Vesna Djikanovic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
Papers by Vesna Djikanovic
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
The stomach content of 277 Amur sleeper individuals has been analyzed to present its feeding habi... more The stomach content of 277 Amur sleeper individuals has been analyzed to present its feeding habits. Fish were sampled using electrofishing from July to November 2017 in the Danube River drainage channel near Veliko Gradište (Serbia). Fish age was estimated by otoliths examination. Ingested prey organisms were identified to the lowest reliable taxonomic level. The biotic indices: vacuity index (VI), frequency of occurrence (F), abundance (Cn), index of importance (PV), Shannon`s diversity index (H`), and equitability index (Eh) were calculated. A total of 18 prey categories and 1144 individual prey were identified in the fish diet, dominantly aquatic macroinvertebrates. There were no significant difference in diet composition between sampling months as well as 0+, 1+, and 2+ age groups (both 3+ and 4+ had one individual). Only eight individuals were found with empty intestines, thus VI was low (2.9). In average, each fish had 4.1 prey items in their intestines. For whole sample, H′ ...
Izučavanje parazitofaune riba prirodnih voda od izuzetnog je značaja, ne samo u naučnom pogledu, ... more Izučavanje parazitofaune riba prirodnih voda od izuzetnog je značaja, ne samo u naučnom pogledu, već i za njihov uspešan intenzivan način gajenja u akvakulturi. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja crevnih parazitskih vrsta deverike Abramis brama L. 1758. Primerci riba su sakupljeni tokom perida 2007–2009 na dva lokaliteta uzorkovanja duž toka reke Dunav koji protiče kroz beogradski region. Ukupno je pregledano 177 jedinki deverike različite starosti (2+ to 6+). Prtisustvo crevnih parazitskih vrsta identifikovano je kod 97 pregledanih primeraka deverike, sa intenzitetom infekcije u rasponu 1–165, predstavljajući 54.80% od ukupnog broja sakupljenih i pregledanih primeraka riba. U inficiranim jedinkama deverike utvrđeno je prisustvo 27 taksona endoparazita (helminta) iz četiri klase: jedanaest vrsta pantljičara (Cestoda), pet vrsta i jedan takson metilja (Trematoda), dve vrste klase Nematoda i osam vrsta Acanthocephala. Sprovedena istraživanja su pokazala da je inficiranost ...
U radu su izneti rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja unutrašnjih parazita različitih vrsta riba D... more U radu su izneti rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja unutrašnjih parazita različitih vrsta riba Dunava u beogradskom sektoru, i u tom cilju je urađena identifikacija i prikazan je spisak crevnih parazita iz grupe pantljičare (Cestoda). Tokom istraživanja pregledene su ukupno 802 jedinke 22 vrste riba. Pregledom crevnog trakta riba, utvrđeno je da je parazitima zaraženo 140 jedinki 12 vrsta riba, odnosno 17.46%. U inficiranim jedinkama riba nađena su ukupno 13 crevna parazita koji pripadaju grupi Cestoda (pantljičare). Predstavljen je spisak vrsta faune crevnih panljičara, po vrsti ribe, međusobni odnos parazitskih vrsta, kao i njihova dinamika prisustva u jedinkama riba. Prikazane su vrednosti intenziteta (broj parazita po ribi) i ekstenziteta infekcije (% zaraženosti, broj zaraženih riba određenim parazitom). Pantljičare su pljosnati, dorzo-ventralno spljošteni crvi, bez crevnog trakta. Telo im je podeljeno na članke (proglotise). Prednji kraj tela je skoleks i na njemu su smešteni...
Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists, 2010
Infection of the barbel Barbus barbus (L. 1758) with endohelminths was observed in fish collected... more Infection of the barbel Barbus barbus (L. 1758) with endohelminths was observed in fish collected from eight localities in the Serbian part of the Danube River between September 2004 2009. Temporal variations in the number of parasites per fish sample were noted. A total of 194 fish specimens of different age, mostly males, were examined. The most prevalent parasitic species was the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis, the dominant species of the intestinal component communities at all sampling sites which were recorded in 100% of the fish examined. * Corresponding author’s e-mail: Introduction The barbel Barbus barbus is a large, powerful member of the carp family (Cyprinidae). It is a benthopelagic long-lived fish, growing up to 120cm and 12kg (Simonovic, 2001). Feeding is on benthic organisms, including crustaceans, insect larvae (mayfly and midge larvae), molluscs, crayfish and swan mussels, as well as small fish and eggs of other fishes (Vukovic and Ivano...
