Carl Fey | Bi Norwegian Business School (original) (raw)

Papers by Carl Fey

Research paper thumbnail of The Key Commandments for Doing Business in Russia

Social Science Research Network, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Unfolding and Developing Disseminative Capacity

Proceedings - Academy of Management, Aug 1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of “We have performance appraisal every day and every hour”: Transferring performance management to Russia

Journal of International Management, Jun 1, 2022

Abstract Performance management (PM) of employees is an important established practice in multina... more Abstract Performance management (PM) of employees is an important established practice in multinational corporations (MNC) and therefore one of the key practices to be transferred to subsidiaries. In this study, we use the concept of institutional logics to show how Russian employees experience PM practices that are based on the institutional logic of a Finnish MNC which is contradictory to the one prevailing in Russia where the subsidiaries operate. Our findings contribute to the practice transfer and PM literature by showing how the Russian subsidiaries responded to competing institutional logics by consciously selecting certain elements from each logic, demonstrating “institutional bricolage”, to address both the headquarter's (HQ) requirements and the fast pace of change and uncertainties in an emerging post-Soviet market. Our study also enhances the international business (IB) literature by using the concept of institutional logics in IB and international management (IM) research, where it has been infrequently used.

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote agile: Problems, solutions, and pitfalls to avoid

Business Horizons, Jul 1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Critique of Empirical Social Science: New Policies at<i>Management and Organization Review</i>

Management and Organization Review, Dec 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Opening the Black Box of Knowledge Transfer in International Acquisitions in China: A Stage Model

Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2015

This article explores how foreign headquarters can enhance cross–border knowledge transfer to the... more This article explores how foreign headquarters can enhance cross–border knowledge transfer to their acquired local subsidiaries as a way to foster post-merger integration. Grounded in the knowledge...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Extent and Effect of Psychic Distance Perceptions in Cross-border M&As: Role of Status

Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2014

Notwithstanding its importance for IB field, the concept of psychic distance entails several entr... more Notwithstanding its importance for IB field, the concept of psychic distance entails several entrenched assumptions that have not been put to sufficient systematic scrutiny. We use the context of c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Management and Organization Review Special Issue ‘Business Model Innovation in Transforming Economies’

Management and Organization Review, Jun 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization Strategies of Firms from Emerging Economies: Is There a Strong Case for Theoretical Extension?

The Emergence of Southern Multinationals, 2011

Outward FDI flows from emerging economies have increased with an astonishing rate during the last... more Outward FDI flows from emerging economies have increased with an astonishing rate during the last several decades (Figure 16.1). While annual outward FDI flows originating from these economies were slightly less than US$ 12 billion in 1990, this figure increased by almost twenty-fold and reached US$ 253 billion in 2007 (UNCTAD, 2008). Concomitant with the mounting importance and prevalence of multinational firms from emerging economies, practitioners and academicians alike are becoming more interested than ever in understanding idiosyncratic strategies of these emerging multinationals (EMNEs). This interest reveals itself in special reports in practitioner outlets (for example, The Economist, 2008; BCG, 2009) along with focused issues in reputable academic journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies (Luo and Tung, 2007) and the Journal of International Management (Aulakh, 2007).

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Research paper thumbnail of A cross-cultural assessment of the e-business opportunities in Russia and Sweden

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge dissemination in global R&D operations: an empirical study of multinationals in the high technology electronics industry

MIR: Management International Review, 2000

This study is an empirical examination of 1) the mechanisms that three multinationals used to dis... more This study is an empirical examination of 1) the mechanisms that three multinationals used to disseminate knowledge within their globally dispersed R&D operations, 2) the impediments that these multinationals experienced when implementing these mechanisms, and 3) the means to overcome these impediments. Management focused considerably on implementing mechanisms that facilitated the flow of knowledge to top management for the coordination of globally dispersed R&D activities. However, little attention was placed on ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The 2020 AIB curriculum survey: The state of internationalizing students, faculty, and programs

Journal of International Business Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia. Эффект управления человеческими ресурсами в продуктивности российских фирм

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of human resource management practices on Japanese MNC subsidiary performance: a partial mediating model

International Journal of Human Resource Management, Dec 1, 2003

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between a bundle or system of h... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between a bundle or system of human resource (HR) practices and firm performance and the processes through which these HR practices affect organizational outcomes. Using a sample of fifty-two Japanese multinational corporation subsidiaries operating in the United States and Russia, we examine the impact of HR systems on firm performance mediated by employee skills, attitudes and motivation in an attempt to shed light on the so-called &#39;black box&#39; through which HR practices lead to firm performance. The results support the notion that employee skills, attitudes and behaviours play a mediating role between HR systems and firm outcomes in multinational corporations. These findings illustrate the varying impact of synergistic systems of HR practices and their generalizability in different national contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of When same is (not) the aim: A treatise on organizational cultural fit and knowledge transfer

Journal of World Business, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity and HRM

Proceedings - Academy of Management, Aug 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Organization of Research and Development in Large Multinational Firms

Gabler Verlag eBooks, 2003

This paper examines how research and development is organized in large multinational firms. The p... more This paper examines how research and development is organized in large multinational firms. The paper identifies three key criteria which differentiate the different organizational systems firms use: doing R&D at the corporate level vs. divisions, the degree of geographic dispersion of R&D activities, and the degree of choice in where to conduct R&D. Results are tested on a sample of 107 firms based in the UK and Sweden.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of External Sources of Knowledge, Governance Mode, and R&D Performance

Journal of Management, Aug 1, 2005

This article examines how the choice of governance mode for external R&amp;D, along with open... more This article examines how the choice of governance mode for external R&amp;D, along with openness to new ideas and codifiability of knowledge, affects R&amp;D performance. Superior R&amp;D performance is therefore viewed as arising through (a) the choice of approaches used by the firm to access knowledge from outside (university partnering, alliance partnering, and contracting), (b) the knowledge context of the firm (its openness to new ideas and the codifiability of its knowledge assets), and (c) the interactions between these two sets of factors. These arguments are tested, and mostly supported, using data on the R&amp;D activities of 107 large firms based in the United Kingdom and Sweden.

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Research paper thumbnail of When collaborative HR practices may not work well: the moderating role of social capital in the Chinese life insurance industry

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011

In this study, we examine the main and interaction effects of insurance agent-focused collaborati... more In this study, we examine the main and interaction effects of insurance agent-focused collaborative HR practices and insurance agents&#x27; social capital on their sales performance. Data from 984 participants were collected in five subsidiaries of a large Chinese life insurance company. The results show a strong relationship between social capital and objective sales performance. More importantly, we found a negative interaction effect of collaborative HR practices and network size on individual performance and a positive interaction effect of collaborative HR practices and network range on objective sales performance. The study is unique in that it looks at the interaction between HR and social capital, investigates how HR practices affect individual performance and not firm performance as has been more commonly done, and focuses on one industry to be able to capture the unique aspects of HR practices in that industry. Theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and limitations are also discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Key Commandments for Doing Business in Russia

Social Science Research Network, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Unfolding and Developing Disseminative Capacity

Proceedings - Academy of Management, Aug 1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of “We have performance appraisal every day and every hour”: Transferring performance management to Russia

Journal of International Management, Jun 1, 2022

Abstract Performance management (PM) of employees is an important established practice in multina... more Abstract Performance management (PM) of employees is an important established practice in multinational corporations (MNC) and therefore one of the key practices to be transferred to subsidiaries. In this study, we use the concept of institutional logics to show how Russian employees experience PM practices that are based on the institutional logic of a Finnish MNC which is contradictory to the one prevailing in Russia where the subsidiaries operate. Our findings contribute to the practice transfer and PM literature by showing how the Russian subsidiaries responded to competing institutional logics by consciously selecting certain elements from each logic, demonstrating “institutional bricolage”, to address both the headquarter's (HQ) requirements and the fast pace of change and uncertainties in an emerging post-Soviet market. Our study also enhances the international business (IB) literature by using the concept of institutional logics in IB and international management (IM) research, where it has been infrequently used.

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Research paper thumbnail of Remote agile: Problems, solutions, and pitfalls to avoid

Business Horizons, Jul 1, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of The Critique of Empirical Social Science: New Policies at<i>Management and Organization Review</i>

Management and Organization Review, Dec 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Opening the Black Box of Knowledge Transfer in International Acquisitions in China: A Stage Model

Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2015

This article explores how foreign headquarters can enhance cross–border knowledge transfer to the... more This article explores how foreign headquarters can enhance cross–border knowledge transfer to their acquired local subsidiaries as a way to foster post-merger integration. Grounded in the knowledge...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Extent and Effect of Psychic Distance Perceptions in Cross-border M&As: Role of Status

Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2014

Notwithstanding its importance for IB field, the concept of psychic distance entails several entr... more Notwithstanding its importance for IB field, the concept of psychic distance entails several entrenched assumptions that have not been put to sufficient systematic scrutiny. We use the context of c...

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Research paper thumbnail of Management and Organization Review Special Issue ‘Business Model Innovation in Transforming Economies’

Management and Organization Review, Jun 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Internationalization Strategies of Firms from Emerging Economies: Is There a Strong Case for Theoretical Extension?

