nuril mufidah | Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (original) (raw)
Papers by nuril mufidah
Shaut al Arabiyyah
Abstrak : Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world bot... more Abstrak : Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world both Arabic and non-Arab, al- Imaratul Mustaqimah islamic boarding school is one of the islamic boarding schools that creates cadres of Islamic cadres and cadres of the nation by equipping their students with learning Arabic. The existence of phesantren as an uplifting educational institution is increasingly challenged to improve itself in every activity carried out in the book, for example in the practice of teaching methods. Learning methods are one of the important factors in the continuity of learning Arabic. for the success of teaching relating to the methods used . MIM stands for mimicry which means to imitate and memorization which means memorization. the methods used in teaching at Al Imaratul Mustaqimah islamic boarding school are usually very monotonous and even the use of methods is not in accordance with the learning objectives The main problems of this study are: (1)How is the ...
TADRIS AL-ARABIYAT: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi pembelajaran Maharah Istima’ di Asrama Hasbul... more Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi pembelajaran Maharah Istima’ di Asrama Hasbullah Sa’id P. P. Mamba’ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang tahun ajaran 2022/2023 dan respon atau tanggapan santri terkait metode pembelajaran yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Jenis studi kasus dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dalam metode observasi, peneliti mengamati proses belajar mengajar Maharah Istima’. Dalam metode wawancara, peneliti mewawancarai guru bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menghasilkan; 1. Metode pembelajaran Istima’ dengan (ilqo’ Mufrodat) yakni santri berkumpul didepan asrama untuk lalaran mufrodat bersama, kemudian dihafalkan. Metode kedua yakni diperdengarkan percakapan bahasa Arab dari sound asrama pada pagi hari sebelum para santri pergi ke sekolah. Metode ketiga dengan mencantumkan Maharah Istima’ sebagai pelajaram wajib tiap minggu. Metode pembelajaran ini dengan cara guru memutar vidio maupun audio be...
Dinamika Ilmu, Jun 24, 2022
The rapid development of digital technology impacts the world of education. So, educational insti... more The rapid development of digital technology impacts the world of education. So, educational institutions need leader figures who can adapt to the development of digital technology. This article aims to explain the leadership of madrasah principals in digital transformation at MIN Blitar City. The method used is descriptive qualitative, collecting data using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation, and data analysis using the Milles, Huberman, and Saldana's model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification/conclusion. The main issues in digital transformation are: building awareness or understanding of technology, developing strategies and action plans for a suitable technology to be used in the digital transformation process, choosing the right human resources to succeed in technological change is followed by a change in technology-based work culture, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration with the digital community, and carrying out supervision as a form of controlling the use of digital technology.
Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics
This study aims to describe an innovation in Arabic learning especially in Arabic speaking skill ... more This study aims to describe an innovation in Arabic learning especially in Arabic speaking skill by teachers at MAN Pematangsiantar during pandemic era in 2020-2022. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Source of data were Arabic teacher and students grade XI and XII. Data were collected by doing interview and observation, and then analyzed using interactive analysis model. Results showed that during pandemic in 2020-2022, teacher made an innovation in teaching Arabic speaking skill by applying various online media such as e-learning, Whatsapp group, Zoom Cloud Meeting, Google Meet, Google Classroom, and also making instructional video. The media were helpful in teaching Arabic speaking skill during pandemic because each of them has specific features that can be used to send materials, meet the students virtually, practice speaking, and also evaluate students’ ability. However, teacher also faced some problems namely not proficient in operating the media, cannot contro...
Shaut al Arabiyyah
Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world both Arabic a... more Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world both Arabic and non-Arabic, Al- inayah pasuruan islamic boarding school is one of the islamic boarding schools that creates cadres of islamic cadres and cadres of the nation by equipping their students with learning arabic. The existence of pesantren as an uplifting educational institution is increasingly challenged to improve itself in every activity carried out in the islamic boarding school, for example in teaching practice. The learning program is one of the important factors in the continuity of learning Arabic. for successful teaching relating to the program used. Deliberations have various implementations of types of deliberations that take place in Islamic boarding schools, including as learning methods, batshul masa'il, and programs. As a learning method, deliberation has similarities with the method of class discussion or group discussion. The main problems of this study are: How is the...
Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam
Implementing and forming a language environment for IBS Al-Hamra students is very important. Beca... more Implementing and forming a language environment for IBS Al-Hamra students is very important. Because the majority of them are teaching Arabic at the beginner level, they need to focus entirely on the wealth of vocabulary and application in Arabic in their daily conversations. To achieve these goals, more than learning Arabic in the classroom is required. Accordingly, the school principal collaborated with the supervisor to implement the language environment formation program. This research aims to reveal programs and activities on the implementation formation of language environment at IBS Al-Hamra Malang. Kind this research is qualitative descriptive research to describe the phenomena in the field of study. The researcher used to obtain the data on the method of observation, interview, and documents. The results of this research were the implementation form of a language environment in IBS Al-Hamra based on the state of the formal language environment and the informal language envi...
COMSERVA Indonesian Jurnal of Community Services and Development
Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan m... more Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan menganalisis tentang manajemen evaluasi kinerja guru dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode deskriptif analisis dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. G.R. Terry. Menegaskan bahwa “Manajemen merupakan proses yang khas bertujuan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan dengan efektif dan efisien”. Suatu proses atau kerangka kerja yang melibatkan bimbingan atau pengarahan suatu kelompok orang-orang ke arah tujuan-tujuan organisasional atau maksud-maksud yang nyata. Sedangkan menurut Mary Parker Follet, manajemen merupakan seni dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang lain. Definisi ini mengandung arti bahwa para manajer mencapai tujuan-tujuan organisasi melalui pengaturan orang lain untuk melaksanakan berbagai tugas yang mungkin diperlukan, atau berarti dengan tidak melakukan tugas-tugas itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan b...
AL-AF'IDAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Pengajarannya
Pondok pesantren ini menggunakan acuan berupa buku bahasa arab kurikulum 13. Penelitian ini bertu... more Pondok pesantren ini menggunakan acuan berupa buku bahasa arab kurikulum 13. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui metode pembelajaran maharah kalam (2) Mengetahui evaluasi pembelajaran maharam kalam (3) mengetahui respon santri MBI Amanatul Ummah Pacet dalam pembelajaran maharah kalam mengggunakan metode muhadatsah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang mengupas bagaimana metode pembelajaran maharah kalam menggunakan metode muhadatsah dengan mengambil sumber data dari observasi belajar-mengajar dan melakukan wawancara dengan guru maharah kalam dan santri kelas 11 tahun ajaran 2021-2022 MBI Amanatul Ummah Pacet Mojokerto. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) metode pembelajaran maharah kalam menggunakan metode muhadatsah yaitu dengan menambah beberapa mufrodat, praktek misalnya latihan berbincang-bincang secara berulang-ulang dan pengucapan serta intonasi oleh pengajar. (2) evaluasi dari pembelajaran maharah kalam adalah melakukan tes bahasa Arab sep...
SALIHA: Jurnal Pendidikan & Agama Islam
Kegiatan bahasa arab merupakan wadah bagi santri dalam mengembangkan minat dan bakat dan potensi ... more Kegiatan bahasa arab merupakan wadah bagi santri dalam mengembangkan minat dan bakat dan potensi diri dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Arab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen kegiatan bahasa Arab di Pondok Modern Daarul Abroor dengan rumusan masalah bagaimana (1) perencanaan kegiatan (2) pengorganisasian kegiatan (3) implementasi kegiatan (4) monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan (5) faktor pendukung dan penghambat kegiatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan subyek penelitian yaitu staf bagian bahasa dua orang dan staf pengasuhan santri dua orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipatif di lembaga tersebut, wawancara terstruktur terhadap staf bagian bahasa dan staf pengasuhan santri dan dokumentasi tertulis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penyimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) perencanaan kegiatan yang mengacu pada metode yang bai...
