Beat Your Own Drum (original) (raw)

[ mood | amused ]

TATT AV KVINNEN/GONE WITH THE WOMAN(from an article in a norwegian magazine):

Director: Petter Næss
Photo: Marius Johansen Hansen
Manuscript: Johan Bogaeus, Petter Næss
Genre: Comedy
Actors: Trond Fausa Aurvåg, Mariann Saastad Ottesen, Peter Stormare, Henrik Mestad, Anna Gutto
Country: Norway
Language: Norwegian
Producer: Olav Øen
Production Company: Monster Film
Music: Aslak Hartberg
Format: Cinemascope
Soundformat: SR/ SRD
Length: 1 h. 30 min.
Distribution: SF Norge
Year: 2007

"It was about that time she began to come more often. In the evening, before I was about going to bed. She sat down and talked and talked. Always about how she enjoyed silence, and how much she liked to be alone. She talked and talked forever..." ( Erland Loe)

"Gone with the woman" is a movie about a man´s meeting with the complex love, and the even more complex womanhood. After being invaded, seduced and conquered, our man realizes he has got a sweetheart. There is no other explanation to why there is suddenly living a talkative woman in his apartment...
Soon she is rampaging through his life with non-stoppable entusiasm, redecorating the apartment according to her own taste, while he is running a few steps behind trying to make his opinion heard.
Although he is still unsure, both about love and about women, he decides to try to understand them both. Our man realizes, that if this relationship shall give him some space, he will have to fight for every inch of it. But it´s not easy to stand up for oneself when she never gives you a chance...

Gone with the woman is the screen adaption of Erland Loes debut novel about a young mans galloping ways into the potential catastrophy zone that love is, about women´s monological dialogues and the modern man´s rights to have a say about where the cupboard shall stand.

Director Petter Naess has with his unusual visual touch and the brilliante contribution from the actors Trond Fausa Aurvåg and Marian Saastad Ottesen achieved to transfer Loes ironical vue on modern women and men´s trying to understand them to the screen.

Gone with the Woman got the "Gledesprederen" (Joybringer) award during the norwegian film-festival in Haugesund and will have it´s international premier at the wellknown film-festival in Toronto in september 2007.

Peter Stormare (b. 1953) plays Glen, the buddy of the main-character "He" (you never get to know his name). They meet in a swimming-hall were Han is going while he is trying to figure out with his life.


Peter Stormare lives in Los Angeles as a swedish american citizen. He began his carreer at Royal Dramatic theathre in Stockholm where he worked for eleven years, with Ingmar Bergman among others. 1990-93 he worked as artistic director at the Tokyo Globe Theatre with several Shakespeare-productions. His international breaktrough he got playing the blonde killer in Fargo. The film got two Oscar-nominations.

Stormare has been in movies like the Big Lebowski, Armageddon, Jurassic Park/Lost World, Minority Report, Brothers Grimm, Windtalkers, 8mm, Million Dollar Hotel, Bad Company, Dancer in the Dark, Chocolat, The Tuxedo, Birth, Constatine, Hamilton, Fanny and Alexander among others. And also in TV-series like Seinfeld, Watching Ellie, Joey, Prison Break and Hitler – The Rise of Evil.

Trond Fausa Aurvåg (b. 1972), plays the nameless maincharacther "Han".


Trond had his educational training at Statens teaterhøgskole and did his debut at Oslo New Teater in 2001 with the leading role in Amadeus. At Oslo New he played the main characther Han in the theater version of Tatt av kvinnen in 2001. He has been in several movies : Budbringeren (The Messenger), Andreaskorset (The Andreas-cross), Døren som ikke smakk (The door that didn´t shut) and TV-productions, like Nissene på låven (The brownies in the barn). He got two Amandaprizes during last years Filmfestival in Haugesund: Best male actor in Den brysomme mannen (The troublesome man)and best short film for Alene menn sammen ( Alone but together). He played the main characther Ben in Manndomsprøven at the big stage at Oslo New. Trond is also a member of the Departement at Jo Strømgren Company.

Marian Saastad Ottesen (b. 1975), plays Marianne, the woman in Hans life.


Marian graduated from Statens teaterhøgskole in 1999. She was engaged at the Oslo New Teater and the Norwegian Theatre. In 2001 she began at the Nationaltheatre. At Oslo New Theater she has played in Ville Engler, Rocky Horror Show and Vest for Eden. She also wrote and played in Happy happy, which came up at Cafèstage at Oslo New Theater. At the Nationaltheatre has Marian amongst others played Dunasja in Kirsebærhaven (The Cherry Haven), Tine in Det kalde barnet (The cold child), Sarah in Teatermakeren (The theater maker), The other woman in Svevn and Lenz at the Torshovtheatre. Marian has also played in several films, among them Detector and Love me tomorrow, and in TV-series like Lekestue (Playhouse) and Nissene på låven (The brownies in the barn). Currently seen in Kunsten å tenke negativt (The art of negative thinking./SO FAR THE ARTICLE.

I love this movie! I watched it for the second time the other day and it is just hilarious!
Marianne is the kind of woman for which the word "spontanious" isn´t quite enough! You never know what she is going to do next. And the tricky thing about her is that you have really hard to make your voice heard around her... somehow she manages to talk you into thinking she is right - whether she is or not!

Han is the kind of guy that loves peace and quiet. He is therefore a bit taken by surprise by her way of just moving in and taking everything for granted, and he doesn´t really put up a fight.. she pretty much gets her way, even about her ugly yellow chest of drawers.

Glen is the "nice guy" Han meets in the swimming-hall, and also the expert on women - at least in his own mind. He is more than willing to give Han advice about love and life, like in the sauna for example he tells him: "There are two things you need to do: 1) Buy swimglasses and 2) Sleep with her!
But Glen also is the intermediator beetween Han and Marianne when they have a fight at Christmas, and the rescuer when Han is depressed and tries to kill himself.

When Han loses his job Marianne decides they are going on a vacation. After running all over Europe Han and Marianne ends up in a Castle where a retired old swedish colonel lives with his wife, and Marianne decides this is the goal of their trip. But by now Han is tired of her deciding everything for him and leaves for Paris, and there he meets a french girl, whom he immediately falls in love with, but when he understands it is mutual, he gets cold feet and leaves. He is then travelling alone for a while hoping that he won´t be the first to come home, but of course he is.

When Marianne gets home they have a wonderful time for a while (who say it wasn´t good for love to be away from eachother?) Until Marianne tells Han she has got a job as a teacher far up north, and of course she is going alone... they are going to see eachother weekends..
But of course that doesn´t work out, and Marianne has soon found herself a new lover. You think it could have ended there, but oh no... Just as Han has started to make a life of his own again she appears at his doorstep and the whole thing is starting over and over again like an old record that has got stuck. I will not reveal the end of the story, but it is a really fairytale ending which I absolutely love! Sigh!