Archives of Biological Sciences, 2014
Twenty non-indigenous fish species were recorded in the Danube River. The manner of their introdu... more Twenty non-indigenous fish species were recorded in the Danube River. The manner of their introduction, vectors, pathways, as well as invasive status are discussed. The major modes of introduction and translocation were found to be aquaculture and fish stocking. The main environmental consequences of the spread of alien fish are related to changes in the structure and functioning of the fish community and to the introduction of non-indigenous parasites.
Archives of Biological Sciences, 2008
As the largest and most significant river of the Moravica region, the Golijska Moravica River ari... more As the largest and most significant river of the Moravica region, the Golijska Moravica River arises below the highest peaks of the Golija Mountains. Faunistic-ecological research on aquatic macroinvertebrates was carried out during 2003 and 2004. Macrozoobenthos communities of the Golijska Moravica had not previously been the subject of any hydrobiological studies, and this was the main reason why we conducted their systematic and complex investigation. A list of taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates is presented and their qualitative composition analyzed. During the period of investigation, a total of 13 groups and 147 taxa were found.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2011
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2023
The development of nonlethal methods for the monitoring of environmental contamination is essenti... more The development of nonlethal methods for the monitoring of environmental contamination is essential to minimize the negative effects on studied species and communities. Fish scales and fin clips can be used as nonlethal indicators of water quality given that they are in direct contact with the environment and can accumulate high concentrations of metals and trace elements. Fin clipping causes minimal harm to fish and it does not affect fish growth or survival. In this study, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn concentrations were measured by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in scales, fins, and muscle of common bream (Abramis brama), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna), wels catfish (Silurus glanis), northern pike (Esox lucius), and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from the Danube River. The analysis showed a positive correlation for Hg between scales and muscle in pikeperch. Anal fin and muscle were positively correlated in white bream for Hg, in wels catfish for Cu, and in northern pike and pikeperch for As. The results suggest that scales and fins have a potential to be used as indicators of muscle tissue contamination with As, Cu, and Hg, depending on species' ecological traits.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni akumulacija elemenata u četiri komercijalne vrste rib... more Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni akumulacija elemenata u četiri komercijalne vrste riba na dva lokaliteta na Dunavu, u Beogradu. U ovom istraživanju, određene su koncentracije 11 elemenata (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Se, i Zn) u tkivima mišića, jetre i škrga sledećih vrsta: mrena (Barbus barbus), deverika (Abramis brama), štuka (Esox lucius) i smuđ (Sander lucioperca). Rezultati su ukazali da je distribucija metala i elemenata u tragovima u različitim tkivima specifična za vrstu. Koncentracije As, Cd, Fe, Hg, i Zn u mišićima riba su bile ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija MDK, utvrđenih od strane EU i Republike Srbije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, neophodno je uspostaviti program stalnog monitoringa na Dunavu u Beogradskom regionu
Akumulacija Međuvršje nalazi se u izlaznom delu Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Dužina akumulacije iz... more Akumulacija Međuvršje nalazi se u izlaznom delu Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Dužina akumulacije iznosi 9.3km, a površina 1.5km2. Najveća širina iznosi 272m, dok je maksimalna dubina do 12m zabeležena neposredno ispod brane. Dno akumulacije je najvećim delom muljevito, i u manjoj meri peskovito. Aktivnost HE Međuvršje dovodi do oscilovanja u litoralnoj zoni od 20 do 30 cm. Stalno taloženje rečnog nanosa dovodi do stvaranje malih zaravni koje usporavaju tok i menjaju izgled rečnog korita. Kako je akumulacija oivičena branama HE Ovčar i HE Međuvršje, od kojih ni jedna ne poseduje objekte za prelaz riba (tzv. riblje staze), uzvodne i nizvodne migracije i kontakti ribljih populacija su praktično onemogućeni što akumulaciju čini jedinstvenim zatvorenim sistemom. Prema podacima koji su prikupljeni tokom terenskih istraživanja 2012. godine, akumulaciju Međuvršje naseljavaju 19 vrsta riba iz ukupno 6 familija. Akumulacija Međuvršje ima sastav ribljeg naselja koji ukazuje da je to ribolovna vo...
