(original) (raw)

{"update": {"autokarma": false, "autotime": false, "stable_karma": 3, "stable_days": 14, "unstable_karma": -3, "require_bugs": false, "require_testcases": true, "display_name": "", "notes": "The 6.10.10 stable kernel update contains a number of important fixes across the tree.", "type": "bugfix", "status": "stable", "request": null, "severity": "unspecified", "suggest": "reboot", "locked": false, "pushed": true, "critpath": true, "critpath_groups": "critical-path-base critical-path-compose", "close_bugs": true, "date_submitted": "2024-09-12 20:22:40", "date_modified": null, "date_approved": "2024-09-17 12:48:09", "date_testing": "2024-09-13 02:41:05", "date_stable": "2024-09-18 19:58:35", "alias": "FEDORA-2024-7a9026ca00", "test_gating_status": "passed", "from_tag": null, "date_pushed": "2024-09-18 19:58:35", "meets_testing_requirements": true, "url": "https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2024-7a9026ca00", "title": "kernel-6.10.10-200.fc40", "version_hash": "4de078226cd1fd752b14e371a4a5b38556380afd", "release": {"name": "F40", "long_name": "Fedora 40", "version": "40", "id_prefix": "FEDORA", "branch": "f40", "dist_tag": "f40", "stable_tag": "f40-updates", "testing_tag": "f40-updates-testing", "candidate_tag": "f40-updates-candidate", "pending_signing_tag": "f40-signing-pending", "pending_testing_tag": "f40-updates-testing-pending", "pending_stable_tag": "f40-updates-pending", "override_tag": "f40-override", "mail_template": "fedora_errata_template", "state": "current", "composed_by_bodhi": true, "create_automatic_updates": false, "package_manager": "dnf", "testing_repository": "updates-testing", "released_on": null, "eol": "2025-05-13", "setting_status": null}, "user": {"name": "acaringi", "email": "acaringi@redhat.com", "id": 3659, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/01d4e51508726b9ed612754c3ee50b48aac7e48c52bf43186a7d20cbabf57067?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "acaringi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "packager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "sysadmin-kernel"}, {"name": "kernel-maintainer"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}, "comments": [{"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update has been submitted for testing by acaringi. ", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 20:22:41", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3717583, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 20:22:42", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3717584, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 20:22:42", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3717585, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "default & performance tests pass (KVM)", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 20:56:42", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5390, "id": 3717632, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717632, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717632, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bretth", "email": "brett.hassall@gmail.com", "id": 5390, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f2f18bb4739ddb3d1c90fc7da1c7999d044077bd6bd5e4b74acb48de4e889adb?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bretth.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update's test gating status has been changed to 'passed'.", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 22:16:41", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3717697, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works for me. The enabled Default and Performance tests pass OK. \nWork Station, Asus prime mobo - Ryzen5 5600g/AMDGPU 400 Series Chipset, (UEFI) Secure boot, SSD's > RAID1 (ext4).", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 22:55:05", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 449, "id": 3717717, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717717, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717717, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "g6avk", "email": "colin.thomson@g6avk.co.uk", "id": 449, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/a9a8954c462d35fa59f7eeec4e480384f9d1ec0271262a4530bfbf09340120f5?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "g6avk.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Working in 40, tests passing.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 00:58:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 4756, "id": 3717817, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717817, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717817, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "nixuser", "email": "nixuser@mail.com", "id": 4756, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/365861a25716b355bf17bd01d55d25c29e1d98a79e197ef46bd8cfafdd93c836?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "nixuser.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 01:03:12", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 6223, "id": 3717818, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717818, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717818, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "farribeiro", "email": "farribeiro@gmail.com", "id": 6223, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/cee398b0139fd9d8585b3495c60bb458910b8dc7de451343117795051841bc40?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "farribeiro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "l10n"}, {"name": "cvsl10n"}, {"name": "fedora-br"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Default (libhugetlbfs, memfd & paxtest skipped) and performance tests pass; works in general.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 01:21:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5222, "id": 3717819, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717819, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717819, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "itrymybest80", "email": "itrymybest80@protonmail.com", "id": 5222, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/e7e45668eab70cdb51db3d2b548b9885096fbe2ab8ad905540dbf3f5891747c8?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "itrymybest80.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 01:54:27", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8227, "id": 3717896, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717896, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717896, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "anotheruser", "email": "7grrar1r+fedora@gmail.com", "id": 8227, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/075d539e56a841b66f082a1d3ccae1bd831c8c6bb4ebc01ee51dc5bcb11b3c5b?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "anotheruser.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update has been pushed to testing.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 02:42:16", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3717958, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 02:44:44", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3717967, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 02:57:28", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 198, "id": 3717984, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bojan", "email": "bojan@rexursive.com", "id": 198, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/adb4c3f28bd6969871988f992b1bf71e404f03e3570fbfa0fc9bd7d0bf0003f8?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bojan.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "packager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "- **Hardware Model:** Dell Inc. Inspiron 3583\n- **Memory:** 8.0\u00a0GiB\n- **Processor:** Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-8565U \u00d7 8\n- **Graphics:** Intel\u00ae UHD Graphics 620 (WHL GT2)\n- **Graphics 1:** HAINAN\n", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 08:25:04", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8147, "id": 3718230, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": -1, "comment_id": 3718230, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718230, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pirespro", "email": "fedora@pires.pro", "id": 8147, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/55555be1761b9395f6f03a7a79687408fbc35e91cf9a36e85210e6d06958e9ba?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pirespro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 08:43:44", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 3703, "id": 3718240, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718240, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718240, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "markec", "email": "marko.bevc@gmail.com", "id": 3703, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/2a3640b3b2df97a062aff29758dd6a2ce98adba2cdd4da3fceb85df19b25200c?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "markec.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works, no issues so far", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 10:09:56", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 2676, "id": 3718328, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718328, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718328, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "valdyn", "email": "soeren.grunewald@gmx.net", "id": 2676, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6f5fc794ffd6c7686cddfdf84eec182bb47367327c2a18435de5d5d030f58f20?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "valdyn.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Default tests passed. AMD Ryzen 4500U - iGPU (Vega 6)", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 11:49:06", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 7765, "id": 3718408, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718408, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718408, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "boxjellyfish", "email": "kioshi242@proton.me", "id": 7765, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f931ecdde5c9821dc449d1fe2af081c8cc1ed3c5475b3cec21300e56736a0ce0?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "boxjellyfish.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 13:04:29", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 2935, "id": 3718474, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718474, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718474, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "imabug", "email": "eugenemah@gmail.com", "id": 2935, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/ea8ba927783ee0ef10e6f05f14791abf925972bac4f31aba458058d3e7907a6d?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "imabug.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedora-hams"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works just fine here. Ryzen 3700x, Rog Strix B550-F, Nvidia from rpmfusion.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 14:29:20", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 7557, "id": 3718553, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718553, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718553, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "johnh99", "email": "johnhoward2@protonmail.com", "id": 7557, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/51b7e22f8c171afe475667dfd52fecfe78ff841045b3b1dc7e0ede8001fcdb6e?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "johnh99.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "**Working fine on baremetal**\n```\nAcer Aspire Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz \nGraphics Processor: Mesa DRI Intel\u00ae HD Graphics 4000. driver: i915 v: kernel arch: Gen-7 \nwi-fi: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network. Adapter vendor: Lite-On. driver: ath9k v: kernel.\n```\n**kernel tests PASSED**", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 14:43:28", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5881, "id": 3718579, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718579, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718579, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "geraldosimiao", "email": "geraldo.simiao.kutz@gmail.com", "id": 5881, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/03fa5b58e8ac78544bf41ad8ecf9ee1920f2ebedb86542c2f4cdf7ef15813168?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "geraldosimiao.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "ambassadors"}, {"name": "fedora-br"}, {"name": "advocates"}, {"name": "respins-sig"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 14:55:28", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8147, "id": 3718607, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718607, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718607, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pirespro", "email": "fedora@pires.pro", "id": 8147, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/55555be1761b9395f6f03a7a79687408fbc35e91cf9a36e85210e6d06958e9ba?