The MoHo Moondogs Arc 2 app by Rae-Nine on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

MAJOR EDIT: changed the art. again XD
EDIT 2: Sarge joins the team! (at the cost of an evo scroll and a voucher)
EDIT 3: Added M/E6 stickers
EDIT 4: exchanged the Striped Hat for the Dew Canteen
EDIT 5: Maureen joins the team! (1 evo scroll spent); Updated Task Card and Accessories/Items sections



here's a bit of info on them:

Vector & Slim are like the Mordecai & Rigby of the PMD world, respectively (if you don't know who the characters I mentioned are, they're the main characters from "Regular Show" :3) they enjoy doing things like playing video games, listening to music etc.

On second thought, they're sort of like the characters from Regular Show, but they've deviated as characters a bit :P
(they sound a lot like them though)

Species: Krokorok
Nature: Serious/Proud of its Power
Moves: Dig/Brick Break/ThunderFang/Crunch

The assumed "Leader" of the group. He's laid-back, calm and collected, and does enjoy the company of others. However, because of past experiences (which he prefers not to share with anyone), he has a bit of trust issues, and may come off as awkward around groups of people at times.

Although he often gets annoyed at Slim's antics, he does have a bit of a soft spot for him, and will do anything to keep him out of harm's way.

Species: Scraggy
Nature: Brave/Somewhat of a Clown
Moves: Low Sweep/Substitute/Payback/Headbutt

Slim's an oddball, we'll give him that.
He often "leaps before he looks", which usually gets him into trouble. Despite this, he always does his best at whatever's thrown his way.
He has a fear of failure - he doesn't want to let anyone down. This was brought on by his childhood, of being a constant screw-up in the gang he was in, which ultimately put a hit on his head for all his "family" to snuff out (see History for more).

He looks up to Vector, as sort of a "big brother" (though Vector looks at him more like a "sidekick" than a "bro")

Like most Scraggy he has a thick skull and, despite his cocky attitude, can take a hit or two.

⭐Sgt. "Sarge" Welkin⭐
Species: Swellow
Nature: Adamant/Somewhat Stubborn
Moves: Steel Wing/Aerial Ace/Brave Bird/Facade

Where does one even begin?
well, he's hard-headed. Batsh!t insane in battle. Flirty around girls (mostly bird-types). Not afraid to get into a fight.
I guess you could call him a combination of the soldier and the demoman from TF2

Never caught sober, Sgt. Welkin (nicknamed "Sarge") is a Scottish/Cockney Ace Flyer and, as his name suggests, a former member of a military force, consisting completely of birds (so in a way an Air Force with army ranks)

Despite his questionable attitude and stubbornness, he's very loyal, and will dutifully obey the orders of a "Leader" (in this case Vector)
Also because of his tendency to drink a lot, his flying patterns may be a bit shaky, causing him to crash into things unintentionally.

Species: Bidoof
Nature: Modest/A Little Quick-Tempered
Moves: Headbutt/Rollout/Charge Beam/Aqua Tail

Usually fairly un-talkative around strangers, but friendly and outgoing around friends. Though she takes a lot from Slim (being quirky and happy-go-lucky at times, and joking around), she still does her best to stay level-headed in tough situations, much like Vector.
In battle, she prefers to fight defensively, rather than charging blindly into foes.

After hanging around Tao for awhile, she soon learned about the stereotype against her species - hence, she hates it when others look at her funny, or call her "stupid".

Most call her "Mo" as a shorter, easier to say nickname.

some character refs:
Vector by BlackRayquaza1Slim by BlackRayquaza1Sarge by BlackRayquaza1Maureen by BlackRayquaza1

feel free to cameo these guys :'D
the group: :iconpmd-explorers:

ARC 1 (links back to old app)
MISSION 5 (INCOMPLETE - see journal for details)


ARC 2 (links back to this app)
:bulletred: MISSION 6
:bulletred: MISSION 7

:bulletgreen:EVENT 6 || PART 2
:bulletgreen:EVENT 7

Other Stories:
HISTORY - Escape from Moxtown (in progress) <-- Vector and Slim meet
Real Folk Blues <-- Tidbit of Vector's Backstory/Maureen joins

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (current - in progress)

Fan Art :heart::iconslim-laplz: