Lo Sardo Domenico | Pontifical Biblical Institute (original) (raw)
Papers by Lo Sardo Domenico
Liber Annuus, 2023
The study of the textual development of the bronze basin texts is an opportunity and an attempt t... more The study of the textual development of the bronze basin texts is an opportunity and an attempt to trigger a different way of approaching texts with narrative, literary, textual, linguistic-syntactic difficulties. In exegetical study, it is necessary to bear in mind that the fields and boundaries of narrative, literary and textual criticism should be considered not only for themselves but as intersecting fields. One contributes to the development and improvement of the other.
The narrative and literary anomaly between Exod 30:17-21 and Exod 38:8 prompts a broadening of research and the application of the criteria of literary and textual criticism. The transition of results from one exegetical field to another shed light on possible solutions to the exegetical question raised at the beginning. For MT-Exod 38:8b, as we have seen, the syntactic-linguistic level revealed that in the passages of translation and transmission generated literary and textual variations.
The last phase brings into dialogue the pericopes throughout the BH that mention the Bronze Basin in order to intercept any intertextual contacts (Intertextuality) or literary dependencies (Intra-Biblical Exegesis). The analysis reveals that the basis must have been the literary tradition present in the descriptions of the temple outside the Pentateuch. The Pentateuchal tradition is a reworking of that contextualized in Exodus and culminating in the cultic rituals of Leviticus.
Biblische Notizen - NF 196, 2023
This paper revisits Bénédicte Lemmelijn’s (and other scholars) text critical interpretation on Ex... more This paper revisits Bénédicte Lemmelijn’s (and other scholars) text critical interpretation on Exod 11:2-3 and the ‘Despoiling of the Egyptians’ (i.e., Exod 3:22-23; 12:36). The text critical analysis offers a new outlook thank to the role of a Vetus Latina’ witness (Vindobonensis). In my opinion the textual differences among the witnesses (MT, SP, Qumran, LXX, Vg, and VL) are not the result of translation techniques, but they are due to a different Hebrew Vorlage. On the literary critical aspects, I suggest that the ‘Despoiling of the Egyptians’ motif does not belong to P, but it is a non-P and pre-P literary motif.
Textus, 2020
This article evaluates the relationship between the texts of 1 Sam 2:22 and Exod 38:8 using a met... more This article evaluates the relationship between the texts of 1 Sam 2:22 and Exod 38:8 using a methodology that proceeds from textual criticism to literary criticism. According to a traditional text-critical approach of the available textual witnesses (MT, LXX, 4QSama), the short reading of 1 Sam 2:22 found in LXXB 4QSama is preferable to that of MT. By contrast, using a literary critical approach, this article proposes that MT-Exod 38:8 depends on MT-1 Sam 2:22 and not vice versa. MT-1 Sam 2:22 has greater affinity with Num 4:23 and 8:24 regarding the terminology used for the women’s ‘cultic service’ at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. 1 Sam 2:22b ought to be regarded as a post-P addition made after the text of the LXX had been translated from the Hebrew. For Exod 38:8 and related texts, we examine the role of the Vetus Latina in resolving this text-critical problem.
Liber Annuus, 2020
Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the fig... more Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the figure of Naʿ a man, named the 'Syrian' or Naʿ a man from Aram. The text of 2 Kings 5:1-5, compared to the various witnesses, paints a not so homogenous portrait of this figure. Although the Sitz-im-Leben of the story and the staged pathology are identical, how the character Naʿ a man is portrayed in the MT, LXX, and in several of the other Mss is quite different. The name points to something 'pleasant' or 'charming', yet his physical condition, or rather the leprosy he suffers , affirms the exact opposite. He is a valiant, pleasant, and charming warrior in the MT, but he does not appear as valiant in the LXX. However, if it is the same character, then why does the important data reported by the witnesses not agree? The more one investigates, and the deeper one goes, the more mysterious the details surrounding Naʿ a man appear. The root of this famous anonymous' name seems to be closely related to a royal epithet within the Ancient Near East (= ANE) Ugaritic literature. Little by little, and expanding the horizon of investigation , it will also be discovered that the ritual practice adopted by Elisha to heal him of leprosy was well known in the magical-religious rituals of religions and cultures of the ANE. Ultimately: Naʿ a man, the leprosy, the ritual of the seven baths, all emerge as elements of a story that belong more to legend than facts. Consequently, they were used for storytelling.