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pirespro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": -1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Tested this kernel in the hope of addressing sound issues on \"Intel Corporation Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller\", broken in recent releases.\n\nSound works perfectly on 6.10.7-200.fc40, but is broken (and Gnome shows only \"Dummy Output\") for 6.10.8, 6.10.9, and now this 6.10.10 release.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 15:32:16", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8393, "id": 3718661, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718661, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": -1, "comment_id": 3718661, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "schnaupy", "email": "mrolen@gmail.com", "id": 8393, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3a712f7672074a3fe375d9134b0c8cc66d4e2f6af5215a6365a9e6696ffaeb28?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "schnaupy.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "@schnaupy it's indeed a kernel regression solved by reverting this commit https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/ab8d66d132bc8f1992d3eb6cab8d32dda6733c84", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 17:29:53", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8394, "id": 3718717, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718717, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718717, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "lionheartp", "email": "parrr85@gmail.com", "id": 8394, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/75eaa0154db9e80634b32d1e24edc2657055d0aacff7c403f4c990ad6cbde477?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "lionheartp.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "\nWorks as intended. Dell Latitude 3410 (Intel Core i5-10210U, Intel UHD 620, Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201).", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 08:17:44", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8345, "id": 3719822, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719822, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719822, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "muelsyse", "email": "muelsysefoss@proton.me", "id": 8345, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/7804376c1e891ce43b51529343a115896ccda89e06796b7fc0eea85aa25697ae?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "muelsyse.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Seems to work fine on bare-metal HP Z440, AMD RX570 with UEFI. Kernel regression test PASS.", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 14:25:38", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5886, "id": 3719976, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719976, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3719976, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "tharadash", "email": "mj.oppliger@gmail.com", "id": 5886, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8057c565020c8feca0ba370b05f41ca9e55d134aa900bbce9720f0a85f4657a1?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "tharadash.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Seems to work fine on bare-metal HP EliteBook 840 G6 with UEFI and SecureBoot. No issues to report so far and kernel regression test PASS.", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 14:26:30", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5886, "id": 3719977, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719977, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3719977, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "tharadash", "email": "mj.oppliger@gmail.com", "id": 5886, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8057c565020c8feca0ba370b05f41ca9e55d134aa900bbce9720f0a85f4657a1?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "tharadash.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-15 09:02:50", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 7481, "id": 3720648, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3720648, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3720648, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "js314592", "email": "js314592@gmail.com", "id": 7481, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3d2f07176df133324347a24089a7a6ff3518ebc5f8e8e0fa084909da2f12ef1c?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "js314592.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works on my desktop PC, can't test nouveau as i use an AMD card with amdgpu", "timestamp": "2024-09-15 15:13:04", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 6368, "id": 3720874, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3720874, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3720874, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bittin", "email": "droidbittin@gmail.com", "id": 6368, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fd34001f44983edfeb0e400944f5b8db1c292171915754ae8b46b2ebc3a298ea?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bittin.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "no regressions noted", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 00:06:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 124, "id": 3721126, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "filiperosset", "email": "rosset.filipe@gmail.com", "id": 124, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f4394b8fb4c9a99c4b534dc724912fe75a5b87fe15048985ece8388c2441d0ca?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "filiperosset.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "proventesters"}, {"name": "packager"}, {"name": "provenpackager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "ambassadors"}, {"name": "l10n"}, {"name": "cvsl10n"}, {"name": "fedora-br"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "No issues on Thinkpad P1 Gen4 with an Intel GPU.\n\n@schnaupy Please only give -1 karma when the regression occurs exactly in the package under test. If the issue already happens with stable packages, then this testing version doesn't make the situation worse, and shouldn't receive negative karma for it.", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 07:41:54", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 411, "id": 3721427, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721427, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721427, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "kparal", "email": "kparal@redhat.com", "id": 411, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5da027c64997c654044c3d0fdefea4cde1b5cea73f8ecfca77af48e2ba5ed772?