Little bit here, little bit there (original) (raw)

Little bit here, little bit there [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded inbitzswap's LiveJournal:

Monday, October 17th, 2005
_3:49 pm_[everythingsblue] Looking for Tau and Marine bits Hello all! Hope this forum is still active.I'm looking for the following bits:Tau Gun Drone antenna (1 or 2)Tau Multitracker/Drone controller (got a used suit without one)Space Marine bolter scope (1 to 4)I have lots of Tau, Tyranid, Kroot, Marine and Chaos bits for trade, so let me know if you're interested in trading! Thanks! (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, June 1st, 2005
_4:26 pm_[kaotixx] Looking for some bitz for swap or if anyone wants them...Available:2 Space Wolf Terminator bodies onlyPair of lighting clawsLooking:1 Terminator Storm Bolter Arm (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, April 16th, 2005
_12:41 pm_[divinewrite] New Member HEy here!I have a pair of Dark Angels Dreadnoughts, TL lascannon and Missile Launcher arms...lookin for some kinda deal where I end up with assault cannon power fist arms. Both Dreads are basecoated, and have battle damage drilled in that looks pretty decent.Oh, and I could use a some one more turret top for the razorback, if anyone has a spare?I got a ton of other random bits, too, just lemme know. Current Mood: optimistic (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, April 15th, 2005
_9:02 am_[spikedpunch] Anyone got any spares of this space marine figure? (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
_10:11 am_[bubblesthedwarf] models okay i was doing some surfing here and found this site, i have alot of the orks from the warhammer fantasy boxed set, the all are on sprues all have a coat of primer, none are painted, theres also some bretonian knights from 2000 (i think 4 or so) also there are some empire soldiers gunners spearmen etc about 4 sprues worth all independently bitzed out sorry on that one i am currently in germany with my stuff in the u.s. so its going to take a few to arrainge any swaps that take place.i am looking for unpainted and sprued, empire army, dwarves, imperial guard cadians. im also not against taking financial compensation, but everything will be on the honor system and im taking the memebers on good faith.....i also have a landraider and 2 squads of space marines (approx 16 models no heavy weapons or specail weapons) 6 assault troops 1 darkangel banner bearer 1 dark angel chaplain and approx 8 darkangel veterans this whole batch was painted and given away as a prize from a local games workshop store in michigan, i have no need for the models and they make an execelet show piece. looking for barter on those as well.......if your interested give me a shout at and ill start a dialouge with you, if not tell a friend, good luck and may the emporer guide you through the darkest of times Sir Bubbles (Comment on this)
Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
_11:01 pm_[spikedpunch] I am in a bit of a semi-crisis.I need to find a few of the old "assault cannon" arms from the old plastic warlord titan sets. By the Emperor's pinky finger, would anyone happen to have one or more? (Comment on this)
Monday, February 23rd, 2004
_12:06 pm_[m0rt1s] Any body have any orc 'eavy shootas. I have a little of everything, so if anybody needs a specific bit, I might have it. Definetly go out and get the new catalog. Even though it is expensive, it's worth it. (Comment on this)
_12:48 am_[frogman_] heya I'm mainly a 40k player, but primarily a bitz fetishist.looking for:general undead bitz, especially bodyparts.the majority of my bitz come from Tau, but I have a good selection of marines parts, miscellaneous heavy weaponry and countless assorted bodyparts.I also have a few dudes from the marine command box, a couple of terminators and half a box of chaos warriors hanging around, along with some generic chaos marines. my collecting is very ecclectic, so I have a growing range of stuff.oh, and due to a sprue cock-up, I now have two spare crew sprues from the new cadian heavy weapons team. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, February 13th, 2004
_5:26 pm_[m0rt1s] Hello everyone, this is new for me. My girlfriend belongs to a knit swap where they swap extra yarn and needles. I thought this would be a really cool thing if I could swap GW bitz and such. That way if you really hate eldar (and who doesn't) then maybe you could trade for a few guardian heads to line the bases of your favorite leader. I just thought it would be cool if we could trade the odd mini or bitz we have laying around for something useful. (Comment on this)