Biblical View of Sickness and Pain. 8th International Conference ‒ December 11-12, 2020 (Athens: Hellenic Bible Society, 2021), 109-145. , 2021
Ανώτατο Ινστιτούτο Υγείας Ιταλίας. Για μια επιβεβαίωση των προαναφερθέντων στοιχείων, βλ. στο htt... more Ανώτατο Ινστιτούτο Υγείας Ιταλίας. Για μια επιβεβαίωση των προαναφερθέντων στοιχείων, βλ. στο https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Bollettino-sorveglianza-integrata-COVID-19_28-luglio-2020.pdf. 2. Βλ. το διάταγμα του Προέδρου του Συμβουλίου Υπουργών της 7ης Σεπτεμβρίου 2020 στην ιστοσελίδα της Gazzetta Ufficiale της προεδρίας του Συμβουλίου Υπουργών:
L. Bianchi – R. Di Muro (a cura di), In dialogo. Metodo scientifico e stile di vita ( Bologna: EDB, 2019), 17–30, 2019
Il presente articolo si aggiunge alla sterminata bibliografia inerente all’identità di Dio, e nel... more Il presente articolo si aggiunge alla sterminata bibliografia inerente all’identità di Dio, e nello specifico, il Dio di Israele. Infatti, basta semplicemente provare a cercare materiale sulla nota espressione biblica «io sono colui che sono» di Es 3,14 per farsi un’idea. Tutta-via, rispetto al già offerto, ci proponiamo di osservare un po’ più dall’alto all’interno del libro dell’Esodo per provare a cogliere il percorso rivelativo dell’identità di Yhwh. Per ragioni di coerenza, lo sviluppo della proposta dovrà attenersi ad argomentare attorno ai due elementi fondamentali indicati nel sottotitolo: identità e relazione. Due categorie che se investigate in rapporto al Dio d’Israele dell’Esodo, necessitano di una base retrospettiva, poiché questa è la natura stessa dei testi. YHWH, nelle prime pagine dell’Esodo, si pre-senta come il Dio di Abramo, il Dio di Isacco, il Dio di Giacobbe. Senza questa identità relazionale non si dà alcun Dio liberatore dell’esperienza dell’Esodo. Il Dio che si presenta a Mosè dirà di sé stesso: «io sarò quello che ero» (Es 3,14). Nel nome una promessa che ha le sue radici nel passato.
Entrare nel Pentateuco. Famiglie, Parole di Vita 65, n. 3: 25–30, 2020
Per ogni elemento creato Yhwh riconosce che è buono. Le pagine che seguono, però, qualche dubbio ... more Per ogni elemento creato Yhwh riconosce che è buono. Le pagine che seguono, però, qualche dubbio lo sollevano. Adamo ed Eva non parlano tra loro, e quando iniziano a farlo sono liti e accuse reciproche. E per tutti i racconti di famiglie e figli di molti passi biblici le cose non saranno migliori: liti e guerre, quasi sempre riconducibili alle figure genitoriali. A buon diritto si può affermare che gli errori dei padri si ripercuotono sui figli.
Textus 29/2 - 168-192, 2020
Rivista Biblica LXVIII/1, 2020
This article aims to show the editorial and hermeneutic activities carried out by the translators... more This article aims to show the editorial and hermeneutic activities carried out by the translators of the Hebrew text of Gen 49:10 and the further similar activity engaged by the New Testament authors for theological and cultural purposes. In the hermeneutic operation just mentioned, the advent of a royal messiah is at stake, which has its roots in Judah (the central role of one of the sons of Jacob in Gen 49) and which will give foundation to the future King-Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, born and died in Judea and as King of the Judeans (Mt 2:1-6; Lk 2:1-7; Jn 19:19). The motive that generated this hermeneutic opportunity is a crux interpretum in Gen 49:10bα (עַד כִּי־יָבֹא שִׁילֹה [שִׁילוֹ]).