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "kparal.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa-tools-sig"}, {"name": "proventesters"}, {"name": "qa"}, {"name": "packager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "qa-admin"}, {"name": "common-issues-triage"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Apologies, I'd edit or delete it if I could but seems I can't. Didn't fully understand the karma bit so treated it as a \"does this fix the problem or not?\" vote.", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 14:34:12", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8393, "id": 3721948, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721948, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721948, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "schnaupy", "email": "mrolen@gmail.com", "id": 8393, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3a712f7672074a3fe375d9134b0c8cc66d4e2f6af5215a6365a9e6696ffaeb28?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "schnaupy.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Same here sorry for the mistake. About BZ#2252554 from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken\n\nApologies, I'd edit or delete it if I could but seems I can't. Didn't fully understand the karma bit so treated it as a \"does this fix the problem or not?\" vote.", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 21:54:38", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8147, "id": 3722966, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3722966, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3722966, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pirespro", "email": "fedora@pires.pro", "id": 8147, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/55555be1761b9395f6f03a7a79687408fbc35e91cf9a36e85210e6d06958e9ba?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pirespro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works for me.", "timestamp": "2024-09-17 11:32:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5791, "id": 3724491, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3724491, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3724491, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pampelmuse", "email": "pampelmuse@gmx.at", "id": 5791, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/bb6c6342bfedc934915501150e118faf015cde0f79677ee978989c5234cd8b1b?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pampelmuse.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "packager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works fine on Lenovo ThinkPad P1 Gen 2", "timestamp": "2024-09-17 12:48:09", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 2240, "id": 3724619, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "frantisekz", "email": "fzatlouk@redhat.com", "id": 2240, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/665c5bc41bed444bc5fc8ea32da393449791968f9398dbe8ca045576e0ec52d3?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "frantisekz.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "packager"}, {"name": "qa-tools-sig"}, {"name": "provenpackager"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "qa-admin"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "sysadmin-qa"}, {"name": "sysadmin"}, {"name": "ambassadors"}, {"name": "advocates"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update has been submitted for stable by acaringi. ", "timestamp": "2024-09-17 16:47:51", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3724947, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This update has been pushed to stable.", "timestamp": "2024-09-18 19:59:57", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 91, "id": 3727766, "bug_feedback": [], "testcase_feedback": [], "user": {"name": "bodhi", "email": null, "id": 91, "avatar": "https://apps.fedoraproject.org/img/icons/bodhi-24.png", "openid": "bodhi.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": []}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Can confirm fix for the Nouveau bug on a Lenovo P53s!", "timestamp": "2024-09-18 20:50:59", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8299, "id": 3727833, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3727833, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3727833, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bowlescr", "email": "chris@bowlesfamily.us", "id": 8299, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6ceae6357749704aa57f80f612b3b0f0509162226ca173c8875ec69345485894?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bowlescr.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Working fine on Lenovo P16s AMD Gen2 (7840U + 780M) : boot, login, wifi, modern standby. Not using Nouveau drivers so can't say about them. Going to run kerneltests and upload them.", "timestamp": "2024-09-19 12:21:00", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8041, "id": 3729124, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3729124, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3729124, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "gilbert-fernandes", "email": "gilbert.fernandes@orange.fr", "id": 8041, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/25d9c02c36e958125b1716531f172d8710082a08e8b5219fba5cca884c4faf83?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "gilbert-fernandes.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": -1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This kernel is affected again by RH#2303813 even though it was fixed in 6.10.5. Is this regression limited to F40 or does it affect the F41 kernel as well? I tested the latest F41 kernel and it doesn't appear to be affected but want to be sure since I previously proposed this bug as a F41 Final Blocker.", "timestamp": "2024-09-19 15:29:37", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 303, "id": 3729450, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3729450, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3729450, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "robatino", "email": "arobatino@gmail.com", "id": 303, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/bb8d454eee868b05bbdfef07cbba898ae0ea9c238d3d8001483d8c6593322eb5?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "robatino.