Cell Line Ontology [by Mahadevan] (original) (raw)


Acronym MCCL
Visibility Public
Description Ontologies provide a common platform of controlled vocabulary for researchers who need to share information across a particular domain, inclusive of machine-interpretable definitions of basic concepts in the domain and relations among them. The need for ontologies that provide a systematic arrangement of available data and allow cross talk across various related domains is gaining momentum. In this backdrop, we have developed a comprehensive ontology on primary and established cell lines-both normal and pathologic. It covers around 400 cell lines. This ontology has been built to include the major domains in the field of biology like anatomy, bio-molecules, chemicals and drugs, pathological conditions and genetic variations around the cell lines. An extensive network of relations has been built across these concepts to enable different combinations of queries. The ontology covers all cell lines from major sources like ATCC, DSMZ, ECACC, ICLC etc. and is built in OWL format.
Status Beta
Format OWL
Contact Usha Mahadevan, usha@molecularconnections.com
Categories Anatomy, Cell, Health, Protein


Version Released Uploaded Downloads
2 (Uploaded, Error Rdf Labels, Error Annotator) 08/05/2014 08/04/2014 OWL | CSV RDF/XML Diff
1 (Archived) 10/25/2010 10/28/2010 OWL

No views of MCCL available

Classes 5,475
Individuals 0
Properties 17
Maximum depth 9
Maximum number of children 2,155
Average number of children 4
Classes with a single child 916
Classes with more than 25 children 3
Classes with no definition 5,475