Careers at Plexus (original) (raw)

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If you're in the United States, please click on the link below to learn more."], "image": "", "label": "Perks and benefits - AMER", "keywords": ["health", "benefits", "insurance", "401k", "wellness", "medical", "perks"]}, {"id": "company", "url": "", "label": "About company", "image": "", "messages": ["Headquartered in Neenah, Wisconsin, Plexus employs over 20,000 team members worldwide, all united by our vision: we help create the products that build a better world", "By embracing an innovative culture of excellence, we pride ourselves on partnering with leading Aerospace and Defense, Healthcare/Life Sciences, and Industrial companies to design, manufacture, and service some of the world\u2019s most transformative products, including advanced surgical systems, diagnostic instruments, healthcare imaging equipment, mission critical aerospace systems, equipment that manufactures and tests semiconductors."], "keywords": ["About company", "locations", "company", "career", "about", "plexus"]}, {"id": "products", "messages": ["We\u2019ve strategically chosen to work in industries that require highly complex product solutions, often with the most demanding regulations. That\u2019s the kind of work we excel at\u2014and we\u2019ve aligned our whole organization to drive efficient, superior-quality solutions in those markets.", "Whether building products on the manufacturing floor or uncovering design solutions in a customer meeting, you have the opportunity to make life changing products, in a challenging and rewarding environment", "Explore our case studies that showcase the products that build a better world."], "url": "", "label": "Our products", "keywords": ["product", "innovation", "market", "competition", "industry", "make"]}, {"id": "leadership", "messages": ["At Pleuxs, our Values serve as the guiding force that unites us as Plexus. This includes how we operate, behave, and interact at every level to foster a workplace where every team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their best. Our leadership team embodies our values, using them to guide decision making and lead our global decisions.", "Learn more about the Plexus leadership team at the link below!"], "label": "Leadership & advisory board", "url": "", "keywords": ["leadership", "ceo", "cto", "founders", "board"]}, {"id": "culture", "messages": ["Join an inclusive workplace where every team is valued and embraced for their diverse perspectives and works to achieve extraordinary outcomes together.", "At Plexus, you will find a workplace centered on collaboration and integrity with supportive leadership teams that value work life balance through a flexible work environment.", "Plexus provides many opportunities to get involved with our global Employee Resource Groups (ERG's) - Women in Network, Plexus Young Professionals, Plexus Veteran's, PRIDE, and Unus Plexus."], "label": "Culture", "image": "", "url": "", "keywords": ["culture", "workplace", "remote", "diversity", "environment"]}, {"id": "development", "messages": ["We\u2019ve created, implemented, and accelerated conversations around Learning and Development and the value of investing in our people. In turn, we\u2019ve shaped a highly flexible, people agile enterprise to empower our team members to strive for and reach their aspirations.", "At Plexus, development is a partnership. Team members work with their leaders to create a custom-fit development plan based on their skills, interests, and aspirations. We also offer a number of development programs for team members, with a focus on growing both leadership and technical capabilities across all levels."], "label": "Learning & Development", "image": "", "url": "", "keywords": ["growth", "mentor", "career", "learn", "training"]}, {"id": "emea benefits", "messages": ["Plexus is passionate about positively impacting the lives of our team members and recognizes the importance of physical and emotional health and wellbeing. As a valued member of the Plexus team, we are committed to offering you healthcare plans, programs and benefits that support the overall wellbeing of you and your family, including your physical, emotional, social and financial wellbeing.", "Our benefit options are designed to help you be a better you. Benefits include (but are not limited to) days of annual leave, further education support, and volunteer time off."], "label": "Perks and benefits - EMEA", "keywords": ["medical", "income protection", "pension", "annual leave", "benefits", "holidays"]}, {"id": "apac benefits", "messages": ["Plexus is passionate about positively impacting the lives of our team members and recognizes the importance of physical and emotional health and wellbeing.As a valued member of the Plexus team, we are committed to offering you healthcare plans, programs and benefits that support the overall wellbeing of you and your family, including your physical, emotional, social and financial wellbeing. Our benefit options are designed to help you be a better you."], "label": "Perks and benefits - APAC", "keywords": ["medical", "benefits", "retirement schemes", "leave", "transportation benefit", "holidays"]}, {"id": "sustainability", "messages": ["Our vision is to help create the products that build a better world, yet the opportunity and responsibility we have to build a better world goes far beyond the products we help to create. We are committed to elevating the standards of business conduct, which is why we have integrated sustainable and responsible business practices into our enduring strategy.", "As we advance the positive impact we can have for our team members, customers and communities, we are inspired by the opportunity in front of us to innovate, operate differently and coordinate our efforts in order to drive the adoption of more resilient and responsible business practices, both within our industry and beyond.", "Learn more about Plexus' Sustainable and Responsibe business practices."], "label": "Sustainability", "url": "", "image": "", "keywords": ["environmental", "energy", "renewable", "innovation", "social responsibility"]}, {"id": "early career", "messages": ["Plexus offers internship, apprentice, and graduate programs to help initiate and advance your career. These programs provide new experiences, mentorship, skills development, relationship building and the opportunity for full-time employment. At Plexus, we embrace your innovative ideas and collaborative thinking. You play a critical role in our success as we continue to grow as a global organization."], "label": "Early careers", "image": "", "url": "", "keywords": ["internships", "Co-ops", "apprentice", "entry-level", "graduate program"]}, {"id": "engineering ", "messages": ["At Plexus, we\u2019re problem solvers. We thrive on finding answers to highly complex engineering challenges. In fact, we\u2019ve built a reputation for consistently coming through with innovative design and engineering solutions, even when others can\u2019t.", "Plexus Engineers are responsible for bringing our customers\u2019 most challenging ideas to life. Throughout our global global design centers, software, mechanical, digital, product and quality engineers work on projects that make an impact on all of our market sectors"], "label": "Engineering", "url": "", "image": "", "keywords": ["product development", "design", "mechanical ", "software", "engineering", "product commercialisation", "hardware"]}, {"id": "manufacturing ", "messages": ["In our manufacturing and servicing sites across the globe, our teams have the opportunity to work with state of the art technology in bright, safe and climate controlled environments to produce or service products that help to build a better world.", "Learn more about manufacturing at Plexus. 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