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "proventesters"}, {"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "qa-deltaisos"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}, {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Won't boot to either 6.10.9 or this kernel after DNF update from working 6.10.8, with the same errors: \u201ckernel panic \u2013 not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)\u201d and \"Initramfs unpacking failed: junk within compressed archive\u201d More info here: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-40-kernel-panics-on-updates-6-10-8/131943/2\\n\\n", "timestamp": "2024-09-25 18:44:22", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8412, "id": 3741363, "bug_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3741363, "bug_id": 2252554, "bug": {"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false}}], "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3741363, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "dsmithhfx", "email": "dsmithhfx@yahoo.com", "id": 8412, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5167c1201e21d0b3317430042d6cbb05c3a31c96307b6b3027214ac4022c3227?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "dsmithhfx.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}], "builds": [{"nvr": "kernel-6.10.10-200.fc40", "signed": true, "release_id": 76, "type": "rpm", "epoch": 0}], "bugs": [{"bug_id": 2252554, "title": "from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken", "security": false, "parent": false, "feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717619, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "default & performance tests pass (KVM)", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 20:45:26", "update_id": 648033, "user_id": 5390, "id": 3717619, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717619, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bretth", "email": "brett.hassall@gmail.com", "id": 5390, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f2f18bb4739ddb3d1c90fc7da1c7999d044077bd6bd5e4b74acb48de4e889adb?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bretth.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717632, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "default & performance tests pass (KVM)", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 20:56:42", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5390, "id": 3717632, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717632, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bretth", "email": "brett.hassall@gmail.com", "id": 5390, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f2f18bb4739ddb3d1c90fc7da1c7999d044077bd6bd5e4b74acb48de4e889adb?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bretth.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717717, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works for me. The enabled Default and Performance tests pass OK. \nWork Station, Asus prime mobo - Ryzen5 5600g/AMDGPU 400 Series Chipset, (UEFI) Secure boot, SSD's > RAID1 (ext4).", "timestamp": "2024-09-12 22:55:05", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 449, "id": 3717717, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717717, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "g6avk", "email": "colin.thomson@g6avk.co.uk", "id": 449, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/a9a8954c462d35fa59f7eeec4e480384f9d1ec0271262a4530bfbf09340120f5?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "g6avk.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717816, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Working in 39 as a VirtualBox VM.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 00:58:27", "update_id": 648033, "user_id": 4756, "id": 3717816, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717816, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "nixuser", "email": "nixuser@mail.com", "id": 4756, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/365861a25716b355bf17bd01d55d25c29e1d98a79e197ef46bd8cfafdd93c836?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "nixuser.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717819, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Default (libhugetlbfs, memfd & paxtest skipped) and performance tests pass; works in general.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 01:21:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5222, "id": 3717819, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717819, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "itrymybest80", "email": "itrymybest80@protonmail.com", "id": 5222, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/e7e45668eab70cdb51db3d2b548b9885096fbe2ab8ad905540dbf3f5891747c8?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "itrymybest80.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717896, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 01:54:27", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8227, "id": 3717896, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717896, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "anotheruser", "email": "7grrar1r+fedora@gmail.com", "id": 8227, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/075d539e56a841b66f082a1d3ccae1bd831c8c6bb4ebc01ee51dc5bcb11b3c5b?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "anotheruser.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718006, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works on my desktop, can't test nouveau as i use amdgpu and an AMD and not an NVIDIA card", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 04:21:30", "update_id": 648033, "user_id": 6368, "id": 3718006, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718006, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bittin", "email": "droidbittin@gmail.com", "id": 6368, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fd34001f44983edfeb0e400944f5b8db1c292171915754ae8b46b2ebc3a298ea?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bittin.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": -1, "comment_id": 3718230, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "- **Hardware Model:** Dell Inc. Inspiron 3583\n- **Memory:** 8.0\u00a0GiB\n- **Processor:** Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-8565U \u00d7 8\n- **Graphics:** Intel\u00ae UHD Graphics 620 (WHL GT2)\n- **Graphics 1:** HAINAN\n", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 08:25:04", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8147, "id": 3718230, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718230, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pirespro", "email": "fedora@pires.pro", "id": 8147, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/55555be1761b9395f6f03a7a79687408fbc35e91cf9a36e85210e6d06958e9ba?