Bodylicious (original) (raw)
Thursday, January 1st, 2009
12:44 pm
2009 restart! A think a long walk is in order today.
So far I haven't eaten anything (just woke up) but I did sleep well.
Scale says 235 even. That is the start. The end is where it will be. Ug.
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008
8:38 pm
Gotta get back at it I've been sloppy and it shows.
Trying to be careful but not "obsessive" isn't working for me. I *need* to obsess a bit, just to keep it in my mind. After flirting with under 200 some time ago I am back up to 230. Sigh.
New Years Resolutions? No way. They suck.
New guidelines and goals? Much better.
Continue to walk to work. Maintain control of my asthma to allow more activity.
Less coffee (with sugar) at work. More water.
Pack lunches - control portions *and* costs.
Get out on weekends and do something.
Look through Yoga and Pilates books and do something.
Get butt to mini-gym at work. It's free so get to it.
Cheers to all,
Monday, February 26th, 2007
10:04 am
Motivation Okay, so now that I know that there are lots of people here I'd like to pick your brains.
What motivates you to exercise?
Especially when you know it's good for you and that once you get out there you will feel better. How do you overcome inertia?
Today I walked to the bus stop (to drop off my husband for work) and then continued on. I only ended up walking about 15 mins, but I plan on digging out my yoga DVDs and actually doing one. I have less excuses now... the house is actually clean enough for me to have space to do it in my living room and I got a spiffy exercise/yoga outfit awhile ago.
My big thing is trying to get going on the exercise. I think I am much more mindful of what I eat and how I eat, but I'd like to have at least 30 mins a day of exercise, if not 1 hour. I think that my lack of exercise is really my big reason why I gained weight and couldn't handle stress.
I tried to sign up for a weight-loss & exercise program through the local rec centre, but it was full. I keep looking at Curves but I'm not sure it is right for me, since when I went to the gym, I was used to using all the equipment in the gym and being on the exercise bike for at least 20 mins. I had thought of Weight watchers, but I really don't know if I have the time or money to do it. Thoughts/suggestions?
I was encouraged however, to note that I had lost 10 pounds just by being more conscious of my diet. I had had the diet drinks occasionally in the morning, and did not have enough exercise, so this is rather a fluke. I think that part of it, though, is just being aware of what I eat and letting myself eat slowly.
Anyways, any feedback is always appreciated.
Current Mood: determined
Tuesday, February 20th, 2007
4:50 pm
Friday, September 29th, 2006
1:15 pm
Healthy Choice... I am so proud of myself today. At coffee break, I stared down a Kleinburg Bar (something like a Nanaimo Bar but with peanut buttery rice crispies in a bottom layer) and bought a banana instead. Yay!
Current Mood: proud
Thursday, August 24th, 2006
1:26 pm
I was skimming through the entries for twenty1days community. It looks interesting. It tackles a new habit every time and this time it is a healthy body (at least from what I could see). It has some interesting quotes and some good advice.
Anyways, I was on the site and ran into this user fitterthanfat. I liked her icon and went over to her journal to see if she had other similar icons.
What I saw was depressing.( Read more...Collapse )
I know I am considered obese by the BMI scale, but I'm not stressing out about that because of it. I am worried because I know that with my propensity towrards diabetes, I should really be concerned by my weight, and my body is sending out signals to say that it is not happy as it is (stretch marks, lethargy, etc.). I know that my BMI is NOT ideal for my body. I don't know when I weighed what my ideal BMI was, but it was definately not a weight I could maintain and be healthy at. My goal would be to weigh under 200 lbs. More than anything, I'd just like to get into a routine I can stick with daily, since I'm not eating too badly... I just need more variety and veggies in my diet.
What gets me is that she sounds like this is really destroying her self-image, and there is nothing I can do. I can only look at myself and say "Why does this affect me so much? Is there something in her story that rings true to me?"
I know things will be easier when I go back to school (ie: next Monday), but I really need to start getting into the routine. The hardest part will be getting my butt in gear, since I know that I usually enjoy it once I start.
