Hannah Kasher | Bar-Ilan University (original) (raw)
Festschrift by Hannah Kasher
Books by Hannah Kasher
ccc* cA;ta mltq it iALS^' fiia
Articles & Reviews by Hannah Kasher
Women and gentiles represent the "other" in Maimonides's thought. 1 His workswhich were written i... more Women and gentiles represent the "other" in Maimonides's thought. 1 His workswhich were written in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrewwere certainly not addressed to gentiles, 2 nor, it would seem, to Jewish women. However, we will open this discussion with a word of reservation: The status of women 3 and gentiles 4 in Maimonides's thought is not necessarily exclusively the product of his personal perspective. Maimonides considered himself bound by the Jewish tradition, especially its system of commandments, their status already established to a large degree in Jewish law. Therefore, the analysis below cannot rely on those laws cited in his writings that are not the product of his independent ruling. However, it is possible to draw inferences as to his worldview from the reasoning that he provides for these laws, such as, for example, his ruling that only a Jewish man may be crowned as king or appointed to a position of authority: No king is appointed. .. unless his mother is a Jewess by descent [.. .]. This rule applies not only to the office of king, but also to other positions of
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the meaning of Gehenna (Hell) as an ultimate punishment t... more The purpose of this paper is to discuss the meaning of Gehenna (Hell) as an ultimate punishment that manifests itself in the sinner's suffering after death. The various traditions present the torments of Gehenna as unbearable and continuous; they may be temporary, of short duration, or permanent, lasting forever. These time estimates are based on the homiletic interpretations of the sages, such as the following:
ccc* cA;ta mltq it iALS^' fiia
Women and gentiles represent the "other" in Maimonides's thought. 1 His workswhich were written i... more Women and gentiles represent the "other" in Maimonides's thought. 1 His workswhich were written in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrewwere certainly not addressed to gentiles, 2 nor, it would seem, to Jewish women. However, we will open this discussion with a word of reservation: The status of women 3 and gentiles 4 in Maimonides's thought is not necessarily exclusively the product of his personal perspective. Maimonides considered himself bound by the Jewish tradition, especially its system of commandments, their status already established to a large degree in Jewish law. Therefore, the analysis below cannot rely on those laws cited in his writings that are not the product of his independent ruling. However, it is possible to draw inferences as to his worldview from the reasoning that he provides for these laws, such as, for example, his ruling that only a Jewish man may be crowned as king or appointed to a position of authority: No king is appointed. .. unless his mother is a Jewess by descent [.. .]. This rule applies not only to the office of king, but also to other positions of
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the meaning of Gehenna (Hell) as an ultimate punishment t... more The purpose of this paper is to discuss the meaning of Gehenna (Hell) as an ultimate punishment that manifests itself in the sinner's suffering after death. The various traditions present the torments of Gehenna as unbearable and continuous; they may be temporary, of short duration, or permanent, lasting forever. These time estimates are based on the homiletic interpretations of the sages, such as the following:
