[Tags**|brainstorming, extracurricular fair] [mood** |
accomplished]Don't worry if you missed it, there's plenty of time to get into things. This year, we want to make our time together count. After a slow start, we got a great brainstorm going. Let's get things going in 05-06 and get active in both the GLBT community and our community at school. We want to be here for our peers and get things done!Here's what we got to:( IssuesCollapse ) ( EventsCollapse ) ( Types of EventsCollapse ) ( BondingCollapse ) ( OrganizationCollapse ) ( TargetsCollapse ) **( AT THE BOOTHCollapse )**To reiterate, the Extracurricular Fair is September 28, 2005. That's a week from Wednesday, guys. A lot of people have expressed an interest in re-making the poster. Please, comment with ideas, volunteer time, bring materials, etc. What do we want to advertise? How can we get new members? What do you want to show people about us in that one afternoon. The idea of us doing the box for anonymous signing up again this year. I went through those slips and it was illegible. I volunteer to make slips for people to fill out to put into the box. Nothing fancy, don't worry.**If you are willing to give up some after school time in the next week/ week and a half, please comment this bellow, with the day!**Are you coming to GSA this year?-Rachelclass '06 |