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja crevnog sadržaja rečne mrene (Barbus barbus L. 1758). ... more U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja crevnog sadržaja rečne mrene (Barbus barbus L. 1758). Tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda studije, 2007-2009, ukupno je prikupljeno 63 jedinki mrena u okviru beogradskog sektora reke Dunav. Cilj je bio da se dobije informacija o inficiranosti mrena crevnim parazitima (endoparaziti, helminti) i utvrdi prisustvo organizama makrozoobentosa u njihovom crevnom sadržaju (Gammaridae, Bivalvia, Gastropoda i Oligochaeta), kao posledica raspoloživosti hrane na području uzorkovanja. Nabrojani organizmi makrozoobentosa imaju veoma značajnu ulogu u ishrani mrena, s obzirom da je ona bentofagna vrsta, i da njena ishrana zavisi od sastava i strukture faune dna. Pojedini akvatični makrobeskičmenjaci (gamarusi, oligohete, školjke, puževi, i neke larve insekata), kojima se hrane mrene, predstavljaju i prelazne domaćine za nekoliko vrsta endoparazita. Pregledom crevnog sadržaja mrena ukupno je nađeno i identifikovano šest vrsta endoparazita (helminta) iz tri filuma (P...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Accumulation of Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, S... more Accumulation of Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Si, Sr, and Zn was analyzed in gills, liver, gonads, and muscle of European chub (Squalius cephalus), Cactus roach (Rutilus virgo), and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from Zlatar reservoir (Serbia) using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The highest concentrations of Cu in liver as well as Ba, Ca, Fe, Mn, Na, P, and Sr in gills were detected in all fish species, while the lowest concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, and Zn were detected in muscle. Pikeperch had significantly lower concentrations of Ba in all tissues compared to the other species, as well as Fe, P, and Sr in muscle, K, Mg, Mn, Sr, and Zn in gills, and Fe in gonads. European chub had significantly higher concentrations of Ca, Cu, and Zn in muscle, Cu in liver, and Cr and Cu in gonads compared to Cactus roach and pikeperch. Cd concentration in one individual of Cactus roach exceeded the maximum allowed concentration. The muscle was exposed to the lowest pressure of metal pollution in all species, and European chub accumulated more metals compared to the other species. There is no significant health risk due to consumption of investigated species. A major hazard index (HI) contributor in all species was Hg. According to the target carcinogenic risk factor (TR), target hazard quotient (THQ), and HI, men are under lower health risk compared to the women. The TR and THQ for As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn as well as HI values were higher for European chub compared to the other species. On the other hand, THQ for Hg was highest for pikeperch.
Environmental Discourses in Science Education, 2020
The environmental impacts of modern consumer-oriented societies are jeopardising the high standar... more The environmental impacts of modern consumer-oriented societies are jeopardising the high standard of living and have brought humankind to the threshold of Earthcarrying capacity (Goleman 2010; Sagoff 1995). Today we are forced to find ways to overcome the challenge of the overconsumption by humans of the fundamental planetary boundaries that are essential to sustain current human civilisation (Rockström et al. 2009). The sensibility to preserve natural resources is still present
Abstract: The first impassable obstacles for the fish migration along the River Danube from the B... more Abstract: The first impassable obstacles for the fish migration along the River Danube from the Black Sea are represented by the Iron Gates I and II hydroelectrical dams, constructed in 1972 and 1984 on 943 and 863 river kilometers, respectively. Construction of fish passages on these dams would make more than 800 river kilometers upstream reopened for fish migrations. The Iron Gates dams are jointly operated by Romania and Serbia and they represent the largest hydropower dam and reservoir system along the Danube River basin. Among migratory fish species affected by these dams are three critically endangered sturgeon species and Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) as anadromous species, catadromous European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and more than 10 potamodromous fish species. Differences in time of upstream and downstream migrations have to be taken into account while considering the provision for free passage through the dams, as well as total lengths of upstream migrants, especially of species such as beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) that can reach total length of more than 3 m. Preliminary fish passage feasibility study could involve investigation of local hydraulic conditions at different discharges and operating conditions of dams, as well as investigation of fish behavior when they approach dams during migrations by fish tracking, telemetry, and Didson or Aris camera. Romania and Serbia could develop research teams for continual monitoring of fish behavior in the vicinity of dams, as well as in the reservoir between the two dams, based on the best experiences from other countries. Common work of biologists, ecologists, hydrologists and civil engineers is necessary regarding data collection, review of existing data, as well as for evaluation of the fish passage alternatives. Involvement of governmental agencies, local authorities, hydropower managers, researchers and NGO\u27s from both countries is one of the prerequisites for successful completion of fish passages