Back to sitting in front of a computer for another 10 mins, then heading home to do some serious house-cleaning ... THAT outta burn some calories! ;)
Sunday, August 13th, 2006
10:44 pm
FitDay So I'm really trying to be conscious of what I'm eating. I know I need to get more fruits and veggies in my diet, and most importantly I need to exercise! More health details later, but I really need to go to bed soon, so just a quick message for now before I forget.
Interesting ... occording to their website ( I only consumed 2007 calories today and somehow managed to burn over 3000 from sitting at the computer most of the day. I'm not sure I buy that, but it felt good to be able to have a nice pizza and just be conscious of what I was eating.
I heartily recommend the Margherita pizza at the new Earl's at Gov & View! Simple, fresh and good. And best of all, despite the loud atmosphere, the food came FAST! I think even lumberchef was impressed ... and he's a PICKY eater.
And I was good today and consumed 2L of water!
Excuse me, I think I have to go to the bathroom ... again.
Current Mood: full
Wednesday, August 9th, 2006
7:43 am
Sometimes things just suck So, after making it down to 196 a couple of weeks ago, today the scale says 210.
Probably a lot of the greasy food and no-walking I indulged in last week.
I try to tell myself I don't care about the numbers it's about how I feel, but then my pants are tight and I feel too "jiggly".
Packed a decent lunch yesterday and today. We'll see how far that takes me.
Current Mood: disappointed
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006
8:23 pm
The deafing sounds of,... silence So, not much here since my epic leather pants announcement after Christmas.
What is new with me?
* I hit 196lbs.
* I threw out three boxes of "fat clothes."
* I have been trying to make bento lunches.
* I have been getting regular Chiro.
* I have had two full body massages. (prrrrrrrrr)
I also got bras that actually FIT properly in Finland. I even got a couple of tops in Glasgow that fit correctly.
What's next?
Better eating, more walks, weight lifting, more attention to my mental health, more massages, more time for me.
What is on the plate for the rest of you?
Tuesday, December 27th, 2005
1:14 am
What I am is what I am. I may not be the thinnest thing out there. I don't have all that and a bag of chips. I may bounce back and forth between the "fat side" an dthe "regular side" of a split store. I may not be able to do up most tops in a "normal" store.
But I own tight black leather pants and I will wear them where ever I please!
So there!
Ekatarina, 210 and that's not so bad.
Saturday, October 15th, 2005
2:30 pm
Update Today I did 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
My legs turned to jello and I got lightheaded, so I stopped at 10.
I'm still a little nervous about overdoing it, what with the recent heart scare and all.
I'm all sweaty and gross (I hate that).
Still... yay me. 10 minutes is better than none.
Today is so nice out, maybe I'll suppliment with a nice long walk.
Currently, my tracking method consists of what pants I fit into.
Eventually, I will buy a scale.
Monday, October 10th, 2005
10:46 pm
UG! I ate a lot of junk this weekend.
Fast food burgers and fries. Ice cream. Lots of Coca-cola. Thanksgiving dinner. I fear the scale tomorrow morning, but it must be done.
Strangely enough my pants are riding low and my thighs feel more muscular. And I haven't even started biking to work yet!
Oh well. I confess in order to encourage myself to do better.
Current Mood: bored
Monday, October 3rd, 2005
8:46 pm
Sucess! Well, two out of three ain't bad. I drank no coffee today. I had tea without sugar or cream.
I biked to gaming and biked home.
I haven't stretched yet but I still might before bed.
Ekatarina, who didn't drink any pop either even though it wasn't on "the list".
Sunday, October 2nd, 2005
11:36 pm
Bodylicious: A work in progress Three things I will do tomorrow that are good for me, heart and body.
- drink tea instead of coffee with lots of cream and sugar
- bike to gaming and back
- stretch for 20 minutes
Current Mood: a cunning plan, eh?
Monday, September 19th, 2005
7:33 am
Happy update I weighed myself just before a shower Friday and the scale said 206.
