Nebojsa Petrovic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Papers by Nebojsa Petrovic

Research paper thumbnail of The changes in connotative meaning of politically relevant terms in Belgrade highschoolers

Psihologija, 2005

Odeljenje za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet Beograd U ovom radu pokušali smo da utvrdimo konota... more Odeljenje za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet Beograd U ovom radu pokušali smo da utvrdimo konotativno značenje nekih relevantnih političkih pojmova, kao što su: demokratija, nacija, levica, nacionalizam, itd. i da uporedimo dobijene rezultate sa sličnim istraživanjem obavljenim pre osam godina (1997). Ovi pojmovi često se upotrebljavaju u snažnim emocionalnim kontekstima, pa se, najčešće procesom emocionalnog uslovljavanja, pojačava njihov afektivni nivo značenja. Preko ovog značenja možemo utvrditi i stavove prema ispitivanim pojmovima. Stoga, ovakvim upoređivanjem možemo utvrditi i uticaj važnih događaja i društvenih promena uopšte na promene stavova. Uzorak je činio 171 učenik završnih razreda beogradskih srednjih škola (identičnih onima iz 1997), a kao instrument korišćena je Ozgudova skala semantičkog diferencijala, adaptirana za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju da su konotativna značenja nekih pojmova ostala ista (socijalizam, nacionalizam, desnica, sadašnjost i budućnost), a da je kod drugih došlo do manjih (demokratija) ili značajnih promena (nacija, vođa, mir, levica i prošlost). Osim kada je reč o vođi i levici, promene su u evaluativnom smislu negativne, što upućuje na zaključak da je došlo do izvesnog razočaranja nakon prevelikih očekivanja posle promena od 2000. Rezultati su specifikovani i po nezavisnim varijablama, kao što su: vrsta škole, pol, autoritarnost, ocena važnosti pripadnosti sopstvenoj naciji, da li su ispitanici i njihove porodice tranzicijski gubitnici ili dobitnici, itd. Ukazano je da evaluativna dimenzija u konotativnom značenju ne izražava samo stav već i druge emocije i stanja: anksioznost, zabrinutost, osećaj nesigurnosti.

Research paper thumbnail of The goals and expectations as the predictors of personal attitude towards the two rival political parties

Research paper thumbnail of Lični i društveni ciljevi studenata u kontekstu njihovog profesionalnog usmerenja3

Research paper thumbnail of Conotative meaning of politically relevant concepts in high school pupils

U radu smo pokušali da utvrdimo konotativno značenje nekih relevantnih političkih pojmova, kao št... more U radu smo pokušali da utvrdimo konotativno značenje nekih relevantnih političkih pojmova, kao što su: demokratija, nacija, sloboda, nacionalizam, itd. Ovi pojmovi često se upotrebljavaju u snažnim emocionalnim kontekstima, pa se, najčešće procesom emocionalnog uslovljavanja, pojačava njihov afektivni nivo značenja. Preko ovog značenja možemo utvrditi i stavove prema ispitivanim pojmovima. Uzorak su činila 194 učenika završnih razreda, beogradskih srednjih škola, a kao instrument korišćena je Ozgudova skala semantičkog diferencijala, adaptirana za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju razlike u merenim afektivnim nivoima značenja, i to kako između ispitivanih pojmova, tako i unutar istog pojma po različitim pridevskim parovima. Tako neki pojmovi koji su generalno ocenjeni veoma pozitivno (npr. mir i sloboda) imaju daleko nize ocene na nekoliko pridevskih parova. Suprotan slučaj je kod drugih pojmova (npr. sadašnjost i socijalizam) koji su na najvećem broju pridevskih parova ocenjeni negativno, ali ne na svim, ili bar ne u istoj meri. Detaljnija analiza ovih rezultata ukazuje i na mogućnost da konotativno značenje pored stava izrazava i neke druge doživljaje (npr. strah, nesigurnost). Rezultati su specifikovani i po nezavisnim varijablama, kao što su: vrsta škole, pol, autoritarnost, ocena važnosti pripadnosti sopstvenoj naciji, itd.

Research paper thumbnail of Personal and social attitudes towards political parties

Page 1. 165 ИСТРАЖИВАЊА УДК: 32.019.5:329(497.11) Примљено: 10. 07. 2007. Прихваћено: 25. 07. 200... more Page 1. 165 ИСТРАЖИВАЊА УДК: 32.019.5:329(497.11) Примљено: 10. 07. 2007. Прихваћено: 25. 07. 2007. Оригинални научни рад Српска политичка мисао број 1-2/2007. год. 14. vol. 18. стр. 165-190. Небојша Петровић ...

