BirlZine! (original) (raw)
Fri, Dec. 16th, 2011, 12:56 pm
mshedwig: Open Call for Photos!! I AM: Trans People Speak COMMUNITY
HI There,
My name is Jesse and I work with the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC). At MTPC I have been working on a multi-media project called I AM: Trans People Speak that highlights the lived experience of trans people in Mass.
We are launching a new phase of this project In February where anyone can create their own video to submit, much like the it gets better project.
If you do want to submit a photo, unfortunately we can only accept photos from people over 18 at this time unless you have parents permission.
Yesterday we just started our OPEN CALL FOR PHOTOGRAPHS from anyone in the trans community and you can find the "official" open call on our facebook page:
Hope to see some of you submit your photos!
Thu, May. 1st, 2008, 07:36 pm
sparkle_puppy: (no subject)
Hi there!
So my friend just gave me a couple of issues of the Birlzine (issues one and two) and I loved them, so I googled you guys and it took me here. Is the zine still going?
Mon, Feb. 5th, 2007, 09:51 am
razz: What to do with BirlZine, going to x-post to the birls community
Hey, Birls!
I hope you’re all well!
I have to decide what to do with BirlZine. I haven’t had an issue out in over a year, and the domain expires at the end of this month. I love the zine, but I just ran out of time, money, and energy to keep it going. I’d love to be involved with it, but with a full-time job, two ongoing freelance gigs, night classes, and volunteer work, there’s only so much I can do. I’m looking for a team of people to keep the zine going because I can’t, but don’t want to just let it go. I looked back on the first four issues, and they’re such good resources, and the idea still has so much potential.
I’m looking for people who want to put in at least a little consistent time and energy to keep this project going. I need people to look for and read contributions, research resources, brainstorm for ideas, provide content, work on layouts, proofread, etc. If I can’t find a full, dedicated staff of volunteers, I’m going to have to let the project go. Please let me know if you’re interested. You can send a line to
Thu, Jan. 12th, 2006, 10:14 am
razz: Drag Kings! Oh I love drag kings ... (cross-posted to birls community)
This one's done:
So I can start work on this one:
I need help from drag kings! BirlZine 5 will be all about Drag King Culture. I need enough awesome content to fill the zine. I'm looking for stuff like venues and troupes so I can build a comprehensive directory, the history of drag kings/important drag kings from history, personal stories, critical essays, resources (online message boards, Web sites, communities, books, movies, how-to guides--especially how to become a drag king, start a troupe, find a venue, design and practice shows, pick fashion and music, etc.) , black-and-white art and photos (especially for a cover, since the one I have is only a test cover), poetry, etc. I'll be surfing the Internet as I have time to find content. If any of you drag kings would be up for an online interview, please let me know! If you have photos of yourself that you'd like to contribute, please send them in! I'm looking for all types of content. I'd love to make this a valuable online and print resource. There is no deadline--when I have enough content, I'll format the zine and make it available as a PDF file online and as a printed zine that I can mail out.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or submissions, please send them to julie-at-birlzine-dot-com or visit
Thank you so much in advance!!! =)
Tue, Jan. 10th, 2006, 03:51 pm
razz: Okay, I'll try this one again: BirlZine! #4 is finito!
This one really is done this time! I pwomise! The ever-awesome Dara threw down a copyedit, I plugged in some final graphics, filled in some blanks, and ran a test proof. Now all I have to do is take this to the printers, fold, staple, and they're off. My schedule is crampy, though--I won't be able to hit the printers until Friday at the soonest. I'll send copies out to contributors first, then to anyone else who wants a copy.
Here's a poll, though ...
In what format do you want to see future BirlZines? When I first came up with BirlZine, it was integral that it remain a print publication. I guess that's part of its charm. It also becomes a product that easy to pass around, especially to zine distributors who can reach people who aren't in the LJ community, and gender-related conferences who are just now starting to distribute zines. Not just that, but an online format risked removing some of the contributors' anonymity, which might dissuade them from contributing. It makes their work more available, but it also increases risk of theft from people browsing. So with all that in mind ...
