Using Shortcodes (original) (raw)

If you are familiar with WordPress, you have likely used shortcodes.

In a nutshell, Shortcode = Shortcut + Code.

At Efty, shortcodes use curly brackets tags{}to define how they’re used. Shortcodes magically transform into something useful on the front end, allowing you to create dynamic content without worrying about HTML or embed codes.

Each Shortcode performs a particular function on a Smart Lander, such as Domain Name, Owner’s name, Domain Logo, or Visitor Stats.

You will be using Shortcodes when using the Instant Editor. Here’s where you find them:

Shortcodes are essential if you’re creating a Smart Lander that you plan to use for more than one domain name.

Currently, you can use the following Shortcodes:

{domain_name} – This code will display your domain name.

{domain_lto_price} – This code displayed lease-to-own prices. Please note this integration has been discontinued.

{domain_price} – This code will show your domain name’s price.

{domain_currency} – This code will show your preferred currency (USD or EUR).

{domain_currency_short} – This code will show your preferred currency ($ or €).

{domain_profile} – This code will show the Profile description text from your domain name.

{domain_usp_1} – This code will show the first USP of your domain name.

{domain_usp_2} – This code will show the second USP of your domain name.

{domain_usp_3} – This code will show the third USP of your domain name.

{domain_usp_4} – This code will show the fourth USP of your domain name.

{domain_usp_5} – This code will show the fifth USP of your domain name.

{owner_fullname} – This code will show your full (company) name as added under settings in your account here.

{last_active} – This code will show when the seller (you) was last active. This timestamp is based on your last sign-in to the Efty Investor application.

{domain_logo} – This code will display the custom logo you have uploaded for your domain.

{visitor_stats} – This code will show the visitor stats for your domain from the last 30 days.

{current_year} – This code will show the current year.

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