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pirespro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718240, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 08:43:44", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 3703, "id": 3718240, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718240, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "markec", "email": "marko.bevc@gmail.com", "id": 3703, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/2a3640b3b2df97a062aff29758dd6a2ce98adba2cdd4da3fceb85df19b25200c?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "markec.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718328, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works, no issues so far", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 10:09:56", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 2676, "id": 3718328, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718328, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "valdyn", "email": "soeren.grunewald@gmx.net", "id": 2676, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6f5fc794ffd6c7686cddfdf84eec182bb47367327c2a18435de5d5d030f58f20?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "valdyn.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718408, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Default tests passed. AMD Ryzen 4500U - iGPU (Vega 6)", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 11:49:06", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 7765, "id": 3718408, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718408, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "boxjellyfish", "email": "kioshi242@proton.me", "id": 7765, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f931ecdde5c9821dc449d1fe2af081c8cc1ed3c5475b3cec21300e56736a0ce0?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "boxjellyfish.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718579, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "**Working fine on baremetal**\n```\nAcer Aspire Intel\u00ae Core\u2122 i7-3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz \nGraphics Processor: Mesa DRI Intel\u00ae HD Graphics 4000. driver: i915 v: kernel arch: Gen-7 \nwi-fi: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network. Adapter vendor: Lite-On. driver: ath9k v: kernel.\n```\n**kernel tests PASSED**", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 14:43:28", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5881, "id": 3718579, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718579, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "geraldosimiao", "email": "geraldo.simiao.kutz@gmail.com", "id": 5881, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/03fa5b58e8ac78544bf41ad8ecf9ee1920f2ebedb86542c2f4cdf7ef15813168?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "geraldosimiao.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "ambassadors"}, {"name": "fedora-br"}, {"name": "advocates"}, {"name": "respins-sig"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718661, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": -1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Tested this kernel in the hope of addressing sound issues on \"Intel Corporation Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller\", broken in recent releases.\n\nSound works perfectly on 6.10.7-200.fc40, but is broken (and Gnome shows only \"Dummy Output\") for 6.10.8, 6.10.9, and now this 6.10.10 release.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 15:32:16", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8393, "id": 3718661, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": -1, "comment_id": 3718661, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "schnaupy", "email": "mrolen@gmail.com", "id": 8393, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3a712f7672074a3fe375d9134b0c8cc66d4e2f6af5215a6365a9e6696ffaeb28?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "schnaupy.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718717, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "@schnaupy it's indeed a kernel regression solved by reverting this commit https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/ab8d66d132bc8f1992d3eb6cab8d32dda6733c84", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 17:29:53", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8394, "id": 3718717, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718717, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "lionheartp", "email": "parrr85@gmail.com", "id": 8394, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/75eaa0154db9e80634b32d1e24edc2657055d0aacff7c403f4c990ad6cbde477?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "lionheartp.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719817, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 05:33:12", "update_id": 648033, "user_id": 6368, "id": 3719817, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3719817, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bittin", "email": "droidbittin@gmail.com", "id": 6368, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fd34001f44983edfeb0e400944f5b8db1c292171915754ae8b46b2ebc3a298ea?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bittin.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719822, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "\nWorks as intended. Dell Latitude 3410 (Intel Core i5-10210U, Intel UHD 620, Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201).", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 08:17:44", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8345, "id": 3719822, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719822, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "muelsyse", "email": "muelsysefoss@proton.me", "id": 8345, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/7804376c1e891ce43b51529343a115896ccda89e06796b7fc0eea85aa25697ae?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "muelsyse.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719896, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": -1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Some problems on my Thinkpad T14 Gen 1 with AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U using Wayland:\n\n* chromium-browser hangs on startup (no window shown)\n* Visual Studio Code starts, displays window and hangs in ~1 s\n\nRolling back to 6.10.8 - no problems.\n", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 11:36:43", "update_id": 648033, "user_id": 8395, "id": 3719896, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719896, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "giedrius", "email": "giedrius@masalskis.net", "id": 8395, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fef227c7b735217512a9cb34f9ae3c2d65b418d77e064bc02db82a2f181d0a1b?