PDF mostly, with print copies for contributors and conferences.
Print for those who want it, and PDF for everyone else.
PDF as contributors wish, and keep the rest in print.
I'd definitely appreciate any input. =)
Some of you may have noticed that I took BirlZine off its deadlines. My freelance schedule, regular work schedule, and social schedule are taking up more of my time than I would've imagined when I started the zines. I'm going to work as steadfastly as I can, but I hate to break promises in the form of deadlines, so this is how it's going to have to be unless I can increase my meager-yet-completely amazing staff (Dara the Copy Editor and Nik the Website Designer). I'm really looking forward to starting in on the Drag King Culture issue, though, so if you or anyone you know might be able to bring me some content, I'd love it! As of now, Issue 5, Drag King Culture, is scheduled to come out as soon as I have enough content to fill it, can format and edit it, and can fold the suckers in half to fit in the envelopes!
Hope all is well with you! =D
Mon, Dec. 5th, 2005, 04:07 pm
razz: I swear, I haven't forgotten you!
BirlZine! is painfully behind schedule, I know, and for the moment, my plate is clear, so hopefully I'll be able to finish up Issue 4 and get it out by the end of December! Sorry, folks, for reals. I'm going to slate #5 to come out for January, but I'm wondering if I should stop trying to set deadlines when I'm not sure if I can make them or not.
Fri, Sep. 30th, 2005, 09:11 am
razz: about to max out on setbacks
I have to push the deadline back a week! I haven't had time to finish the layout, much less hit the copy machines. Work's still a drag. =( I'm hoping to get stuff ready to go by Monday, for reals this time. Damn--I've been getting the other issues out weeks early--guess I had to eventually run into one that took forever to get out. Sorry for the delay!!!
Wed, Sep. 28th, 2005, 12:50 pm
Oy! I'm way behind. I've been bringing work home from the office every day for the past three weeks, and I thought it would let up this week. No such luck! =( BZ4 looks like it will be delayed by about a week. I'm sorry, everyone! On another note, though, someone asked to interview me for a zine project they're working on, and I thought some of you might get a kick out of my answers for the pre-interview questions.
( They're really lengthy, though, so enter at your own risk.Collapse )
Tue, Sep. 20th, 2005, 09:55 am
razz: BirlZine! 4 finally almost done ...
Okay, oy, I'm behind schedule because of non-zine activities, but if I do things right and work and stuff don't get stupid, I can have this ready to ship out on schedule at the end of September. (Any locals up for a stapling/folding party???) I just need to finalize the layout, plug in some last-minute content, and then pass out. I'm not too sure about the cover, but it was the best I could whip up. =( For the last issue, postage donor's who sent in $1.20 got a free birls button. For this issue, they'll get a free gender subversion poster w/mini coloring book printed on the back by crimethinc. They rock, and I can't wait to get them out!!! I'll post this in the birls community as soon as I have time to write a proper something and get these images uploaded into my regular Web site server (because I can't host them from where they are now and link them to the birls community). I won't be able to do that until I get home later tonight, though.
This interview features interviews with Skye, Carly, Trish, Kayden, and Liza. Thank you all for participating!!! You're all awesome. I was short on art this issue, but I'm hoping to turn that around for the next issues.
Don't forget! This winter's issue will be the Drag King Culture Issue!!! I'm looking for contributors to contribute anything and everything dk-related!!!!
Write to me at or leave a comment. You can also find out more info on the (not-yet-updated) Thanks, all, for your help with this issue! Now I gotta get back to work. =)
Fri, Aug. 26th, 2005, 09:17 am
Something like this, maybe ... It's not really cut off at the bottom like this. The cover's kinda generic, but it's really all I've had time to put together. The interviews are all put together, and I'm going through my inbox and placing everything that was sent in after the last call for submissions. I'm waaaaay behind on all my projects. Oy vey! =( If you have anything to submit, please please please send it in, but I have a feeling I'll be scraping together some content off the Internet and scraping together what I can because I haven't had time to ask folks for stuff. I think I have enough holdover work from other birls for this issue, though.