Perica N Spehar | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
Books by Perica N Spehar
Лична побожност на простору централног Балкана у средњем веку. Археолошка сведочанства, 2022
Knjiga predstavlja delimično izmenjenu magistarsku tezu Materijalna kultura ranovizantijskih utvr... more Knjiga predstavlja delimično izmenjenu magistarsku tezu Materijalna kultura ranovizantijskih utvrđenja na širem prostoru Đerdapa : od ušća Porečke reke do ušća Timoka, odbranjenu decembra 2004. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Komisiju su činili: mentor, prof. dr Mihailo Milinković, prof. dr Aleksandar Jovanović, prof. dr Radivoje Radić i dr Dušica Minić. Njihove primedbe i saveti bili su mi od velike pomoći pri izradi ove knjige, zbog čega im se iskreno zahvaljujem. Beograd, mart 2010. godine POKRETNI NALAZI POSUDE OD STAKLA / pehari na stopi, boca, balsamarijumi / DELOVI ODEĆE I NAKIT / kopče, pojasni jezičak, fi bule, igle za odeću, prstenje, narukvice, naušnice, perle, privesci, delovi torbica / PREDMETI OD KOSTI I ROGA VAGE I TEGOVI / novčarske vage, tegovi / GRAĐEVINSKA OPREMA / klinovi, klamfe, baglama, brave, katanac, ključevi, šarka, prozorska okna / OPREMA ZA OSVETLJAVANJE / nosači svetiljki, staklene svetiljke, keramičke lampe, bronzana lampa / ALAT I PRIBOR / poljoprivredne alatke, alat za obradu drveta, alat za obradu kamena, alat za obradu metala, alat i pribor za obradu vune i kože, pribor za ribolov, alat i pribor za obradu hrane, kozmetički pribor, brusevi, kresivo, stilusi, medicinski instrumenti, alat nepoznate namene / ORUŽJE / mač, štitovi, koplja, tribulusi, luk i strele / KONJSKA OPREMA RAZNO NOVAC / ostava iz Akva, ostava iz Hajdučke vodenice, ostava sa ušća Slatinske reke, ostava iz Tekije, pojedinačni nalazi novca /
Papers by Perica N Spehar
International journal of osteoarchaeology, Jun 17, 2024
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
The paper reports on the composition of thirty-eight Late Roman glass fragments (3rd–4th century ... more The paper reports on the composition of thirty-eight Late Roman glass fragments (3rd–4th century CE) from Viminacium, the capital of Moesia Province, and Egeta, the fort controlling Iron Gates Gorge on the Roman Danube Limes. The glasses are measured using simultaneous particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and particle-induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE). The analysis shows that sixteen glasses belong to the Roman glass decolourized by antimony, nine to the Roman glass decolourized by manganese, and one is recycled using these two types. Five glasses belong to the Foy série 3.2, two to HIMT, one to Jalame type with manganese and one to the rare plant-ash type P-1, produced in Egypt, and for the first time reported from the continental Europe. The comparison of the finds with the contemporary glass from Serbia and from the wider Balkans shows a marked shift in glass trading patterns between the epochs of the High Empire and the Late Antiquity. During the High Empire, glass seems to be imported to the central and eastern Balkans mainly from the west via Roman road Aquileia–Emona–Siscia–Sirmium–Viminacium and perhaps via Adriatic ports, while in the Late Antiquity it was predominantly from east to west, over the Danube, Via Militaris or Aegean ports. Another find is that the richness of the glass market in Viminacium indicates that the capital of Moesia province on the Danube limes was a cosmopolitan city.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
In the settlement strata dated to the 12th and 13th centuries, within three Byzantine border fort... more In the settlement strata dated to the 12th and 13th centuries, within three Byzantine border forts along the Serbian part of the Danubian region (Morava, Braničevo and Egeta), ritual bird offerings that preceded the erection of various buildings were archaeologically testified. Namely, whole ceramic vessels were placed upside down in pits and within them were the skeletal remains of chicken of various ages. Magic power of the ritual was additionally amplified by other offerings, such as iron knives and nails, while on one occasion small glass amorphous objects were likewise detected. Numerous similar examples of building deposits were detected all over Europe during the 12th and 13th centuries. Since mentioned rituals were tied to folk beliefs that, unlike the official religion, didn`t have strict norms, numerous variations occurred. For example, vessels were mainly placed upside down, but some were placed on their bottoms and covered with fragment of another ceramic vessel. Conside...