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "giedrius.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719976, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Seems to work fine on bare-metal HP Z440, AMD RX570 with UEFI. Kernel regression test PASS.", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 14:25:38", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5886, "id": 3719976, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3719976, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "tharadash", "email": "mj.oppliger@gmail.com", "id": 5886, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8057c565020c8feca0ba370b05f41ca9e55d134aa900bbce9720f0a85f4657a1?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "tharadash.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3720648, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-15 09:02:50", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 7481, "id": 3720648, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3720648, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "js314592", "email": "js314592@gmail.com", "id": 7481, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3d2f07176df133324347a24089a7a6ff3518ebc5f8e8e0fa084909da2f12ef1c?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "js314592.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3720874, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works on my desktop PC, can't test nouveau as i use an AMD card with amdgpu", "timestamp": "2024-09-15 15:13:04", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 6368, "id": 3720874, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3720874, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bittin", "email": "droidbittin@gmail.com", "id": 6368, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fd34001f44983edfeb0e400944f5b8db1c292171915754ae8b46b2ebc3a298ea?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bittin.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721427, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "No issues on Thinkpad P1 Gen4 with an Intel GPU.\n\n@schnaupy Please only give -1 karma when the regression occurs exactly in the package under test. If the issue already happens with stable packages, then this testing version doesn't make the situation worse, and shouldn't receive negative karma for it.", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 07:41:54", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 411, "id": 3721427, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721427, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "kparal", "email": "kparal@redhat.com", "id": 411, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5da027c64997c654044c3d0fdefea4cde1b5cea73f8ecfca77af48e2ba5ed772?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "kparal.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa-tools-sig"}, {"name": "proventesters"}, {"name": "qa"}, {"name": "packager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "qa-admin"}, {"name": "common-issues-triage"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721948, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Apologies, I'd edit or delete it if I could but seems I can't. Didn't fully understand the karma bit so treated it as a \"does this fix the problem or not?\" vote.", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 14:34:12", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8393, "id": 3721948, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3721948, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "schnaupy", "email": "mrolen@gmail.com", "id": 8393, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/3a712f7672074a3fe375d9134b0c8cc66d4e2f6af5215a6365a9e6696ffaeb28?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "schnaupy.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3722966, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 0, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Same here sorry for the mistake. About BZ#2252554 from kernel 6.6.2-201 nouveau drivers are broken\n\nApologies, I'd edit or delete it if I could but seems I can't. Didn't fully understand the karma bit so treated it as a \"does this fix the problem or not?\" vote.", "timestamp": "2024-09-16 21:54:38", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8147, "id": 3722966, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3722966, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pirespro", "email": "fedora@pires.pro", "id": 8147, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/55555be1761b9395f6f03a7a79687408fbc35e91cf9a36e85210e6d06958e9ba?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pirespro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3724491, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works for me.", "timestamp": "2024-09-17 11:32:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5791, "id": 3724491, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3724491, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pampelmuse", "email": "pampelmuse@gmx.at", "id": 5791, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/bb6c6342bfedc934915501150e118faf015cde0f79677ee978989c5234cd8b1b?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pampelmuse.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "packager"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717817, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Working in 40, tests passing.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 00:58:48", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 4756, "id": 3717817, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3717817, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "nixuser", "email": "nixuser@mail.com", "id": 4756, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/365861a25716b355bf17bd01d55d25c29e1d98a79e197ef46bd8cfafdd93c836?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "nixuser.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717818, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 01:03:12", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 6223, "id": 3717818, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3717818, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "farribeiro", "email": "farribeiro@gmail.com", "id": 6223, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/cee398b0139fd9d8585b3495c60bb458910b8dc7de451343117795051841bc40?