nur laili | Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri (original) (raw)

Papers by nur laili

Research paper thumbnail of Keefektifan Kartu Permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) Untuk Melatih Keterampilan Bertanya Siswa Pada Materi Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan

Kartu permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) adalah kartu permainan yang berisi sebuah jawaban atau... more Kartu permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) adalah kartu permainan yang berisi sebuah jawaban atau kata kunci yang sudah dituliskan dengan singkat dan jelas. Kartu permainan TGT yang dikembangkan menggunakan satu macam kartu yang berwarna biru dan berisi jawaban atau kata kunci yang digunakan untuk mencocokkan pertanyaan oleh setiap kelompok. Kartu permainan TGT ini dikembangkan untuk melatih keterampilan bertanya siswa pada materi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan kartu permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) yang dilengkapi dengan petunjuk penggunaan kartu untuk melatihkan keterampilan bertanya siswa dan mengevaluasi kepada siswa yang layak berdasarkan validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembagan 4-D (Pendefinisian, Desain awal kartu, Pengembangan, dan Penyebaran) tetapi pada tahap penyebaran tidak dilakukan. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Syntactic Analysis of Language Acquisition in Three-Year-Old Children Based on Cultural Background

JPUD, 2019

The variety of languages and cultures in the community will indirectly affect the acquisition and... more The variety of languages and cultures in the community will indirectly affect the acquisition and development of children's language. This will be seen when children change residence, where new dwellings, different variations or dialects. At the PAUD Nusantara University School Laboratory PGRI Kediri, most children from various regions, they are migrant families in the city of Kediri and need adaptation in the new environment including the language. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, the purpose of which is to describe the acquisition of language of three-year-olds in terms of cultural background and to describe the average length of speech of three-year-olds based on Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). The research subjects were four children from Tulungagung, Kediri, Malang and Surabaya. The results of speech analysis show that the average research subjects from Tulungagung, Malang, Kediri and Surabaya had an average MLU of 2.92 in stage VI, which meant that they were still at a low stage, which at the age of three was already at the stage VII 3.0-3.5 words per speech. Based on the results of the analysis, it is recommended that teachers and parents improve stimulation and find appropriate strategies for the acquisition and development of children's language.


INDRIA, 2018

Keyword: pemerolehan bahasa, struktur kalimat, ujaran dan MLU. ABSTRAK Pada tahun pertama kehidu... more Keyword: pemerolehan bahasa, struktur kalimat, ujaran dan MLU.
ABSTRAK Pada tahun pertama kehidupan anak-anak mulai meniru kata-kata yang mereka dengar dari lingkungan sekitarnya dan dapat dikatakan pada saat itulah anak mulai menghasilkan "kata-kata pertama" mereka. Saat mereka berusia 18 bulan kata-kata yang mereka hasilkan semakin banyak dan berubah dari kalimat satu kata menjadi kalimat dua kata dan tiga kata. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan teori biologis-kognitif Chomsky yang menyatakan bahwa setiap anak dilahirkan dengan potensi biologis untuk berbahasa dan teori Skinner karena pemerolehan dan perkembangan bahasa terjadi bukan karena potensi biologis tersebut saja tetapi juga karena adanya lingkungan bahasa yang mendukung. Untuk mengetahui pemerolehan sintaksis bahasa Indonesia anak usia tiga tahun, lima anak yang berusia tiga tahun dan terpaut maksimal tiga bulan dijadikan objek penelitian ini. Percakapan mereka dengan orang tua dan keluarga mereka direkam, kemudian percakapan tersebut dianalisis untuk mengetahui kalimat-kalimat yang mereka hasilkan berdasarkan modus kalimat yaitu panjang kalimat, struktur kalimat, dan rata-rata panjang ujaran berdasarkan Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). Kalimat-kalimat yang dihasilkan anak usia tiga tahun tersebut kemudian dianalisis untuk mengetahui panjang kalimat, struktur kalimat, dan pengukuran ujaran dengan MLU. Kata kunci: pemerolehan bahasa, struktur kalimat, ujaran dan MLU. ABSTRACT In the first year of life children begin to imitate the words they heard from the surrounding environment and to say that's when the child begins to produce "first words" them. When they were 18 months of the words that they produce more and more and turns of phrase one word into a sentence of two words and three words. The research was conducted based on a biological-cognitive theory of Chomsky who states that every child born with biological potential for language and theory of Skinner for language acquisition and development is not due to the biological potential, but also because of the language environment that supports. To find out the acquisition of syntax Indonesian children aged three years, 10 children aged three years and closed to within a maximum of three months were subjected to this study. Their conversations with parents and their families are recorded and then the recorded conversations were analyzed to determine the sentences they produce based on the mode of sentence is the sentence length, sentence structure, and measurement of speech with the Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). The resulting sentences of three-year-olds are then analyzed to determine the sentence length, sentence structure, and measurement of speech with mlU. It was found that most children aged three years in said generally truncated words. And mastery of language that dominated the child obtained through certain stages. Children aged three years has been able to construct a sentence in said although it is very simple and limited. And speech analysis showed an average three-year-olds are at 2.327 MLU has V stages, which means being on a low stage.

