Carlton Mellick III (original) (raw)

Sex And Death In Television Town!! [Apr. 26th, 2006|02:56 pm]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
[Poop:** |amusedamused] [Noise:** Ministry: Early Trax]Hi all! Just joined this community, and also just finished reading Mellick's Sex And Death In Television Town! This book was awesome! Had just enough twisted Mellick-like elements to keep me glued to the pages, the gore, sex, and extreme surrealism was top notch! It was only my second Mellick novel so far, the first being The Baby Jesus Butt Plug, which I also loved. Between the two, though, I would have to say that Sex And Death is my favorite!
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(no subject) [Dec. 21st, 2005|12:41 pm]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
The latest novel that I did with David L. Tamarin has gotten some reviews posted on the Internet, largely due to David's contacts on the net. For those of you who don't know my entire publishing history by heart (everyone, but zero people), the title of the book is My Love Affair With David Lynch and Peachy Like Nietzsche: Dark Clown Porn Snuff for Terrorists and GorefiendsDavid L. Tamarin wrote a number of gory, abusrd short stories that are not for the faint of heart. Hell, they are not for most people at all. They make you laugh about sick things. However, that is what most people like about his writings. He gets a lot of responses. My half of the novel was a novella. Of course, it is like my other novels in the sense that it is fucked-up weird and has a non-linear plot. However, My Love Affair With David Lynch is making people flabbergasted like nothing else I have done. At first, I really liked the comments from the fans that I was getting about The FBI Says This Is Not Called The Sociopath, because people either really hated it or really liked it (that's what I think true art is). However, My Love Affair With David Lynch is making people confused in a way that makes them not know what to say, but it is still keeping them intrigued enough to keep reading through it. The reviews that I have read about David and my book have been long rants/disserations/breakdowns/praises for David's half and then one or two sentences about my half where the reviewer just didn't know what to say good or bad or anything. I finally wrote something do different, people just can't comment on it.
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(no subject) [Oct. 6th, 2005|10:05 am]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
My Love Affair With David Lynch and Peachy Like Nietzsche: Dark Clown Porn Snuff for Terrorists and Gorefiends_Please click on the image_This is the novella My Love Affair with David Lynch by Jason Rogers and Peachy Like Nietzsche: Dark Clown Porn Snuff for Terrorists and Gorefiends, the short story collection by David Tamarin.This is absurd, surreal, dark, demented, and bizzaro literature at its...well...most screwed up.
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Post-World Horror Convention [Apr. 15th, 2005|11:43 am]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
[Poop: |indescribable] [Noise: POJO]Rose from Eraerhead has posted 3 pages of pics at Dog Screaming has pics at Tempting Disaster anthology, featuring Carlton Mellick III, Kevin L. Donihe, Vincent W. Sakowski, Michael Hemmingson, Simon Logan, Lance Olsen, and John Edward Lawson among others, debuted at the convention and is available now. More info at http://www.twobackedbooks.comAlso, news from Eraserhead Press' webzine The Dream People. The June/July issue will be guest-edited by Royce Icon. Themes for this issue are:1) Death Tone Pudding Massacre2) Decapitated Cat SoupWork can strictly adhere to these themes or just be loosely connected; Royce wants you to let your imagination run wild. In his words, "I won't be really strict with these themes. I prefer extreme fiction, so feel free to send whatever you want, the sicker the better." Send all submissions to: —be sure to note "Dream People Submission" in the title.
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Party with Carlton & RDSP [Apr. 6th, 2005|09:28 pm]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
[**Poop:** |hyperhyper]Even if you don't want to attend the World Horror Con you can still come to the party we're having on Friday night. It's a joint party being held by Raw Dog Screaming Press, Two Backed Books and Eraserhead Press. Carlton will be there after his reading (10:30). The party officially starts at 10:00 in rooms 427 & 428 at the Park Central Hotel in NYC. You don't need to be registered with the con or even staying in the hotel to come to the party.Park Central New York Hotel 870 Seventh Avenue @ 56th St.New York, NY 10019800-346-1359212-247-8000http://parkcentralny.comHope to see you there!
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(no subject) [Mar. 28th, 2005|11:16 pm]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
hello everyone, i just joined the communityi really loved satan burger and i havent met anyone else who has read itso yeahi decided that this would be a good place to talk to people about iti havent read alot of mellick, just because i dont know what to read nexti live in new yorkand i may attend this convention thing (?) that mellick is attendingi am excited to talk with him about the ideas in his noveli am also a fan of vonnegut and kaufman (eventhough he doesnt write novels)i dont know alot of other "bizarre" authors, but i was more fascinated with the metaphorical allegories in satan burger than the grotesque imagery in which they were presented"jesus is big and fat"amen.
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the intro; [Mar. 4th, 2005|07:05 am]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
[Poop: |frost-bite on the brain]i'm hannah (-or- vera when i'm feeling vicious)& you know why i'm here.promoting by word of mouth, eye & ear. or trying to.
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(no subject) [Jan. 23rd, 2005|11:03 pm]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
ERASERHEAD PRESSI just won Honorable Mention on the Eraserhead Press First Book Contest 2004 for my novel Tomorrow NothingEraserhead Press Honorable Mention
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hi [Dec. 16th, 2004|07:58 pm]=::»Carlton Mellick III«::=
[Noise: |moving units]I think it's sad how this community is so dead.Carlton rules.feel free to print off & distribute. or put it in your profile pages. or spam. no hot linking, please.
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