Mehmet Anık | Bingol University (original) (raw)

Books by Mehmet Anık

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Çeşitlilik ve Bir Kamu Politikası Olarak Çokkültürcülük (Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism as a Public Policy)

Siyaset ve Postmodern Toplum, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Göç Sonrası Kültürel Uyum ve Kimlik Sorunları (Cultural Adaptation and Identity Issues after Migration)

Bölgesel ve Küresel Gelişmeler Işığında Uluslararası Göçler (International Migrations in the Light of Regional and Global Issues), 2022

Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da f... more Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz. Nobel Yayın Grubu, 1984 yılından itibaren ulusal ve 2011 yılından itibaren ise uluslararası düzeyde düzenli olarak faaliyet yürütmekte ve yayınladığı kitaplar, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yükseköğretim kurumları kataloglarında yer almaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Tüketimin Sosyolojisi: Gösteriş Amaçlı Tüketim ve Gençlik (Sociology of Consumption: Conspicuous Consumption and Youth)

Research paper thumbnail of Kimlik ve Çokkültürcülük Sosyolojisi (Sociology of Identity and of Multiculturalism)

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Medyada Mahremiyetin İfşası: Georg Simmel Ekseninde Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme (Disclosure of Privacy in Social Media: A Critical Evaluation on the Axis of Georg Simmel)

Mahremiyet: Hayatın Sırları ve Sınırları, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Ziya Gökalp'in Aydın Kişiliği ve Siyasi Fikirleri Etrafında Yapılan Tartışmalar (The Intellectual Personality of Ziya Gokalp and the Discussions Revolving Around His Political Ideas)

Ziya Gökalp Kitabı (Hece Yayınları), 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Sinemasında Yurtdışına Göç Olgusu (The Presentation of Emigration in Turkish Movies)

Türk Sinemasında Sosyal Meseleler, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye-Orta Asya İlişkileri Bağlamında Kazakistan (Kazakhstan in the Context of Relations between Turkey and Central Asia)

Sosyoloji Yazıları I, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Michel Foucault ve İktidar Ağlarıyla Örülmüş Özne (Michel Foucault and The Subject Surrounded by Power Relations)

Sosyoloji Yazıları I, 2007

Articles by Mehmet Anık

Research paper thumbnail of Entelektüel Sorumluluk ve Eleştiri: M. Foucault, N. Chomsky ve E. Said Üzerine Bir Analiz (Intellectual Responsibility and Criticism: An Analysis on M. Foucault, N. Chomsky and E. Said)

Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmalar Dergisi (Journal of Oriental Scientific Research), 2022

The number of universities has increased and the circulation of ideas, both written and verbal, h... more The number of universities has increased and the circulation of ideas, both written and verbal, has become easier with the developments in mass communication technology today. There is a great increase in the number of people who describe themselves as intellectuals and try to direct the masses with their ideas. In an environment where being intellectual is perceived as a profession, it is important to determine what intellectual identity or responsibility of intellectuals really are as well as what the basic qualities an intellectual critic should have. From this point of view, this study, whose main frame is determined as intellectual responsibility and criticism, analyses this issue revolving around three great intellectuals having significant influences on contemporary social theory. Having interaction with each other, Michel Foucault, Noam Chomsky and Edward Said give importance to an intellectual figure, not only writing, but also acting, having a critical point of view. All three names mentioned do not regard the intellectual as a person who is in a relationship with power for the expectation of career and personal gain. For them, intellectual responsibility includes critically analysing power relation to illuminate people and being the spokesperson of truth at all costs.

Research paper thumbnail of The Failure of Liberalism in the Face of Humanitarian Issues in the Contemporary World (Çağdaş Dünyadaki İnsani Sorunlar Karşısında Liberalizmin İflası)

Journal of the Black Sea Studies, 2022

In the framework of the policies and practices of Western liberal states on some international is... more In the framework of the policies and practices of Western liberal states on some international issues, this article intends to analyse the failure of liberalism from a humanitarian perspective. Political analysis focused on liberalism – particularly after the collapse of USSR and the end of the Cold War – claims that it is a triumphant ideology, and that a liberal global system dominated is more a peaceful one. Alas, reality paints an opposite picture, particularly from the 1990s onwards. Despite its success at the national stage, liberal interventionism in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya, the prolonged fatal unresponsiveness to the genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda, the events in Palestine, and the policies of Western liberal countries (with a colonial pasts) have all caused disappointment when it comes to hope of a liberal victory at the global level. This in turn demonstrates that liberalism is not victorious at the global level, but rather has failed in world where basic humanitarian principles are frequently sacrificed for economic interests.

Research paper thumbnail of Çokkültürcülüğe Karşı Kültürlerarasıcılık Tartışmaları Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme: Çokkültürcülük İflas mı Etti? (A Critical Evaluation of the Interculturalism versus Multiculturalism Debates: Has Multiculturalism Failed?)

Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi (Third Sector Social Economic Review), 2021

As it perceived as a threat to national stability, the initial general approach to the phenomenon... more As it perceived as a threat to national stability, the initial general approach to the phenomenon of cultural diversity in Western countries was within the framework of assimilationist policies that imposed (state-mandated) the dominant culture and denied cultural differences, but after the increasing opposition to these policies, multiculturalist practices started to emerge in some countries as an approach to recognizing cultural differences. In recent years, there have been some debates on different platforms that multiculturalist practices in Western countries have failed, and so instead of this approach, it is argued that interculturalism, which emphasizes dialogue and interaction between different cultural groups, should be adopted. Especially within the focus on immigrants, this study aims to evaluate the current debates around these two approaches and to make a critical analysis of whether multiculturalism is a failed state policy or not. In accordance with this purpose, it focuses on the problematic evaluations in the analyses made in the relevant scientific literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Neo-Racism in the Age of Populism: The Immigrant Crisis in Europe

Marifetname, 2021

In recent years, there has been a global increase in populist poli- tics aimed at manipulating th... more In recent years, there has been a global increase in populist poli- tics aimed at manipulating the public’s feelings and gaining political inter- est. The tremendous developments in communication technology spread populist discourses more, and thus causes the perception that we live in an age of populism. This research article on the immigrant crisis in Europe fo- cuses on the populist discourse that has a neo-racist tendency about an- ti-immigration. Within this framework, some populist discourses of Eu- ropean politicians are analysed, and secondary quantitative data related to this issue is used. Especially in situations of social, political and economic crisis, immigrants in European countries are stigmatised as the main cul- prits. This stigma, which is seen not only in the far right but also sometimes in left politics, is generally used for immigrants coming from non-West- ern countries, especially from Muslim countries. Muslims among immi- grant groups in European countries are often criticised for not being inte- grated into the mainstream society, and the arguments related to this issue are often expressed in a populist and pragmatic way. The main argument of the study is that one of the main threats to national unity and solidarity in European countries is the populist, neo-racist and Islamophobic discourse used against immigrants.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Bireyin Bencilliği ve Açgözlülüğü:  Faust Ekseninde Bir Edebiyat Sosyolojisi Analizi (Selfishness and Covetousness of the Modern Individual: An Analysis of Sociology of Literature on the Axis of Faust)

Dokuz Eylül University The Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2020

The aim of this study is to analyse the selfishness and covetousness of the modern individual wit... more The aim of this study is to analyse the selfishness and covetousness of the modern individual within the framework of Faust by Goethe, one of the masterpieces of modern world literature. Content analysis, one of the qualitative research techniques, is used for the analysis of this literary work. Firstly, the individual design of modernity and its relation with selfishness and covetousness are briefly discussed in the introduction of the study, then Goethe, who is a pioneer in the expressionist construction of the modern individual in the field of art, is introduced, and finally Faust is analysed within the framework of the selfishness and covetousness of the modern individual. Faust, a product of more than 60 years of writing (1770-1831), describes the drama of the modern individual as a poetic tragedy on the basis of Faust’s life. One of the most prominent features of Faust, who sold his soul to Mephistopheles, is that he is a selfish and covetous individual in order to fulfil his desires, and this situation causes many destructions and deaths. This also points to the development problem of the modern individual. According to Goethe, it is seen the most correct way for the development of self to fully integrate with nature and listen to the inner voice at the point of self-fulfilment.
Keywords: Goethe, Faust, Sociology of literature, Modern individual, Selfishness, Covetousness.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Bireye ve Okura Vurgusu Bağlamında Don Quijote Üzerine Bir Edebiyat Sosyolojisi Analizi (An Analysis of the Sociology of Literature on Don Quixote in the Context of Its Emphasis on Modern Individual and Reader)

folklor/edebiyat (folklore&literature), 2020

In this study, Don Quixote, the famous work of the Spanish writer M. Cervantes, is analyzed in th... more In this study, Don Quixote, the famous work of the Spanish writer M. Cervantes, is analyzed in the context of the sociology of literature through content analysis as one the qualitative research techniques. Nowadays, although Don Quixote generally attracts readers with its humorous aspect, it is a very important and pioneering work in terms of being the first example of modern novels and a modern narrative about the social facts-events and conflicts in the social structure of its time. Firstly, the importance of Don Quixote as a literary work is emphasized, and subsequently, the main focus of the study is on Cervantes’ emphasis on modern individual and reader in his work within the context of being the first example of the modern novels. In this work, Cervantes criticizes restricted and passive reader established by the authors of classical narratives, and highlights active readers that stand out with their freedom of interpretation. In this work, it is also emphasized that a modern individual needs to comprehend the social facts of their time correctly, rather than pursuing life habits and dreams of the feudal era.
Keywords: Cervantes, Don Quixote, the sociology of literature, modern narrative

Research paper thumbnail of Halka Karşı Entelektüel, Entelektüele Karşı Halk: Birbirine 'Yaban' İki Kesim (Intellectual Versus People, People Versus Intellectual: Two ‘Stranger’ Sides to Each Other)

Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019

This study, which deals with the intellectual-people conflict, is limited to the dichotomy of thi... more This study, which deals with the intellectual-people conflict, is limited to the dichotomy of this subject in Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu’s novels. There are similar evaluations between the approach of this dichotomy in Karaosmanoğlu’s novels and the approach of Kadro Movement founded by an elitist intellectual group including Karaosmanoğlu. In this respect, methodologically, it is firstly evaluated Kadro as an elitist intellectual movement, and then Karaosmanoğlu’s all novels on the axis of intellectual-people dichotomy are analysed through critical discourse analysis that is one of the qualitative analysis technique. Through Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu’s novels, it is significant that the background of the intellectual-people dichotomy is revealed by a scientific analysis, in order to understand the different aspects of this dichotomy that is presently reflected. The elitist intellectual in Karaosmanoğlu’s novels has a high-hat, prejudiced, sarcastic and dismissive approach to the traditional people, traditional people also keep themselves apart from this intellectual figure who sees them as ignorant and underestimates their way of life. Karaosmanoğlu’s ideological position causes limitations and prejudices in the viewpoint of this subject.
Keywords: Karaosmanoğlu, Kadro, Elitism, Kemalism, Intellectual.