Geobotany Studies, 2020
The Danube River basin represents a hotspot for the European freshwater diversity. The Danube in ... more The Danube River basin represents a hotspot for the European freshwater diversity. The Danube in Serbia is characterized by a significant level of fish diversity, as well as by economically important fish resources. However, the Danube fish fauna is facing a number of adverse anthropogenic impacts, such as unsustainable fishery, habitat loss and fragmentation, water pollution and non-native species invasions. In this chapter, the major adverse impacts on the Danube fish communities in Serbia are presented, and the critical management measures are discussed, such as those related to supportive stocking and other conservation efforts. In order to ensure adequate protection and sustainable management of fish resources in the Danube in Serbia, it will be critical to introduce effective monitoring system, to establish and enforce adequate management measures, and to intensify research efforts on critical issues related to fish management and conservation.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021
Northern pike specimens of 0 + , 1 + , and 2 + age classes were collected in June 2013 from the V... more Northern pike specimens of 0 + , 1 + , and 2 + age classes were collected in June 2013 from the Vizelj channel near Belgrade (Serbia). Inductively coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP-OES) and atomic absorption spectrometer SpectrAA 220 were used for analyzing concentrations of As, Cr, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Sr, Pb, and Zn, as well as Hg in muscle, gills, and liver. Metal pollution index (MPI) was calculated. Concentrations of As, Cd, Co, and Pb were below the limit of detection. Concentrations of Cu, Hg, and Zn in muscle did not exceed the maximum allowed concentrations. The gills were tissue which was most affected by pollution. The highest concentrations of Fe in muscle, Cr and Fe in gills, and Hg, Sr, and Zn in liver were recorded in 0 + individuals, as well as Zn in gills of 2 + individuals. On contrary, the lowest concentrations were recorded for Zn in gills of 0 + individuals, Hg in gills of 1 + individuals, and Fe in muscle, Cr and Sr in gills, and Zn in liver of 2 + individuals. Regarding age classes, 2 + juveniles had the highest MPI values for all tissues. Correlations between the metal(loid) accumulation and fish condition were not significant, as well as between fish length and weight and Cu and Hg in muscle, Cu, Hg, and Sr in gills, and Cu, Cr, and Fe in liver. Results indicated that young individuals were more sensitive to pollution, but older fish showed higher overall bioaccumulation of toxic elements analyzed in this study.
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), 2018
Metal content was evaluated in the sediment, macrophytes and fish in the Medjuvršje reservoir (We... more Metal content was evaluated in the sediment, macrophytes and fish in the Medjuvršje reservoir (Western Serbia). Concentrations of 16 trace elements (Ag; Al; As; B; Ba; Cd; Co; Cr; Cu; Fe; Li; Mn; Ni; Pb; Sr; Zn) were analysed in the sediment, macrophytes and fish of an aquatic ecosystem. Five macrophyte species and three fish tissues (liver, muscle, gills) from five fish species (freshwater bream, common nase, Prussian carp, chub, wels catfish) were sampled and the metal content was analysed with ICP-OES. The sediment concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn exceeded the Canadian sediment quality guidelines while concentrations of Cr and Ni were above the Netherlands' target values. Bioaccumulation factors (BSAF) were calculated for analysed macrophytes and fish tissue. The BSAF had higher values for macrophytes for all investigated elements except for Cu and Zn; Cu had a higher value in the liver of the freshwater bream (0.823) and Zn had a higher value in the liver of freshwater bream...
The Science of the total environment, Jan 24, 2016
Nase (Chodrostoma nasus L. 1758) specimens of four age classes (1(+) to 4(+)) were caught in July... more Nase (Chodrostoma nasus L. 1758) specimens of four age classes (1(+) to 4(+)) were caught in July 2013 in the Medjuvršje Reservoir. Concentrations of 14 metals and elements (Al, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Si, Sr, Zn) in the muscle, gills and liver were analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP-OES). The highest concentrations of Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Mn, Si, Sr and Zn were detected in gills, while Cd, Cu, Fe and Mo reached the highest values in the liver. The majority of the analyzed elements were found in minimal concentrations in the muscle. Younger age classes (1(+), 2(+)) were differentiated by higher concentrations of Mn, Sr and Zn in muscle tissue, while the older ones were mainly differentiated by higher concentrations for Ni and Cu. The youngest age class (1(+)) was distinguished by higher concentrations of Zn, while the oldest age class (4(+)) was distinguished by higher concentrations of Ba, Cu, Mo and Sr in gills. Results obtained were likely ...
