bleeckerstblogs (original) (raw)
How to Apply
May. 9th, 2008 | 02:31 am
posted by: bleecker_blogs in bleeckerstblogs
Ready to Bump Your Head?
1. Make Your Carachter's journal. Every player must make a seperate journal for the carachter they wish to play. Create a bio and select userpics for them. This means you need to choose a P.B. if you have a literary carachter. Don't worry, there are entire blogs devoted to helping people find a P.B. that suits them.
2. Fill out the application below and email it to with New Player as the subject.
3. When you have been notified of your acceptance, (we do this on the full moon, just to keep it interesting,) follow the given instructions to register Your Carachter, and P.B. After you have registered, you can make your first post, and start playing!
The Application:
Carachter applying for: (including the carachter's fandom and P.B. if needed)
Your Name:
Carachter LJ:
Your LJ: (this will not be shared with other players, it's just so we can make sure you're not an evil troll)
Past R.P. experience?: Y/N (we accept newbies, don't worry)
Your Age: (this will not be shared with other players, we just need it so we know you meet the age requirements)
Your email and AIM or other messenger contact info: (this will not be shared with other players, you will be able to list seperate I.C. contact info for your carachters, we just need it in case we have to get hold of you before you are accepted)
Show us: (type an example blog entry for your carachter so we can admire your skillz)
Lastly: (tell us anything else we need to know)
-Copy and paste this into your email body-
Carachter applying for:
Your Name:
Carachter LJ:
Your LJ:
Past R.P. experience?: Y/N
Your Age:
Your email and AIM or other messenger contact info:
Show us:
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The Rules
May. 9th, 2008 | 02:04 am
posted by: bleecker_blogs in bleeckerstblogs
How to Play Nice
You Have to be This Tall...No players under 16 will be accepted. This is not because we are big fat meanies, it's because we are adults, and we sometimes say things that kids shouldn't be privvy to.
No O.C.'s (original carachters)will be accepted, because they are irritating. If you can't find someone in canon that you would like to play, tough. There are R.P.'s designed specifically for you to show off your O.C.'s, but this isn't one of them. Move along.
No wank can take place out of carachter. We know not everyone's carachters will get along, and we don't expect them to. Don't let it cross over into O.O.C. conversations, because we will ban you hardcore.
Klunk is special. In more ways than one, maybe. ;) Point being, Your Carachter will never lay a finger on Klunk. They can be annoyed, who wouldn't? But Klunk is not to be harmed, because that would ruin the game. Se comprende, muchachos?
Keep it Simple: For now, only three carachters may be played by any one player. This may change later, we haven't decided yet.
Don't go Emo on us, by which we mean, don't kill off Your Carachter and set the place into the bad kind of chaos. Because Klunk will bring them back and you will get a modthwacking. If there is a plot, talk to us about it, and we'll approve it unless there's a good reason not to. But no one gets to die and leave. If you want to leave, drop Your Carachter like a man.
Rules are subject to change, in case someone does something stupid we haven't anticipated yet. Honestly? We're pretty laid back. Just don't act like a jerk and you will be fine.
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May. 9th, 2008 | 01:45 am
posted by: bleecker_blogs in bleeckerstblogs
The Premise:
The Bleecker Street Blogs are a self declared Multi-Fandom-Fuck-It-AllĀ© R.P. experience, and the story goes something like this...
Your Carachter is living their normal, everyday lives. One way or another, they bump their heads and go sleepytime. When they wake up, they are in the New York City subway system (a scary experience for first timers) at the corner of Bleecker and Lafayette.
As Your Carachter panics or stares around in confusion, they are quickly pulled into a corner and debriefed by a giant turtle.
Oh, yes, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be Your Carachter's guides.
Your Carachter has been brought here by a strange and unusual force of nature, named Klunk. There is no reasoning with Klunk.
All Carachters are trapped in a Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird rendered version of New York until further notice, or until Michaelangelo can figure out how to put a leash on Klunk.
In the meantime, Random Chaos ensues often, and how!