Research paper thumbnail of Vrednosni ciljevi kao činioci političkih stavova i mnenja mladih

Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučn... more Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučni članak UDK: 316.644:321.7 Primljeno: 11. 09. 2007. VREDNOSNI CILJEVI KAO ČINIOCI POLITIČKIH STAVOVA I MNENJA MLADIH 1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Values and expectations as factors of electoral preferences

Page 1. УДК: 316.752:324 Примљено: 10. јуна 2010. Прихваћено: 30. августа 2010. Оригинални научни... more Page 1. УДК: 316.752:324 Примљено: 10. јуна 2010. Прихваћено: 30. августа 2010. Оригинални научни рад Српска политичка мисао број 3/2010. год. 17. vol. 29. стр. 175-194. 175 АКТУЕЛНО НебојшаБ.Петровић, Филозофскифакултет ...

Research paper thumbnail of Goals and expectations as elements of attitudes toward political parties

Research paper thumbnail of School type and academic attainment as factors of acceptance of personal and social aims of highschoolers in Serbia

... Avramović, ZM (1996) Razumevanje demokratije u udžbeniku 'Ustav i prava građana&... more ... Avramović, ZM (1996) Razumevanje demokratije u udžbeniku 'Ustav i prava građana'. Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, br. 28, str. 104-128. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Personal and social goals of students in the context of their professional orientation

Research paper thumbnail of Lični i društveni ciljevi i stavovi prema političkim strankama

Research paper thumbnail of Struktura preferencija ličnih i društvenih ciljeva srednjoškolaca

Research paper thumbnail of Preference structure of personal and social goals of the high-schoolers

Psihologija, 2007

The main objective of this paper is establishing structure of acceptance (of preferences) 18 pers... more The main objective of this paper is establishing structure of acceptance (of preferences) 18 personal and 18 social goals. Sample has been consisted of 243 final year high school students. There are seven extracted factors in domain of the personal goals that were named: selfishness fulfillment of duties, strive for power and popularity, competence and independence, affiliation and love, material achievement, hedonistic orientation and conscientious and healthy life. There are another seven factor in domain of the social goals: normal state, tradition and territorial integrity, transition, and also sociodemocratic, traditional socialist, democratic and ethatistic orientation. There are significant but not so high linear correlations between two lists. It justifies idea to examine those two lists separately. The most acceptable, among personal goals, are friends, love and independence, and the least are popularity, obedience and social power. The biggest importance among social goals...

Research paper thumbnail of The changes in connotative meaning of politically relevant terms in Belgrade highschoolers

Psihologija, 2005

In this paper, we have tried to ascertain connotative meaning of some relevant political concepts... more In this paper, we have tried to ascertain connotative meaning of some relevant political concepts, like: democracy, nation, political left and right, nationalism, etc. and to compare obtained results with a similar research conducted eight years ago (1997.) Those concepts are used in strong emotional contexts, and consequently level of their affective meaning often become stronger by process of emotional conditioning. It is possible to ascertain attitudes toward examined concepts by using this kind of meaning. Therefore, it is possible to ascertain influence of important events and social changes to attitude changes, by such kind of comparation. The sample consisted of 171 subjects, fourth year students of Belgrade's high schools (the same as in 1997.), and adapted Osgood scale of semantic differential was an instrument. Results show that cognitive meaning of some concepts stayed unchanged (socialism, nationalism, political right, present and future), and others had minor (democ...

Research paper thumbnail of Value goals as factors of youth political attitudes and opinions

Sociologija, 2008

The paper aims at establishing the relation between the degree of acceptance and preferences of r... more The paper aims at establishing the relation between the degree of acceptance and preferences of relatively general personal and social goals (18 of each) and attitudes toward a set of politically relevant issues. The sample consisted of 243 18-year-old high school students. The resulting correlations between goals and attitudes are shown to be slight to moderate. Socially and politically relevant attitudes are connected more strongly with preferred social than personal goals. Two opposite groups of values (goals) have been found - conditionally speaking, modernism and traditionalism. They correlate positively or negatively with a number of attitudes, social identifications, trust in institutions and readiness for activism. This tendency has been confirmed by canonical correlation analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Vrednosni Ciljevi Kao Činioci Političkih Stavova I Mnenja Mladih

Sociologija, 2008

Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučn... more Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučni članak UDK: 316.644:321.7 Primljeno: 11. 09. 2007. VREDNOSNI CILJEVI KAO ČINIOCI POLITIČKIH STAVOVA I MNENJA MLADIH 1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Life aspirations as musical preference factors among high school students