First of all, will be shown the textual range on Gen 49:10 and the various readings varying from the Hebrew text of the MT. Second, we offer a status quaestionis, which summarizes the process of the history of research on the crux interpretum in a concise and thematic way. Finally, two paragraphs offer two proposals relating to: a) a possible connection between Shilòh and the prophetic literature (Jer 7:12-14); b) the New Testament relapse of the textual declinations underlying the royal-messianic character of Jesus of Nazareth.
Liber Annuus 70, 2020
Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the fig... more Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the figure of Naʿ a man, named the 'Syrian' or Naʿ a man from Aram. The text of 2 Kings 5:1-5, compared to the various witnesses, paints a not so homogenous portrait of this figure. Although the Sitz-im-Leben of the story and the staged pathology are identical, how the character Naʿ a man is portrayed in the MT, LXX, and in several of the other Mss is quite different. The name points to something 'pleasant' or 'charming', yet his physical condition, or rather the leprosy he suffers , affirms the exact opposite. He is a valiant, pleasant, and charming warrior in the MT, but he does not appear as valiant in the LXX. However, if it is the same character, then why does the important data reported by the witnesses not agree? The more one investigates, and the deeper one goes, the more mysterious the details surrounding Naʿ a man appear. The root of this famous anonymous' name seems to be closely related to a royal epithet within the Ancient Near East (= ANE) Ugaritic literature. Little by little, and expanding the horizon of investigation , it will also be discovered that the ritual practice adopted by Elisha to heal him of leprosy was well known in the magical-religious rituals of religions and cultures of the ANE. Ultimately: Naʿ a man, the leprosy, the ritual of the seven baths, all emerge as elements of a story that belong more to legend than facts. Consequently, they were used for storytelling.
Extractum ex commentario -LAURENTIANUM 61 (2020) Fasc 1-2, 2020
ABSTRACT This contribution proposes to re-read the known section of the “Plagues of Egypt” (Exod ... more ABSTRACT
This contribution proposes to re-read the known section of the “Plagues of Egypt” (Exod 7:8–11:10), in a theological-narrative prospective. The purpose of this article is also to analyze biblical epidemiology, in order to understand what the theological and anthropological implications may be. What interpretation is possible in the face of a pandemic? What sense answer can the believing man give himself?
Liber Annuus 69 , 2019
Premise In the last decades the relationship between textual criticism and literary criticism has... more Premise In the last decades the relationship between textual criticism and literary criticism has greatly increased in the critical textual study of Old Testament. Being able then to trace in a perfectly clear and precise way which is the boundary that separates the ambits of these two exegetical methodologies is not always easy. In this sense we are helped by the competence of E. Tov. According to him, e.g., in the case of Jeremiah's book, the textual variants generally appear as systematic additions and not as omissions, but it is always necessary to ask whether they belong to the accident (textual criticism) or intention (literary criticism). 1 It is understood that the first step, that is the evaluation of the readings varying in the context of textual criticism, is an essential and fundamental assumption. In fact it may happen and it is the case that in this contribution is reference to Ex 25:8-9, that the reading in question does not really have implications of a textual criticism but is a literary variation. Therefore , we will try to show that the textual divergence between MT and LXX for Ex 25:8-9 is dictated more by interpretative modifications; that is by different herme-neutics ascribable to the intention of the scribe/translator of the LXX.
Italia Francescana, 2018
Italia Franescana 93/1-2 (2018) 11-34 Culto, cultura e personalità Rapporto dialettico e circola... more Italia Franescana 93/1-2 (2018) 11-34
Culto, cultura e personalità Rapporto dialettico e circolarità ermeneutica nella Bibbia.