LS i L, QRUil tSLl' UCCUU CSQLCIU LCLffLU' OtiLlLU d«13U' flCiLltO dSX-ilSC Z i,ua Cidtlj CSi^ LC... more LS i L, QRUil tSLl' UCCUU CSQLCIU LCLffLU' OtiLlLU d«13U' flCiLltO dSX-ilSC Z i,ua Cidtlj CSi^ LCCatUl LSi: CLIU' LC QfftwC CXLl* »LL<B44a UaQ"r ciaccL* uc, «Ci.c ua:X ^kluq %sz-99z-4aRLS CCiQi: UC/tCi^CU: 1, tLtO' .CG^UL/ CUlL: X"S Cd LG«a G^LL' 4dQi,da UULCIU C4Ull.4Lr SRLUQ 061-rtf uxu LQdio Q4Xul su iatcuc R4 ucg^ll; rsqu' diLCiic <7:4 a&a c^ul ai,4 liGCtU/ culL: ci, U4CLQ4' L, diLXiU4 LS, (ri,uc4Q)' R4 i:xai.ru' 4Liia4ia uaQ"i:' 8ie-663 'dd '(Z.86I) f 'Z.Z. j/s';4ia/".miej• llnl ta: Cl ra' ,scLtU 4a^x iL L:<dt4<s Ci, d4CL' Xk^ci, c^l u^ul ccscll: jo ojnjeK sqi pire XssasH, 'j3U|[3Î 4CL^S UNQLCL: CkQk UCt^kQ ULdL<71C LklCkQ S^L kdXL L:«dl.Q a4GLQa' Lf<7JLQU 4c SkLUlU
cifit. (^«cicU: cjici tiM^Q iub^olu' a.u2u^<a: uaiua^Q' I UXL CXQLSU Uai(aL«,Q CCrUL: QUUCfcU LUm... more cifit. (^«cicU: cjici tiM^Q iub^olu' a.u2u^<a: uaiua^Q' I UXL CXQLSU Uai(aL«,Q CCrUL: QUUCfcU LUm^Q du, J (^LLCiO)* « UL. 1.U4 c^suta. icL^U GU^Lxai^ Li^diut nmzMi. Si^ u^um«ua* NLUU ^<ac(u", tcU ^au^ai xluu (:,fflcu mm Ct, iCtdu ziazui ad^ u«im &iy tuL uia(:i^u* cU muud&z uaiCLuu ccsfcua a^£^ urlccU^q cixi tcjixRti.: u uLuli^' d^>i a^dfcQ uu C!u:,(. c<^4 iacucd^a* c<auw uuu «<dsu uwucu xii dum uCkUl ug<3uL (^s^lu ccauu cgq<:,l<^ ^ticuxli (:,t ccta icilcI QHd^^v tii^CLCw^ CtSC ^s«i. ci^cuu^u caL luluu aut uluL ucilcu ia<.au i:,L rcxI lh^L* CCJUa^X XU XGfcLCL UCiLUd ^fcCLCU* mi USfcCLU iHULX GCU X(:,d 4N LXU iEQ c.:, URU a lic^cu UGucdin MZLU ccLCt uiGl" ^<au (:,UUCUU CCL UIX fcSX cru GWCGLU UUCWdU QQ&Q .^G^EQ Zmd^i.\i UU LGLrt*
AlCfcQ uca* (jit; LC<.CL K^au cl a..Gtl c^ui ([(Cisix nuc5 aadxLu qglclu (:,ciL.<.<. uccQum Q>. ^... more AlCfcQ uca* (jit; LC<.CL K^au cl a..Gtl c^ui ([(Cisix nuc5 aadxLu qglclu (:,ciL.<.<. uccQum Q>. ^auudux zmi Lc^acut' cmt cxgl .aaau &l da ca^au*-cG<.UiaL cu i^uLt^n XU uctLCdUL Qiau cd^.GU xru zad^zi kxul KUtCLui. d^id^ caxciUL mdj ci<au u^a^^a' uQiauciQ "dLUQ ^lqlul K^au lccl zdlzd^u./ XGfcLCfcQ aCLtUQ QiaU CUfcCLLtU fcULLuQ QtK* UCfcC*.*.Q"* U<.U^U UL^CU ICiUruCU a^audL c^.cd md^ c^ Gucur U cixcui ad^ ^qlq u<:,Ui.L' «zd^ xul LGau a<^i.: ^au "Giau x.<a uxtiiLUiO: e^d^ u^uq uu-^uc.. c<:,Gd cGdux"' &d^ uadi luxcgU' cg.. ^auLX ,x<.ia/ ausii-xnd^u^Q,,. (ucuq ucu *.x' l)' zl kglq ui^ cul caxauL Xf^iX XU LGLUL* LUL miL^i C. LQLU IXU CGL^U GC<.a U^X: "aUSa l<:,CiQU UGLiaCiU UKdLCi^U UiX' Z>. LCL*. 4Q4L d^d^ Ci(aU LCCL d{ii CXL ^QGU x<.LL^<.a (:,iaaQ' uadux uxuu.Q' Qtf^u .x.u idtcJ ccxaui. &d^ "qgu Q^au cqgl ui."-lxcI uucuu KLUU UCCLC.Q X' C)' ULQGU CLCU Oid^ GC^Q UUmtU dd^ Ci^au d^id^ii CULLU' X^X CCULC*. LXU d^&ZiL &d^i.l C^iSLU UGCX.. a^LCL Sd^ QGU GQGL. tCU-UCfca,, (UUKC^Q* ecu CGQd UUUQ C*. UCidtX ULX ZXUL «QGU iaULX UCUtU <:,UXiaiCfca t^XULlCi.n"' UGCLX d^QZL' «QiaU UXuia' URfcULQ lUCiGQL«' GI UiaGtQ-dUtU G^fcl X^L I.XUL..Q iaLLClQl Cdt^GLOL (at^ X^^/ElU <aC*.l-CQXGL uxfcia«' <:,tGu iax.l ulx x^x ^a^tU x^au aq cgc. cu ^iaux*:, xu qgu uuluu <auui UGLLUU* diQ iXU' tQ X^l (aUCwLL CICL^LUL C^XC.. UCC..X<.n" UdGfcU I^UXLL c"Giau cucLia.^-wiaLX^' Xiau muL lia^cu c^ "Gau xau luluui xgu«' lx^I cutauu ixU XC4._UGXG<.C..a UtU LXC-UGLl-CUfcQ' tU tU LX(:,I.U*.L* CrtUL' CUuUL G<au UL Zi\dj d^di.zA lu' UGLdLa <:,G^u lccl' due cqlu lcigI dici iauLdu^a *:,xcLua xc.cl* xcuuq GUU LCU a^Tiu-xCi ucc.i^fcQ U^QIL CL^u i<a«:, uuLLiii"' tcL cdux (tcuQ ii) «ciut<:!d« (udLOu ^ciud u^d' LiHUtN [=KiaUl CGLUU G^U<.d (CCidLU: CHQL,)' fldLLX.Q LUW ClUC NU c XCfc ULGC«a«' C.Ui CCiXaUL a*:,tQCLC' XQLUt GiUU C.X^tLU UCUQLi.
ZL\-in dd '(£661-^661) III '602-0?! dd '(2661) II 'ssipnjs UBSpiuouiwyi ^^^unuiinBJiBjniM .sapiuo... more ZL\-in dd '(£661-^661) III '602-0?! dd '(2661) II 'ssipnjs UBSpiuouiwyi ^^^unuiinBJiBjniM .sapiuouiiBiM 3J3M oqyV\" 'zjBMqos [asqaip^-9^61 ssBpq 33puqaiB3 'umie^ aip or JiLiJ ftXLla «:jUXLU IXU CfcC«^fcLCLGfcU «GU' LLXL XqdosOlPiJain 'U0SJ[0^ y UvUlUU C^<^L!<. UM«:,L UUNG1I.I* R{y U»&LCUa./ LXL UXUUL GILJ. CaLCLQL <:,QUC' S.U, 9 UXLLI ^ ucctu »Qi.cua» aUi^uQ ^xqcl(:,u uxl^lc^q aLO^a^a (L'.yC<:iMa./) jiuagcXu ro xc, uutm UNiLc<.a«./u uxLLU^ua uqlx^lu'