Serdar Özdemir | Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Serdar Özdemir
Uluslararası Türkçe Öğretimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022
In our study titled "The Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis of the Names of the Items and Tools U... more In our study titled "The Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis of the Names of the Items and Tools Used in Historical Kipchak Turkish", the changes and developments of the names of items and tools that we use in our daily life over a period of hundreds of years have been subjected to a diachronic and simultaneous analysis based on the Kipchak Turkish Dictionary. Firstly, a brief information has been given about historical and contemporary Kipchak Turkish and the works of periods, and then the words that correspond to the names of items and tools identified in historical Kipchak Turkish have been classified in twenty articles (Some articles have also been divided into subheadings). At the beginning of each article, primarily, the usage of the word in the historical Kipchak Turkish has been identified, subsequently, the etimological development of the word has been analyzed based on the works Andreas Tietze's "Historical and Etymological Turkey Turkish Dictionary", Sir Gerard Clauson's “An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish”, Hasan Eren's “Türk Dilinin Etimolojik Sözlüğü (The Etimological Dictionary of Turkish Language” and Marcel Erdal's "Old Turkic Word Formation A Functional Approach to the Lexicon". Furthermore, the changes and developments of each identified word in the historical process have been examined on the basis of the Göktürk (First Turkic Khaganate), Uighur, Karakhanid, Khorezm, Chagati, Old Anatolian and Ottoman fields of the Turkish language. Lastly, the usages of the words in the modern Kipchak group Turkish dialects such as Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Karay, Karakalpak, Karachay-Balkar, Kumuk, Tatar and Bashkir and Turkey Turkish are given. The usage of the words in Turkish is based on the “Turkish Dictionary”, “Comprehensive Dictionary of Turkish Dialects” and “Tarama Sözlüğü” published by the Turkish Language Association. We believe that this study will be is important in terms of determining the usage of some of the names of items and tools in the historical Kipchak Turkish, and the presence of existing words in modern Kipchak group Turkish dialects and Turkish, which is included in the Oghuz group.
Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Yardımcı Öğretmenin Rolü / THE ROLE OF THE CO-TEACHER IN TEACHING TURKISH LANGUAGE TO FOREIGNERS, 2018
ÖZET: Yardımcı öğretmenlik, son yıllarda öğretim programlarında yer almaya başlayan ve özellikle ... more ÖZET: Yardımcı öğretmenlik, son yıllarda öğretim programlarında yer almaya başlayan ve özellikle İngilizcenin yabancı dil olarak öğretimi programlarında sıklıkla kullanılan bir model olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Bugün bazı ülkeler bu modeli öğretim programlarında başarı ile uygulamaktadır. Örneğin, Japonya’da her yıl yaklaşık altı bin yardımcı dil öğretmeni, asıl ders öğretmenine öğretim süreçlerinde destek vermektedir.
Yardımcı öğretmenlik modelinde öğretim yılı boyunca birden fazla öğretmen sınıf içerisinde hazır bulunur ve öğrenciler birden fazla kişiyle iletişim kurmak zorundadır. Bu sayede, dilin iletişim boyutu ön plana çıkar ve öğretim hem daha verimli olarak gerçekleşir hem de kazanılan bilgiler daha kalıcı olur. Yardımcı öğretmen, sınıf içerisinde ders öğretmenini destekler ve pek çok rol üstlenir. Örneğin, yardımcı öğretmen öğrencilerin öğrendiği yeni bir konuyu veya yapıyı oyunlar aracılığıyla pekiştirebilir. Ders öğretmeninin ders içinde yeterli zaman bulamadığı durumlarda, yardımcı öğretmen ders içi veya ders dışı etkinliklerle öğrencileri konuşturmaya çalışır. Sınıf içerisinde iki öğretmenin bulunması ve öğretmenlerin öğrenciler ile sürekli temas hâlinde olmaları, öğrencinin motivasyonunu artırarak dersle daha çok ilgilenmesini sağlar.