La filosofia antica insegna che il processo cognitivo si muove all'interno di due metodi: il metodo induttivo ed il metodo deduttivo. Quindi possiamo partire da princìpi o osservazioni generali per procedere verso realtà particolari (deduttivo) oppure partire dal particolare verso l'universale (induttivo). Traducendo in termini socio-antropologici tali criteri richiamiamo alla memoria un noto proverbio popolare che recita: "dimmi chi frequenti e ti dirò chi sei!" con le sue molteplici declinazioni (dimmi…ti dirò chi/cosa sei). Detto in altri termini, l'aspetto fenomenologico (sia esso sociologico, psicologico, antropologico) relativo ad una pluralità di dati dovrebbe ricondurre ad una conoscenza oggettiva, in questo caso del soggetto generante. O, meglio ancora, detto in termini aristotelici: partire dagli effetti per risalire alla causa. Applicando questi principi all'uomo, o meglio, all'uomo religioso in cui si intrecciano tre fattori fondamentali Dio-uomo-fede, in cui il primo sarebbe la causa prima, si dipanano davanti a noi due possibili prospettive: 1) conoscere l'uomo a partire dai suoi atti religiosi (culto, pratiche religiose, modus vivendi) oppure partire dall'uomo posto 'in relazione a ' per definire la/le culture e il culto che egli stesso genera e con cui si rapporta. In questo contenuto contributo non ci interessa quindi entrare in merito alla questione del concetto di 'natura', e natura dell'uomo, tra l'altro egregiamente affrontato in questo numero da chi è più esperto in materia. Il nostro modesto contributo, si prefigge di affrontare la questione del rapporto dialettico o di circolo ermeneutico tra l'uomo, la cultura ed il culto. In altri termini: chi nasce prima l'uovo o la gallina? Cioè, se è vero che culto e cultura sono in rapporto di dipendenza dall'uomo perché da esso generati, è anche vero che l'uomo struttural-mente ne è radicalmente condizionato, nel suo sviluppo di crescita antropologica, sociologica e psicologica. Facciamo degli esempi concreti per esser più chiari: un soggetto che 'nasce' in un paese arabo difficilmente sarà cristiano o induista e di conseguenza da un punto di vista culturale assumerà tutti quei fattori e varianti sociologico-antropologiche che sono propriamente generate o assimilate dalla fede islamica. Viceversa, poniamo il caso di un soggetto che nasce in un contesto a-confessionale, o estremamente laico, o vergine da un punto di vista religioso, si formerà e strutturerà a partire dalla cultura di riferimento sebbene priva di espressioni cultuali da un punto di vista religioso. Del resto, nell'antichità sono esistite realtà sociali o delle vere e proprie religioni prive di espressioni cultuali. Ci troviamo dunque, non di fronte a realtà o concetti in opposizione tra loro, ma semplicemente in rapporto dialettico, mutuamente condizionate e/o condizionabili.
Dall'Egitto al Tabernacolo, dalla schiavitù alla libertà.
Books by Lo Sardo Domenico
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe - 119, 2020
In this study, Domenico Lo Sardo shows that the section of MT Exod 35–40 dedicated to the constru... more In this study, Domenico Lo Sardo shows that the section of MT Exod 35–40 dedicated to the construction of the Tabernacle involves textual and literary problems. It has different textual forms according to MT, LXX, and Vetus Latina (Monacensis ms): LXX Exod 35–40 shows a different order of the literary material and its extension is shorter than the MT. One of the most important differences is the absence of MT Exod 36:8b-34 in the LXX. The Monacensis ms is even shorter than the Greek text. In a text-critical analysis, the author demonstrates that the 'Short Hebrew Vorlag e' behind the Latin manuscript is the oldest text. In the MT there was post-priestly editorial work marked by expansions, rewritings, and reinterpretations. Employing literary criticism, the author proves that with the expansion of Exod 36:8b-34 and the stressed use of the term miškān (Tabernacle), MT points to legitimate the centralization of the Jerusalem Temple.
Secondo la letteratura del Vicino Oriente Antico, e nello specifico, p.e., il poema Enuma Elish, ... more Secondo la letteratura del Vicino Oriente Antico, e nello specifico, p.e., il poema Enuma Elish, i racconti di creazione del mondo terminano con la costruzione di un tempio-santuario per il dio demiurgo. Secondo Gen 1 con il racconto di creazione e Gen 3,24 con la collocazione dei due Cherubini all'ingresso del giardino, la realtà templare è prefigurata e anticipata. Il secondo libro delle Cronache esordisce con la costruzione del Tempio di Gerusalemme (2 Cr 3-5) e termina con l'invito al popolo di salire verso di esso (2 Cr 36,23c). Il lettore avrà modo di notare quanta parte della Bibbia è stata dedicata dagli autori biblici al Tempio e quanto esso sia stato centrale all'interno dell'ampio arco narrativo che va da Genesi all'ultimo libro della Biblia Hebraica, le Cronache, al punto che siamo persuasi che Sine Templo nulla Scriptura.