JURNAL AL-IHDA : Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
This research on the implementation of Total Quality management was conducted at STIBA Ar Raayah ... more This research on the implementation of Total Quality management was conducted at STIBA Ar Raayah and focused on the elements of teamwork, customer focus, and employee involvement and empowerment. This research uses qualitative research descriptive method. Data obtained from document research and interviews with the Director of STIBA Ar Raayah and ten students. The results obtained show that STIBA Ar Raayah applies the TQM concept in improving the quality of education offered. This is characterized by good cooperation in the application of communication with Arabic between lecturers and students, good response from students namely an increase in speaking skills in Arabic in a language environment, proud achievements in Arabic language competitions at national and international levels, and employees feel involved in decision making in the form of regular meetings between lecturers and student activities.
JURNAL AL-IHDA : Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
Management has an important role in education to carry out activities and programs, institutions ... more Management has an important role in education to carry out activities and programs, institutions or organizations or any project cannot stand alone without management, Stiba Ar-raayah has developed a curriculum and management that is different from other universities in Indonesia, where students have to live in a dormitory for 5 years to maintain an Arabic environment. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and a qualitative approach, namely the latest picture of management for the Arabic Language Education Study Program in stiba Ar-raayah and its organization. structure and look at the principle principles of its organization. This study aims to describe the management of the organization for the PBA study program in stiba Ar-raayah. The results of this study explain that the management for the PBA study program in stiba Ar-raayah in its principle principles can be detailed: the existence of clear objectives in its vision and mission, program planning is assigned...
The purpose of this research is to find out the control management strategy in creating an Arabic... more The purpose of this research is to find out the control management strategy in creating an Arabic-language environment, the implications of the Arabic-language environmental control management strategy and the solutions to problems inhibiting the creation of an Arabic-language environment that are applied at Mabna ar-Razi Ma'had Al-Jamiah Center, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with data collection using observations of the progress of language activities in ma'had, interviews with musyrif (managers) of the language and mahasantri divisions, as well as documentation of these language activities. Data analysis techniques applied by researchers are data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The findings of this study are a form of management strategy for controlling the language environment implemented at the Ma'had Al-Jamiah Center of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which uses an informal language environment, namely making the environment outside the classroom a place for students to practice Arabic language skills and when in class language lectures through language programs yaum al-faan allughowy (language arts day), sima'i wal tarjamah (listening and interpreting) and tazwidul mufradat (adding vocabulary). The solution to the obstacles to creating an Arabic-language environment is by holding language programs as activities, tightening discipline in language, coaching related to language for both educators and students, and ma'had managers should continue to add material and language learning resources, both study material on various books modern or classic.
MUHIBBUL ARABIYAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan teknis pembelajaran mufrodat bahasa Arab di Madrasah I... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan teknis pembelajaran mufrodat bahasa Arab di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan, sekaligus memaparkan faktor kesulitan siswa dalam memahami arti mufrodat bahasa Arab yang meliputi faktor internal dan eksternal. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitiannya adalah beberapa siswa tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 dan guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran mufrodat bahasa Arab menggunakan metode Teacher Centerd di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan dirasa belum efektif. Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami arti mufrodat yang disebabkan karena faktor kecerdasan/intelegensi, bakat, minat, dan kemauan yang rend...
Jurnal Ihtimam
The management of Arabic language education programs needs a lot of studies in order to improve i... more The management of Arabic language education programs needs a lot of studies in order to improve its quality, because good education program management increases students' motivation to learn. This research aims to describe Arabic language teaching program at the "Kholwah Al Qur'an dan Bahasa Arab" Karanganyar Central Java, describe the management of the program, and mention the advantages and disadvantages of this administration. This research uses the qualitative approach with the type of case study. The results of this research: (1) The program of the "Kholwah Al Qur'an dan Bahasa Arab" is a program for memorizing the Qur'an and teaching the Arabic language intensively during one year. (2) The management of this program shall be in four steps: planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. (3) The advantages of managing the retreat program: the linguistic environment, the principle of consultation, the unity of idea and goal, and the management of human resources, and its disadvantages: lack of experience, lack of teachers, lack of unity of command, the curriculum is heavy on students, student supervision, and budget management.