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2009

The importance of the role of music in upbringing, education and formation of value systems of th... more The importance of the role of music in upbringing, education and formation of value systems of the young was recognized by early classical thinkers, while contemporary authors demonstrate that devoted listeners of particular types of music share particular attitudes and values, even particular philosophy of life. Moreover, music is one of the most significant contents that fill the leisure time of the young today. The basic idea of this paper is to determine the relatedness between generalized personal and social aims (of which eighteen are listed), and listening to different music genres. The sample comprised 2 426 high school students from several regions of Serbia. A concise descriptive analysis and the structure of music preference factors are followed by the analysis of the relatedness between musical preferences and acceptance of personal and social aims in the central part of the paper. The results show that nowadays there are no clear divisions among the young regarding the type of music they prefer, and that, frequently, inclination towards a particular musical genre does not exclude liking other, even completely different genres. Perhaps, reasons for this can be found in current redefining of musical genres and their intertwinement. Nevertheless, the fact that there is some justification for the assumption that the type of music a person prefers to listen to is related to some personal and social values should not be neglected. Wider social circumstances that might have affected the results of the research are discussed at the end of the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Profesionalni ciljevi, produktivnost i zadovoljstvo profesionalnom (radnom) karijerom asistenata Beogradskog univerziteta

Research paper thumbnail of Action research of social distance toward gipsy and gipsy children of students of defectology and psychology

... 161-166. Nešić, V. (2000) Socijalna funkcija etničkog stereotipa Roma. ... Obradović, K. (199... more ... 161-166. Nešić, V. (2000) Socijalna funkcija etničkog stereotipa Roma. ... Obradović, K. (1993) Prava i položaj manjina u SR Jugoslaviji - gde su Romi?. u: Macura Miloš i Aleksandra Mitrović (ur.) Društvene promene i položaj Roma, naučni skup, 10. i 11. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Views on religion in theories of psychologists from the first half of XX century

... vrsta rešenja za poboljšanje međusobnih odnosa unutar samog razreda, kao i mera protiv osećan... more ... vrsta rešenja za poboljšanje međusobnih odnosa unutar samog razreda, kao i mera protiv osećanja inferiornosti, nastalog usled nemanja razvijenih strategija ... Dragićević C, Tenjović L.(1997): Statistika za psihologe sa pripučnikom za vežbe, Beograd: Društvo psihologa Srbije. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The changes in connotative meaning of politically relevant terms in Belgrade highschoolers

Psihologija, 2005

Odeljenje za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet Beograd U ovom radu pokušali smo da utvrdimo konota... more Odeljenje za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet Beograd U ovom radu pokušali smo da utvrdimo konotativno značenje nekih relevantnih političkih pojmova, kao što su: demokratija, nacija, levica, nacionalizam, itd. i da uporedimo dobijene rezultate sa sličnim istraživanjem obavljenim pre osam godina (1997). Ovi pojmovi često se upotrebljavaju u snažnim emocionalnim kontekstima, pa se, najčešće procesom emocionalnog uslovljavanja, pojačava njihov afektivni nivo značenja. Preko ovog značenja možemo utvrditi i stavove prema ispitivanim pojmovima. Stoga, ovakvim upoređivanjem možemo utvrditi i uticaj važnih događaja i društvenih promena uopšte na promene stavova. Uzorak je činio 171 učenik završnih razreda beogradskih srednjih škola (identičnih onima iz 1997), a kao instrument korišćena je Ozgudova skala semantičkog diferencijala, adaptirana za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju da su konotativna značenja nekih pojmova ostala ista (socijalizam, nacionalizam, desnica, sadašnjost i budućnost), a da je kod drugih došlo do manjih (demokratija) ili značajnih promena (nacija, vođa, mir, levica i prošlost). Osim kada je reč o vođi i levici, promene su u evaluativnom smislu negativne, što upućuje na zaključak da je došlo do izvesnog razočaranja nakon prevelikih očekivanja posle promena od 2000. Rezultati su specifikovani i po nezavisnim varijablama, kao što su: vrsta škole, pol, autoritarnost, ocena važnosti pripadnosti sopstvenoj naciji, da li su ispitanici i njihove porodice tranzicijski gubitnici ili dobitnici, itd. Ukazano je da evaluativna dimenzija u konotativnom značenju ne izražava samo stav već i druge emocije i stanja: anksioznost, zabrinutost, osećaj nesigurnosti.

