Black Cat Blues (original) (raw)

Open Thread: Black Cat en route to Beaumonde, mid-morning of April 11, 2523 [Jul. 27th, 2009|09:32 am]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|birgitta, elisa, ic, open thread]"Awkward" would be the ideal adjective describing the mood aboard Black Cat right now. Everyone is just trying to get used to the major changes that have just occurred aboard the ship. Daisy is sitting in the passenger lounge with her new Cortex terminal; it looks like she's trying to get work done, but having a hard time focusing. Archer is in the cargo bay kicking and hitting the punching bag with substantial force. Sekhmet is in her shuttle, but has the door open; anybody who peers inside can see her working on something at the small science lab within.
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General Open Thread for Time Spent En Route to Qilin and Afterwards [Jun. 30th, 2009|12:01 pm]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|elisa, ic, ooc, open thread, quinn]Sorry it took me so long to put this up. Consider this a general place to put any conversations you might want to have during the time that Black Cat is en route to Qilin, or during the few days that you have spent there so far. If it's important when a conversation takes place, just state the time frame in your opening comment. Have fun and we'll see you all in two weeks. (c:
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Open Thread: Black Cat en route to "Q planet," morning of November 25 [Jun. 22nd, 2009|12:18 pm]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|elisa, ic, nicolas, ooc, open thread]Though the mood is still fairly somber on Black Cat, everybody still needs to keep the ship flying, so for the moment things look fairly normal on the surface. Daisy is in her room but with the door wide open; it looks like she's trying to gather some ripe-ish produce from the garden bunk to make up for all the food that got tossed out the airlock along with the hydroponic garden. Meanwhile, upstairs in the kitchen, Archer is doing her best to make a palatable breakfast out of the protein paste, canned food, and meager spices that remain. The rest of the crew is going about their business in their various stomping grounds about the ship.(OOC: Kelly, I know you haven't done one of these before - look to prior threads for an example of how it normally goes. If there is a particular PC you want to speak to, it usually helps to email or otherwise prod the player to let them know, since not everyone reads this community with regularity (so it's also best to refrain from trying major plot advancement stuff here if possible). Alternatively, you can just mention where you and and what you're doing, and allow various PCs/NPCs to happen past and say/do whatever. The whole thing is pretty easygoing but let me know if you have any questions.)
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Open Thread: Black Cat outside the Bernadette abbey, afternoon of October 23 [Feb. 16th, 2009|09:23 am]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|ic, open thread, osiris, quinn]In the aftermath of Osiris's revelations about his past, the crew of Black Cat is feeling rather stunned. Osiris and Quinn have left the galley to speak in private, but the rest of the crew is still sitting around the table and trying to figure out what, if anything, they can do next.
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Open Thread: Black Cat en route to Bernadette, May 5 [Dec. 15th, 2008|02:11 pm]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|ic, nicolas, open thread, quinn]Everyone is feeling recovered and much better after the crazy engine-fumes-provoked drug trip of the day before. After breakfast, Archer begins to clean out the cargo bay and the common areas around it, which got fairly trashed while the rest of the crew was flailing around in it (though she is clearly giving the area of the infamous bucket a very wide berth).
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***Insert Open Thread Here*** [Dec. 8th, 2008|11:38 pm]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|archer, ic, ooc, open thread, quinn]Beth forgot to set up an open thread today, so she asked me to do it. Consider yourself open threaded!
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Open Thread: Morning of May 2, Paquin [Dec. 1st, 2008|09:21 pm]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|ic, ooc, open thread, osiris, quinn, wtf?]Open thread for stuff happening on Paquin - I'm not putting a description here because I think there were a lot of different things to say/do.
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[OOC] Season 1 soundtrack, final-ish track listing [Nov. 21st, 2008|06:58 pm]Black Cat Blues
[Tags**|ooc, soundtracks] [Current Location** 55414] [Current Mood productiveproductive] [Current Music Hole - Doll Parts]I think this is probably the final soundtrack list. If there are problems with it, speak up because I think I'll copy these for distribution on Sunday this week.1. Red Delicious – Casualties (general)2. British Sea Power – Please Stand Up (Luke Kano)3. Kutless – Treason (Birgitta Makar)4. Indigo Girls – Ghost (Mu Siqin)5. Everclear – Father Of Mine (Nicolas Navarra)6. Ani Difranco – Knuckle Down (Quinn Navarra)7. The Tea Party – Gyroscope (Osiris)8. Thea Gilmore – Down To Nowhere (Jaya Singh)9. Brenda Weiler – Daisy (Daisy Sikamba)10. Kim Richey – A Place Called Home (Rose Archer)11. The Beatles – Two Of Us (Nicolas and Quinn, seasons 1-2)12. Billy Joel – The Downeaster “Alexa” (season 2, Newhall)13. Wolfsheim – Once In A Lifetime (season 3)14. Yoko Kanno – Could You Bite The Hand? (Nik Gianconi)15. Tori Amos – Pandora's Aquarium (Pandora Matthews)16. CocoRosie – Werewolf (season 4)17. Feist – When I Was A Young Girl (season 5)18. Janet Jackson – Black Cat (I hate you, Noel)
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Open Thread: Black Cat en route to Paquin, afternoon of April 26 [Nov. 10th, 2008|10:58 am]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|archer, ic, open thread, osiris, quinn]Black Cat has set out for Paquin with new cargo, a new passenger, and a lot more answers than the crew once had. At the moment, Archer is in the cockpit checking out the new computer systems, though judging by her puzzled expression the theory behind them is a little out of her grasp. As for the ship's new passenger, Mr. Anand Kumar the traveling salesman, he is settling in to his temporary home in the passenger quarters.
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Open Thread: Various locations on Beylix, morning of April 23 [Nov. 3rd, 2008|04:10 pm]Black Cat Blues
[**Tags**|archer, ic, nicolas, open thread, quinn][OOC: I'm rewinding time a little here to pre-robot-attack; feel free to adjust as you see fit.]On this particular morning on Beylix, Archer, Birgitta, Nicolas, and Quinn are picking through trash in a scrapyard, while Luke, Osiris, and Siqin stay behind at the hotel (and Osiris and Siqin will later have an awkward physical exam on board Black Cat).
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