba obratiti pažnju, da čaura ne bude viša od sifona. Izmeri se masa balona. Posle toga se u 1/3 balona sipa etar i balon se stavi u kalotu. Na balon se stavlja Soksletov ekstraktor i povratni kondenzator, koji se pričvrsti za stalak. Na kondenzator se priključi voda, uključi se kalota i time započinje ekstrakcija.
Ime škole: OŠ ''Stevan Jakovljević'' Naziv mesta i opština: Paraćin, Paraćin Kategorija takmičenj... more Ime škole: OŠ ''Stevan Jakovljević'' Naziv mesta i opština: Paraćin, Paraćin Kategorija takmičenja: Okružno takmičenje iz hemije Ime i prezime nastavnika hemije: IVANA DIMITRIJEVIĆ REZIME Sapuni su alkalne soli viših masnih kiselina. Fabrički dobijeni sapuni pored alkalnih soli viših masnih kiselina sadrže i vodu, parfemske supstance, supstance za negu kože, boje i sl.
Solvent dyes during the application process, lose their crystal or particulate structure and form... more Solvent dyes during the application process, lose their crystal or particulate structure and formed a molecular solution in the media being colored. They cannot be classified according to a specific chemical type of dyes and are found among the azo, metal-complex, disperse, anthraquinone, triarylmethane, or phthalocyanine dyes. They are insoluble in water but soluble in different types of solvents. Solvent dyes are used for dyeing substrates in which they can dissolve, e.g. polymers, varnish, ink, waxes, and fats.
In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental comp... more In this study was explored how floods, which in May 2014 hit Serbia, affect on the elemental composition of soil from the territory near the community of Paraćin, comparison the analysis of flooded and not flooded soil. The purpose of the study was to determined how and why the floods affecting the composition of the soil and what needs to be done to recover the land. In this study was tested 12 samples. In this samples was determined by potentiometric pH in 1M solution of potassium chloride (KCl) and pH in the water; mass proportion of calcium-carbonate (CaCO3) qualitative and volumetric at Scheibler's calcimeter; mass proportion of hummus with volumetric method by Kotzman; content of phosphorus with Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the absorbance in a spectrophotometer and the content of potassium Al-method by Egner-Riehm with a reading of the emission intensity on the flame photometer. The share of nitrogen in the soil obtained by calculation on the basis of the content of humus. The obtained results showed that the soil which had been flooded contains less of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as pH of the soil is lower, i.e that the land is acidified. It has been concluded that the floods have an unfavourable influence on the elemental composition of soil and it is necessary the flooded land feeding with certain complex mineral fertilizers to make soil composition suitable for growing some plants.
Keywords: soil, floods, fertilizer, structure, elements
This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana... more This paper explored the antibacterial activity of river bivalvia (Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana) from the Velika Morava near the town of Paraćin. The purpose of the study was to examine whether the bivalvia have antibacterial activity against four Gram-positive and four Gram-negative human culture and are they used for human consuming or further scientific study. In this study had been used three shells. The types of bacteria on which research have been done are Gram-negative: Pseudomonas sp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Proteus sp. and Gram-positive: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus sp., Streptococcus (β-hemolytic group B). Agar was Colombia blood agar with 100% sheep erythrocytes. The results showed that river shells Sinanodonta (Anodonta) woodiana don’t have an antibacterial effect. These results led to the conclusion that the river Bivalvia aren’t recommended for further production of drugs.
Keywords: Bivalvia, shells, antibacterial effect, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria
In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which ha... more In this study was compared the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in meat which had been grilled and baked. The purpose of the study was to determine which kind of preparation of the meat is more harmful by comparing the amounts of PAHs. In the study was tested six samples. Three samples were baked and three were grilled. Methods which have been used are the QuEChERS extraction method and method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine the amount of PAHs in samples of meat. The results showed that the baked meat has about seven times larger amount of one of PAHs (naphthalene) than meat from the grill. These results led to the conclusion that the baked meat is more harmful than the grilled one and the reason for this is that the baking takes place indoors