I don't think I have weighed that much in eight to ten years!!!
It is also psychologically just that much closer to "under 200", eh?
Now, considering how much pop and crap I consumed last week I am hoping that this week at work, a much less stressful week, will be an easier place to drop a few more.
Cheers all,
Current Mood: accomplished
Friday, September 16th, 2005
11:47 am
This is lookin pretty good.
People are starting to notice that I look different. My weigh-in this week at Weight Watchers was a milestone for several reasons:
1. 4 pounds down is my biggest weekly loss (I only lost 4 pounds in a week once before, and that was the first week on the program. My average is 1.8 pounds a week).
2. I broke 170.
3. I am only 3.2 pounds away from my initial 10%-of-body weight goal.
The next step is going to be a tricky one. Once I reacy the 10% goal I have to set another goal for myself. BMI (to which theory Weight Watchers subscribes) claims I should be between 120 and 150. However, never in my adult life have I weighed less than 160.
When I reach my 10% goal I will be 165, and at that point Weight Watchers and I will have to come to some sort of agreement about what is actually a 'healthy' end goal for me. Sure, I'd love to be 150, but I'd also love to live in the real world.
Current Mood: contemplative
Wednesday, August 24th, 2005
6:35 pm
I did it!! Ten pounds!! YAHOOOOO!!!!
Of course, this means I now have to consume 2 points ~less~ per day ...
But whatever! I did it!!
Current Mood: pleased
Friday, August 19th, 2005
9:57 am
Physical vs. Mental Health This week's weigh-in at Weight Watchers: down another 1.4 pounds. Total: 8 pounds.
I fear I am becoming one of 'those people' who will always be on one diet or another. The kind you don't invite to dinner parties because you're not sure what kind of crazy regime they're on to prevent them from eating what everyone else eats. The kind you don't want at your party anyway because they'll just rant and rave about their 'nutrition program' and how great it is and how evil the food manufacturers are and how obesity is the most dangerous disease in Western society and they bore the crap out of all the 'normal' people not to mention making them damned uncomfortable.
How do I do what's best for my body, without becoming one of 'those people'?
Thursday, August 18th, 2005
9:39 pm
Eating "green" is harder and harder. I just dream of sausages and potato triangles and pop and and and,...
I did feel a little woogey after scarfing some Pepsi today so many I really am loosing my taste for it. One canonly hope.
Of course any good fomr my garden salad wrap was "undone" but fish and chips plus most of a huge dessert and bits of others peoples desserts. I feel uncomfortably full.
Maybe that will help, maybe reminding myself that overeating is not good but actually hurting a bit might help the message *sink in*!
I have been trying to plan a proper set of menus for my camping trip. We'll see how that goes.
One more day of work, then off for fun and frivolity!
Ekatarina, who is so full she has food in her head
Current Mood: blah
Sunday, August 14th, 2005
11:42 am
Updates in Ekatarinaville It seems the scale is stuck at 208. Grrrr.
Okay it is nice to get under 210 but still. Grrrr.
I have been taking a page out of tormentorjames's life and trying to do the "half the plate must be green" plan. For someone who works at a "healthy" food place it is harder than its seems.
Lunch at work is fine, a big plate of salad with 1-2 oz. of chicken and a slice of cheese with lots of veggies and a big glass of water. But home is a different story.
I just can't stand eating greens at home. Lettuce, sprouts, salady things? Ick. Frozen veggies are fine and I have gotten into the eda mame habit as a late snack but grrrr. I wish I could just chow into a big salad and not feel nauseous.
Getting new shoes for work will help with the "oh my god I am so tired I can't stand up let alone go for a bike ride" feelings after work.
I should also get back to the gym. Shoulda coulda woulda, wow, what negative language I am using here! Bleh!
I *will* get to the gym soon, when I feel like it.
I *will* have a new bike in a week or so to play with.
I *will* enjoy my camping holiday and eat well but still well while walking and biking if I so choose.
I *will* relax!
Ekatarina, working on it
Current Mood: blah