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
This paper aims to provide insight into the etiology and differential diagnosis of a rare severe ... more This paper aims to provide insight into the etiology and differential diagnosis of a rare severe pathological lesion in an isolated equine tooth from the medieval site of Crkveno Brdo. The site is located in the southern part of the Carpathian Basin, that is, in the northern part of present‐day Serbia near Senta, some 9 km south‐west of the town center in the vicinity of the village of Gornji Breg. The specimen presented in this study comes from the cultural layer dated to the period between the 14th and the 15th centuries. A healed oblique fracture was present in the right upper second premolar (106) of a horse (Equus caballus) 7–10 years of age. The specimen was subjected to an interdisciplinary approach, including identification of species and tooth type, and assessment of age at death, employing microcomputed tomography (microCT), and histopathology to differentially diagnose the pathological condition. The obtained results were additionally compared with findings in an apparent...
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication hist... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2015
Data from De administrando imperio covers Hungarian conquest, right after their arrival to the Ca... more Data from De administrando imperio covers Hungarian conquest, right after their arrival to the Carpathian plain and to the territories they settled. In order to describe the area of their inhabitance, author used well known facts and clear geographical marks. Territory defined in that manner encompassed modern Vojvodina, so an opinion was brought out in scientific literature that it was also included in the area of early Hungarian inhabitance. However, it appeares that in those speculations the archaeological data were not adequatelly used, so it is important to give more precise insight into the available archaeological material that can be tied to the earliest presence of Hungarian population in Vojvodina.
Starinar, 2013
In 2012, in the village Davidovac situated in south Serbia, 9.5 km south-west from Vranje, archae... more In 2012, in the village Davidovac situated in south Serbia, 9.5 km south-west from Vranje, archaeological investigations were conducted on the site Crkviste. The remains of the smaller bronze-age settlement were discovered, above which a late antique horizon was later formed. Apart from modest remains of a bronze-age house and pits, a late antique necropolis was also excavated, of which two vaulted tombs and nine graves were inspected during this campaign. During the excavation of the northern sector of the site Davidovac-Crkviste the north-eastern periphery of the necropolis is detected. Graves 1-3, 5 and 6 are situated on the north?eastern borderline of necropolis, while the position of the tombs and the remaining four graves (4, 7-9) in their vicinity point that the necropolis was further spreading to the west and to the south?west, occupying the mount on which the church of St. George and modern graveyard are situated nowadays. All graves are oriented in the direction SW-NE, wit...
Ниш и Византија XXI, 2023
Окончање византијско-бугарског сукоба у корист Византије током прве четвртине 11. века довело је ... more Окончање византијско-бугарског сукоба у корист Византије током прве четвртине 11. века довело је до поновног успостављања њених северних граница на десној обали Дунава. Поменути процес подразумевао је реокупацију касноантичких фортификација, што је
потврђено у Београду, Маргуму и Великом Градцу, али и подизање нових утврђења. Једно од њих констатовано је на ширем простору Ђердапа, на локалитету Егета. У ранијој научној литератури сматрало се да ово налазиште представља изузетно важно сведочанство промена у начину одбране лимеса у периоду од римских освајања до слома византијске управе почетком 7. века. Ипак, током неколико кампања археолошких истраживања спроведених у претходних пет година, констатовано је на основу налаза новца да су бедеми утврђења II подигнути средином 11. века у склопу обнове византијског лимеса. Будући да се у Егети још у античком периоду налазило пристаниште, као и да се од ње од пута дуж десне обале Дунава одвајала комуникација која је кроз рудоносне планине
водила до византијске утврде у Великом Градцу, може се претпоставити да је подизање утврђења II било повезано и са поновном експлоатацијом руда. Покретни археолошки материјал, попут керамичких налаза, накита и пре свега новца, указује да је брањени простор највише коришћен током 12. века, када су се на Дунаву и водили најинтензивнији сукоби између Византије и Угарске. Најмлађа откривена ковања указују пак да је фортификација била у употреби барем до средине 13. века.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15:166, 2023
Thirty-two glasses from four Byzantine fortifications located on the Danube in Serbia, dated to t... more Thirty-two glasses from four Byzantine fortifications located on the Danube in Serbia, dated to the sixth-century CE, are analysed by PIXE/PIGE, and their compositional types are determined. Most of the glasses belong to Late Antique type Foy 2.1 (22), the rest being Foy 3.2 (3), HIMTa (1), Levantine (2), plant-ash (3), and coloured black (1). The diversity of compositional types and provenances characterizing the same area during the third to fourth century, changed in the sixth century into uniformity of glass types and provenance: more than two-thirds of all glass types represent only one type (Foy 2.1), and at least 87% of all imports came from a single region, Egypt. Apart from two glasses reported herein, no Levantine glasses are reported from Serbia, and almost none from the inner Balkans, which is in contrast with the rest of the Mediterranean excluding Egypt. The reasons for this might be the economic aftermath of earlier Hunnic raids or possible centralization of raw glass imports during the Justinian rebuilding program. Two plant ash glasses of mixed composition, showing characteristics of Egyptian plant-ash flux and Mesopotamian sand, likely represent recycled glass originating from these two regions.
