blackcest100 - Profile (original) (raw)

This is a Blackcest 100 word drabble community. 100 word poems are also included. For all drabbles and slashy 100 word goodness about members of the Black family. I mainly want full out Blackcest, but I will permit posts where Blackcest is hinted at or not included at all providing that the post is 100% about a memeber of the Black family.

I adore this family. I like to write and read about the going on in the inner workings of a family that put out such cruel, sexy and interesting spawn.

Make your stories anything you want from funny, to sexual, from tense to laughter. Make us want to read more, make the 100 words speak everything you wanted it to. Make us laugh or cry, make us want to touch ourselves or run away screaming, evoke some emotions, use plays on words and slap us in the face with bluntess.

Enter and beware of falling into the madness that is The House of Black

* No flaming. Don't be rude, or mean or insensitive. We are the MODS and we are GODS here. We will make you leave.
*Please post all fan fiction entries under an lj-cut and always give the following info.

*You must post/comment once a month. We don't do the themes for kicks, we do them for fun and to stretch your imagination. If you don't want it stretched then leave and find another community. Commenting on other's work is considered being active. I don't care if you joined just to read but please at least leave comments!

* Please comment. People like it when they know someone is reading and forming opinions on their work.

* We don't care about language, but if it's pointless and doesn't really need to be in your story than leave it out. Using Fuck every other sentence is trashy.

* Under 18 is allowed so make sure you rate your work and put in the warnings.

*Promote Like a SOB. We want this community to ROCK!

*There will be weekley drabble themes.

*Remember this is Blackcest that means: Sirius, Regulus, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda, Nymphadora. Other characters may make appearances, but the basis of the drabble should be about the Black.

All posts shall be added to memories in files of themes

Want to Affiliate? Send and e-mail to
i_luv_sirius_ for all your fan fiction needs.
waking_scroll for the need to write something other than slashy fan fiction
unchasephantasy for everything and anything erotica
l_captures for all your icon needs.
narcissa100 harry100
tonks_100 lily100
andromeda100 maruader100
forgottenhp100 tommriddle100

Important Links
First Mod Post, includes how to navigate and when themes will start. Will also had FAQ and other important information added to it at a later date.

The Black Family wants you to get down, dirty and
Suggest!Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters, plots, and other aspects are copyrighted by J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers; This livejournal community and its posts/members are using them for pure entertainment. No money is being made and no copyright infringement intended.