A Walk Down Memory Lane... (original) (raw)

urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby A Walk Down Memory Lane... wear some comfy shoes... BlackSummerRuby 2010-06-24T19:21:20Z urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:72775 where have i been? 2010-06-24T19:21:20Z 2010-06-24T19:21:20Z i have got to get on here more often. maybe now that i will be moving and spending time at home while going to school near home, i can update from time to time. i like writing. i can sometimes express myself a lot better this way. getting ready to start the next chapter in my life. hopefully this one will turn out better than the last chapter.
~more to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:72597 over a year it seems 2009-08-31T00:50:49Z 2009-08-31T00:50:49Z so far all is well. lots has happened. just trying to focus on school and work. got a raise, which was a pleasant surprise. more to come later! urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:72289 too long 2008-12-19T19:41:30Z 2008-12-19T19:41:30Z i rarely write here anymore. why, i do not know. i am happy that it is holiday season, it was needed, but i am ready to start the spring semester again and get back on track. i am finding lots of recipes to cook so little to no eating out...unless someone else is paying for it :) urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:71686 break is over 2008-08-19T19:09:57Z 2008-08-19T19:09:57Z break will be over soon. not much to say. orientation on Thursday and getting my keys that day too. going to try and save some money as well. i hope all works out.

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:71601 just to write something... 2008-07-18T15:32:36Z 2008-07-18T15:32:36Z going home for the summer with some traveling thrown in here and there. then i start grad school in the fall. wish me luck! i know i will do great :) urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:71262 i got in!!! 2008-06-01T15:19:52Z 2008-06-01T15:19:52Z i got into FAMU's Public Health Program MPH degree...here I come :) urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:70981 i hope 2008-04-06T22:27:07Z 2008-04-06T22:27:07Z i am hoping that i can stay in tallahassee for the summer and grad school. please keep a prayer for me everyone :) urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:70695 who knew?? 2008-03-19T15:59:38Z 2008-03-19T15:59:38Z who knew that applying to grad school could be so complicated! time, patients and lots of copies. i hope i get into at least one of them.

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:70492 fruit 2008-02-15T15:59:29Z 2008-02-15T15:59:29Z i have so much fruit right now in my place it is ridiculous. it seems like when i head to the store i forget that it is just me in my place. i need to work on that. also, trying to get into grad school and possibly look into buying a home small 2/2 or 3/2 home. we shall see. i am going to see if i can go 2 weeks without spending any money. i need to get paid more...really. i do have a degree for goodness sake! urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:70283 i passed my exam 2008-02-01T04:02:48Z 2008-02-01T04:02:48Z yea! i passed my childcare exams and now have completed my 40 hours of training. i have my first organic exam tomorrow. wow! i will be ready for the weekend after. i need to restructure and focus my time on myself. also i need to watch what it that i am eating. i think i just need to learn to like more foods and remember i am feeding just myself. back to the books.

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:69962 blacksummerruby @ 2008-01-14T10:59:00 2008-01-14T15:59:58Z 2008-01-14T15:59:58Z i do not feel too well today. hopefully i will get over it soon. what project idea should i do? urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:69705 this semester 2008-01-10T16:41:52Z 2008-01-10T16:41:52Z this semester it looks like classes will comprise of a lot of reading and re-reading. i bought a new workout tape so i should be able to keep the blood sugars down some more. i want to go and see a movie and i need to clean up my place. i am still on the lookout for a gift from my aunt. i need to call her and see what happened. off to class now and then home to make lunch :) yummy.

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:69592 guess what... 2008-01-09T17:10:06Z 2008-01-09T17:10:06Z i am $50 richer today. just sold back a book. gotta love the science books. now i can put some gas in my car :) urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:69351 bread? 2008-01-07T16:17:02Z 2008-01-07T16:17:02Z hmmm, for a diabetic who is doing the low carb thing, i am just trying to tempt myself with bread as my LJ background. LOL. i will overcome :) but it does look yummy. urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:68977 it has begun... 2008-01-07T16:12:57Z 2008-01-07T16:12:57Z the semester has started again. i have made many resolutions to just make me a better person than the previous year. keep on my diet, it controls my BS. go to church more often. help out others the best way i can. stay off the phone. no phone calls after 10:30pm please!!! do well this semester and finally pass ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. get into a grad school in either Public Health, Higher Education, or Elementary Education...basically something that does not require me to have a theis. possibly find a full time job for about a year until my brother goes to school and then we can go together and possibly live together so pay one rent rather than 2 :) lots of things, lots to do. i am going to keep praying and i know the Lord will lead me in the right direction. at least i know i can always be a preschool teacher :) ok, an hour left to get stuff done before class at 12:20. i wish they had a bank near by? hmmm...maybe i will update LJ a lot more, we shall see. i am still going to be the greatest Doctor in the World!