Research paper thumbnail of Asylum Seeker and Refugee Crisis as a Humanitarian Tragedy in the Contemporary World

Afro Eurasian Studies , 2018

In the contemporary world, the increase in the number of people, who have become asylum seekers a... more In the contemporary world, the increase in the number of people, who have become asylum seekers and refugees involves many humanitarian tragedies. The escape from a life in the shade of oppression and violence with the only hope of having a better life may sometimes result in a fatal end. Even though one of the target destinations of this type of migration is the Western countries, asylum seekers and refugees are seen as persona non grata in these countries. In this respect, the asylum seeker and refugee crisis, which constitutes the general scope of this paper, will be discussed and analyzed from a humanitarian perspective by considering the reactions of the Western countries to this problem. Today, this problem causes many political debates and crises in the Western countries. The rise of extreme right in the Western world is one of the biggest obstacles to adopt a humanitarian approach to this problem. At this point, the main argument of this paper is that the reactions towards the asylum seekers and refugees in the Western countries have a neo-racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic tendency, and that the current socio-political conjuncture seriously threatens the hopes of those people with different cultural, religious, linguistic or ethnic origin, who seek a peaceful coexistence in the world.
Keywords: Refugee Crisis, Asylum Seeker Crisis, Refugee Migration, Asylum, International Migration.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Kimlik Siyaseti Olarak Çokkültürcülük ve Paradoksları (Multiculturalism As an Identity Politics and Its Paradoxes)

The general failure of assimilation policies in the Western countries and the growth in the deman... more The general failure of assimilation policies in the Western countries and the growth in the demand for recognition from different people whose identity is ignored have enabled the continuation of various debates within the multiculturalism as an identity politics. Considering the approaches advocating multiculturalism, it is seen that libertarian and communitarian approaches are brought forward as two dominant approaches. While the libertarian approach gives priority to individual rights, the communitarian approach argues that the priority should be given to community and group rights. Both approaches base their claims on different reasons in this context. In this study, firstly, it will be emphasized why identity has become such a foreground nowadays, then it will be focused on the relationship between this and multiculturalism in the context of libertarian and communitarian approaches, and the main paradoxes in these approaches. So, it is aimed to contribute to the scientific literature on this subject by making a unique evaluation in a critical perspective on the dominant in multiculturalism. As the libertarian approach in terms of multiculturalism has included various paradoxes, such as over identification basic human principles like equality and freedom as individual-centered to liberalism and criticism of higher social formations at this point, the communitarian approach that places community and group identities to forefront, and ignores individual differences among them has also various paradoxes in itself.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Çocuk Gelinler Sorunu: Balıkesir Örneği (The Problem of Child Brides in Turkey: Balıkesir Example)

In this study, it is primarily aimed to make a scientific contribution to the understanding of ch... more In this study, it is primarily aimed to make a scientific contribution to the understanding of child brides problem with different aspects in Turkey having a place above the World average in terms of this social problem, and then to make various suggestions for solutions. Balıkesir that has a place above the average in terms of child brides in 2016 census data is chosen as research universe, using in-depth interview from qualitative research techniques, 22 female participants were interviewed, and the data obtained in these interviews was classified and analysed. Secondary quantitative data is also used in the study. In the interviews, it is seen that the problem of child brides does not only come out the marriages made by the family force, but also the presence of girl children escaping from their family, and getting married is effective in this social problem. The struggle against this multidimensional social problem must also be multifaceted. In this regard, firstly, it is necessary to provide coordination between relevant government departments, local governments and NGOs.

Research paper thumbnail of Aykırı Bir Düşünür Olarak J. Baudrillard ve Gösteriş Amaçlı Tüketim (J. Baudrillard as a Divergent Thinker and Conspicuous Consumption)

Jean Baudrillard, one of the most influential thinkers of the last period is known his refusal to... more Jean Baudrillard, one of the most influential thinkers of the last period is known his refusal to the current political and ideological approaches. Baudrillard as a thinker influenced by Marx's ideas attempted to revise Marxist theory in the early years of his intellectual life, but especially since his studies published in 1970s, he began to express harsh criticism to the classical Marxist tradition. Jean Baudrillard has gained worldwide fame after his ideas on simulation theory and consumption. The main focus of this article is to analyse Baudrillard's ideas on conspicuous consumption, and so to make a contribution to a better understanding of today's consumption habits. In this regard, first of all, by considering the various criticisms on difficulties in understanding Baudrillard's ideas, an overview of his approach on different topics including conspicuous consumption is reviewed to facilitate the understanding of his ideas. Subsequently, the reasons for consumption came to the forefront in today's world is emphasized, and finally, the issue of conspicuous consumption is analysed.

