NFHA Supports Call To Establish Dedicated Civil Rights Offices Within Federal Agencies Utilizing AI - NFHA (original) (raw)


September 19, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. _ The National Fair Housing Alliance® (NFHA™) strongly supports the recent call by two U.S. senators to establish dedicated civil rights offices within federal agencies utilizing AI technologies, noting that as AI systems increasingly influence areas such as housing and public services, it is vital that these technologies are monitored to ensure fairness, transparency, safety, and accountability and preserve consumer privacy.

Senators Charles E. Schumer and Edward J. Markey wrote to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) earlier this week in a letter addressed to Director Shalonda Young stating, “We urge the White House . . . to require all federal agencies that use AI for consequential decisions to establish a civil rights office, if they do not already have one; ensure all civil rights offices are staffed with experts in algorithmic discrimination; and encourage federal agencies to establish additional safeguards to prevent algorithmic discrimination. By ensuring that agencies have the resources, personnel, and policies to detect and mitigate bias, we can ensure that the AI age does not come at the expense of already marginalized and vulnerable communities.”

NFHA wholeheartedly agrees that robust civil rights oversight will help prevent discrimination and promote government accountability in AI development and use, especially in housing and lending.

“We applaud Leader Schumer and Senator Markey for their foresight in recognizing the potential risks associated with AI and the necessity for civil rights protections, oversight, and enforcement,” said Lisa Rice, NFHA’s President and CEO. “AI is the new civil rights frontier. We cannot afford to ignore the tremendous impact it is having on people’s ability to access credit, rent housing, obtain insurance, and other necessities of life. Establishing dedicated civil rights offices, with highly skilled staff, will safeguard marginalized communities and foster trust in the technologies that are integral to our daily lives.”

“Housing decisions directly impact people’s lives, and with AI now playing a critical role in housing processes, it is essential that these systems are rooted in principles that ensure safe, secure, and responsible innovation. We urge the OMB to review NFHA’s recent report on skill assessment for agencies’ Chief AI Officers (CAIOs) in consideration for necessary workforce training to ensure effective oversight of AI systems. Additionally, NFHA’s algorithmic auditing framework offers a clear guide for implementing the Senators’ call for AI audits, ensuring AI systems are accurate, transparent and aligned with civil and human rights protections,” said Dr. Michael Akinwumi, NFHA’s Chief AI Officer.

“NFHA is committed to advocating for policies that ensure technology serves all individuals equitably. AI technologies are already harming communities. By equipping civil rights offices with adequate staffing and resources, we can better address the challenges posed by AI and protect the rights of every individual,” said Nikitra Bailey, NFHA’s Executive Vice President.

The Senators also request that OMB “prioritize the mitigation, prevention, and elimination of algorithmic bias and discrimination.” NFHA has been a leader in challenging and eradicating bias in a variety of technologies and urges the OMB to quickly implement the measures championed by Senators Schumer and Markey.