Dual Universe Forum (original) (raw)

  1. Forum Rules & Announcements

    1. Forum Rules & Guidelines

    ❗ Please read the forum rules before posting in any other section. ❗
    2. #### Announcements
    Official announcements from Novaquark are located here!
    3. #### Patch Notes
    The place where you will find all the Patch Notes for the game!

  2. New Player Landing Zone

    1. New Player Help

    A place for new Noveans to ask questions
    2. #### FAQ & Information Desk
    The place for new Noveans to find useful information to start in the game
    3. #### Gameplay Tutorials
    The place for new Noveans to find guides for main, essential in-game activities
    4. #### Player Introductions
    A place for new Noveans to present themselves

  3. General (EN)

    1. General Discussions

    A place for Noveans to discuss any topic* related to Dual Universe!
    (*****topics not covered by other forum categories)
    2. #### Lua Forum
    The place to discuss about Lua scripting and the possibilities available thanks to Lua!
    3. #### Builder Forum
    The place to discuss about building techniques and share about amazing Constructs that have been built!
    4. #### Industry Forum
    The place to discuss about Industry and the way of making efficient production systems
    5. #### PvP Forum
    The (only) place to provoke your in-game opponents and discuss about PvP
    Warning: by entering and posting in this section, you accept to be taunted/provoked by your opponents.
    Only forum section where taunting, provoking and trolling other players is allowed (limit: never bring/refer to Real Life stuff while doing so)
    6. #### Public Test Server Feedback
    In case you have feedback to give on the Public Test Server (PTS), please post it in this forum section.
    Please post feedback only related to the PTS in this section (there are other forum sections for the Live server)
    Please discuss only one topic per forum thread. This will help a lot to have a follow-up on your feedback.
    7. #### The Gameplay Mechanics Assembly
    Discussions and ideas about Dual Universe gameplay that fall outside of building.
    As an old forum section going to be removed soon, please post in the more recent and appropriate sections.
    You can still read and reply to the existing threads, but not create new threads in this section.
    8. #### Idea Box
    Where all player suggestions are stored. One idea per topic, please!
    As an old forum section going to be removed soon, you can't create new topics here.
    You can still read and reply to the existing threads though, to finish ongoing discussions.
    9. #### Off Topic Discussions
    Where you can discuss about any topic NOT related to Dual Universe!

  4. General (DE)

    1. Allgemeine Diskussionen

    Hier kannst Du alle Themen rund um Dual Universe Diskutieren (ausgeschlossen Vorstellungen zu Spielern oder Organisationen oder Fehlerberichte)

  5. General (FR)

    1. Discussions générales

    Vous pouvez discuter ici de tous les sujets liés à Dual Universe (qui ne sont ni des présentations, ni des rapports de bug ou problèmes techniques)

  6. Social Corner

    1. Org Updates & Announcements

    Any and all updates & announcements related to Dual Universe Organizations!
    If you want to advertise your organization, you can also do it here.
    2. #### Roleplay & Lore
    The hot spot for discussions about Dual Universe lore and fan fictions
    3. #### Fan Art
    A special place to post and/or browse Dual Universe fan art!