Лична побожност на простору централног Балкана у средњем веку. Археолошка сведочанства, 2022
Knjiga predstavlja delimično izmenjenu magistarsku tezu Materijalna kultura ranovizantijskih utvr... more Knjiga predstavlja delimično izmenjenu magistarsku tezu Materijalna kultura ranovizantijskih utvrđenja na širem prostoru Đerdapa : od ušća Porečke reke do ušća Timoka, odbranjenu decembra 2004. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Komisiju su činili: mentor, prof. dr Mihailo Milinković, prof. dr Aleksandar Jovanović, prof. dr Radivoje Radić i dr Dušica Minić. Njihove primedbe i saveti bili su mi od velike pomoći pri izradi ove knjige, zbog čega im se iskreno zahvaljujem. Beograd, mart 2010. godine POKRETNI NALAZI POSUDE OD STAKLA / pehari na stopi, boca, balsamarijumi / DELOVI ODEĆE I NAKIT / kopče, pojasni jezičak, fi bule, igle za odeću, prstenje, narukvice, naušnice, perle, privesci, delovi torbica / PREDMETI OD KOSTI I ROGA VAGE I TEGOVI / novčarske vage, tegovi / GRAĐEVINSKA OPREMA / klinovi, klamfe, baglama, brave, katanac, ključevi, šarka, prozorska okna / OPREMA ZA OSVETLJAVANJE / nosači svetiljki, staklene svetiljke, keramičke lampe, bronzana lampa / ALAT I PRIBOR / poljoprivredne alatke, alat za obradu drveta, alat za obradu kamena, alat za obradu metala, alat i pribor za obradu vune i kože, pribor za ribolov, alat i pribor za obradu hrane, kozmetički pribor, brusevi, kresivo, stilusi, medicinski instrumenti, alat nepoznate namene / ORUŽJE / mač, štitovi, koplja, tribulusi, luk i strele / KONJSKA OPREMA RAZNO NOVAC / ostava iz Akva, ostava iz Hajdučke vodenice, ostava sa ušća Slatinske reke, ostava iz Tekije, pojedinačni nalazi novca /
International journal of osteoarchaeology, Jun 17, 2024
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
The paper reports on the composition of thirty-eight Late Roman glass fragments (3rd–4th century ... more The paper reports on the composition of thirty-eight Late Roman glass fragments (3rd–4th century CE) from Viminacium, the capital of Moesia Province, and Egeta, the fort controlling Iron Gates Gorge on the Roman Danube Limes. The glasses are measured using simultaneous particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and particle-induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE). The analysis shows that sixteen glasses belong to the Roman glass decolourized by antimony, nine to the Roman glass decolourized by manganese, and one is recycled using these two types. Five glasses belong to the Foy série 3.2, two to HIMT, one to Jalame type with manganese and one to the rare plant-ash type P-1, produced in Egypt, and for the first time reported from the continental Europe. The comparison of the finds with the contemporary glass from Serbia and from the wider Balkans shows a marked shift in glass trading patterns between the epochs of the High Empire and the Late Antiquity. During the High Empire, glass seems to be imported to the central and eastern Balkans mainly from the west via Roman road Aquileia–Emona–Siscia–Sirmium–Viminacium and perhaps via Adriatic ports, while in the Late Antiquity it was predominantly from east to west, over the Danube, Via Militaris or Aegean ports. Another find is that the richness of the glass market in Viminacium indicates that the capital of Moesia province on the Danube limes was a cosmopolitan city.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