Research paper thumbnail of The goals and expectations as the predictors of personal attitude towards the two rival political parties

Research paper thumbnail of Lični i društveni ciljevi studenata u kontekstu njihovog profesionalnog usmerenja3

Research paper thumbnail of Conotative meaning of politically relevant concepts in high school pupils

U radu smo pokušali da utvrdimo konotativno značenje nekih relevantnih političkih pojmova, kao št... more U radu smo pokušali da utvrdimo konotativno značenje nekih relevantnih političkih pojmova, kao što su: demokratija, nacija, sloboda, nacionalizam, itd. Ovi pojmovi često se upotrebljavaju u snažnim emocionalnim kontekstima, pa se, najčešće procesom emocionalnog uslovljavanja, pojačava njihov afektivni nivo značenja. Preko ovog značenja možemo utvrditi i stavove prema ispitivanim pojmovima. Uzorak su činila 194 učenika završnih razreda, beogradskih srednjih škola, a kao instrument korišćena je Ozgudova skala semantičkog diferencijala, adaptirana za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju razlike u merenim afektivnim nivoima značenja, i to kako između ispitivanih pojmova, tako i unutar istog pojma po različitim pridevskim parovima. Tako neki pojmovi koji su generalno ocenjeni veoma pozitivno (npr. mir i sloboda) imaju daleko nize ocene na nekoliko pridevskih parova. Suprotan slučaj je kod drugih pojmova (npr. sadašnjost i socijalizam) koji su na najvećem broju pridevskih parova ocenjeni negativno, ali ne na svim, ili bar ne u istoj meri. Detaljnija analiza ovih rezultata ukazuje i na mogućnost da konotativno značenje pored stava izrazava i neke druge doživljaje (npr. strah, nesigurnost). Rezultati su specifikovani i po nezavisnim varijablama, kao što su: vrsta škole, pol, autoritarnost, ocena važnosti pripadnosti sopstvenoj naciji, itd.

Research paper thumbnail of Personal and social attitudes towards political parties

Page 1. 165 ИСТРАЖИВАЊА УДК: 32.019.5:329(497.11) Примљено: 10. 07. 2007. Прихваћено: 25. 07. 200... more Page 1. 165 ИСТРАЖИВАЊА УДК: 32.019.5:329(497.11) Примљено: 10. 07. 2007. Прихваћено: 25. 07. 2007. Оригинални научни рад Српска политичка мисао број 1-2/2007. год. 14. vol. 18. стр. 165-190. Небојша Петровић ...

Research paper thumbnail of Vrednosni ciljevi kao činioci političkih stavova i mnenja mladih

Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučn... more Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučni članak UDK: 316.644:321.7 Primljeno: 11. 09. 2007. VREDNOSNI CILJEVI KAO ČINIOCI POLITIČKIH STAVOVA I MNENJA MLADIH 1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Values and expectations as factors of electoral preferences

Page 1. УДК: 316.752:324 Примљено: 10. јуна 2010. Прихваћено: 30. августа 2010. Оригинални научни... more Page 1. УДК: 316.752:324 Примљено: 10. јуна 2010. Прихваћено: 30. августа 2010. Оригинални научни рад Српска политичка мисао број 3/2010. год. 17. vol. 29. стр. 175-194. 175 АКТУЕЛНО НебојшаБ.Петровић, Филозофскифакултет ...

Research paper thumbnail of Goals and expectations as elements of attitudes toward political parties

Research paper thumbnail of School type and academic attainment as factors of acceptance of personal and social aims of highschoolers in Serbia

... Avramović, ZM (1996) Razumevanje demokratije u udžbeniku 'Ustav i prava građana&... more ... Avramović, ZM (1996) Razumevanje demokratije u udžbeniku 'Ustav i prava građana'. Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, br. 28, str. 104-128. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Personal and social goals of students in the context of their professional orientation

Research paper thumbnail of Lični i društveni ciljevi i stavovi prema političkim strankama

Research paper thumbnail of Struktura preferencija ličnih i društvenih ciljeva srednjoškolaca

Research paper thumbnail of Preference structure of personal and social goals of the high-schoolers

Psihologija, 2007

The main objective of this paper is establishing structure of acceptance (of preferences) 18 pers... more The main objective of this paper is establishing structure of acceptance (of preferences) 18 personal and 18 social goals. Sample has been consisted of 243 final year high school students. There are seven extracted factors in domain of the personal goals that were named: selfishness fulfillment of duties, strive for power and popularity, competence and independence, affiliation and love, material achievement, hedonistic orientation and conscientious and healthy life. There are another seven factor in domain of the social goals: normal state, tradition and territorial integrity, transition, and also sociodemocratic, traditional socialist, democratic and ethatistic orientation. There are significant but not so high linear correlations between two lists. It justifies idea to examine those two lists separately. The most acceptable, among personal goals, are friends, love and independence, and the least are popularity, obedience and social power. The biggest importance among social goals...

