Vesna Kostic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
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Papers by Vesna Kostic
Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i raz... more Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i razvoj fenomena profesionalnog sagorevanja nastavnika u društvenom kontekstu savremene Srbije – u periodu karantina. Teorijski okvir čini tzv. JDR model, prema kom su izgaranje i posvećenost(motivisanost) suprotni polovi. Sagorevanje uzrokuje smanjivanje i gubitak motivacije. Posao nastavnika je stresan, a procenat sagorevanja je veći u odnosu na druge profesije. Nastavnici u Srbiji žive i rade u posebnoj društvenoj atmosferi u kojoj zajedno sa drugim radnim stanovništvom dele težak opšti položaj. U takvom stanju nastavnici u Srbiji su se susreli sa još jednom poteškoćom – ubrzanom realizacijom nastave na daljinu, tokom vanrednog stanja, za vreme karantina. Ovim istraživanjem pokušali smo da odgovorimo na sledeća pitanja: 1) Da li je u vreme karantina došlo do disbalansa između resursa i zahteva? 2) Da li se mogu uočiti veze između tog disbalansa i sagorevanja? 3) Kako nastavnici rangiraju ...
Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja, 2020
Changes in the contemporary society have brought a new way of working at schools. The traditional... more Changes in the contemporary society have brought a new way of working at schools. The traditional method of teaching was focused on the teacher and required the expertise of the teachers primarily as a lecturer. Active learning refers to the student who is directly involved in the learning process, whereas the teacher should give the students an intellectual incentive, encourage their curiosity and support them in their work. T he objective of this paper was to examine the students’ and the teachers’ opinions on the teaching process, on the methods and the ways of students’ learning and the teachers’ way of working in order to improve the quality of the teaching and the learning process itself. The research was carried out both among the students from the 5th to the 8th grade and the selected subject teaching teachers at school “Jovan Dučić”. It was noted by descriptive analysis that there is a certain degree of disagreement in the way the students and the teachers see the teaching process. The research showed that the teachers should relate more material of their subjects to other school subjects, include more integrative and project teaching in their work as well as link school materials with everyday life. According to the students’ answers, we can conclude that they would find the learning process more interesting if the experts in certain areas attended their lessons or if the elder students taught the younger ones. In addition, it is necessary to encourage students to strengthen their interdisciplinary competence 343raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobraževanja and to link the acquired knowledge with the real requirements of the working context of the 21st century. One of the important conclusions of our research shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to the individual characteristics of each student. By adopting these changes in the working process, the teachers would approach the principles of active learning, whereas the students would be more prepared for the future.
Key words: teaching, learning, student differentiation in teaching, multiple linking of teaching materials, career guidance for students.
Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i raz... more Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i razvoj fenomena profesionalnog sagorevanja nastavnika u društvenom kontekstu savremene Srbije – u periodu karantina. Teorijski okvir čini tzv. JDR model, prema kom su izgaranje i posvećenost(motivisanost) suprotni polovi. Sagorevanje uzrokuje smanjivanje i gubitak motivacije. Posao nastavnika je stresan, a procenat sagorevanja je veći u odnosu na druge profesije. Nastavnici u Srbiji žive i rade u posebnoj društvenoj atmosferi u kojoj zajedno sa drugim radnim stanovništvom dele težak opšti položaj. U takvom stanju nastavnici u Srbiji su se susreli sa još jednom poteškoćom – ubrzanom realizacijom nastave na daljinu, tokom vanrednog stanja, za vreme karantina. Ovim istraživanjem pokušali smo da odgovorimo na sledeća pitanja: 1) Da li je u vreme karantina došlo do disbalansa između resursa i zahteva? 2) Da li se mogu uočiti veze između tog disbalansa i sagorevanja? 3) Kako nastavnici rangiraju ...
Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i raz... more Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i razvoj fenomena profesionalnog sagorevanja nastavnika u društvenom kontekstu savremene Srbije – u periodu karantina. Teorijski okvir čini tzv. JDR model, prema kom su izgaranje i posvećenost(motivisanost) suprotni polovi. Sagorevanje uzrokuje smanjivanje i gubitak motivacije. Posao nastavnika je stresan, a procenat sagorevanja je veći u odnosu na druge profesije. Nastavnici u Srbiji žive i rade u posebnoj društvenoj atmosferi u kojoj zajedno sa drugim radnim stanovništvom dele težak opšti položaj. U takvom stanju nastavnici u Srbiji su se susreli sa još jednom poteškoćom – ubrzanom realizacijom nastave na daljinu, tokom vanrednog stanja, za vreme karantina. Ovim istraživanjem pokušali smo da odgovorimo na sledeća pitanja: 1) Da li je u vreme karantina došlo do disbalansa između resursa i zahteva? 2) Da li se mogu uočiti veze između tog disbalansa i sagorevanja? 3) Kako nastavnici rangiraju ...
Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja, 2020
Changes in the contemporary society have brought a new way of working at schools. The traditional... more Changes in the contemporary society have brought a new way of working at schools. The traditional method of teaching was focused on the teacher and required the expertise of the teachers primarily as a lecturer. Active learning refers to the student who is directly involved in the learning process, whereas the teacher should give the students an intellectual incentive, encourage their curiosity and support them in their work. T he objective of this paper was to examine the students’ and the teachers’ opinions on the teaching process, on the methods and the ways of students’ learning and the teachers’ way of working in order to improve the quality of the teaching and the learning process itself. The research was carried out both among the students from the 5th to the 8th grade and the selected subject teaching teachers at school “Jovan Dučić”. It was noted by descriptive analysis that there is a certain degree of disagreement in the way the students and the teachers see the teaching process. The research showed that the teachers should relate more material of their subjects to other school subjects, include more integrative and project teaching in their work as well as link school materials with everyday life. According to the students’ answers, we can conclude that they would find the learning process more interesting if the experts in certain areas attended their lessons or if the elder students taught the younger ones. In addition, it is necessary to encourage students to strengthen their interdisciplinary competence 343raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobraževanja and to link the acquired knowledge with the real requirements of the working context of the 21st century. One of the important conclusions of our research shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to the individual characteristics of each student. By adopting these changes in the working process, the teachers would approach the principles of active learning, whereas the students would be more prepared for the future.
Key words: teaching, learning, student differentiation in teaching, multiple linking of teaching materials, career guidance for students.
Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i raz... more Cilj rada je da se skrene pažnja kreatorima obrazovne politike i društvu u celini na pojavu i razvoj fenomena profesionalnog sagorevanja nastavnika u društvenom kontekstu savremene Srbije – u periodu karantina. Teorijski okvir čini tzv. JDR model, prema kom su izgaranje i posvećenost(motivisanost) suprotni polovi. Sagorevanje uzrokuje smanjivanje i gubitak motivacije. Posao nastavnika je stresan, a procenat sagorevanja je veći u odnosu na druge profesije. Nastavnici u Srbiji žive i rade u posebnoj društvenoj atmosferi u kojoj zajedno sa drugim radnim stanovništvom dele težak opšti položaj. U takvom stanju nastavnici u Srbiji su se susreli sa još jednom poteškoćom – ubrzanom realizacijom nastave na daljinu, tokom vanrednog stanja, za vreme karantina. Ovim istraživanjem pokušali smo da odgovorimo na sledeća pitanja: 1) Da li je u vreme karantina došlo do disbalansa između resursa i zahteva? 2) Da li se mogu uočiti veze između tog disbalansa i sagorevanja? 3) Kako nastavnici rangiraju ...