In the settlement strata dated to the 12th and 13th centuries, within three Byzantine border fort... more In the settlement strata dated to the 12th and 13th centuries, within three Byzantine border forts along the Serbian part of the Danubian region (Morava, Braničevo and Egeta), ritual bird offerings that preceded the erection of various buildings were archaeologically testified. Namely, whole ceramic vessels were placed upside down in pits and within them were the skeletal remains of chicken of various ages. Magic power of the ritual was additionally amplified by other offerings, such as iron knives and nails, while on one occasion small glass amorphous objects were likewise detected. Numerous similar examples of building deposits were detected all over Europe during the 12th and 13th centuries. Since mentioned rituals were tied to folk beliefs that, unlike the official religion, didn`t have strict norms, numerous variations occurred. For example, vessels were mainly placed upside down, but some were placed on their bottoms and covered with fragment of another ceramic vessel. Conside...
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
This paper aims to provide insight into the etiology and differential diagnosis of a rare severe ... more This paper aims to provide insight into the etiology and differential diagnosis of a rare severe pathological lesion in an isolated equine tooth from the medieval site of Crkveno Brdo. The site is located in the southern part of the Carpathian Basin, that is, in the northern part of present‐day Serbia near Senta, some 9 km south‐west of the town center in the vicinity of the village of Gornji Breg. The specimen presented in this study comes from the cultural layer dated to the period between the 14th and the 15th centuries. A healed oblique fracture was present in the right upper second premolar (106) of a horse (Equus caballus) 7–10 years of age. The specimen was subjected to an interdisciplinary approach, including identification of species and tooth type, and assessment of age at death, employing microcomputed tomography (microCT), and histopathology to differentially diagnose the pathological condition. The obtained results were additionally compared with findings in an apparent...
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication hist... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, 2015
Data from De administrando imperio covers Hungarian conquest, right after their arrival to the Ca... more Data from De administrando imperio covers Hungarian conquest, right after their arrival to the Carpathian plain and to the territories they settled. In order to describe the area of their inhabitance, author used well known facts and clear geographical marks. Territory defined in that manner encompassed modern Vojvodina, so an opinion was brought out in scientific literature that it was also included in the area of early Hungarian inhabitance. However, it appeares that in those speculations the archaeological data were not adequatelly used, so it is important to give more precise insight into the available archaeological material that can be tied to the earliest presence of Hungarian population in Vojvodina.
Starinar, 2013
In 2012, in the village Davidovac situated in south Serbia, 9.5 km south-west from Vranje, archae... more In 2012, in the village Davidovac situated in south Serbia, 9.5 km south-west from Vranje, archaeological investigations were conducted on the site Crkviste. The remains of the smaller bronze-age settlement were discovered, above which a late antique horizon was later formed. Apart from modest remains of a bronze-age house and pits, a late antique necropolis was also excavated, of which two vaulted tombs and nine graves were inspected during this campaign. During the excavation of the northern sector of the site Davidovac-Crkviste the north-eastern periphery of the necropolis is detected. Graves 1-3, 5 and 6 are situated on the north?eastern borderline of necropolis, while the position of the tombs and the remaining four graves (4, 7-9) in their vicinity point that the necropolis was further spreading to the west and to the south?west, occupying the mount on which the church of St. George and modern graveyard are situated nowadays. All graves are oriented in the direction SW-NE, wit...