JURNAL AL-IHDA : Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
Attention to the quality and perfection of work is what draws the attention of the institution th... more Attention to the quality and perfection of work is what draws the attention of the institution these days, such as education, as it is organized by a system adopted by improvement and development. The objectives of this research are two, namely (1) knowing the role of the head of the intensive program for teaching Arabic language for linguistic preparation at Ar-raayah Sukabumi University on the basis of total quality management, (2) knowing the factors affecting the success of the intensive program for teaching Arabic language for linguistic preparation at Ar-raayah Sukabumi University. This research used the qualitative approach, the case study method, and data collection through personal interviews, field observation, and document analysis. Data analysis started from analyzing the data from the process of collecting, sorting, presenting and then drawing conclusions from it The results of this research are, first: the role of the program leader is to plan for quality in conducting...
ABSTRAK Sebagian dari kesulitan pengajaran di Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA) khusu... more ABSTRAK Sebagian dari kesulitan pengajaran di Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA) khususnya di kelas rendah adalah sebagian besar mahasiswa belum pernah belajar bahasa Arab sebelumnya, bahkan ada beberapa mahasiswa yang tidak dapat membaca atau menulis huruf Arab dengan benar. Dalam bahasa Arab terdapat dua jenis kalimat, yaitu kalimat isim dan kalimat fiil. Kesulitan yang dihadapi kelas rendah adalah memahami dan memproduksi kalimat fiil karena bentuk tata bahasa Indonesia adalah kalimat isim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan latihan rantai “isim-fiil’ untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membuat kalimat mahasiswa di Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang dalam pelaksanaannya terdiri dari empat langkah: (1) melakukan perencanaan (2) uji coba (3) pengamatan (4) penilaian. Adapun populasinya adalah mahasiswa Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA) kelas L2 tahun akademik 2010-2011. Seda...
Bulletin of Early Childhood
The purpose of this study is to describe process of learning to read and write Arabic letters in ... more The purpose of this study is to describe process of learning to read and write Arabic letters in early childhood at Taman Pendidikan Quran (TPQ) Nurul Muttaqin 4, the students' interest in learning, positive impacts or benefits for students, opportunities in learning, and challenges faced during learning. The research method used is qualitative with the subject of early childhood aged 4-8 years at TPQ Nurul Muttaqin 4. Data collection techniques by observing the teaching and learning process of students and interviews with one of the teachers and students concerned. The research results obtained include: 1. The process of learning to read and write Arabic letters for early childhood at TPQ Nurul Muttaqin 4 using the iqro' method for reading and writing 2. The students' interest in learning is very large in learning because the parents of the students support it. and very open so that students are very interested in this learning. 3. The positive impact or benefits obtain...
KnE Social Sciences
The current study investigated the process of school restructuring and explored the values basing... more The current study investigated the process of school restructuring and explored the values basing the spirit in developing Muhammadiyah charitable effort. The study was conducted at MTs Muhammadiyah in Gandusari District, Trenggalek Regency, Indonesia using a qualitative case-study approach. While the objects of the study were the restructuring efforts and the values held by Muhammadiyah board members and managers, the subjects were the branch manager of Muhammadiyah Gandusari; the principal, vice-principal, and teachers at the school; and the school committee. Data were collected via in-depth interview, documentation, and observation techniques. The validity of data was ensured by credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability checking techniques. Data analysis was done in interrelated stages of data display, data reduction, conclusion drawing, and data verification. It was observed that the restructuring of the school was done through some efforts of reflection an...
The development of science in the field of technology has a huge impact, especially in the field ... more The development of science in the field of technology has a huge impact, especially in the field of education. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, it is required to be able to master technology, such as the internet. Then, the role of strengthening the character of teachers in technological development is also very important, especially when this pandemic demands online learning. The majority of teachers who are not in urban areas or the non-favorite school category still do not have the skills to apply online learning media, mainly due to age. Therefore, student responses also vary to the learning that is being carried out. So that teachers are also required to be responsive to the demands of the times. The role of teachers in the world of modern education must also add complexity. Teachers are not only teachers but must also instill moral character in students, especially the use of technological media such as Whatsapp. In this paper, MTS Asy-Syafi'iyah Trenggalek and MTs Miftahul Jannah Trenggalek are used as a model of how the online learning process during a pandemic.