Liber Annuus, 2023
The study of the textual development of the bronze basin texts is an opportunity and an attempt t... more The study of the textual development of the bronze basin texts is an opportunity and an attempt to trigger a different way of approaching texts with narrative, literary, textual, linguistic-syntactic difficulties. In exegetical study, it is necessary to bear in mind that the fields and boundaries of narrative, literary and textual criticism should be considered not only for themselves but as intersecting fields. One contributes to the development and improvement of the other.
The narrative and literary anomaly between Exod 30:17-21 and Exod 38:8 prompts a broadening of research and the application of the criteria of literary and textual criticism. The transition of results from one exegetical field to another shed light on possible solutions to the exegetical question raised at the beginning. For MT-Exod 38:8b, as we have seen, the syntactic-linguistic level revealed that in the passages of translation and transmission generated literary and textual variations.
The last phase brings into dialogue the pericopes throughout the BH that mention the Bronze Basin in order to intercept any intertextual contacts (Intertextuality) or literary dependencies (Intra-Biblical Exegesis). The analysis reveals that the basis must have been the literary tradition present in the descriptions of the temple outside the Pentateuch. The Pentateuchal tradition is a reworking of that contextualized in Exodus and culminating in the cultic rituals of Leviticus.
Biblische Notizen - NF 196, 2023
This paper revisits Bénédicte Lemmelijn’s (and other scholars) text critical interpretation on Ex... more This paper revisits Bénédicte Lemmelijn’s (and other scholars) text critical interpretation on Exod 11:2-3 and the ‘Despoiling of the Egyptians’ (i.e., Exod 3:22-23; 12:36). The text critical analysis offers a new outlook thank to the role of a Vetus Latina’ witness (Vindobonensis). In my opinion the textual differences among the witnesses (MT, SP, Qumran, LXX, Vg, and VL) are not the result of translation techniques, but they are due to a different Hebrew Vorlage. On the literary critical aspects, I suggest that the ‘Despoiling of the Egyptians’ motif does not belong to P, but it is a non-P and pre-P literary motif.
Textus, 2020
This article evaluates the relationship between the texts of 1 Sam 2:22 and Exod 38:8 using a met... more This article evaluates the relationship between the texts of 1 Sam 2:22 and Exod 38:8 using a methodology that proceeds from textual criticism to literary criticism. According to a traditional text-critical approach of the available textual witnesses (MT, LXX, 4QSama), the short reading of 1 Sam 2:22 found in LXXB 4QSama is preferable to that of MT. By contrast, using a literary critical approach, this article proposes that MT-Exod 38:8 depends on MT-1 Sam 2:22 and not vice versa. MT-1 Sam 2:22 has greater affinity with Num 4:23 and 8:24 regarding the terminology used for the women’s ‘cultic service’ at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. 1 Sam 2:22b ought to be regarded as a post-P addition made after the text of the LXX had been translated from the Hebrew. For Exod 38:8 and related texts, we examine the role of the Vetus Latina in resolving this text-critical problem.
Liber Annuus, 2020
Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the fig... more Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the figure of Naʿ a man, named the 'Syrian' or Naʿ a man from Aram. The text of 2 Kings 5:1-5, compared to the various witnesses, paints a not so homogenous portrait of this figure. Although the Sitz-im-Leben of the story and the staged pathology are identical, how the character Naʿ a man is portrayed in the MT, LXX, and in several of the other Mss is quite different. The name points to something 'pleasant' or 'charming', yet his physical condition, or rather the leprosy he suffers , affirms the exact opposite. He is a valiant, pleasant, and charming warrior in the MT, but he does not appear as valiant in the LXX. However, if it is the same character, then why does the important data reported by the witnesses not agree? The more one investigates, and the deeper one goes, the more mysterious the details surrounding Naʿ a man appear. The root of this famous anonymous' name seems to be closely related to a royal epithet within the Ancient Near East (= ANE) Ugaritic literature. Little by little, and expanding the horizon of investigation , it will also be discovered that the ritual practice adopted by Elisha to heal him of leprosy was well known in the magical-religious rituals of religions and cultures of the ANE. Ultimately: Naʿ a man, the leprosy, the ritual of the seven baths, all emerge as elements of a story that belong more to legend than facts. Consequently, they were used for storytelling.
