The Poet's Collection (original) (raw)

Withering [May. 2nd, 2005|04:51 pm]bleise
[**Current Mood** |angryangry]She doesn't realize how much this is killing me,I just want her to be here.No more of this agonizing worry trip,no more wanting to speed to her to make sure everything is okay and the way it should be.I try to stay calm, but it's eating me.My flesh and mind are less and less in existence and my end is nearing.Please stop wearing me thin and draining me of power.I will not last long like this.
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(no subject) [Jan. 20th, 2005|06:33 am]bleise
[**Current Mood** |awakeawake]Hi
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(no subject) [Nov. 9th, 2004|06:50 am]bleise
[**Current Mood** |lovedloved]I love the way you touch,feel, kiss, and love me from head to toe.I love you very much,I will always be your lover and friend, but never a foe.You are the person who deals with my issues.I am the person who makes you insane.But when you break down, who brings you tissues?The same person who goes through your pain.I can't describe what you make me feel.For I get confused and have faced the facts,because when your love is truly real,there is no word that you could pin down with a tac.All I can say is I love my Mag,even when we cry and weap and sigh.You pulled head out of the bag,and made me see that I could love life.Thank you!
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I Am Blessed [Jul. 7th, 2004|02:36 pm]bleise
[**Current Mood** |indescribableindescribable]Everyday I fall in love,With the woman I met from up above.God answered my prayers,He sent me an angel that really cares.Is concerned about my every thought,And a companion who I truly want.For the rest of my life and ever more,I want her to be my wife that I shall adore.
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Poor Angel of Mine [Jun. 21st, 2004|08:49 pm]bleise
[Current Mood** |relaxedrelaxed] [Current Music** Sweet Child of Mine]I know you had a bad day at work, And know that your anger still lurks. So I wrote you this poem, To help you feel the comfort of home. For you are my angel, and do not deserve to be in hell. I love you with everything I have, And cherish you as the only thing I have. You are my life, You are my high, You are my wife, Let me be your knight.
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Am I in Heaven? [Jun. 16th, 2004|02:38 pm]bleise
[**Current Mood** |lovedloved]How is it possible to know such a beautiful angel?Or what’s more, to be loved by one.I have tried hard and deep to untangle,This mystery I have begun.The shear truth be known,I do not know of real requirements.I am lucky to love my very own.She is beautiful and must be heaven-sent!It may just be luck.Perhaps it is destiny.Or maybe it’s hard workAnd a little scrutiny.I am as happy as ever,I don’t want to change.Unless it’s for the betterI will never make another exchange.Never exchange your heart.No one else’s would do,For you are kind and smart,And I am in love with you!
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Sinking Into The Good Life [May. 16th, 2004|07:45 pm]bleise
[**Current Mood** |irritatedirritated]I wake up in the early,depressed from the start.Because I know surely,not everything will go right.I plan out my day,and hope for the best.Am I not doing things the right way,because this day is like the rest.Filled with disappointment,anger, and frustration.I search for an ointment,or a magic lotion.I want the pain to go into the shadows,I want to feel refreshed and revived.I want to wake up not hollow,but excited and alive.The days get longer,and shorten at the same time.I'm supposed to get stronger,but feel weaker all the time.There's only one person,who makes me feel good.Stops me from cursing,and treats me like she should.I have a great life,I don't know why I am this way.I have a car, place to live, and my wife.I guess I'll keep on going, day by day.
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I Am Confused! [May. 13th, 2004|10:15 pm]bleise
[Current Mood** |confusedconfused] [Current Music** Roses really Smell Like....--by Outkast]I love you so much.That is why I don't understand.Why you're mad to the touch,And at your own man.You say I've done nothing wrong,And yet, you won't stop the anger.I tried to sing you a song,But I am no singer.You snap at the hand,I want to hold you with.I am sinking into the sand.Why don't we get this over with?
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My Life's Been Turned Upside-Down [May. 13th, 2004|09:56 pm]bleise
[Current Mood** |artisticartistic] [Current Music** Now That We're Here---by Staind]The life we share together,Is more than sweet.I know things can only get better,Every time we meet!Everyday that I awake,I think about you from the start.I dread when I am away,But I know you'll always mend my heart.I wait through the long day,Just to hear your voice,Just to hear you say;"I love you" once!To struggle through the torture,Sure is well worth it.To fight for our future,I want to live in it!
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