Shaut al Arabiyyah
Abstrak : Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world bot... more Abstrak : Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world both Arabic and non-Arab, al- Imaratul Mustaqimah islamic boarding school is one of the islamic boarding schools that creates cadres of Islamic cadres and cadres of the nation by equipping their students with learning Arabic. The existence of phesantren as an uplifting educational institution is increasingly challenged to improve itself in every activity carried out in the book, for example in the practice of teaching methods. Learning methods are one of the important factors in the continuity of learning Arabic. for the success of teaching relating to the methods used . MIM stands for mimicry which means to imitate and memorization which means memorization. the methods used in teaching at Al Imaratul Mustaqimah islamic boarding school are usually very monotonous and even the use of methods is not in accordance with the learning objectives The main problems of this study are: (1)How is the ...
TADRIS AL-ARABIYAT: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi pembelajaran Maharah Istima’ di Asrama Hasbul... more Penelitian ini mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi pembelajaran Maharah Istima’ di Asrama Hasbullah Sa’id P. P. Mamba’ul Ma’arif Denanyar Jombang tahun ajaran 2022/2023 dan respon atau tanggapan santri terkait metode pembelajaran yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Jenis studi kasus dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dalam metode observasi, peneliti mengamati proses belajar mengajar Maharah Istima’. Dalam metode wawancara, peneliti mewawancarai guru bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menghasilkan; 1. Metode pembelajaran Istima’ dengan (ilqo’ Mufrodat) yakni santri berkumpul didepan asrama untuk lalaran mufrodat bersama, kemudian dihafalkan. Metode kedua yakni diperdengarkan percakapan bahasa Arab dari sound asrama pada pagi hari sebelum para santri pergi ke sekolah. Metode ketiga dengan mencantumkan Maharah Istima’ sebagai pelajaram wajib tiap minggu. Metode pembelajaran ini dengan cara guru memutar vidio maupun audio be...
Dinamika Ilmu, Jun 24, 2022
The rapid development of digital technology impacts the world of education. So, educational insti... more The rapid development of digital technology impacts the world of education. So, educational institutions need leader figures who can adapt to the development of digital technology. This article aims to explain the leadership of madrasah principals in digital transformation at MIN Blitar City. The method used is descriptive qualitative, collecting data using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation, and data analysis using the Milles, Huberman, and Saldana's model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification/conclusion. The main issues in digital transformation are: building awareness or understanding of technology, developing strategies and action plans for a suitable technology to be used in the digital transformation process, choosing the right human resources to succeed in technological change is followed by a change in technology-based work culture, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration with the digital community, and carrying out supervision as a form of controlling the use of digital technology.
Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics
This study aims to describe an innovation in Arabic learning especially in Arabic speaking skill ... more This study aims to describe an innovation in Arabic learning especially in Arabic speaking skill by teachers at MAN Pematangsiantar during pandemic era in 2020-2022. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Source of data were Arabic teacher and students grade XI and XII. Data were collected by doing interview and observation, and then analyzed using interactive analysis model. Results showed that during pandemic in 2020-2022, teacher made an innovation in teaching Arabic speaking skill by applying various online media such as e-learning, Whatsapp group, Zoom Cloud Meeting, Google Meet, Google Classroom, and also making instructional video. The media were helpful in teaching Arabic speaking skill during pandemic because each of them has specific features that can be used to send materials, meet the students virtually, practice speaking, and also evaluate students’ ability. However, teacher also faced some problems namely not proficient in operating the media, cannot contro...
Shaut al Arabiyyah
Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world both Arabic a... more Arabic is a very important language for millions of Islamic people around the world both Arabic and non-Arabic, Al- inayah pasuruan islamic boarding school is one of the islamic boarding schools that creates cadres of islamic cadres and cadres of the nation by equipping their students with learning arabic. The existence of pesantren as an uplifting educational institution is increasingly challenged to improve itself in every activity carried out in the islamic boarding school, for example in teaching practice. The learning program is one of the important factors in the continuity of learning Arabic. for successful teaching relating to the program used. Deliberations have various implementations of types of deliberations that take place in Islamic boarding schools, including as learning methods, batshul masa'il, and programs. As a learning method, deliberation has similarities with the method of class discussion or group discussion. The main problems of this study are: How is the...
Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam
Implementing and forming a language environment for IBS Al-Hamra students is very important. Beca... more Implementing and forming a language environment for IBS Al-Hamra students is very important. Because the majority of them are teaching Arabic at the beginner level, they need to focus entirely on the wealth of vocabulary and application in Arabic in their daily conversations. To achieve these goals, more than learning Arabic in the classroom is required. Accordingly, the school principal collaborated with the supervisor to implement the language environment formation program. This research aims to reveal programs and activities on the implementation formation of language environment at IBS Al-Hamra Malang. Kind this research is qualitative descriptive research to describe the phenomena in the field of study. The researcher used to obtain the data on the method of observation, interview, and documents. The results of this research were the implementation form of a language environment in IBS Al-Hamra based on the state of the formal language environment and the informal language envi...
COMSERVA Indonesian Jurnal of Community Services and Development
Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan m... more Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan menganalisis tentang manajemen evaluasi kinerja guru dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode deskriptif analisis dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. G.R. Terry. Menegaskan bahwa “Manajemen merupakan proses yang khas bertujuan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan dengan efektif dan efisien”. Suatu proses atau kerangka kerja yang melibatkan bimbingan atau pengarahan suatu kelompok orang-orang ke arah tujuan-tujuan organisasional atau maksud-maksud yang nyata. Sedangkan menurut Mary Parker Follet, manajemen merupakan seni dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang lain. Definisi ini mengandung arti bahwa para manajer mencapai tujuan-tujuan organisasi melalui pengaturan orang lain untuk melaksanakan berbagai tugas yang mungkin diperlukan, atau berarti dengan tidak melakukan tugas-tugas itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan b...
AL-AF'IDAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Pengajarannya
Pondok pesantren ini menggunakan acuan berupa buku bahasa arab kurikulum 13. Penelitian ini bertu... more Pondok pesantren ini menggunakan acuan berupa buku bahasa arab kurikulum 13. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui metode pembelajaran maharah kalam (2) Mengetahui evaluasi pembelajaran maharam kalam (3) mengetahui respon santri MBI Amanatul Ummah Pacet dalam pembelajaran maharah kalam mengggunakan metode muhadatsah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang mengupas bagaimana metode pembelajaran maharah kalam menggunakan metode muhadatsah dengan mengambil sumber data dari observasi belajar-mengajar dan melakukan wawancara dengan guru maharah kalam dan santri kelas 11 tahun ajaran 2021-2022 MBI Amanatul Ummah Pacet Mojokerto. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) metode pembelajaran maharah kalam menggunakan metode muhadatsah yaitu dengan menambah beberapa mufrodat, praktek misalnya latihan berbincang-bincang secara berulang-ulang dan pengucapan serta intonasi oleh pengajar. (2) evaluasi dari pembelajaran maharah kalam adalah melakukan tes bahasa Arab sep...
SALIHA: Jurnal Pendidikan & Agama Islam
Kegiatan bahasa arab merupakan wadah bagi santri dalam mengembangkan minat dan bakat dan potensi ... more Kegiatan bahasa arab merupakan wadah bagi santri dalam mengembangkan minat dan bakat dan potensi diri dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Arab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen kegiatan bahasa Arab di Pondok Modern Daarul Abroor dengan rumusan masalah bagaimana (1) perencanaan kegiatan (2) pengorganisasian kegiatan (3) implementasi kegiatan (4) monitoring dan evaluasi kegiatan (5) faktor pendukung dan penghambat kegiatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan subyek penelitian yaitu staf bagian bahasa dua orang dan staf pengasuhan santri dua orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipatif di lembaga tersebut, wawancara terstruktur terhadap staf bagian bahasa dan staf pengasuhan santri dan dokumentasi tertulis. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penyimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) perencanaan kegiatan yang mengacu pada metode yang bai...