Biblical View of Sickness and Pain. 8th International Conference ‒ December 11-12, 2020 (Athens: Hellenic Bible Society, 2021), 109-145. , 2021
Ανώτατο Ινστιτούτο Υγείας Ιταλίας. Για μια επιβεβαίωση των προαναφερθέντων στοιχείων, βλ. στο htt... more Ανώτατο Ινστιτούτο Υγείας Ιταλίας. Για μια επιβεβαίωση των προαναφερθέντων στοιχείων, βλ. στο https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Bollettino-sorveglianza-integrata-COVID-19_28-luglio-2020.pdf. 2. Βλ. το διάταγμα του Προέδρου του Συμβουλίου Υπουργών της 7ης Σεπτεμβρίου 2020 στην ιστοσελίδα της Gazzetta Ufficiale της προεδρίας του Συμβουλίου Υπουργών:
L. Bianchi – R. Di Muro (a cura di), In dialogo. Metodo scientifico e stile di vita ( Bologna: EDB, 2019), 17–30, 2019
Il presente articolo si aggiunge alla sterminata bibliografia inerente all’identità di Dio, e nel... more Il presente articolo si aggiunge alla sterminata bibliografia inerente all’identità di Dio, e nello specifico, il Dio di Israele. Infatti, basta semplicemente provare a cercare materiale sulla nota espressione biblica «io sono colui che sono» di Es 3,14 per farsi un’idea. Tutta-via, rispetto al già offerto, ci proponiamo di osservare un po’ più dall’alto all’interno del libro dell’Esodo per provare a cogliere il percorso rivelativo dell’identità di Yhwh. Per ragioni di coerenza, lo sviluppo della proposta dovrà attenersi ad argomentare attorno ai due elementi fondamentali indicati nel sottotitolo: identità e relazione. Due categorie che se investigate in rapporto al Dio d’Israele dell’Esodo, necessitano di una base retrospettiva, poiché questa è la natura stessa dei testi. YHWH, nelle prime pagine dell’Esodo, si pre-senta come il Dio di Abramo, il Dio di Isacco, il Dio di Giacobbe. Senza questa identità relazionale non si dà alcun Dio liberatore dell’esperienza dell’Esodo. Il Dio che si presenta a Mosè dirà di sé stesso: «io sarò quello che ero» (Es 3,14). Nel nome una promessa che ha le sue radici nel passato.
Entrare nel Pentateuco. Famiglie, Parole di Vita 65, n. 3: 25–30, 2020
Per ogni elemento creato Yhwh riconosce che è buono. Le pagine che seguono, però, qualche dubbio ... more Per ogni elemento creato Yhwh riconosce che è buono. Le pagine che seguono, però, qualche dubbio lo sollevano. Adamo ed Eva non parlano tra loro, e quando iniziano a farlo sono liti e accuse reciproche. E per tutti i racconti di famiglie e figli di molti passi biblici le cose non saranno migliori: liti e guerre, quasi sempre riconducibili alle figure genitoriali. A buon diritto si può affermare che gli errori dei padri si ripercuotono sui figli.
Textus 29/2 - 168-192, 2020
Rivista Biblica LXVIII/1, 2020
This article aims to show the editorial and hermeneutic activities carried out by the translators... more This article aims to show the editorial and hermeneutic activities carried out by the translators of the Hebrew text of Gen 49:10 and the further similar activity engaged by the New Testament authors for theological and cultural purposes. In the hermeneutic operation just mentioned, the advent of a royal messiah is at stake, which has its roots in Judah (the central role of one of the sons of Jacob in Gen 49) and which will give foundation to the future King-Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, born and died in Judea and as King of the Judeans (Mt 2:1-6; Lk 2:1-7; Jn 19:19). The motive that generated this hermeneutic opportunity is a crux interpretum in Gen 49:10bα (עַד כִּי־יָבֹא שִׁילֹה [שִׁילוֹ]).
First of all, will be shown the textual range on Gen 49:10 and the various readings varying from the Hebrew text of the MT. Second, we offer a status quaestionis, which summarizes the process of the history of research on the crux interpretum in a concise and thematic way. Finally, two paragraphs offer two proposals relating to: a) a possible connection between Shilòh and the prophetic literature (Jer 7:12-14); b) the New Testament relapse of the textual declinations underlying the royal-messianic character of Jesus of Nazareth.
