I'd rather be a drunk biker (original) (raw)

Do You own a Crosslake Sales Bike? [Mar. 22nd, 2010|10:00 am]Bike Punks!
Hello,So today I purchased this bike which seems to be the bane of many a bike nerd list serve, and apparently a dark horse (no pun intended) for some of the folk looking for a no-frills set of wheels.Now, I know its not a great bike. I know the specs are nonsense. I know I could pay a few hundred more or build my own and end up with something awesome but I'm broke & a beginner to ss/fg. I live in NYC so 2 of my last 3 bikes have gotten stolen (even though I used intelligent locking strategies) and I just wanted something decent & not second hand to ride...That being said, I'm wondering if anyone here has purchased this bike, and if so, I guess... what is your overall impression? Do you remember how much putting together it required straight out of the box? Did you make any modifications? How do you like it now (if you still own it.)Thanks ahead of time!-sjx posted
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(no subject) [May. 22nd, 2009|04:33 am]Bike Punks!
WEST SIDE INVITE in seattle this weekend dickfaces.I won't be there because I'm fucking broke and should be living under a bridge. But those of you who can, fucking go and stop being a fuck face. |www.westside2009.com
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Hey whats up [Jan. 14th, 2009|09:13 pm]Bike Punks!
just got a new bike. its a fixer upper (no brakes) but id still like to meet up and ride with some people in san diego
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(no subject) [Aug. 3rd, 2008|09:45 pm]Bike Punks!
[I'd rather be a drunk biker** |curiouscurious] [than a designated driver!** the denver gentlemen] hello! new member here and i just have a question about biking in the heat,specifically florida heat.school starts back in two weeks and i want to ride to and from (its about 2.5 miles away),but lately when i try to even go out to bike at all it's just too hot! The route isn't exactly shaded,I would be going through a lot of parking lot areas and past lawyer offices,shops,etc and occasionally theres a palm tree or two.so am I just going to have to take the bus or do you get used to the heat after awhile?I don't know what to do!thanks!
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Biking noob! [Jul. 13th, 2008|02:27 am]Bike Punks!
Crossposted from bikes...So, a little down the road we're planning to switch to being a "biking family". It would be my husband, my 2.5 year old son, and I.We live in an urban area with lots of stuff in reasonable distance (parks, sushi places, the grocery store) of bicycles and we don't want to buy a car and contribute to the mass consumption of fossil fuels, plus as artists we have so much other stuff to spend money on that gas just seems ridiculous...-SO-We're (strongly) considering bicycles and either a trailer or a behind the seat carrier for Juniper.Here's what I'm trying to work out in my head, and maybe you can help:1. I'm definitely not the fittest person in the world. Having a variety of gears, I think, would help with hills and such until I got back into the swing of biking. Would seven gears be enough? I found a really adorable bike online, the Giant Suede, but it's a seven speed and I'm wary that it won't have a light enough pedal for me on steep terrain.I'd love to find nice quality used bikes, but Dallas is like a reclaimed/used wasteland. No one really puts in the effort to reuse things. I'll look more deeply into that though, because a nice used bike would feel better to me than a brand new one.2. I weigh close to 300lbs at this point, I may need to talk to someone at a bike shop about this- but that is petrifyingly embarrassing for me. Is there a way to find out the average capacity of a bike online? Also- comfy seats!3. Trailer versus seat, for Juniper (my son). A trailer seems to make the most sense, because he would be able to use it longer- however they are heavy (the lightest one I found was 30lb). The behind the seat carriers have a 50 lb capacity, he currently weighs 36lbs- any idea how soon we might be closing in on 50?Anyway, advice, suggestions, senseless ramblings- all welcome here. Thanks for reading,and take care! :)
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Ghost Bikes [Jun. 20th, 2008|12:14 pm]Bike Punks!
[Current Location |nyc] [I'd rather be a drunk biker discontentdiscontent]Fairly large article in New York Magazine (June 23) about Ghost Bikes. At least it's some recognition of the dangers of biking in large cities...
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yeah touring [Jun. 1st, 2008|10:40 pm]Bike Punks!
I'm looking at doing a three month tour in the next couple years and am looking for some reading material. Most of what I've found is (of course) aimed at people who have alot of extra cash to throw at an adventure like this. Does anyone know about any books or zines about bare bones, bike punk tours? Or have any personal experiance to share? I need both advise and stories to help me plan and keep me exited.
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(no subject) [May. 29th, 2008|07:54 pm]Bike Punks!
does anyone know anything about these wheels?they are 700c Aero Aluminum Track brand: star, swift arrivi really want to know if they are light wheels because i dont want to buy them if they are too heavy and ide be buying them online and i cant find anything on the internet about there weighti figure since they are cheep they arnt light as a feather but still i dont want some 20lbs wheels.... thanks
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A flying mountain bike in Google Earth [May. 20th, 2008|10:28 am]Bike Punks!
http://quickrelease.tv/?p=456It’s piloted by Mike Pegg but he hasn’t left the ground. He’s seen in the YouTube video above flying with his bike, hooked up to the Google Earth flight simulator.Pegg uses a SunSPOT 3D sensor device to enable his high-rise handlebars to serve as a flight control joystick, with banking controls.
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near deadly attack by a bus driver [Apr. 20th, 2008|08:28 am]Bike Punks!
Hi -- I'm new to this community but I wanted to share a post from my personal lj. I was riding to work on 16th Street in Philadelphia. I was on the right side before I crossed chestnut. There was a bus in the left lane. I was riding along next to him, close to the front. I was going about 17 or 20 mph. He was probably going about the same speed. We had a green light at Chestnut. Quickly the bus moved into the middle lane, which isn't really a lane, it is just more of a way to take up both lanes. Sure as shit, just after we crossed Chestnut he closed in on the right lane. Really really close. Now, if you have ever been in the city, you've seen SEPTA buses riding within inches of the curbs. I knew where he was going. I didn't understand it because the road opens to four lanes by the end of the block, but I still knew. I slowed down to back off. He got closer. And the bus never seemed to end. Yes it was one of those fucking double length stupid buses. I started to freak. I only had about 18 inches... if that. My left foot came out. By this time he was inches away from my left shoulder. He may have eve brushed up against it, I'm a little fuzzy because I was busy pooping my pants. This bus was way way too close. Finally he was passed. I stayed on and watched him ahead of me.That mother fucker stopped at a red light just a head. You know what I did.Pull up next to driver's window.Knock. Knock. Knock."ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!?!?"He looks at me, smiles and says (no shit, he smiled and put on a smooth voice!)"Awe baby I ent seen you." ! ! ! **"Well maybe since you are driving a BUS you should OPEN YOUR EYES (you fucking dick weed)"**Two blocks later I parked my bike. I was still shaking. Locked it up and came into work. I forgot to press the button for my floor in the elevator and ended up lost one floor up trying to find the stairs. Fucking SEPTA buses. Seriously, "Awe baby" ?!?!?After having a few days to reflect, I've come to realize the reason why this near death rattled me more than any other on the bike. I ride my bike in the city every day all year long. There are many many close encounters with bus drivers, cab drivers, garbage truck drivers, stupid pedestrians, etc. This one shook me so much because I saw it coming and it was coming slowly. Half way through, I thought I was clear but then realized it was one of those obscene double length freaking buses. Ugh. I mean, it took forever for that bus to pass. Usually when you almost get hit, it's a blip that only lasts a fraction of a second. This just sucked.
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