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:68616 Happy Anniversary! 2007-12-30T23:09:12Z 2007-12-30T23:09:12Z Happy 25th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:68566 why? 2007-12-24T18:12:39Z 2007-12-24T18:12:39Z maybe it is the church that i go to, but everyone is getting married. i am still waiting patiently for my own proposal. hopefully it will be soon. i am wondering what i am going to get for x-mas? we shall see :) urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:68248 much better 2007-12-20T06:19:00Z 2007-12-20T06:19:00Z grades are in, they were ok. could have done better as always. i has the flu...102.9 fever, my i was hot and a sore throat. much better now. looking at grad schools. i have to. next year will be a fresh start. excited about taking the summer off for once in my school career. the path to being a doctor is a long one, i will enjoy the breaks as they come. happy holidays!

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:68056 home 2007-12-15T03:02:59Z 2007-12-15T03:02:59Z so happy to be going home. it has been such a long semester. next year will be a fresh start.

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:67746 hmmm 2007-12-12T04:06:48Z 2007-12-12T04:06:48Z long day. i need to sleep. i also need to quit snacking while at work. why can i not say NO? i am going to begin my fast period and pray and hope that helps. one more final and that is all. yeah! finally, a much needed break! urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:67472 stressed 2007-11-29T17:03:46Z 2007-11-29T17:03:46Z today i am really stressed. i am hoping that i can pass organic this semester so that i can move on. back to the grind of lab. i think i ACED my A&P 2 exam. any and all advice is welcomed!

~more to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:67090 all i can say 2007-10-15T14:53:30Z 2007-10-15T14:53:30Z today is going to be interesting. hopefully it will go well. my laundry is back so that is a good thing. my car battery is fixed, yet another good thing. i am broke and still have bills to pay...this would be a bad things. i just do not like early morning phonecalls saying sure i will come back and we can chill and talk? talk about what? we are adults right? yes? so we can talk. is there something bothering you? ummm...well... i had a weird dream and there are somethings that i want to get off my chest. conversation this morning with me and my significant other. so should i worry? he says don't worry, but it is easier said than done. wish me luck.

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:66856 long week 2007-10-12T14:36:22Z 2007-10-12T14:36:22Z so the usual. folks are mad at me b/c right now i am having a hard time controlling my diabetes. i guess i just need to work harder on it such as starve myself. lately it seems like Anorexia is the new fashion craze so it may work. classes are so, so. could do better as always. i am just tired and i need to clean up my place. i am going to try and have a good day b/c i need to. i left some stuff at home so may go and get it after class today. oh me oh my. finally the cold weather is here and i can get a break off of my electricity bill. if you come over to my place just grab a sweater and some sock b/c i am not putting on the heat for anything! that is all for now :)

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:66570 what a day! 2007-10-04T16:15:12Z 2007-10-04T16:15:12Z people typing today is going to be long day and my sugars are still high. i am eating normally, but i am rather tired and have been all week. maybe this weekend i will get to sleep in and do tons of studying. i need to go to the library in order to get anything done. it is a proven fact now! must go to LIBRARY and public library to check out some wedding magazines. they are pretty and decent bathroom reading!

~More to come later... urn:lj:livejournal.com:atom1:blacksummerruby:66554 update 2007-10-01T15:02:40Z 2007-10-01T15:02:40Z computer noises long time since i have last been on here. of course there are lots to update on, but that would go over and beyond the word count limit here on LJ if that is possible. overall i am well, just trying to kick o.chems butt and deciding if pharmacy school or getting married is the way to go before dabbling in med. school. lunachic..i miss you :( and we need to get together sometime soon. that is all for now!