According to Baudrillard, unlike the period based on production and class relations, the primary sectors in today's world are service and communication sectors, and these aforementioned sectors are in fact reproduction sectors rather than becoming a production sector. Both agricultural societies and industrial societies are identified through their production form, whereas consumption phenomenon in today's societies comes to the foreground rather than production. At that point conspicuous consumption is becoming a widespread phenomenon rather than consumption of basic necessities. Today, common consumer objects are not seen as a social class indicator anymore, while consumption used to be seen as one of the key indicators of social class. Baudrillard points out that the distinction between vital or basic necessities and fake or artificial necessities in a consumer society are blurred. Fake necessities which are presented like basic necessities in conspicuous consumption are produced just like commodities. Conspicuous consumption is seen as a social prestige or status symbol, and that makes consumption of luxury goods or the objects belonging to famous brands widespread. In this context, individuals in conspicuous consumption have become a fashion or brand addicts. Baudrillard emphasises that no one is free in this game, and everyone is both a slave and master in the meanwhile. In a consumer society, the concepts of happiness and unhappiness are in the foreground beyond the concepts of goodness and malice, and the happiness of the masses is assumed to be directly proportional to consumption. Within this context, all desires are materialized, and consumers are seduced with the imaginary meanings attributed to objects of consumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Çeşitlilik ve Bir Kamu Politikası Olarak Çokkültürcülük (Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism as a Public Policy)

Siyaset ve Postmodern Toplum, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Göç Sonrası Kültürel Uyum ve Kimlik Sorunları (Cultural Adaptation and Identity Issues after Migration)

Bölgesel ve Küresel Gelişmeler Işığında Uluslararası Göçler (International Migrations in the Light of Regional and Global Issues), 2022

Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da f... more Yayınevinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, kitabın tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik, mekanik ya da fotokopi yoluyla basımı, yayımı, çoğaltımı ve dağıtımı yapılamaz. Nobel Yayın Grubu, 1984 yılından itibaren ulusal ve 2011 yılından itibaren ise uluslararası düzeyde düzenli olarak faaliyet yürütmekte ve yayınladığı kitaplar, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeydeki yükseköğretim kurumları kataloglarında yer almaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Tüketimin Sosyolojisi: Gösteriş Amaçlı Tüketim ve Gençlik (Sociology of Consumption: Conspicuous Consumption and Youth)

Research paper thumbnail of Kimlik ve Çokkültürcülük Sosyolojisi (Sociology of Identity and of Multiculturalism)

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Medyada Mahremiyetin İfşası: Georg Simmel Ekseninde Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme (Disclosure of Privacy in Social Media: A Critical Evaluation on the Axis of Georg Simmel)

Mahremiyet: Hayatın Sırları ve Sınırları, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Ziya Gökalp'in Aydın Kişiliği ve Siyasi Fikirleri Etrafında Yapılan Tartışmalar (The Intellectual Personality of Ziya Gokalp and the Discussions Revolving Around His Political Ideas)

Ziya Gökalp Kitabı (Hece Yayınları), 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Sinemasında Yurtdışına Göç Olgusu (The Presentation of Emigration in Turkish Movies)

Türk Sinemasında Sosyal Meseleler, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye-Orta Asya İlişkileri Bağlamında Kazakistan (Kazakhstan in the Context of Relations between Turkey and Central Asia)

Sosyoloji Yazıları I, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Michel Foucault ve İktidar Ağlarıyla Örülmüş Özne (Michel Foucault and The Subject Surrounded by Power Relations)

Sosyoloji Yazıları I, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Entelektüel Sorumluluk ve Eleştiri: M. Foucault, N. Chomsky ve E. Said Üzerine Bir Analiz (Intellectual Responsibility and Criticism: An Analysis on M. Foucault, N. Chomsky and E. Said)

Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmalar Dergisi (Journal of Oriental Scientific Research), 2022

The number of universities has increased and the circulation of ideas, both written and verbal, h... more The number of universities has increased and the circulation of ideas, both written and verbal, has become easier with the developments in mass communication technology today. There is a great increase in the number of people who describe themselves as intellectuals and try to direct the masses with their ideas. In an environment where being intellectual is perceived as a profession, it is important to determine what intellectual identity or responsibility of intellectuals really are as well as what the basic qualities an intellectual critic should have. From this point of view, this study, whose main frame is determined as intellectual responsibility and criticism, analyses this issue revolving around three great intellectuals having significant influences on contemporary social theory. Having interaction with each other, Michel Foucault, Noam Chomsky and Edward Said give importance to an intellectual figure, not only writing, but also acting, having a critical point of view. All three names mentioned do not regard the intellectual as a person who is in a relationship with power for the expectation of career and personal gain. For them, intellectual responsibility includes critically analysing power relation to illuminate people and being the spokesperson of truth at all costs.

Research paper thumbnail of The Failure of Liberalism in the Face of Humanitarian Issues in the Contemporary World (Çağdaş Dünyadaki İnsani Sorunlar Karşısında Liberalizmin İflası)

Journal of the Black Sea Studies, 2022

In the framework of the policies and practices of Western liberal states on some international is... more In the framework of the policies and practices of Western liberal states on some international issues, this article intends to analyse the failure of liberalism from a humanitarian perspective. Political analysis focused on liberalism – particularly after the collapse of USSR and the end of the Cold War – claims that it is a triumphant ideology, and that a liberal global system dominated is more a peaceful one. Alas, reality paints an opposite picture, particularly from the 1990s onwards. Despite its success at the national stage, liberal interventionism in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya, the prolonged fatal unresponsiveness to the genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda, the events in Palestine, and the policies of Western liberal countries (with a colonial pasts) have all caused disappointment when it comes to hope of a liberal victory at the global level. This in turn demonstrates that liberalism is not victorious at the global level, but rather has failed in world where basic humanitarian principles are frequently sacrificed for economic interests.

Research paper thumbnail of Çokkültürcülüğe Karşı Kültürlerarasıcılık Tartışmaları Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme: Çokkültürcülük İflas mı Etti? (A Critical Evaluation of the Interculturalism versus Multiculturalism Debates: Has Multiculturalism Failed?)

