B.Hooked - Yarn Bombing Oz (original) (raw)
So my lovely brother got me the book 'Yarn bombing - The Art of Crochet and Knit Grafetti' by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain for Xmas. :) I was planning on getting this book sometime or another. I've seen examples on the net of yarn bombing and though reading the book would be entertaining.
I flicked through the whole book and read some parts, but of course it wasn't long before the ideas started going around in my head. I stayed up until 3:30am to try and make a new blog for my new hobby: yarn bombing. :p I tried setting up a blog.com one and a blogspot.com one but the layouts I was trying to put on there wouldn't work. Why is it that I find nothing to be better than livejournal? All the others just suck. Anyhow I rolled in to bed in the wee small hours of the morning after designing my "calling card" on Vista Print to attach to my bombing pieces and slept until 11:30am. That's when I got up and started on my first yarn bomb piece.
I grabbed a ball of yarn from my stash. I have mountains of yarn that I probably won't ever get through, so using up the not so good yarn is good. The one I used was a 12ply so it didn't take long to work up though I had to restart it a few times to get the right gauge for the bus stop pole. It didn't take long to finish the piece.
Last night I walked around a few blocks with Mish [my dog] in tow - just to measure up some telegraph poles. I can't tell you how weird it is to walk around the neighbourhood sussing out the right sort of telegraph pole to measure! :p Hilarious stuff. Was doing that because I was thinking of bombing one of the poles outside the front of work but now I think about it, it may not be such a good idea. Might not be so bad if I did it to the traffic light pole across the other side of the intersection. I'd have to go and measure the pole. It would be easy to bomb it at night or on a Sunday as that part of town is dead around then. No one to be seen at all.
My other idea was I have a granny square blanket here that I was making in winter when Cori was down here, from old scraps of yarn but I don't think it's nice enough to give someone. I was thinking about putting it over the head of a statue. Perhaps one of the bronze business men in suits at the Swanston Street end of Bourke Street mall. :p I wonder how long it would last there? My bet is not very long but it's worth a try, just to see hey?
So anyways I've ended up setting up my yarn bombing blog here in livejournal. I've actually made it a community so that lots of people can join and see what I do and post and talk about if you've seen any yarn bombing in your area. Also interested in seeing if anyone will take it up? I searched the net last night but can't seem to find many people in Australia that do it. I know of one lady in Sydney and one in Tassie. Come on people! Get with it! Imagine how much joy you'll bring to everyone that will walk past your work.
If you're interested in my yarn bombing, please join or watch bhooked.
Was going to go out last night at 10pm and yarn bomb that bus stop but ended up having to bomb at 2am because my street was still busy til late. It took twenty minutes to whip stitch the piece to the pole. Far too long for my liking! Definitely doing buttons next time. Was about half way done when one of the stupid girls from across the street was dropped off by their boyfriend and they saw me. Not sure if they recognised me but they sat in their car about two metres away from me for at least 5-6 minutes. That was when I vowed to do buttons on all my future pieces. So much quicker. Now onto my next piece...
Luv B.