Liber Annuus 70, 2020
Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the fig... more Premise This paper intends to pay particular attention to the textual characterization of the figure of Naʿ a man, named the 'Syrian' or Naʿ a man from Aram. The text of 2 Kings 5:1-5, compared to the various witnesses, paints a not so homogenous portrait of this figure. Although the Sitz-im-Leben of the story and the staged pathology are identical, how the character Naʿ a man is portrayed in the MT, LXX, and in several of the other Mss is quite different. The name points to something 'pleasant' or 'charming', yet his physical condition, or rather the leprosy he suffers , affirms the exact opposite. He is a valiant, pleasant, and charming warrior in the MT, but he does not appear as valiant in the LXX. However, if it is the same character, then why does the important data reported by the witnesses not agree? The more one investigates, and the deeper one goes, the more mysterious the details surrounding Naʿ a man appear. The root of this famous anonymous' name seems to be closely related to a royal epithet within the Ancient Near East (= ANE) Ugaritic literature. Little by little, and expanding the horizon of investigation , it will also be discovered that the ritual practice adopted by Elisha to heal him of leprosy was well known in the magical-religious rituals of religions and cultures of the ANE. Ultimately: Naʿ a man, the leprosy, the ritual of the seven baths, all emerge as elements of a story that belong more to legend than facts. Consequently, they were used for storytelling.
Extractum ex commentario -LAURENTIANUM 61 (2020) Fasc 1-2, 2020
ABSTRACT This contribution proposes to re-read the known section of the “Plagues of Egypt” (Exod ... more ABSTRACT
This contribution proposes to re-read the known section of the “Plagues of Egypt” (Exod 7:8–11:10), in a theological-narrative prospective. The purpose of this article is also to analyze biblical epidemiology, in order to understand what the theological and anthropological implications may be. What interpretation is possible in the face of a pandemic? What sense answer can the believing man give himself?
Liber Annuus 69 , 2019
Premise In the last decades the relationship between textual criticism and literary criticism has... more Premise In the last decades the relationship between textual criticism and literary criticism has greatly increased in the critical textual study of Old Testament. Being able then to trace in a perfectly clear and precise way which is the boundary that separates the ambits of these two exegetical methodologies is not always easy. In this sense we are helped by the competence of E. Tov. According to him, e.g., in the case of Jeremiah's book, the textual variants generally appear as systematic additions and not as omissions, but it is always necessary to ask whether they belong to the accident (textual criticism) or intention (literary criticism). 1 It is understood that the first step, that is the evaluation of the readings varying in the context of textual criticism, is an essential and fundamental assumption. In fact it may happen and it is the case that in this contribution is reference to Ex 25:8-9, that the reading in question does not really have implications of a textual criticism but is a literary variation. Therefore , we will try to show that the textual divergence between MT and LXX for Ex 25:8-9 is dictated more by interpretative modifications; that is by different herme-neutics ascribable to the intention of the scribe/translator of the LXX.
Italia Francescana, 2018
Italia Franescana 93/1-2 (2018) 11-34 Culto, cultura e personalità Rapporto dialettico e circola... more Italia Franescana 93/1-2 (2018) 11-34
Culto, cultura e personalità Rapporto dialettico e circolarità ermeneutica nella Bibbia.
