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Latest Patient Blog Posts

Until All of My Nevers Came True

Until All of My Nevers Came True

If you'd sat me down when I was 11 years old and went over all of the unthinkable and largely unforgivable acts I'd commit, or at a bare minimum have a hand in, during the next decade and a half in the name of drugs or alcohol, I would’ve laughed and called you crazy.

Asking for Help, Reaching Out for Support

Asking for Help, Reaching Out for Support

Although living with sickle cell disease has sometimes benefited me by helping me realize who my true friends are more quickly than I could have known without it, I’ve still crossed paths with amazing people who have genuinely cared for me in my times of need.

The Shocking Similarities Between Bars and 12 Step Meetings

The Shocking Similarities Between Bars and 12 Step Meetings

I walked out after I’d heard enough of what I considered whining about the irrelevant, at least as it pertained to what many Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous groups and members consider their collective purpose, which is to help the next person get or stay clean and sober.

Latest Expert Blog Posts

How Your Diet Affects Your Pain

How Your Diet Affects Your Pain

As a physician, I often see patients searching for effective ways to manage their pain. While medications and therapies are often the focus, an increasingly important factor is emerging: the role of diet and gut health in pain management.

Body Odor: Why You Have It and How to Get Rid of It

Body Odor: Why You Have It and How to Get Rid of It

Dozens of U.S. cities are still reporting record-high temperatures into the fall season. As you can imagine, excessive sweating has been a major complaint in my office ....

What is a Low-Histamine Diet?

What is a Low-Histamine Diet?

Histamine is a chemical naturally produced by the human body. It wears many different hats such as helping with digestion and...