Üçüncü Sektör Sosyal Ekonomi Dergisi (Third Sector Social Economic Review), 2021

As it perceived as a threat to national stability, the initial general approach to the phenomenon... more As it perceived as a threat to national stability, the initial general approach to the phenomenon of cultural diversity in Western countries was within the framework of assimilationist policies that imposed (state-mandated) the dominant culture and denied cultural differences, but after the increasing opposition to these policies, multiculturalist practices started to emerge in some countries as an approach to recognizing cultural differences. In recent years, there have been some debates on different platforms that multiculturalist practices in Western countries have failed, and so instead of this approach, it is argued that interculturalism, which emphasizes dialogue and interaction between different cultural groups, should be adopted. Especially within the focus on immigrants, this study aims to evaluate the current debates around these two approaches and to make a critical analysis of whether multiculturalism is a failed state policy or not. In accordance with this purpose, it focuses on the problematic evaluations in the analyses made in the relevant scientific literature.

Research paper thumbnail of Neo-Racism in the Age of Populism: The Immigrant Crisis in Europe

Marifetname, 2021

In recent years, there has been a global increase in populist poli- tics aimed at manipulating th... more In recent years, there has been a global increase in populist poli- tics aimed at manipulating the public’s feelings and gaining political inter- est. The tremendous developments in communication technology spread populist discourses more, and thus causes the perception that we live in an age of populism. This research article on the immigrant crisis in Europe fo- cuses on the populist discourse that has a neo-racist tendency about an- ti-immigration. Within this framework, some populist discourses of Eu- ropean politicians are analysed, and secondary quantitative data related to this issue is used. Especially in situations of social, political and economic crisis, immigrants in European countries are stigmatised as the main cul- prits. This stigma, which is seen not only in the far right but also sometimes in left politics, is generally used for immigrants coming from non-West- ern countries, especially from Muslim countries. Muslims among immi- grant groups in European countries are often criticised for not being inte- grated into the mainstream society, and the arguments related to this issue are often expressed in a populist and pragmatic way. The main argument of the study is that one of the main threats to national unity and solidarity in European countries is the populist, neo-racist and Islamophobic discourse used against immigrants.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Bireyin Bencilliği ve Açgözlülüğü:  Faust Ekseninde Bir Edebiyat Sosyolojisi Analizi (Selfishness and Covetousness of the Modern Individual: An Analysis of Sociology of Literature on the Axis of Faust)

Dokuz Eylül University The Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2020

The aim of this study is to analyse the selfishness and covetousness of the modern individual wit... more The aim of this study is to analyse the selfishness and covetousness of the modern individual within the framework of Faust by Goethe, one of the masterpieces of modern world literature. Content analysis, one of the qualitative research techniques, is used for the analysis of this literary work. Firstly, the individual design of modernity and its relation with selfishness and covetousness are briefly discussed in the introduction of the study, then Goethe, who is a pioneer in the expressionist construction of the modern individual in the field of art, is introduced, and finally Faust is analysed within the framework of the selfishness and covetousness of the modern individual. Faust, a product of more than 60 years of writing (1770-1831), describes the drama of the modern individual as a poetic tragedy on the basis of Faust’s life. One of the most prominent features of Faust, who sold his soul to Mephistopheles, is that he is a selfish and covetous individual in order to fulfil his desires, and this situation causes many destructions and deaths. This also points to the development problem of the modern individual. According to Goethe, it is seen the most correct way for the development of self to fully integrate with nature and listen to the inner voice at the point of self-fulfilment.
Keywords: Goethe, Faust, Sociology of literature, Modern individual, Selfishness, Covetousness.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Bireye ve Okura Vurgusu Bağlamında Don Quijote Üzerine Bir Edebiyat Sosyolojisi Analizi (An Analysis of the Sociology of Literature on Don Quixote in the Context of Its Emphasis on Modern Individual and Reader)

folklor/edebiyat (folklore&literature), 2020

In this study, Don Quixote, the famous work of the Spanish writer M. Cervantes, is analyzed in th... more In this study, Don Quixote, the famous work of the Spanish writer M. Cervantes, is analyzed in the context of the sociology of literature through content analysis as one the qualitative research techniques. Nowadays, although Don Quixote generally attracts readers with its humorous aspect, it is a very important and pioneering work in terms of being the first example of modern novels and a modern narrative about the social facts-events and conflicts in the social structure of its time. Firstly, the importance of Don Quixote as a literary work is emphasized, and subsequently, the main focus of the study is on Cervantes’ emphasis on modern individual and reader in his work within the context of being the first example of the modern novels. In this work, Cervantes criticizes restricted and passive reader established by the authors of classical narratives, and highlights active readers that stand out with their freedom of interpretation. In this work, it is also emphasized that a modern individual needs to comprehend the social facts of their time correctly, rather than pursuing life habits and dreams of the feudal era.
Keywords: Cervantes, Don Quixote, the sociology of literature, modern narrative

Research paper thumbnail of Halka Karşı Entelektüel, Entelektüele Karşı Halk: Birbirine 'Yaban' İki Kesim (Intellectual Versus People, People Versus Intellectual: Two ‘Stranger’ Sides to Each Other)

Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019

This study, which deals with the intellectual-people conflict, is limited to the dichotomy of thi... more This study, which deals with the intellectual-people conflict, is limited to the dichotomy of this subject in Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu’s novels. There are similar evaluations between the approach of this dichotomy in Karaosmanoğlu’s novels and the approach of Kadro Movement founded by an elitist intellectual group including Karaosmanoğlu. In this respect, methodologically, it is firstly evaluated Kadro as an elitist intellectual movement, and then Karaosmanoğlu’s all novels on the axis of intellectual-people dichotomy are analysed through critical discourse analysis that is one of the qualitative analysis technique. Through Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu’s novels, it is significant that the background of the intellectual-people dichotomy is revealed by a scientific analysis, in order to understand the different aspects of this dichotomy that is presently reflected. The elitist intellectual in Karaosmanoğlu’s novels has a high-hat, prejudiced, sarcastic and dismissive approach to the traditional people, traditional people also keep themselves apart from this intellectual figure who sees them as ignorant and underestimates their way of life. Karaosmanoğlu’s ideological position causes limitations and prejudices in the viewpoint of this subject.
Keywords: Karaosmanoğlu, Kadro, Elitism, Kemalism, Intellectual.

Research paper thumbnail of Asylum Seeker and Refugee Crisis as a Humanitarian Tragedy in the Contemporary World

Afro Eurasian Studies , 2018

In the contemporary world, the increase in the number of people, who have become asylum seekers a... more In the contemporary world, the increase in the number of people, who have become asylum seekers and refugees involves many humanitarian tragedies. The escape from a life in the shade of oppression and violence with the only hope of having a better life may sometimes result in a fatal end. Even though one of the target destinations of this type of migration is the Western countries, asylum seekers and refugees are seen as persona non grata in these countries. In this respect, the asylum seeker and refugee crisis, which constitutes the general scope of this paper, will be discussed and analyzed from a humanitarian perspective by considering the reactions of the Western countries to this problem. Today, this problem causes many political debates and crises in the Western countries. The rise of extreme right in the Western world is one of the biggest obstacles to adopt a humanitarian approach to this problem. At this point, the main argument of this paper is that the reactions towards the asylum seekers and refugees in the Western countries have a neo-racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic tendency, and that the current socio-political conjuncture seriously threatens the hopes of those people with different cultural, religious, linguistic or ethnic origin, who seek a peaceful coexistence in the world.
Keywords: Refugee Crisis, Asylum Seeker Crisis, Refugee Migration, Asylum, International Migration.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Kimlik Siyaseti Olarak Çokkültürcülük ve Paradoksları (Multiculturalism As an Identity Politics and Its Paradoxes)

The general failure of assimilation policies in the Western countries and the growth in the deman... more The general failure of assimilation policies in the Western countries and the growth in the demand for recognition from different people whose identity is ignored have enabled the continuation of various debates within the multiculturalism as an identity politics. Considering the approaches advocating multiculturalism, it is seen that libertarian and communitarian approaches are brought forward as two dominant approaches. While the libertarian approach gives priority to individual rights, the communitarian approach argues that the priority should be given to community and group rights. Both approaches base their claims on different reasons in this context. In this study, firstly, it will be emphasized why identity has become such a foreground nowadays, then it will be focused on the relationship between this and multiculturalism in the context of libertarian and communitarian approaches, and the main paradoxes in these approaches. So, it is aimed to contribute to the scientific literature on this subject by making a unique evaluation in a critical perspective on the dominant in multiculturalism. As the libertarian approach in terms of multiculturalism has included various paradoxes, such as over identification basic human principles like equality and freedom as individual-centered to liberalism and criticism of higher social formations at this point, the communitarian approach that places community and group identities to forefront, and ignores individual differences among them has also various paradoxes in itself.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Çocuk Gelinler Sorunu: Balıkesir Örneği (The Problem of Child Brides in Turkey: Balıkesir Example)

In this study, it is primarily aimed to make a scientific contribution to the understanding of ch... more In this study, it is primarily aimed to make a scientific contribution to the understanding of child brides problem with different aspects in Turkey having a place above the World average in terms of this social problem, and then to make various suggestions for solutions. Balıkesir that has a place above the average in terms of child brides in 2016 census data is chosen as research universe, using in-depth interview from qualitative research techniques, 22 female participants were interviewed, and the data obtained in these interviews was classified and analysed. Secondary quantitative data is also used in the study. In the interviews, it is seen that the problem of child brides does not only come out the marriages made by the family force, but also the presence of girl children escaping from their family, and getting married is effective in this social problem. The struggle against this multidimensional social problem must also be multifaceted. In this regard, firstly, it is necessary to provide coordination between relevant government departments, local governments and NGOs.

Research paper thumbnail of Aykırı Bir Düşünür Olarak J. Baudrillard ve Gösteriş Amaçlı Tüketim (J. Baudrillard as a Divergent Thinker and Conspicuous Consumption)

Jean Baudrillard, one of the most influential thinkers of the last period is known his refusal to... more Jean Baudrillard, one of the most influential thinkers of the last period is known his refusal to the current political and ideological approaches. Baudrillard as a thinker influenced by Marx's ideas attempted to revise Marxist theory in the early years of his intellectual life, but especially since his studies published in 1970s, he began to express harsh criticism to the classical Marxist tradition. Jean Baudrillard has gained worldwide fame after his ideas on simulation theory and consumption. The main focus of this article is to analyse Baudrillard's ideas on conspicuous consumption, and so to make a contribution to a better understanding of today's consumption habits. In this regard, first of all, by considering the various criticisms on difficulties in understanding Baudrillard's ideas, an overview of his approach on different topics including conspicuous consumption is reviewed to facilitate the understanding of his ideas. Subsequently, the reasons for consumption came to the forefront in today's world is emphasized, and finally, the issue of conspicuous consumption is analysed.