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
The stomach content of 277 Amur sleeper individuals has been analyzed to present its feeding habi... more The stomach content of 277 Amur sleeper individuals has been analyzed to present its feeding habits. Fish were sampled using electrofishing from July to November 2017 in the Danube River drainage channel near Veliko Gradište (Serbia). Fish age was estimated by otoliths examination. Ingested prey organisms were identified to the lowest reliable taxonomic level. The biotic indices: vacuity index (VI), frequency of occurrence (F), abundance (Cn), index of importance (PV), Shannon`s diversity index (H`), and equitability index (Eh) were calculated. A total of 18 prey categories and 1144 individual prey were identified in the fish diet, dominantly aquatic macroinvertebrates. There were no significant difference in diet composition between sampling months as well as 0+, 1+, and 2+ age groups (both 3+ and 4+ had one individual). Only eight individuals were found with empty intestines, thus VI was low (2.9). In average, each fish had 4.1 prey items in their intestines. For whole sample, H′ ...
Izučavanje parazitofaune riba prirodnih voda od izuzetnog je značaja, ne samo u naučnom pogledu, ... more Izučavanje parazitofaune riba prirodnih voda od izuzetnog je značaja, ne samo u naučnom pogledu, već i za njihov uspešan intenzivan način gajenja u akvakulturi. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja crevnih parazitskih vrsta deverike Abramis brama L. 1758. Primerci riba su sakupljeni tokom perida 2007–2009 na dva lokaliteta uzorkovanja duž toka reke Dunav koji protiče kroz beogradski region. Ukupno je pregledano 177 jedinki deverike različite starosti (2+ to 6+). Prtisustvo crevnih parazitskih vrsta identifikovano je kod 97 pregledanih primeraka deverike, sa intenzitetom infekcije u rasponu 1–165, predstavljajući 54.80% od ukupnog broja sakupljenih i pregledanih primeraka riba. U inficiranim jedinkama deverike utvrđeno je prisustvo 27 taksona endoparazita (helminta) iz četiri klase: jedanaest vrsta pantljičara (Cestoda), pet vrsta i jedan takson metilja (Trematoda), dve vrste klase Nematoda i osam vrsta Acanthocephala. Sprovedena istraživanja su pokazala da je inficiranost ...
U radu su izneti rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja unutrašnjih parazita različitih vrsta riba D... more U radu su izneti rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja unutrašnjih parazita različitih vrsta riba Dunava u beogradskom sektoru, i u tom cilju je urađena identifikacija i prikazan je spisak crevnih parazita iz grupe pantljičare (Cestoda). Tokom istraživanja pregledene su ukupno 802 jedinke 22 vrste riba. Pregledom crevnog trakta riba, utvrđeno je da je parazitima zaraženo 140 jedinki 12 vrsta riba, odnosno 17.46%. U inficiranim jedinkama riba nađena su ukupno 13 crevna parazita koji pripadaju grupi Cestoda (pantljičare). Predstavljen je spisak vrsta faune crevnih panljičara, po vrsti ribe, međusobni odnos parazitskih vrsta, kao i njihova dinamika prisustva u jedinkama riba. Prikazane su vrednosti intenziteta (broj parazita po ribi) i ekstenziteta infekcije (% zaraženosti, broj zaraženih riba određenim parazitom). Pantljičare su pljosnati, dorzo-ventralno spljošteni crvi, bez crevnog trakta. Telo im je podeljeno na članke (proglotise). Prednji kraj tela je skoleks i na njemu su smešteni...
Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists, 2010
Infection of the barbel Barbus barbus (L. 1758) with endohelminths was observed in fish collected... more Infection of the barbel Barbus barbus (L. 1758) with endohelminths was observed in fish collected from eight localities in the Serbian part of the Danube River between September 2004 2009. Temporal variations in the number of parasites per fish sample were noted. A total of 194 fish specimens of different age, mostly males, were examined. The most prevalent parasitic species was the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis, the dominant species of the intestinal component communities at all sampling sites which were recorded in 100% of the fish examined. * Corresponding author’s e-mail: Introduction The barbel Barbus barbus is a large, powerful member of the carp family (Cyprinidae). It is a benthopelagic long-lived fish, growing up to 120cm and 12kg (Simonovic, 2001). Feeding is on benthic organisms, including crustaceans, insect larvae (mayfly and midge larvae), molluscs, crayfish and swan mussels, as well as small fish and eggs of other fishes (Vukovic and Ivano...
