Ukraine (original) (raw)

EU Delegation

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European Commission assistance to Ukraine mainly takes the form of Annual Action Programmes under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Other funding sources are the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) or the thematic assistance programmes, concentrating for example on human rights or civil society.

The principal objective of cooperation between the EU and Ukraine is to develop an increasingly close relationship, going beyond past levels of cooperation to gradual economic integration and deeper political cooperation. EU assistance will therefore aim at supporting Ukraine’s ambitious reform agenda on the basis of the objectives defined in the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and the EU-Ukraine Action Plan.

EU assistance programmes

EU assistance focuses in particular on support for democratic development and good governance, for regulatory reform and administrative capacity building and for infrastructure development. Another priority is nuclear safety.

The Ukrainian government's own reform strategies are assisted in various sectors identified in the National Indicative Programme for Ukraine 2007-2010.

The main assistance programmes focus on support to the implementation of Ukraine's energy strategy (ENPI Annual Action Programmes 2007 and 2008 ).

The Ukrainian-European Policy and Legal Advice Centre (UEPLAC) is a key project. It supports the process of legal approximation that will help Ukraine integrate into European structures. In addition, the Commission is funding Ukraine’s National Coordination Unit (NCU). A dedicated project supports implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA).

Commission assistance also targets sustainable regional development. As regional governments and municipalities are often the ones providing public services, they are well-placed to effect practical change on the ground. The Commission is helping Ukraine to formulate a national policy on sustainable development and to set up a regional fund to ensure investment. Several municipalities are already supported through a dedicated project.

The latest news on EU assistance to Ukraine is available on the website of the EU Delegation in Kiev.

Twinning cooperation

In support to the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the EC and Ukraine, and in line with the EU-Ukraine ENP Action Plan adopted in February 2005, the Twinning operations started in Ukraine in 2006, following a launching seminar held in Kiev in March 2006.

The Implementation of Twinning Operations in Ukraine (ITO) is a technical assistance project funded by the EU. The project duration is 3.5 years (August 2006 - February 2010). The overall objective of the project is to support the capacity of Ukraine to make the best use of the EU assistance, in particular the Twinning tool.

Economy, society and education

The Commission provides support to economic reforms in Ukraine through the Blue Ribbon Analytical and Advisory Centre, which aims at mobilizing a wide range of national and international partners in supporting market-oriented reforms and human development in Ukraine.

Assistance in favour of economic development also includes support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).

The Project "Support to Secondary Healthcare Reform in Ukraine" has started in 2007 and runs until December 2009. It contributes to the establishment of an effective, cost-efficient and equitable health care system in Ukraine.

Young drug users are supported through a specific project.

Furthermore, the Commission supports projects in favour of Civil Society, one example is the Consumer Society and Citizen Networks Project.

In order to develop local conditions, the EC funds a project which aims to support local communities all over the Ukrainian territory in improving basic municipal infrastructure through social mobilisation, capacity building and small scale community-led initiatives.

Funding has also been provided for Ukraine’s participation in the EU’s TEMPUS programme for co-operation in higher education. Ukrainians will also be able to take part in the Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation Window for mobility of students and academic staff.

Law enforcement and border management

A project called International Co-operation in Criminal Matters in Ukraine aims to enhance the capacities of Ukrainian judicial bodies and law enforcement agencies so they can co-operate more efficiently with their international counterparts – particularly with the EU. The Project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Ukraine supports the key institutions and aims to develop better organisational and technical infrastructure.

Another initiative for combating crime is the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM). The mission provides on-the-job training and advice to Moldovan and Ukrainian officials which will help them improve transparency on the border and deter and detect criminal activity such as smuggling and illegal migration. In addition, the EC contributes to a specific project to strengthen the capacities of Ukrainian authorities to detect counterfeit travel documents.

The EC also finances a project offering a long-term perspective against trafficking in human beings in Moldova and Ukraine by addressing gaps in the current implementation of National Action Plans against Human Trafficking.

To prevent drug abuse and fight against drug trafficking in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, the European Commission funds the BUMAD programme.

The EC also supports the fight against corruption, which enhances good governance.

Other projects

In February 2008 a project started to support the management of migration in Ukraine.

The project “Sustainable Integrated Land Use of the Eurasian Steppe” operates in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and in the Russian Federation. The main task is to support steppe conservation and restoration of the steppe ecosystem.

Also in the domain of environment protection, the project "Environmental collaboration for the Black Sea" contributes to the sustainable development of the Black Sea Basin, mainly through prevention and reduction of pollution.

In order to significantly reduce incidences of HIV/STI and form safe behaviour among the personnel of the uniformed services in Ukraine, the EU has committed €2,5 million for a project (2005-2008) aiming to support the development of effective mechanisms for comprehensive HIV/STI prevention measures.

More information

More details about the EU relations with Ukraine are available on the website of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine. The Delegation also publishes a newsletter on EU-Ukraine cooperation. For trade relations, see the Trade Directorate-General website. The website of the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport informs on cooperation in the energy domain.