How Expert Course Development Boosts Enrollment and Learning Outcomes (original) (raw)

Research shows that the quality and breadth of academic offerings play a key role in driving student interest in programs. Course optimization also strengthens student engagement and outcomes. How can you ensure that you are creating and offering the best possible courses to achieve your desired enrollment goals?

Listen to RNL and Six Red Marbles for their exploration of enrollment management and instructional design. During the session, presenters share research and insights into:

Plus you’ll hear specific examples of how institutions are having success with this instructional design process.

Jocelyn Wright

Associate Director of Learning Experience Design, Six Red Marbles

Jocelyn Wright leads a creative, flexible team of learning experience designers, user experience designers, and video developers at Six Red Marbles, a leading provider of custom educational content. With over ten years of experience in the education and online learning sectors, she is passionate about solving puzzles. Whether it’s developing new products and services for a constantly-changing market, building custom solutions to meet internal reporting needs, or helping a team member identify client projects that meet their short and long-term career goals, she loves a good challenge.

Lauren Davis

Director of Higher Education Partnerships, Six Red Marbles

Lauren boasts over 15 years of leadership in educational technology and online program management, with a focus on launching and managing degree and certification programs. She employs a strategic and consultative approach, collaborating with university leaders to address their educational and instructional design needs. Lauren is dedicated to creating engaging and dynamic programs that distinguish institutions and attract the right students. Her passion lies in providing solutions that enable university leaders and teams to build and sustain transformative educational experiences for their students.

Lauren Davis

Director of Higher Education Partnerships, Six Red Marbles

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Scott Jeffe

Vice President of Graduate and Online Research, RNL

Scott Jeffe has worked with more than 200 institutions in 40+ states to apply market data to strategic decisions. With a focus on profiling the demands and preferences of nontraditional (adult, online, etc.) students, Scott has developed a unique sensitivity to ensuring that programs align with student demand while upholding institutional mission and values.

John Doe

Senior VP - Client Engagment, RNL

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John Doe

Senior VP - Client Engagment, RNL

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