La filosofia antica insegna che il processo cognitivo si muove all'interno di due metodi: il metodo induttivo ed il metodo deduttivo. Quindi possiamo partire da princìpi o osservazioni generali per procedere verso realtà particolari (deduttivo) oppure partire dal particolare verso l'universale (induttivo). Traducendo in termini socio-antropologici tali criteri richiamiamo alla memoria un noto proverbio popolare che recita: "dimmi chi frequenti e ti dirò chi sei!" con le sue molteplici declinazioni (dimmi…ti dirò chi/cosa sei). Detto in altri termini, l'aspetto fenomenologico (sia esso sociologico, psicologico, antropologico) relativo ad una pluralità di dati dovrebbe ricondurre ad una conoscenza oggettiva, in questo caso del soggetto generante. O, meglio ancora, detto in termini aristotelici: partire dagli effetti per risalire alla causa. Applicando questi principi all'uomo, o meglio, all'uomo religioso in cui si intrecciano tre fattori fondamentali Dio-uomo-fede, in cui il primo sarebbe la causa prima, si dipanano davanti a noi due possibili prospettive: 1) conoscere l'uomo a partire dai suoi atti religiosi (culto, pratiche religiose, modus vivendi) oppure partire dall'uomo posto 'in relazione a ' per definire la/le culture e il culto che egli stesso genera e con cui si rapporta. In questo contenuto contributo non ci interessa quindi entrare in merito alla questione del concetto di 'natura', e natura dell'uomo, tra l'altro egregiamente affrontato in questo numero da chi è più esperto in materia. Il nostro modesto contributo, si prefigge di affrontare la questione del rapporto dialettico o di circolo ermeneutico tra l'uomo, la cultura ed il culto. In altri termini: chi nasce prima l'uovo o la gallina? Cioè, se è vero che culto e cultura sono in rapporto di dipendenza dall'uomo perché da esso generati, è anche vero che l'uomo struttural-mente ne è radicalmente condizionato, nel suo sviluppo di crescita antropologica, sociologica e psicologica. Facciamo degli esempi concreti per esser più chiari: un soggetto che 'nasce' in un paese arabo difficilmente sarà cristiano o induista e di conseguenza da un punto di vista culturale assumerà tutti quei fattori e varianti sociologico-antropologiche che sono propriamente generate o assimilate dalla fede islamica. Viceversa, poniamo il caso di un soggetto che nasce in un contesto a-confessionale, o estremamente laico, o vergine da un punto di vista religioso, si formerà e strutturerà a partire dalla cultura di riferimento sebbene priva di espressioni cultuali da un punto di vista religioso. Del resto, nell'antichità sono esistite realtà sociali o delle vere e proprie religioni prive di espressioni cultuali. Ci troviamo dunque, non di fronte a realtà o concetti in opposizione tra loro, ma semplicemente in rapporto dialettico, mutuamente condizionate e/o condizionabili.
Dall'Egitto al Tabernacolo, dalla schiavitù alla libertà.
Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe - 119, 2020
In this study, Domenico Lo Sardo shows that the section of MT Exod 35–40 dedicated to the constru... more In this study, Domenico Lo Sardo shows that the section of MT Exod 35–40 dedicated to the construction of the Tabernacle involves textual and literary problems. It has different textual forms according to MT, LXX, and Vetus Latina (Monacensis ms): LXX Exod 35–40 shows a different order of the literary material and its extension is shorter than the MT. One of the most important differences is the absence of MT Exod 36:8b-34 in the LXX. The Monacensis ms is even shorter than the Greek text. In a text-critical analysis, the author demonstrates that the 'Short Hebrew Vorlag e' behind the Latin manuscript is the oldest text. In the MT there was post-priestly editorial work marked by expansions, rewritings, and reinterpretations. Employing literary criticism, the author proves that with the expansion of Exod 36:8b-34 and the stressed use of the term miškān (Tabernacle), MT points to legitimate the centralization of the Jerusalem Temple.
Secondo la letteratura del Vicino Oriente Antico, e nello specifico, p.e., il poema Enuma Elish, ... more Secondo la letteratura del Vicino Oriente Antico, e nello specifico, p.e., il poema Enuma Elish, i racconti di creazione del mondo terminano con la costruzione di un tempio-santuario per il dio demiurgo. Secondo Gen 1 con il racconto di creazione e Gen 3,24 con la collocazione dei due Cherubini all'ingresso del giardino, la realtà templare è prefigurata e anticipata. Il secondo libro delle Cronache esordisce con la costruzione del Tempio di Gerusalemme (2 Cr 3-5) e termina con l'invito al popolo di salire verso di esso (2 Cr 36,23c). Il lettore avrà modo di notare quanta parte della Bibbia è stata dedicata dagli autori biblici al Tempio e quanto esso sia stato centrale all'interno dell'ampio arco narrativo che va da Genesi all'ultimo libro della Biblia Hebraica, le Cronache, al punto che siamo persuasi che Sine Templo nulla Scriptura.