JURNAL AL-IHDA : Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
This research on the implementation of Total Quality management was conducted at STIBA Ar Raayah ... more This research on the implementation of Total Quality management was conducted at STIBA Ar Raayah and focused on the elements of teamwork, customer focus, and employee involvement and empowerment. This research uses qualitative research descriptive method. Data obtained from document research and interviews with the Director of STIBA Ar Raayah and ten students. The results obtained show that STIBA Ar Raayah applies the TQM concept in improving the quality of education offered. This is characterized by good cooperation in the application of communication with Arabic between lecturers and students, good response from students namely an increase in speaking skills in Arabic in a language environment, proud achievements in Arabic language competitions at national and international levels, and employees feel involved in decision making in the form of regular meetings between lecturers and student activities.
JURNAL AL-IHDA : Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
Management has an important role in education to carry out activities and programs, institutions ... more Management has an important role in education to carry out activities and programs, institutions or organizations or any project cannot stand alone without management, Stiba Ar-raayah has developed a curriculum and management that is different from other universities in Indonesia, where students have to live in a dormitory for 5 years to maintain an Arabic environment. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and a qualitative approach, namely the latest picture of management for the Arabic Language Education Study Program in stiba Ar-raayah and its organization. structure and look at the principle principles of its organization. This study aims to describe the management of the organization for the PBA study program in stiba Ar-raayah. The results of this study explain that the management for the PBA study program in stiba Ar-raayah in its principle principles can be detailed: the existence of clear objectives in its vision and mission, program planning is assigned...
The purpose of this research is to find out the control management strategy in creating an Arabic... more The purpose of this research is to find out the control management strategy in creating an Arabic-language environment, the implications of the Arabic-language environmental control management strategy and the solutions to problems inhibiting the creation of an Arabic-language environment that are applied at Mabna ar-Razi Ma'had Al-Jamiah Center, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with data collection using observations of the progress of language activities in ma'had, interviews with musyrif (managers) of the language and mahasantri divisions, as well as documentation of these language activities. Data analysis techniques applied by researchers are data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The findings of this study are a form of management strategy for controlling the language environment implemented at the Ma'had Al-Jamiah Center of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which uses an informal language environment, namely making the environment outside the classroom a place for students to practice Arabic language skills and when in class language lectures through language programs yaum al-faan allughowy (language arts day), sima'i wal tarjamah (listening and interpreting) and tazwidul mufradat (adding vocabulary). The solution to the obstacles to creating an Arabic-language environment is by holding language programs as activities, tightening discipline in language, coaching related to language for both educators and students, and ma'had managers should continue to add material and language learning resources, both study material on various books modern or classic.
MUHIBBUL ARABIYAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan teknis pembelajaran mufrodat bahasa Arab di Madrasah I... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan teknis pembelajaran mufrodat bahasa Arab di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan, sekaligus memaparkan faktor kesulitan siswa dalam memahami arti mufrodat bahasa Arab yang meliputi faktor internal dan eksternal. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitiannya adalah beberapa siswa tahun pelajaran 2021/2022 dan guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran mufrodat bahasa Arab menggunakan metode Teacher Centerd di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan dirasa belum efektif. Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqien Banaran Kabupaten Magetan mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami arti mufrodat yang disebabkan karena faktor kecerdasan/intelegensi, bakat, minat, dan kemauan yang rend...
Jurnal Ihtimam
The management of Arabic language education programs needs a lot of studies in order to improve i... more The management of Arabic language education programs needs a lot of studies in order to improve its quality, because good education program management increases students' motivation to learn. This research aims to describe Arabic language teaching program at the "Kholwah Al Qur'an dan Bahasa Arab" Karanganyar Central Java, describe the management of the program, and mention the advantages and disadvantages of this administration. This research uses the qualitative approach with the type of case study. The results of this research: (1) The program of the "Kholwah Al Qur'an dan Bahasa Arab" is a program for memorizing the Qur'an and teaching the Arabic language intensively during one year. (2) The management of this program shall be in four steps: planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. (3) The advantages of managing the retreat program: the linguistic environment, the principle of consultation, the unity of idea and goal, and the management of human resources, and its disadvantages: lack of experience, lack of teachers, lack of unity of command, the curriculum is heavy on students, student supervision, and budget management.