Research paper thumbnail of The changes in connotative meaning of politically relevant terms in Belgrade highschoolers

Psihologija, 2005

In this paper, we have tried to ascertain connotative meaning of some relevant political concepts... more In this paper, we have tried to ascertain connotative meaning of some relevant political concepts, like: democracy, nation, political left and right, nationalism, etc. and to compare obtained results with a similar research conducted eight years ago (1997.) Those concepts are used in strong emotional contexts, and consequently level of their affective meaning often become stronger by process of emotional conditioning. It is possible to ascertain attitudes toward examined concepts by using this kind of meaning. Therefore, it is possible to ascertain influence of important events and social changes to attitude changes, by such kind of comparation. The sample consisted of 171 subjects, fourth year students of Belgrade's high schools (the same as in 1997.), and adapted Osgood scale of semantic differential was an instrument. Results show that cognitive meaning of some concepts stayed unchanged (socialism, nationalism, political right, present and future), and others had minor (democ...

Research paper thumbnail of Value goals as factors of youth political attitudes and opinions

Sociologija, 2008

The paper aims at establishing the relation between the degree of acceptance and preferences of r... more The paper aims at establishing the relation between the degree of acceptance and preferences of relatively general personal and social goals (18 of each) and attitudes toward a set of politically relevant issues. The sample consisted of 243 18-year-old high school students. The resulting correlations between goals and attitudes are shown to be slight to moderate. Socially and politically relevant attitudes are connected more strongly with preferred social than personal goals. Two opposite groups of values (goals) have been found - conditionally speaking, modernism and traditionalism. They correlate positively or negatively with a number of attitudes, social identifications, trust in institutions and readiness for activism. This tendency has been confirmed by canonical correlation analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Vrednosni Ciljevi Kao Činioci Političkih Stavova I Mnenja Mladih

Sociologija, 2008

Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučn... more Page 1. Bora Kuzmanović Nebojša Petrović Filozofski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Izvorni naučni članak UDK: 316.644:321.7 Primljeno: 11. 09. 2007. VREDNOSNI CILJEVI KAO ČINIOCI POLITIČKIH STAVOVA I MNENJA MLADIH 1 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Life aspirations as musical preference factors among high school students

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2009

The importance of the role of music in upbringing, education and formation of value systems of th... more The importance of the role of music in upbringing, education and formation of value systems of the young was recognized by early classical thinkers, while contemporary authors demonstrate that devoted listeners of particular types of music share particular attitudes and values, even particular philosophy of life. Moreover, music is one of the most significant contents that fill the leisure time of the young today. The basic idea of this paper is to determine the relatedness between generalized personal and social aims (of which eighteen are listed), and listening to different music genres. The sample comprised 2 426 high school students from several regions of Serbia. A concise descriptive analysis and the structure of music preference factors are followed by the analysis of the relatedness between musical preferences and acceptance of personal and social aims in the central part of the paper. The results show that nowadays there are no clear divisions among the young regarding the type of music they prefer, and that, frequently, inclination towards a particular musical genre does not exclude liking other, even completely different genres. Perhaps, reasons for this can be found in current redefining of musical genres and their intertwinement. Nevertheless, the fact that there is some justification for the assumption that the type of music a person prefers to listen to is related to some personal and social values should not be neglected. Wider social circumstances that might have affected the results of the research are discussed at the end of the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Profesionalni ciljevi, produktivnost i zadovoljstvo profesionalnom (radnom) karijerom asistenata Beogradskog univerziteta

Research paper thumbnail of Action research of social distance toward gipsy and gipsy children of students of defectology and psychology

... 161-166. Nešić, V. (2000) Socijalna funkcija etničkog stereotipa Roma. ... Obradović, K. (199... more ... 161-166. Nešić, V. (2000) Socijalna funkcija etničkog stereotipa Roma. ... Obradović, K. (1993) Prava i položaj manjina u SR Jugoslaviji - gde su Romi?. u: Macura Miloš i Aleksandra Mitrović (ur.) Društvene promene i položaj Roma, naučni skup, 10. i 11. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Views on religion in theories of psychologists from the first half of XX century

... vrsta rešenja za poboljšanje međusobnih odnosa unutar samog razreda, kao i mera protiv osećan... more ... vrsta rešenja za poboljšanje međusobnih odnosa unutar samog razreda, kao i mera protiv osećanja inferiornosti, nastalog usled nemanja razvijenih strategija ... Dragićević C, Tenjović L.(1997): Statistika za psihologe sa pripučnikom za vežbe, Beograd: Društvo psihologa Srbije. ...