Ниш и Византија XXI, 2023
Окончање византијско-бугарског сукоба у корист Византије током прве четвртине 11. века довело је ... more Окончање византијско-бугарског сукоба у корист Византије током прве четвртине 11. века довело је до поновног успостављања њених северних граница на десној обали Дунава. Поменути процес подразумевао је реокупацију касноантичких фортификација, што је
потврђено у Београду, Маргуму и Великом Градцу, али и подизање нових утврђења. Једно од њих констатовано је на ширем простору Ђердапа, на локалитету Егета. У ранијој научној литератури сматрало се да ово налазиште представља изузетно важно сведочанство промена у начину одбране лимеса у периоду од римских освајања до слома византијске управе почетком 7. века. Ипак, током неколико кампања археолошких истраживања спроведених у претходних пет година, констатовано је на основу налаза новца да су бедеми утврђења II подигнути средином 11. века у склопу обнове византијског лимеса. Будући да се у Егети још у античком периоду налазило пристаниште, као и да се од ње од пута дуж десне обале Дунава одвајала комуникација која је кроз рудоносне планине
водила до византијске утврде у Великом Градцу, може се претпоставити да је подизање утврђења II било повезано и са поновном експлоатацијом руда. Покретни археолошки материјал, попут керамичких налаза, накита и пре свега новца, указује да је брањени простор највише коришћен током 12. века, када су се на Дунаву и водили најинтензивнији сукоби између Византије и Угарске. Најмлађа откривена ковања указују пак да је фортификација била у употреби барем до средине 13. века.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15:166, 2023
Thirty-two glasses from four Byzantine fortifications located on the Danube in Serbia, dated to t... more Thirty-two glasses from four Byzantine fortifications located on the Danube in Serbia, dated to the sixth-century CE, are analysed by PIXE/PIGE, and their compositional types are determined. Most of the glasses belong to Late Antique type Foy 2.1 (22), the rest being Foy 3.2 (3), HIMTa (1), Levantine (2), plant-ash (3), and coloured black (1). The diversity of compositional types and provenances characterizing the same area during the third to fourth century, changed in the sixth century into uniformity of glass types and provenance: more than two-thirds of all glass types represent only one type (Foy 2.1), and at least 87% of all imports came from a single region, Egypt. Apart from two glasses reported herein, no Levantine glasses are reported from Serbia, and almost none from the inner Balkans, which is in contrast with the rest of the Mediterranean excluding Egypt. The reasons for this might be the economic aftermath of earlier Hunnic raids or possible centralization of raw glass imports during the Justinian rebuilding program. Two plant ash glasses of mixed composition, showing characteristics of Egyptian plant-ash flux and Mesopotamian sand, likely represent recycled glass originating from these two regions.
The paper presents the results of the analysis of six worked bones discovered during archaeologic... more The paper presents the results of the analysis of six worked bones discovered during archaeological excavations of the medieval settlement at the site of Crkveno Brdo. The site is located in the municipality of Senta, in the vicinity of the village of Gornji Breg, at a distance of about 1.5 km to the southwest of the village centre. During the archaeological excavations in 2019, part of the settlement dated from the 11 th to the 13 th century was excavated. Additionally, the existence of cultural layers, dated in a wider chronological range between the 11th and the 15th century, was revealed. The results of the analysis of the worked bones indicate that bones of the most important economic species, mainly horse and cattle, were used as a raw material between the 11 th and the 13 th century. Out of the total number of finds, five specimens represent skates with identical macro and micro traces of manufacturing and use, while the sixth finding can be interpreted as a pointed tool with rough production traces.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2022
The paper reports on the composition of thirty-eight Late Roman glass fragments (3 rd-4 th centur... more The paper reports on the composition of thirty-eight Late Roman glass fragments (3 rd-4 th century CE) from Viminacium, the capital of Moesia Province, and Egeta, the fort controlling Iron Gates Gorge on the Roman Danube Limes. The glasses are measured using simultaneous particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and particle-induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE). The analysis shows that sixteen glasses belong to the Roman glass decolourized by antimony, nine to the Roman glass decolourized by manganese, and one is recycled using these two types. Five glasses belong to the Foy série 3.2, two to HIMT, one to Jalame type with manganese and one to the rare plant-ash type P-1, produced in Egypt, and for the first time reported from the continental Europe. The comparison of the finds with the contemporary glass from Serbia and from the wider Balkans shows a marked shift in glass trading patterns between the epochs of the High Empire and the Late Antiquity. During the High Empire, glass seems to be imported to the central and eastern Balkans mainly from the west via Roman road Aquileia-Emona-Siscia-Sirmium-Viminacium and perhaps via Adriatic ports, while in the Late Antiquity it was predominantly from east to west, over the Danube, Via Militaris or Aegean ports. Another find is that the richness of the glass market in Viminacium indicates that the capital of Moesia province on the Danube limes was a cosmopolitan city.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2023
Antiquity, 2022
A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history.... more A recent study from Central Europe has changed our perception of the cat's domestication history. The authors discuss how this has led to the development of an interdisciplinary project combining palaeogenetics, zooarchaeology and radiocarbon dating, with the aim of providing insight into the domestic cat's expansion beyond the Mediterranean.