Öğrencinin dili kullanabileceği ortamlar ve dil kullanım oranı arttıkça dile hâkimiyetinin de artacağı göz önüne alınırsa yardımcı öğretmenin öğretime muhtemel katkısı da ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi alanında yardımcı öğretmenlik modelinin uygulanabilirliği konusu üzerinde durmak ve bu modelin öğretime getireceği faydaları ele almaktır.
Abstract: In the last years, being co-teacher takes place in learning programmes. Especially we see that in teaching English programmes it is used frequently. Today in some countries this programme is used successfully. For example, in Japan every year approximately six thousands co-teachers help the main teacher.
In co-teacher teaching model, more than one teacher is always ready for the lesson and students have to communicate within each other in one whole year. So that, the communication takes a really important part of this programme and it becomes very efficient. Co-teachers help the main teachers and take a lot of roles. For example, co-teacher can consolidate the lesson with games. Or when the main teacher cannot find a sufficient time, co-teacher helps the students. Being two teachers in the class and staying in touch with them constantly make the motivation higher. So that, student keep their attention all the time.
The role of the co-teacher is really important when we think about using the language in stages and the rate of using it. The aim of this study is focusing on the application of teaching Turkish Language to the foreign people with a co-teacher.
Books by Serdar Özdemir
Turkhish Studies Language and Literature, 2024
Kazakh is quite rich in terms of its use of gerund affixes, such as -(ı)p, -a (-e), -y, -ğanda (-... more Kazakh is quite rich in terms of its use of gerund affixes, such as -(ı)p, -a (-e), -y, -ğanda (-gende, -qanda, -kende), -ğanşa (-genşe, -qanşa, -kenşe), -mayınşa (-meyinşe), -ğalı (-geli, -qalı, -keli), -mastan (-mesten, -bastan, -besten, -pastan, -pesten), and -ısımen (-isimen). However, especially in recent years, there have been a number of mistakes or oversights in determining the Turkish equivalents of these gerund affixes in Kazakh, due to the rapid increase in translation efforts and other in literary and academic studies. These errors often result from attempting to translate a specific adverbial verb form from Kazakh into Turkish without considering the grammatical information provided by the verb forms or without paying attention to the meaning of the sentence, i.e., the context of the sentence. In this study, through examples taken from literary works, various ways of transferring these affixes to Turkish have been identified and exemplified. For instance, when a word taking the gerund affixes -ğanda, -gende, -qanda, -kende completes the action in the main sentence in terms of time, it can be translated into Turkish using the affix "-IncA." However, when it indicates the condition of whether the action in the main sentence will take place or not, it can be translated using the conditional affix "-sA." This situation highlights the necessity and importance of determining the areas of usage of these gerund affixes and the meaning they add to the sentence separately in order to correctly and completely identify their Turkish equivalents. If the correct and precise equivalents of gerund affixes can be determined through examples from literary works, many of the translation problems can be significantly reduced.
Uluslararası Türkçe Öğretimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2022
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 2022
While the sentences in Turkish Language Grammar are divided into two groups which are noun and ve... more While the sentences in Turkish Language Grammar are divided into two groups which are noun and verb sentences, the sentences in Kazakh Language in Kipchak Group are not divided in regard to type of this type of predicate "Bayandawış", which is the predicate element in Kazakh Language is seperated into two groups according to whether it is a noun or a verb. In this article, it has been examined the topic, which is about how the expressions “bar” and “joq” in Kazakh Turkish can be transferred to Turkey Turkish. In the study, first of all, a brief information was given about the concept of noun phrases and the expressions “bar” and “joq”, and then the ways in which the expressions were transferred to Turkey Turkish by means of sentences containing the words “bar” and “joq” were given as articles. It has been shown by the examples, which are provided from the literary works that the patterns "bar" and "joq" in Kazakh Turkish cannot be transferred at all times to Turkey Turkish while they can be differently transferred to our language based on the context of the sentences as /-e benziyor”, “-mış gibi/ -acak gibi/ -yor gibi”, “-mış değil”, “-dığı yok”, “gibi değil/ -e benzemez”, “hayır”, “ol-” etc. Furthermore, it has been examined by the example sentences that the sentences, which express "bar" that is a noun-predicate element in Kazakh Turkish can be also transferred as a predicate sentence based on the context of the sentence.