Archives of Biological Sciences, 2014
Twenty non-indigenous fish species were recorded in the Danube River. The manner of their introdu... more Twenty non-indigenous fish species were recorded in the Danube River. The manner of their introduction, vectors, pathways, as well as invasive status are discussed. The major modes of introduction and translocation were found to be aquaculture and fish stocking. The main environmental consequences of the spread of alien fish are related to changes in the structure and functioning of the fish community and to the introduction of non-indigenous parasites.
Archives of Biological Sciences, 2008
As the largest and most significant river of the Moravica region, the Golijska Moravica River ari... more As the largest and most significant river of the Moravica region, the Golijska Moravica River arises below the highest peaks of the Golija Mountains. Faunistic-ecological research on aquatic macroinvertebrates was carried out during 2003 and 2004. Macrozoobenthos communities of the Golijska Moravica had not previously been the subject of any hydrobiological studies, and this was the main reason why we conducted their systematic and complex investigation. A list of taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates is presented and their qualitative composition analyzed. During the period of investigation, a total of 13 groups and 147 taxa were found.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2011
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2023
The development of nonlethal methods for the monitoring of environmental contamination is essenti... more The development of nonlethal methods for the monitoring of environmental contamination is essential to minimize the negative effects on studied species and communities. Fish scales and fin clips can be used as nonlethal indicators of water quality given that they are in direct contact with the environment and can accumulate high concentrations of metals and trace elements. Fin clipping causes minimal harm to fish and it does not affect fish growth or survival. In this study, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn concentrations were measured by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in scales, fins, and muscle of common bream (Abramis brama), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna), wels catfish (Silurus glanis), northern pike (Esox lucius), and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from the Danube River. The analysis showed a positive correlation for Hg between scales and muscle in pikeperch. Anal fin and muscle were positively correlated in white bream for Hg, in wels catfish for Cu, and in northern pike and pikeperch for As. The results suggest that scales and fins have a potential to be used as indicators of muscle tissue contamination with As, Cu, and Hg, depending on species' ecological traits.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni akumulacija elemenata u četiri komercijalne vrste rib... more Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni akumulacija elemenata u četiri komercijalne vrste riba na dva lokaliteta na Dunavu, u Beogradu. U ovom istraživanju, određene su koncentracije 11 elemenata (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Se, i Zn) u tkivima mišića, jetre i škrga sledećih vrsta: mrena (Barbus barbus), deverika (Abramis brama), štuka (Esox lucius) i smuđ (Sander lucioperca). Rezultati su ukazali da je distribucija metala i elemenata u tragovima u različitim tkivima specifična za vrstu. Koncentracije As, Cd, Fe, Hg, i Zn u mišićima riba su bile ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija MDK, utvrđenih od strane EU i Republike Srbije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, neophodno je uspostaviti program stalnog monitoringa na Dunavu u Beogradskom regionu
Akumulacija Međuvršje nalazi se u izlaznom delu Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Dužina akumulacije iz... more Akumulacija Međuvršje nalazi se u izlaznom delu Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure. Dužina akumulacije iznosi 9.3km, a površina 1.5km2. Najveća širina iznosi 272m, dok je maksimalna dubina do 12m zabeležena neposredno ispod brane. Dno akumulacije je najvećim delom muljevito, i u manjoj meri peskovito. Aktivnost HE Međuvršje dovodi do oscilovanja u litoralnoj zoni od 20 do 30 cm. Stalno taloženje rečnog nanosa dovodi do stvaranje malih zaravni koje usporavaju tok i menjaju izgled rečnog korita. Kako je akumulacija oivičena branama HE Ovčar i HE Međuvršje, od kojih ni jedna ne poseduje objekte za prelaz riba (tzv. riblje staze), uzvodne i nizvodne migracije i kontakti ribljih populacija su praktično onemogućeni što akumulaciju čini jedinstvenim zatvorenim sistemom. Prema podacima koji su prikupljeni tokom terenskih istraživanja 2012. godine, akumulaciju Međuvršje naseljavaju 19 vrsta riba iz ukupno 6 familija. Akumulacija Međuvršje ima sastav ribljeg naselja koji ukazuje da je to ribolovna vo...