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "farribeiro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "l10n"}, {"name": "cvsl10n"}, {"name": "fedora-br"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718474, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 13:04:29", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 2935, "id": 3718474, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718474, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "imabug", "email": "eugenemah@gmail.com", "id": 2935, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/ea8ba927783ee0ef10e6f05f14791abf925972bac4f31aba458058d3e7907a6d?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "imabug.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedora-hams"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3718553, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Works just fine here. Ryzen 3700x, Rog Strix B550-F, Nvidia from rpmfusion.", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 14:29:20", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 7557, "id": 3718553, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718553, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "johnh99", "email": "johnhoward2@protonmail.com", "id": 7557, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/51b7e22f8c171afe475667dfd52fecfe78ff841045b3b1dc7e0ede8001fcdb6e?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "johnh99.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718607, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "", "timestamp": "2024-09-13 14:55:28", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8147, "id": 3718607, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3718607, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "pirespro", "email": "fedora@pires.pro", "id": 8147, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/55555be1761b9395f6f03a7a79687408fbc35e91cf9a36e85210e6d06958e9ba?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "pirespro.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3719977, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Seems to work fine on bare-metal HP EliteBook 840 G6 with UEFI and SecureBoot. No issues to report so far and kernel regression test PASS.", "timestamp": "2024-09-14 14:26:30", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 5886, "id": 3719977, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3719977, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "tharadash", "email": "mj.oppliger@gmail.com", "id": 5886, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8057c565020c8feca0ba370b05f41ca9e55d134aa900bbce9720f0a85f4657a1?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "tharadash.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3727833, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Can confirm fix for the Nouveau bug on a Lenovo P53s!", "timestamp": "2024-09-18 20:50:59", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8299, "id": 3727833, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3727833, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "bowlescr", "email": "chris@bowlesfamily.us", "id": 8299, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6ceae6357749704aa57f80f612b3b0f0509162226ca173c8875ec69345485894?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "bowlescr.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3729124, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Working fine on Lenovo P16s AMD Gen2 (7840U + 780M) : boot, login, wifi, modern standby. Not using Nouveau drivers so can't say about them. Going to run kerneltests and upload them.", "timestamp": "2024-09-19 12:21:00", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8041, "id": 3729124, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 1, "comment_id": 3729124, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "gilbert-fernandes", "email": "gilbert.fernandes@orange.fr", "id": 8041, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/25d9c02c36e958125b1716531f172d8710082a08e8b5219fba5cca884c4faf83?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "gilbert-fernandes.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3729450, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": -1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "This kernel is affected again by RH#2303813 even though it was fixed in 6.10.5. Is this regression limited to F40 or does it affect the F41 kernel as well? I tested the latest F41 kernel and it doesn't appear to be affected but want to be sure since I previously proposed this bug as a F41 Final Blocker.", "timestamp": "2024-09-19 15:29:37", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 303, "id": 3729450, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3729450, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "robatino", "email": "arobatino@gmail.com", "id": 303, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/bb8d454eee868b05bbdfef07cbba898ae0ea9c238d3d8001483d8c6593322eb5?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "robatino.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "proventesters"}, {"name": "qa"}, {"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "fedora-contributor"}, {"name": "signed_fpca"}, {"name": "fedorabugs"}, {"name": "qa-deltaisos"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}, {"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3741363, "bug_id": 2252554, "comment": {"karma": 1, "karma_critpath": 0, "text": "Won't boot to either 6.10.9 or this kernel after DNF update from working 6.10.8, with the same errors: \u201ckernel panic \u2013 not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)\u201d and \"Initramfs unpacking failed: junk within compressed archive\u201d More info here: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-40-kernel-panics-on-updates-6-10-8/131943/2\\n\\n", "timestamp": "2024-09-25 18:44:22", "update_id": 648032, "user_id": 8412, "id": 3741363, "testcase_feedback": [{"karma": 0, "comment_id": 3741363, "testcase_id": 372, "testcase": {"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}}], "user": {"name": "dsmithhfx", "email": "dsmithhfx@yahoo.com", "id": 8412, "avatar": "https://seccdn.libravatar.org/avatar/5167c1201e21d0b3317430042d6cbb05c3a31c96307b6b3027214ac4022c3227?s=24&d=retro", "openid": "dsmithhfx.id.fedoraproject.org", "groups": [{"name": "ipausers"}, {"name": "trust admins"}]}}}]}], "updateid": "FEDORA-2024-7a9026ca00", "karma": 23, "content_type": "rpm", "test_cases": [{"name": "QA:Testcase kernel regression", "id": 372}]}, "can_edit": false, "ci_allowed": false}