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 2023
In Kazakh Turkish -ğan (-gen, -qan, -ken), -mas (-mes, -bas, -bes, -pas, -pes), -atIn (-etin, -yt... more In Kazakh Turkish -ğan (-gen, -qan, -ken), -mas (-mes, -bas, -bes, -pas, -pes), -atIn (-etin, -ytin, -ytin), -ar (-er, -r) and -uvşı, (-üvşi, -vşi, -vşı) form adjective verb suffixes, the most common one among these suffixes is “-ğan (-gen, -qan, -ken)”. This suffix is usually translated into Turkish as “-An” “-mIş” or “-DIk”. However, it is important to determine separately the use of this suffix in its simple form, with other case suffixes, its use with prepositions, or the meanings it acquires when added to auxiliary verbs. In particular, the sample sentences obtained as a result of the scanning of literary works such as Qazaq Tilindegi Qurmalas Söylemder Sintaksisi, Köşpendiler, Abay Jolı and Altın Orda have shown us that the adjective verb suffix “-ğan” has different forms of transfer to Turkey Turkish. For example, this adjective verb suffix, which expresses the past tense, is used in Turkey Turkish as “–DIktAn sonra” or “-IncA” when used with the nominative case and preposition “soŋ”, and “-DIkçA” when used with the nominative case and the preposition “sayın”. It can be transferred with the adverb-verb or in the form of "-DI ise". In this article, which was supported by sample sentences quoted from the literary works that were scanned, ten different forms of transfer to Turkey Turkish with various usage areas of the suffix were determined.
Book Reviews by Serdar Özdemir
Eğitim Yayınevi, 2024
Karakalpak Türkçesindeki Vokalle Başlayan Arkaik (Eskicil) Kelimelerde Gerçekleşen Fonetik Değişi... more Karakalpak Türkçesindeki Vokalle Başlayan Arkaik (Eskicil) Kelimelerde Gerçekleşen Fonetik Değişimlerin Tarihî Türk Lehçeleri Bağlamında İncelenmesi
Uluslararası Türkçe Öğretimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022
In our study titled "The Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis of the Names of the Items and Tools U... more In our study titled "The Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis of the Names of the Items and Tools Used in Historical Kipchak Turkish", the changes and developments of the names of items and tools that we use in our daily life over a period of hundreds of years have been subjected to a diachronic and simultaneous analysis based on the Kipchak Turkish Dictionary. Firstly, a brief information has been given about historical and contemporary Kipchak Turkish and the works of periods, and then the words that correspond to the names of items and tools identified in historical Kipchak Turkish have been classified in twenty articles (Some articles have also been divided into subheadings). At the beginning of each article, primarily, the usage of the word in the historical Kipchak Turkish has been identified, subsequently, the etimological development of the word has been analyzed based on the works Andreas Tietze's "Historical and Etymological Turkey Turkish Dictionary", Sir Gerard Clauson's “An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish”, Hasan Eren's “Türk Dilinin Etimolojik Sözlüğü (The Etimological Dictionary of Turkish Language” and Marcel Erdal's "Old Turkic Word Formation A Functional Approach to the Lexicon". Furthermore, the changes and developments of each identified word in the historical process have been examined on the basis of the Göktürk (First Turkic Khaganate), Uighur, Karakhanid, Khorezm, Chagati, Old Anatolian and Ottoman fields of the Turkish language. Lastly, the usages of the words in the modern Kipchak group Turkish dialects such as Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Karay, Karakalpak, Karachay-Balkar, Kumuk, Tatar and Bashkir and Turkey Turkish are given. The usage of the words in Turkish is based on the “Turkish Dictionary”, “Comprehensive Dictionary of Turkish Dialects” and “Tarama Sözlüğü” published by the Turkish Language Association. We believe that this study will be is important in terms of determining the usage of some of the names of items and tools in the historical Kipchak Turkish, and the presence of existing words in modern Kipchak group Turkish dialects and Turkish, which is included in the Oghuz group.
Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Yardımcı Öğretmenin Rolü / THE ROLE OF THE CO-TEACHER IN TEACHING TURKISH LANGUAGE TO FOREIGNERS, 2018
ÖZET: Yardımcı öğretmenlik, son yıllarda öğretim programlarında yer almaya başlayan ve özellikle ... more ÖZET: Yardımcı öğretmenlik, son yıllarda öğretim programlarında yer almaya başlayan ve özellikle İngilizcenin yabancı dil olarak öğretimi programlarında sıklıkla kullanılan bir model olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Bugün bazı ülkeler bu modeli öğretim programlarında başarı ile uygulamaktadır. Örneğin, Japonya’da her yıl yaklaşık altı bin yardımcı dil öğretmeni, asıl ders öğretmenine öğretim süreçlerinde destek vermektedir.
Yardımcı öğretmenlik modelinde öğretim yılı boyunca birden fazla öğretmen sınıf içerisinde hazır bulunur ve öğrenciler birden fazla kişiyle iletişim kurmak zorundadır. Bu sayede, dilin iletişim boyutu ön plana çıkar ve öğretim hem daha verimli olarak gerçekleşir hem de kazanılan bilgiler daha kalıcı olur. Yardımcı öğretmen, sınıf içerisinde ders öğretmenini destekler ve pek çok rol üstlenir. Örneğin, yardımcı öğretmen öğrencilerin öğrendiği yeni bir konuyu veya yapıyı oyunlar aracılığıyla pekiştirebilir. Ders öğretmeninin ders içinde yeterli zaman bulamadığı durumlarda, yardımcı öğretmen ders içi veya ders dışı etkinliklerle öğrencileri konuşturmaya çalışır. Sınıf içerisinde iki öğretmenin bulunması ve öğretmenlerin öğrenciler ile sürekli temas hâlinde olmaları, öğrencinin motivasyonunu artırarak dersle daha çok ilgilenmesini sağlar.
Öğrencinin dili kullanabileceği ortamlar ve dil kullanım oranı arttıkça dile hâkimiyetinin de artacağı göz önüne alınırsa yardımcı öğretmenin öğretime muhtemel katkısı da ortaya çıkacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi alanında yardımcı öğretmenlik modelinin uygulanabilirliği konusu üzerinde durmak ve bu modelin öğretime getireceği faydaları ele almaktır.
Abstract: In the last years, being co-teacher takes place in learning programmes. Especially we see that in teaching English programmes it is used frequently. Today in some countries this programme is used successfully. For example, in Japan every year approximately six thousands co-teachers help the main teacher.
In co-teacher teaching model, more than one teacher is always ready for the lesson and students have to communicate within each other in one whole year. So that, the communication takes a really important part of this programme and it becomes very efficient. Co-teachers help the main teachers and take a lot of roles. For example, co-teacher can consolidate the lesson with games. Or when the main teacher cannot find a sufficient time, co-teacher helps the students. Being two teachers in the class and staying in touch with them constantly make the motivation higher. So that, student keep their attention all the time.
The role of the co-teacher is really important when we think about using the language in stages and the rate of using it. The aim of this study is focusing on the application of teaching Turkish Language to the foreign people with a co-teacher.
Turkhish Studies Language and Literature, 2024
Kazakh is quite rich in terms of its use of gerund affixes, such as -(ı)p, -a (-e), -y, -ğanda (-... more Kazakh is quite rich in terms of its use of gerund affixes, such as -(ı)p, -a (-e), -y, -ğanda (-gende, -qanda, -kende), -ğanşa (-genşe, -qanşa, -kenşe), -mayınşa (-meyinşe), -ğalı (-geli, -qalı, -keli), -mastan (-mesten, -bastan, -besten, -pastan, -pesten), and -ısımen (-isimen). However, especially in recent years, there have been a number of mistakes or oversights in determining the Turkish equivalents of these gerund affixes in Kazakh, due to the rapid increase in translation efforts and other in literary and academic studies. These errors often result from attempting to translate a specific adverbial verb form from Kazakh into Turkish without considering the grammatical information provided by the verb forms or without paying attention to the meaning of the sentence, i.e., the context of the sentence. In this study, through examples taken from literary works, various ways of transferring these affixes to Turkish have been identified and exemplified. For instance, when a word taking the gerund affixes -ğanda, -gende, -qanda, -kende completes the action in the main sentence in terms of time, it can be translated into Turkish using the affix "-IncA." However, when it indicates the condition of whether the action in the main sentence will take place or not, it can be translated using the conditional affix "-sA." This situation highlights the necessity and importance of determining the areas of usage of these gerund affixes and the meaning they add to the sentence separately in order to correctly and completely identify their Turkish equivalents. If the correct and precise equivalents of gerund affixes can be determined through examples from literary works, many of the translation problems can be significantly reduced.