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja crevnog sadržaja rečne mrene (Barbus barbus L. 1758). ... more U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja crevnog sadržaja rečne mrene (Barbus barbus L. 1758). Tokom dvogodišnjeg perioda studije, 2007-2009, ukupno je prikupljeno 63 jedinki mrena u okviru beogradskog sektora reke Dunav. Cilj je bio da se dobije informacija o inficiranosti mrena crevnim parazitima (endoparaziti, helminti) i utvrdi prisustvo organizama makrozoobentosa u njihovom crevnom sadržaju (Gammaridae, Bivalvia, Gastropoda i Oligochaeta), kao posledica raspoloživosti hrane na području uzorkovanja. Nabrojani organizmi makrozoobentosa imaju veoma značajnu ulogu u ishrani mrena, s obzirom da je ona bentofagna vrsta, i da njena ishrana zavisi od sastava i strukture faune dna. Pojedini akvatični makrobeskičmenjaci (gamarusi, oligohete, školjke, puževi, i neke larve insekata), kojima se hrane mrene, predstavljaju i prelazne domaćine za nekoliko vrsta endoparazita. Pregledom crevnog sadržaja mrena ukupno je nađeno i identifikovano šest vrsta endoparazita (helminta) iz tri filuma (P...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Accumulation of Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, S... more Accumulation of Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Si, Sr, and Zn was analyzed in gills, liver, gonads, and muscle of European chub (Squalius cephalus), Cactus roach (Rutilus virgo), and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from Zlatar reservoir (Serbia) using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The highest concentrations of Cu in liver as well as Ba, Ca, Fe, Mn, Na, P, and Sr in gills were detected in all fish species, while the lowest concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, and Zn were detected in muscle. Pikeperch had significantly lower concentrations of Ba in all tissues compared to the other species, as well as Fe, P, and Sr in muscle, K, Mg, Mn, Sr, and Zn in gills, and Fe in gonads. European chub had significantly higher concentrations of Ca, Cu, and Zn in muscle, Cu in liver, and Cr and Cu in gonads compared to Cactus roach and pikeperch. Cd concentration in one individual of Cactus roach exceeded the maximum allowed concentration. The muscle was exposed to the lowest pressure of metal pollution in all species, and European chub accumulated more metals compared to the other species. There is no significant health risk due to consumption of investigated species. A major hazard index (HI) contributor in all species was Hg. According to the target carcinogenic risk factor (TR), target hazard quotient (THQ), and HI, men are under lower health risk compared to the women. The TR and THQ for As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn as well as HI values were higher for European chub compared to the other species. On the other hand, THQ for Hg was highest for pikeperch.
Environmental Discourses in Science Education, 2020
The environmental impacts of modern consumer-oriented societies are jeopardising the high standar... more The environmental impacts of modern consumer-oriented societies are jeopardising the high standard of living and have brought humankind to the threshold of Earthcarrying capacity (Goleman 2010; Sagoff 1995). Today we are forced to find ways to overcome the challenge of the overconsumption by humans of the fundamental planetary boundaries that are essential to sustain current human civilisation (Rockström et al. 2009). The sensibility to preserve natural resources is still present
Abstract: The first impassable obstacles for the fish migration along the River Danube from the B... more Abstract: The first impassable obstacles for the fish migration along the River Danube from the Black Sea are represented by the Iron Gates I and II hydroelectrical dams, constructed in 1972 and 1984 on 943 and 863 river kilometers, respectively. Construction of fish passages on these dams would make more than 800 river kilometers upstream reopened for fish migrations. The Iron Gates dams are jointly operated by Romania and Serbia and they represent the largest hydropower dam and reservoir system along the Danube River basin. Among migratory fish species affected by these dams are three critically endangered sturgeon species and Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) as anadromous species, catadromous European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and more than 10 potamodromous fish species. Differences in time of upstream and downstream migrations have to be taken into account while considering the provision for free passage through the dams, as well as total lengths of upstream migrants, especially of species such as beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) that can reach total length of more than 3 m. Preliminary fish passage feasibility study could involve investigation of local hydraulic conditions at different discharges and operating conditions of dams, as well as investigation of fish behavior when they approach dams during migrations by fish tracking, telemetry, and Didson or Aris camera. Romania and Serbia could develop research teams for continual monitoring of fish behavior in the vicinity of dams, as well as in the reservoir between the two dams, based on the best experiences from other countries. Common work of biologists, ecologists, hydrologists and civil engineers is necessary regarding data collection, review of existing data, as well as for evaluation of the fish passage alternatives. Involvement of governmental agencies, local authorities, hydropower managers, researchers and NGO\u27s from both countries is one of the prerequisites for successful completion of fish passages