Etnoantropološki problemi, 2022
U naseobinskim slojevima u tri vizantijska pogranična utvrđenja u srpskom delu Podunavlja otkrive... more U naseobinskim slojevima u tri vizantijska pogranična utvrđenja u srpskom delu Podunavlja otkrivena su arheološka svedočanstva deponovanja ptica, koje je prethodilo izgradnji objekata različite namene. Reč je o jamama u kojima su bile pohranjene cele, naopako okrenute keramičke posude, unutar kojih su se nalazili skeleti ptica. Pomenute
jame nalazile su se ispod podnica kuća, kao i u blizini bedema, sa njegove unutrašnje strane. Magijska snaga vršenog obreda bila je dodatno pojačana prilozima u vidu gvozdenih noževa i klinova, dok je u jednom slučaju konstatovano i prisustvo malih staklenih amorfnih predmeta. Rad se bavi proučavanjem prakse prinošenja različitih životinjskih žrtava pre početka gradnje, koja je konstatovana ne samo u srpskom delu Podunavlja, već i na većem broju nalazišta širom Evrope opredeljenih u 12. i 13. vek. Sprovedeni rituali po svemu sudeći predstavljaju odgovor srednjovekovnog stanovništva na izazove koje su sa sobom nosili krizni trenuci. Budući da je evropsko stanovništvo u pomenutom razdoblju bilo uveliko hristijanizovano, okretanje ka nehrišćanskim običajima u teškim trenucima predstavlja simbiozu narodnih verovanja i zvanične religije.
Acta Archaeologica Carpathica, 2015
The last reviews of sites and finds dated to the 10 th and 11 th centuries on the territory of mo... more The last reviews of sites and finds dated to the 10 th and 11 th centuries on the territory of modern Vojvodina were made quarter of century ago. Development of the methodology of archaeological investigations, re-examination of old and appearance of new sites and finds, as well as the ongoing evaluation of the results of archaeologically explored necropolis in Batajnica, all suggested the necessity for a work dedicated to the problem of colonization of Hungarians as well as to the analyses of the phenomena typical for that period in Serbian part of Banat, Bačka and Srem. K e y w o r d s:
Arheologija i prirodne nauke, 2013
Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2016
In Viminacium, der Hauptstadt der Provinz Obermosiens, wurde neben den Uberresten der Befestigung... more In Viminacium, der Hauptstadt der Provinz Obermosiens, wurde neben den Uberresten der Befestigung, weiteren Gebauden, einem System von Wasserleitungen (Aquadukten) und mehreren Graberfeldern auch eine bedeutende Zahl an Kleinfunden entdeckt. Wahrend Erdarbeiten im Lager wurde ein Hortfund ausgegraben, der eine Vielfalt an Bronze - gegenstanden enthielt, die aus Gegenstanden zum Filtrieren des Weins, einer Schale, einer Ollampe, einer Kuhglocke sowie einem Gegenstand unbekannter Funktion bestanden. Der Hortfund kann der Epoche von der Mitte des 2. Jahrhunderts bis zur Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts zugewiesen werden.
Гласник Српског археолошког друштва, 2020
Interviews with CONPRA secondees from University of Belgrade taken during CONPRA Conference, Roun... more Interviews with CONPRA secondees from University of Belgrade taken during CONPRA Conference, Round table and Workshop held in Belgrade in November 2016 (CONPRA, Contributing Preventive Archaeology is EU funded project , FP7, Industria et Academia, Maria Curie)