According to Baudrillard, unlike the period based on production and class relations, the primary sectors in today's world are service and communication sectors, and these aforementioned sectors are in fact reproduction sectors rather than becoming a production sector. Both agricultural societies and industrial societies are identified through their production form, whereas consumption phenomenon in today's societies comes to the foreground rather than production. At that point conspicuous consumption is becoming a widespread phenomenon rather than consumption of basic necessities. Today, common consumer objects are not seen as a social class indicator anymore, while consumption used to be seen as one of the key indicators of social class. Baudrillard points out that the distinction between vital or basic necessities and fake or artificial necessities in a consumer society are blurred. Fake necessities which are presented like basic necessities in conspicuous consumption are produced just like commodities. Conspicuous consumption is seen as a social prestige or status symbol, and that makes consumption of luxury goods or the objects belonging to famous brands widespread. In this context, individuals in conspicuous consumption have become a fashion or brand addicts. Baudrillard emphasises that no one is free in this game, and everyone is both a slave and master in the meanwhile. In a consumer society, the concepts of happiness and unhappiness are in the foreground beyond the concepts of goodness and malice, and the happiness of the masses is assumed to be directly proportional to consumption. Within this context, all desires are materialized, and consumers are seduced with the imaginary meanings attributed to objects of consumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Göç, Kentleşme ve Kentlilik Bilinci: Kırıkkale Örneği (Migration, Urbanization and Sense of Urbanity: The Sample of Kırıkkale)

Sense of urbanity is a concept that expresses how much do people living in a particular urban geo... more Sense of urbanity is a concept that expresses how much do people living in a particular urban geography care about or internalize the culture of the city, whether, in this respect, they adopted the specific attitudes and behaviours of the city they live in or not, and whether they have feelings for civic responsibility to the city or not. The impacts of migration on sense of urbanity are a controversial topic from various aspects. In this paper, the sense of urbanity is analysed in the specific sample of senior high school students and young people preparing for university in Kırıkkale. The reason for choosing Kırıkkale as a universe of this study is a city formed by migration, and maintained to be a migration and emigration city. Cluster sampling method as one kind of probabilistic sampling is used in this study, and the selected sample for the research is 2000 people in the 17-25-age range. The data obtained were analysed by statistical methods. According to the results obtained, the sense of urbanity among young people living in Kırıkkale is low.
Key words: Sense of Urbanity, Urbanization, City Culture, Migration, Kırıkkale.

Research paper thumbnail of The Main Trends and Discussions in the Integration Policy of Sweden

The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyse the changes and discussions concerning Swede... more The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyse the changes and discussions concerning Sweden's integration policy. Before becoming a country that receives large numbers of immigrants, over

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Gençlik ve Üniversite İlişkisi: Yapısal Sorunlar ve Somut Öneriler (The Youth and University Relations in Turkey: The Structural Problems and Concrete Proposals)

The youth and university relations in Turkey include some complex issues which contain a wide var... more The youth and university relations in Turkey include some complex issues which contain a wide variety of problems in different contexts. The purpose of this paper is, firstly, to identify certain problematic parts in this respect, and then to make some applicable, concrete proposals for resolving them. In recent years, the number of universities in Turkey has increased considerably. This quantitative growth did not reduce the problems related to qualification, but, in contrast, increased them dramatically. The lack of teaching staff, the excess of student quotas and the lack of physical infra- structure in the universities are just some of the known issues in this regard. Mostly unconsciously made preferences about departments at universities, the intensive course curriculum during the study period in university, the disconnection from the daily life of this curriculum, the lack of professional knowledge transfer and the post-graduation employment problems are the main problems faced by university students in Turkey. Since junior high school period, creating career orientation guidance, updating the curriculum of courses in universities, giving importance to the practical courses, the re-formation of the duration of the undergraduate program, the redefinition of the fields of employment and increasing employment opportu- nities are the basic steps that can be taken to solve the problems in this regard.

Research paper thumbnail of The Turks in Sweden in the Triangle of Acculturation, Integration and Homeland

In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Swed... more In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a difference between the generations about this subject were assessed in line with the data obtained in the research. The data obtained in the field study carried out in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö cities, the most densely inhabited cities by Turks, and the analysis of the data was made using SPSS 18 programme. When the data obtained are analysed, it is revealed that Turks in Sweden care for the identity formation representing their homeland and its continuation in socio-cultural terms, and they generally tend to be conservative in this sense. Nevertheless, it is also understood that the contact of Turks in Sweden with Turkish culture and Turkey is gradually decreasing (when it compared to the past). This also reveals the differences between the generations. When that 3rd generation young Turks born in Sweden came to Turkey, they generally do not feel like in their homeland, but in a foreign country or a country they visit as guests, and this also related to this kind of change. While negativities occur at the point of active participation of the Turks in Sweden in the political system in this country, that they are generally in a positive level at the point of corporate integration is another result arising out of the data obtained in the field study.