Research paper thumbnail of Keefektifan Kartu Permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) Untuk Melatih Keterampilan Bertanya Siswa Pada Materi Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan

Kartu permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) adalah kartu permainan yang berisi sebuah jawaban atau... more Kartu permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) adalah kartu permainan yang berisi sebuah jawaban atau kata kunci yang sudah dituliskan dengan singkat dan jelas. Kartu permainan TGT yang dikembangkan menggunakan satu macam kartu yang berwarna biru dan berisi jawaban atau kata kunci yang digunakan untuk mencocokkan pertanyaan oleh setiap kelompok. Kartu permainan TGT ini dikembangkan untuk melatih keterampilan bertanya siswa pada materi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan kartu permainan TGT (Team Game Tournament) yang dilengkapi dengan petunjuk penggunaan kartu untuk melatihkan keterampilan bertanya siswa dan mengevaluasi kepada siswa yang layak berdasarkan validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembagan 4-D (Pendefinisian, Desain awal kartu, Pengembangan, dan Penyebaran) tetapi pada tahap penyebaran tidak dilakukan. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Syntactic Analysis of Language Acquisition in Three-Year-Old Children Based on Cultural Background

JPUD, 2019

The variety of languages and cultures in the community will indirectly affect the acquisition and... more The variety of languages and cultures in the community will indirectly affect the acquisition and development of children's language. This will be seen when children change residence, where new dwellings, different variations or dialects. At the PAUD Nusantara University School Laboratory PGRI Kediri, most children from various regions, they are migrant families in the city of Kediri and need adaptation in the new environment including the language. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, the purpose of which is to describe the acquisition of language of three-year-olds in terms of cultural background and to describe the average length of speech of three-year-olds based on Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). The research subjects were four children from Tulungagung, Kediri, Malang and Surabaya. The results of speech analysis show that the average research subjects from Tulungagung, Malang, Kediri and Surabaya had an average MLU of 2.92 in stage VI, which meant that they were still at a low stage, which at the age of three was already at the stage VII 3.0-3.5 words per speech. Based on the results of the analysis, it is recommended that teachers and parents improve stimulation and find appropriate strategies for the acquisition and development of children's language.


INDRIA, 2018

Keyword: pemerolehan bahasa, struktur kalimat, ujaran dan MLU. ABSTRAK Pada tahun pertama kehidu... more Keyword: pemerolehan bahasa, struktur kalimat, ujaran dan MLU.
ABSTRAK Pada tahun pertama kehidupan anak-anak mulai meniru kata-kata yang mereka dengar dari lingkungan sekitarnya dan dapat dikatakan pada saat itulah anak mulai menghasilkan "kata-kata pertama" mereka. Saat mereka berusia 18 bulan kata-kata yang mereka hasilkan semakin banyak dan berubah dari kalimat satu kata menjadi kalimat dua kata dan tiga kata. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan teori biologis-kognitif Chomsky yang menyatakan bahwa setiap anak dilahirkan dengan potensi biologis untuk berbahasa dan teori Skinner karena pemerolehan dan perkembangan bahasa terjadi bukan karena potensi biologis tersebut saja tetapi juga karena adanya lingkungan bahasa yang mendukung. Untuk mengetahui pemerolehan sintaksis bahasa Indonesia anak usia tiga tahun, lima anak yang berusia tiga tahun dan terpaut maksimal tiga bulan dijadikan objek penelitian ini. Percakapan mereka dengan orang tua dan keluarga mereka direkam, kemudian percakapan tersebut dianalisis untuk mengetahui kalimat-kalimat yang mereka hasilkan berdasarkan modus kalimat yaitu panjang kalimat, struktur kalimat, dan rata-rata panjang ujaran berdasarkan Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). Kalimat-kalimat yang dihasilkan anak usia tiga tahun tersebut kemudian dianalisis untuk mengetahui panjang kalimat, struktur kalimat, dan pengukuran ujaran dengan MLU. Kata kunci: pemerolehan bahasa, struktur kalimat, ujaran dan MLU. ABSTRACT In the first year of life children begin to imitate the words they heard from the surrounding environment and to say that's when the child begins to produce "first words" them. When they were 18 months of the words that they produce more and more and turns of phrase one word into a sentence of two words and three words. The research was conducted based on a biological-cognitive theory of Chomsky who states that every child born with biological potential for language and theory of Skinner for language acquisition and development is not due to the biological potential, but also because of the language environment that supports. To find out the acquisition of syntax Indonesian children aged three years, 10 children aged three years and closed to within a maximum of three months were subjected to this study. Their conversations with parents and their families are recorded and then the recorded conversations were analyzed to determine the sentences they produce based on the mode of sentence is the sentence length, sentence structure, and measurement of speech with the Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). The resulting sentences of three-year-olds are then analyzed to determine the sentence length, sentence structure, and measurement of speech with mlU. It was found that most children aged three years in said generally truncated words. And mastery of language that dominated the child obtained through certain stages. Children aged three years has been able to construct a sentence in said although it is very simple and limited. And speech analysis showed an average three-year-olds are at 2.327 MLU has V stages, which means being on a low stage.