The Emergence of Southern Multinationals, 2011

Outward FDI flows from emerging economies have increased with an astonishing rate during the last... more Outward FDI flows from emerging economies have increased with an astonishing rate during the last several decades (Figure 16.1). While annual outward FDI flows originating from these economies were slightly less than US$ 12 billion in 1990, this figure increased by almost twenty-fold and reached US$ 253 billion in 2007 (UNCTAD, 2008). Concomitant with the mounting importance and prevalence of multinational firms from emerging economies, practitioners and academicians alike are becoming more interested than ever in understanding idiosyncratic strategies of these emerging multinationals (EMNEs). This interest reveals itself in special reports in practitioner outlets (for example, The Economist, 2008; BCG, 2009) along with focused issues in reputable academic journals such as the Journal of International Business Studies (Luo and Tung, 2007) and the Journal of International Management (Aulakh, 2007).

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Research paper thumbnail of A cross-cultural assessment of the e-business opportunities in Russia and Sweden

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Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge dissemination in global R&D operations: an empirical study of multinationals in the high technology electronics industry

MIR: Management International Review, 2000

This study is an empirical examination of 1) the mechanisms that three multinationals used to dis... more This study is an empirical examination of 1) the mechanisms that three multinationals used to disseminate knowledge within their globally dispersed R&D operations, 2) the impediments that these multinationals experienced when implementing these mechanisms, and 3) the means to overcome these impediments. Management focused considerably on implementing mechanisms that facilitated the flow of knowledge to top management for the coordination of globally dispersed R&D activities. However, little attention was placed on ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The 2020 AIB curriculum survey: The state of internationalizing students, faculty, and programs

Journal of International Business Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia. Эффект управления человеческими ресурсами в продуктивности российских фирм

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of human resource management practices on Japanese MNC subsidiary performance: a partial mediating model

International Journal of Human Resource Management, Dec 1, 2003

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between a bundle or system of h... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between a bundle or system of human resource (HR) practices and firm performance and the processes through which these HR practices affect organizational outcomes. Using a sample of fifty-two Japanese multinational corporation subsidiaries operating in the United States and Russia, we examine the impact of HR systems on firm performance mediated by employee skills, attitudes and motivation in an attempt to shed light on the so-called &#39;black box&#39; through which HR practices lead to firm performance. The results support the notion that employee skills, attitudes and behaviours play a mediating role between HR systems and firm outcomes in multinational corporations. These findings illustrate the varying impact of synergistic systems of HR practices and their generalizability in different national contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of When same is (not) the aim: A treatise on organizational cultural fit and knowledge transfer

Journal of World Business, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity and HRM

Proceedings - Academy of Management, Aug 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Organization of Research and Development in Large Multinational Firms

Gabler Verlag eBooks, 2003

This paper examines how research and development is organized in large multinational firms. The p... more This paper examines how research and development is organized in large multinational firms. The paper identifies three key criteria which differentiate the different organizational systems firms use: doing R&D at the corporate level vs. divisions, the degree of geographic dispersion of R&D activities, and the degree of choice in where to conduct R&D. Results are tested on a sample of 107 firms based in the UK and Sweden.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of External Sources of Knowledge, Governance Mode, and R&D Performance

Journal of Management, Aug 1, 2005

This article examines how the choice of governance mode for external R&amp;D, along with open... more This article examines how the choice of governance mode for external R&amp;D, along with openness to new ideas and codifiability of knowledge, affects R&amp;D performance. Superior R&amp;D performance is therefore viewed as arising through (a) the choice of approaches used by the firm to access knowledge from outside (university partnering, alliance partnering, and contracting), (b) the knowledge context of the firm (its openness to new ideas and the codifiability of its knowledge assets), and (c) the interactions between these two sets of factors. These arguments are tested, and mostly supported, using data on the R&amp;D activities of 107 large firms based in the United Kingdom and Sweden.

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Research paper thumbnail of When collaborative HR practices may not work well: the moderating role of social capital in the Chinese life insurance industry

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011

In this study, we examine the main and interaction effects of insurance agent-focused collaborati... more In this study, we examine the main and interaction effects of insurance agent-focused collaborative HR practices and insurance agents&#x27; social capital on their sales performance. Data from 984 participants were collected in five subsidiaries of a large Chinese life insurance company. The results show a strong relationship between social capital and objective sales performance. More importantly, we found a negative interaction effect of collaborative HR practices and network size on individual performance and a positive interaction effect of collaborative HR practices and network range on objective sales performance. The study is unique in that it looks at the interaction between HR and social capital, investigates how HR practices affect individual performance and not firm performance as has been more commonly done, and focuses on one industry to be able to capture the unique aspects of HR practices in that industry. Theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and limitations are also discussed.

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