Research paper thumbnail of Two Axes Revolving Around the Discussions of Secularism in Turkey: Şerif Mardin and İsmail Kara

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Sekülerizm Tartışmalarında İki Eksen: Şerif Mardin ve İsmail Kara

Research paper thumbnail of Kültürel Farklılıkların Krize Dönüş(türül)mesi: Batı Toplumlarında İslamofobi (Conversion Of Cultural Differences into Crisis: Islamophobia in Western Societies)

İÇİNDEKİLER 5 -15 16 -23 24 -34 35 -46 47 -59 60 -71 72 -86 87 -94 95 -108 109 -123 124 -134 135 ... more İÇİNDEKİLER 5 -15 16 -23 24 -34 35 -46 47 -59 60 -71 72 -86 87 -94 95 -108 109 -123 124 -134 135 -140 141 -160 161 -173 174 -183 444 -464 425 -443 407 -424 389 -406 373 -388 352 -372 338 -351 314 -337 290 -313 284 -289 271 -283 254 -270 232 -253 215 -231

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Modernleş(tir)me Projesi Olarak Köy Enstitüleri (The Village Institutes as a Modernization Project in Turkey )

Kemalizm Türkiye'nin kentlerine ve kentlilerine devrimi getirmiş, fakat köylere hemen hiç el doku... more Kemalizm Türkiye'nin kentlerine ve kentlilerine devrimi getirmiş, fakat köylere hemen hiç el dokundurmamıştı. İkinci sessiz devrim şimdi ülkenin daha derin katlarına erişiyor ve yeni bir değişimi başlatıyordu." 1 Giriş O smanlı'da ilk olarak askerî alanda başlayan Batılılaşma çabaları, zamanla sivil alanlara doğru kaymaya başlamış ve Batı örnek alınarak kurulan eğitim kurumları, Osmanlı modernleşmesinin önemli araçlarından birini oluşturmuştur. Osmanlı'da eğitim alanındaki Batılılaşma hareketlerinin, başlangıçta, genellikle devlete kadro yetiştiren kurumlarla sınırlı tutulmaya çalışıldığı ve toplumu Batılılaştırma gibi bir gayenin güdülmediği görülmektedir. Batılılaşma çabaları çerçevesinde, eskinin (medreseler) artık ihtiyaca cevap vermekten uzak olduğu anlayışı ve bununla birlikte yeniye (Batı tarzı eğitim kurumları) olan rağbet sonucunda, Osmanlı eğitim sisteminin başlıca kurumlarını oluşturan medreseler, sistem içerisindeki önemlerini kaybetmeye ve bunun da bir sonucu olarak, ulema sınıfı etkinliğini yitirmeye başlamıştır. Bu modernleşme çabaları giderek artmış ve belli ölçüde Cumhuriyet dönemi modernleşme çabalarına da zemin hazırlamıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Sermaye Kavramı Işığında Ziya Gökalp’in Düşünceleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme (An Analysis of Ziya Gökalp’s Ideas in the Context of Social Capital)

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyolojide Bireysel Otonomi Tartışmaları Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Değerlendirme (A Critical Evaluation of the Discussions on Individual Autonomy in Sociology)

3rd International Research Congress on Social Sciences, 2018

One of the most controversial issues in social sciences, and especially in sociology is on the ax... more One of the most controversial issues in social sciences, and especially in sociology is on the axis of the structure-agency dualism. Although there are some contemporary approaches defend this debate is long overdue, it is possible to say that the debate on the structure and agency directly or indirectly maintains its vitality. Indeed, not only in classical theory, but also in contemporary social theory, many controversies reference to the structure-agency debate. The debates revolving around highlighting one of the dualities or overcoming the dualities such as macro-micro, induction-deduction, explanation- interpretation, objectivism-subjectivism, determinism-indeterminism, structure-action, individual- society, subject-object are directly based on the structure-agency debate. In this debate, as opposed to
the structure as the element that directs or restricts the behaviours of individuals; the concept of agency is being put forward to point to the capacity of individuals to act independently as subjects in their own lives and to make their own choices freely. In this study, first of all, the approaches of leading thinkers in classical theory that include that dualism will be discussed, and then the efforts to find a way around this duality in contemporary social theory will be critically assessed. Despite of the very wide frame of the structure-agency problem, the relevant assessments in this conference paper are limited around the discussions on individual autonomy.
Keywords: Structure-agency, structure-action, individual autonomy, individual-society, subject-object.

Research paper thumbnail of Batı’daki Doğu: Barış İçinde Birlikte Yaşama Kültürü Olarak Endülüs (The East in the West: Al-Andalus as a Culture of Coexistence in Peace)

I. Uluslararası Savaş ve Kültür Sempozyumu (The First International Symposium on War and Culture)

In recent years, the conflicts in different parts of the world that have been caused by cultural,... more In recent years, the conflicts in different parts of the world that have been caused by cultural, religious, ideological or ethnic differences are not merely unique problems to today’s societies. Looking from past to present, it is often possible to encounter such conflicts in both Western and Oriental societies. Following the declaration of the Canadian government as an official state policy at the beginning of the 1970s, multicultural policies as an expression of the search for peaceful coexistence with differences has led to many debates, particularly political and academic. Although multiculturalism expresses a peaceful search for cultural diversity in modern political conception, it is possible to say that cultural diversity is not only specific to modern times, but also more foreground in some respects before the nation-states. In this study, the example of Andalusia will be analyzed in this context. Because Andalusia is not just a region or state, but also a culture and a civilization that shows examples of different tongues, religions, ethnicities and cultures that can live together peacefully. The political and sociological dimension of this historical situation in the Andalusian civilization, where differences from different civilization basins are seen as elements of social wealth, not conflict, will form the main content of this work.

Research paper thumbnail of Engelli Ailelerinin Sosyo-Kültürel ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumları: Bingöl Örneği

II. Bingöl Sempozyumu, 2009