Family Rosary World at Prayer (original) (raw)

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Gospel Reflection | Sunday Mass | prayer

Prayer: A Sacred Pause, not a Task

September 29th, 2024

We live in a world of rules and protocols. Everywhere we look, there are guidelines, laws that must be followed, and traffic cops hiding behind billboards to enforce them. We are comforted, and kept safe, by laws. Yet sometimes laws that seem reasonable in one moment become self-serving in another. In yesterday's Gospel (Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23), the Pharisees are back in the game of trying to trap Jesus for His lack of strict adherence to Jewish law, this time as it pertains to the washing of hands and ritual purification before eating. As usual, Jesus doesn't mince His words. He calls the Pharisees hypocrites, citing Isaiah's prophecies as specific to them: “This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts."

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catholic mom | power of prayer | praying

An Imperfect Prayer: Out Loud and On the Spot

By: Maria Riley September 28th, 2024

Over the summer I had the privilege of attending a women’s retreat at a nearby parish. I jumped at the opportunity to grow in my spirituality and potentially meet some other faithful women in my town. During the retreat, our presenter, Catholic Mom writer Sheri Wohlfert, shared with us a formula for praying with people. Like out loud, spontaneous prayer. I don’t know about you, but this was a fairly foreign concept to me, reserved for the Evangelical Protestants who simply pray differently than we do.

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Who Do People Say YOU Are? - Weekday Homily Video

By: Father Fred Jenga, C.S.C. September 27th, 2024

Today we hear Jesus ask his disciples what word was out in the public was about him. “Who do people say I am?” The disciples gave him the different versions of what they heard people thought he was. The question he asked though was a leading question. It was meant to lead the disciples to reflect on what they thought about Jesus. “But who do you say I am?” Simon Peter appropriately answered that Jesus was the "Christ of God.” – The Anointed One, the Messiah.

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Seeking Jesus - Weekday Homily Video

By: Father Boby John, C.S.C. September 26th, 2024

There are only three verses in the reading from Luke’s Gospel, and they describe rumors or gossip about Jesus that made King Herod curious. I think the last sentence has an important message: “And he (Herod) kept trying to see Him (Jesus).”

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Modern-day Apostles - Weekday Homily Video

By: Father Pinto Paul, C.S.C. September 25th, 2024

The Gospel of Luke calls us to simplify our lives and embrace the mission of serving others. Jesus sent out the twelve Apostles, with nothing but the power of God, urging them to travel light and focus on spreading the Good News.

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Brothers and Sisters in Christ - Weekday Homily Video

By: Father David Marcham September 24th, 2024

Luke's Gospel reminded me of an expression from my childhood: “You’re brothers! Act like it!” My brother Pat and I heard that more than a few times from our Mom when we’d be in a battle of words or fists…and it always did the trick. Growing up in Quincy, your family was a big part of your identity and a source of strength. Many conversations began with, “My Mom or Dad were just telling me… or My brother Pat’s coming with us too.” There was a definite understanding of who was part of our immediate…and extended family. At Mass each Sunday, I don’t remember the priest using the phrase “My brothers and sisters (in Christ)” in his homily very often.