JURNAL AL-IHDA : Media Ilmiah Bahasa Arab
Attention to the quality and perfection of work is what draws the attention of the institution th... more Attention to the quality and perfection of work is what draws the attention of the institution these days, such as education, as it is organized by a system adopted by improvement and development. The objectives of this research are two, namely (1) knowing the role of the head of the intensive program for teaching Arabic language for linguistic preparation at Ar-raayah Sukabumi University on the basis of total quality management, (2) knowing the factors affecting the success of the intensive program for teaching Arabic language for linguistic preparation at Ar-raayah Sukabumi University. This research used the qualitative approach, the case study method, and data collection through personal interviews, field observation, and document analysis. Data analysis started from analyzing the data from the process of collecting, sorting, presenting and then drawing conclusions from it The results of this research are, first: the role of the program leader is to plan for quality in conducting...
ABSTRAK Sebagian dari kesulitan pengajaran di Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA) khusu... more ABSTRAK Sebagian dari kesulitan pengajaran di Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA) khususnya di kelas rendah adalah sebagian besar mahasiswa belum pernah belajar bahasa Arab sebelumnya, bahkan ada beberapa mahasiswa yang tidak dapat membaca atau menulis huruf Arab dengan benar. Dalam bahasa Arab terdapat dua jenis kalimat, yaitu kalimat isim dan kalimat fiil. Kesulitan yang dihadapi kelas rendah adalah memahami dan memproduksi kalimat fiil karena bentuk tata bahasa Indonesia adalah kalimat isim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan latihan rantai “isim-fiil’ untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membuat kalimat mahasiswa di Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang dalam pelaksanaannya terdiri dari empat langkah: (1) melakukan perencanaan (2) uji coba (3) pengamatan (4) penilaian. Adapun populasinya adalah mahasiswa Program Khusus Pengajaran Bahasa Arab (PKPBA) kelas L2 tahun akademik 2010-2011. Seda...
Bulletin of Early Childhood
The purpose of this study is to describe process of learning to read and write Arabic letters in ... more The purpose of this study is to describe process of learning to read and write Arabic letters in early childhood at Taman Pendidikan Quran (TPQ) Nurul Muttaqin 4, the students' interest in learning, positive impacts or benefits for students, opportunities in learning, and challenges faced during learning. The research method used is qualitative with the subject of early childhood aged 4-8 years at TPQ Nurul Muttaqin 4. Data collection techniques by observing the teaching and learning process of students and interviews with one of the teachers and students concerned. The research results obtained include: 1. The process of learning to read and write Arabic letters for early childhood at TPQ Nurul Muttaqin 4 using the iqro' method for reading and writing 2. The students' interest in learning is very large in learning because the parents of the students support it. and very open so that students are very interested in this learning. 3. The positive impact or benefits obtain...
KnE Social Sciences
The current study investigated the process of school restructuring and explored the values basing... more The current study investigated the process of school restructuring and explored the values basing the spirit in developing Muhammadiyah charitable effort. The study was conducted at MTs Muhammadiyah in Gandusari District, Trenggalek Regency, Indonesia using a qualitative case-study approach. While the objects of the study were the restructuring efforts and the values held by Muhammadiyah board members and managers, the subjects were the branch manager of Muhammadiyah Gandusari; the principal, vice-principal, and teachers at the school; and the school committee. Data were collected via in-depth interview, documentation, and observation techniques. The validity of data was ensured by credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability checking techniques. Data analysis was done in interrelated stages of data display, data reduction, conclusion drawing, and data verification. It was observed that the restructuring of the school was done through some efforts of reflection an...
The development of science in the field of technology has a huge impact, especially in the field ... more The development of science in the field of technology has a huge impact, especially in the field of education. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, it is required to be able to master technology, such as the internet. Then, the role of strengthening the character of teachers in technological development is also very important, especially when this pandemic demands online learning. The majority of teachers who are not in urban areas or the non-favorite school category still do not have the skills to apply online learning media, mainly due to age. Therefore, student responses also vary to the learning that is being carried out. So that teachers are also required to be responsive to the demands of the times. The role of teachers in the world of modern education must also add complexity. Teachers are not only teachers but must also instill moral character in students, especially the use of technological media such as Whatsapp. In this paper, MTS Asy-Syafi'iyah Trenggalek and MTs Miftahul Jannah Trenggalek are used as a model of how the online learning process during a pandemic.