Uluslararası Türkçe Öğretimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2022
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 2022
While the sentences in Turkish Language Grammar are divided into two groups which are noun and ve... more While the sentences in Turkish Language Grammar are divided into two groups which are noun and verb sentences, the sentences in Kazakh Language in Kipchak Group are not divided in regard to type of this type of predicate "Bayandawış", which is the predicate element in Kazakh Language is seperated into two groups according to whether it is a noun or a verb. In this article, it has been examined the topic, which is about how the expressions “bar” and “joq” in Kazakh Turkish can be transferred to Turkey Turkish. In the study, first of all, a brief information was given about the concept of noun phrases and the expressions “bar” and “joq”, and then the ways in which the expressions were transferred to Turkey Turkish by means of sentences containing the words “bar” and “joq” were given as articles. It has been shown by the examples, which are provided from the literary works that the patterns "bar" and "joq" in Kazakh Turkish cannot be transferred at all times to Turkey Turkish while they can be differently transferred to our language based on the context of the sentences as /-e benziyor”, “-mış gibi/ -acak gibi/ -yor gibi”, “-mış değil”, “-dığı yok”, “gibi değil/ -e benzemez”, “hayır”, “ol-” etc. Furthermore, it has been examined by the example sentences that the sentences, which express "bar" that is a noun-predicate element in Kazakh Turkish can be also transferred as a predicate sentence based on the context of the sentence.
Akademik Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 2023
In Kazakh Turkish -ğan (-gen, -qan, -ken), -mas (-mes, -bas, -bes, -pas, -pes), -atIn (-etin, -yt... more In Kazakh Turkish -ğan (-gen, -qan, -ken), -mas (-mes, -bas, -bes, -pas, -pes), -atIn (-etin, -ytin, -ytin), -ar (-er, -r) and -uvşı, (-üvşi, -vşi, -vşı) form adjective verb suffixes, the most common one among these suffixes is “-ğan (-gen, -qan, -ken)”. This suffix is usually translated into Turkish as “-An” “-mIş” or “-DIk”. However, it is important to determine separately the use of this suffix in its simple form, with other case suffixes, its use with prepositions, or the meanings it acquires when added to auxiliary verbs. In particular, the sample sentences obtained as a result of the scanning of literary works such as Qazaq Tilindegi Qurmalas Söylemder Sintaksisi, Köşpendiler, Abay Jolı and Altın Orda have shown us that the adjective verb suffix “-ğan” has different forms of transfer to Turkey Turkish. For example, this adjective verb suffix, which expresses the past tense, is used in Turkey Turkish as “–DIktAn sonra” or “-IncA” when used with the nominative case and preposition “soŋ”, and “-DIkçA” when used with the nominative case and the preposition “sayın”. It can be transferred with the adverb-verb or in the form of "-DI ise". In this article, which was supported by sample sentences quoted from the literary works that were scanned, ten different forms of transfer to Turkey Turkish with various usage areas of the suffix were determined.
Eğitim Yayınevi, 2024
Karakalpak Türkçesindeki Vokalle Başlayan Arkaik (Eskicil) Kelimelerde Gerçekleşen Fonetik Değişi... more Karakalpak Türkçesindeki Vokalle Başlayan Arkaik (Eskicil) Kelimelerde Gerçekleşen Fonetik Değişimlerin Tarihî Türk Lehçeleri Bağlamında İncelenmesi