Geobotany Studies, 2020
The Danube River basin represents a hotspot for the European freshwater diversity. The Danube in ... more The Danube River basin represents a hotspot for the European freshwater diversity. The Danube in Serbia is characterized by a significant level of fish diversity, as well as by economically important fish resources. However, the Danube fish fauna is facing a number of adverse anthropogenic impacts, such as unsustainable fishery, habitat loss and fragmentation, water pollution and non-native species invasions. In this chapter, the major adverse impacts on the Danube fish communities in Serbia are presented, and the critical management measures are discussed, such as those related to supportive stocking and other conservation efforts. In order to ensure adequate protection and sustainable management of fish resources in the Danube in Serbia, it will be critical to introduce effective monitoring system, to establish and enforce adequate management measures, and to intensify research efforts on critical issues related to fish management and conservation.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021
Northern pike specimens of 0 + , 1 + , and 2 + age classes were collected in June 2013 from the V... more Northern pike specimens of 0 + , 1 + , and 2 + age classes were collected in June 2013 from the Vizelj channel near Belgrade (Serbia). Inductively coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP-OES) and atomic absorption spectrometer SpectrAA 220 were used for analyzing concentrations of As, Cr, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Sr, Pb, and Zn, as well as Hg in muscle, gills, and liver. Metal pollution index (MPI) was calculated. Concentrations of As, Cd, Co, and Pb were below the limit of detection. Concentrations of Cu, Hg, and Zn in muscle did not exceed the maximum allowed concentrations. The gills were tissue which was most affected by pollution. The highest concentrations of Fe in muscle, Cr and Fe in gills, and Hg, Sr, and Zn in liver were recorded in 0 + individuals, as well as Zn in gills of 2 + individuals. On contrary, the lowest concentrations were recorded for Zn in gills of 0 + individuals, Hg in gills of 1 + individuals, and Fe in muscle, Cr and Sr in gills, and Zn in liver of 2 + individuals. Regarding age classes, 2 + juveniles had the highest MPI values for all tissues. Correlations between the metal(loid) accumulation and fish condition were not significant, as well as between fish length and weight and Cu and Hg in muscle, Cu, Hg, and Sr in gills, and Cu, Cr, and Fe in liver. Results indicated that young individuals were more sensitive to pollution, but older fish showed higher overall bioaccumulation of toxic elements analyzed in this study.
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), 2018
Metal content was evaluated in the sediment, macrophytes and fish in the Medjuvršje reservoir (We... more Metal content was evaluated in the sediment, macrophytes and fish in the Medjuvršje reservoir (Western Serbia). Concentrations of 16 trace elements (Ag; Al; As; B; Ba; Cd; Co; Cr; Cu; Fe; Li; Mn; Ni; Pb; Sr; Zn) were analysed in the sediment, macrophytes and fish of an aquatic ecosystem. Five macrophyte species and three fish tissues (liver, muscle, gills) from five fish species (freshwater bream, common nase, Prussian carp, chub, wels catfish) were sampled and the metal content was analysed with ICP-OES. The sediment concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn exceeded the Canadian sediment quality guidelines while concentrations of Cr and Ni were above the Netherlands' target values. Bioaccumulation factors (BSAF) were calculated for analysed macrophytes and fish tissue. The BSAF had higher values for macrophytes for all investigated elements except for Cu and Zn; Cu had a higher value in the liver of the freshwater bream (0.823) and Zn had a higher value in the liver of freshwater bream...
The Science of the total environment, Jan 24, 2016
Nase (Chodrostoma nasus L. 1758) specimens of four age classes (1(+) to 4(+)) were caught in July... more Nase (Chodrostoma nasus L. 1758) specimens of four age classes (1(+) to 4(+)) were caught in July 2013 in the Medjuvršje Reservoir. Concentrations of 14 metals and elements (Al, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Si, Sr, Zn) in the muscle, gills and liver were analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP-OES). The highest concentrations of Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Mn, Si, Sr and Zn were detected in gills, while Cd, Cu, Fe and Mo reached the highest values in the liver. The majority of the analyzed elements were found in minimal concentrations in the muscle. Younger age classes (1(+), 2(+)) were differentiated by higher concentrations of Mn, Sr and Zn in muscle tissue, while the older ones were mainly differentiated by higher concentrations for Ni and Cu. The youngest age class (1(+)) was distinguished by higher concentrations of Zn, while the oldest age class (4(+)) was distinguished by higher concentrations of Ba, Cu, Mo and Sr in gills. Results obtained were likely ...