yanuar purwanto | Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (original) (raw)

Papers by yanuar purwanto

Research paper thumbnail of Laporan akhir desain instalasi pengolahan limbah WC komunal masyarakat pinggir desa lingkar Kampus IPB

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic models of water conservation in sustainable palm oil plantations

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

The development of Oil Palm Plantations (OPP) in Indonesia faces problems related to land availab... more The development of Oil Palm Plantations (OPP) in Indonesia faces problems related to land availability and environmental damage. Changes in the hydrological conditions of The Lalindu Watershed in Konawe Utara Regency are caused by the reduction in the extent of forest cover in the river border areas as OPP increase. The purpose of this study is to design a model of OPP to support the conservation of water resources to maximize the ecological, economic and social benefits of land use activities, especially for OPP in watersheds in a sustainable manner. The research method uses a dynamic system model using a number of variables, which are the determinants of OPP sustainability, loop systems, and future behavior models. The results showed that the water conservation model in sustainable OPP consisted of three sub-models, namely: (1) environmental sub-models. The actions of OPP conservation affect the resulting infiltration capacity and runoff discharge so that the OPP will be sustainab...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Ekohidrolik dalam Pengendalian Banjir Studi Kasus di Sungai Lawo Kabupaten Soppeng Sulawesi Selatan

Research paper thumbnail of Skenario Pengembangan Wilayah Berbasis Daerah Irigasi (Studi Kasus : di Cihea Kabupaten Cianjur)

Jurnal Irigasi, 2014

Pengembangan wilayah bertujuan untuk mendorong laju pertumbuhan suatu wilayah, dengan meningkatka... more Pengembangan wilayah bertujuan untuk mendorong laju pertumbuhan suatu wilayah, dengan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dan mengurangi kesenjangan antar wilayah. Pada prinsipnya, pengembangan wilayah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu wilayah dengan indikator pendapatan perkapita yang merata. Di daerah irigasi, pengembangan wilayah juga bisa menambah pendapatan kawasan dengan meningkatkan nilai tambah produk. Dalam Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah Cianjur (RTRW) 2005-2015, Daerah Irigasi Cihea direncanakan akan dikonversi menjadi areal industri seluas 4209,903 ha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan arahan strategi untuk Daerah Irigasi Cihea sebagai implementasi dari RTRW. Dalam sistem irigasi, ada sumber daya air dan aktivitas pertanian dengan komoditas pertanian yang bisa diarahkan untuk pengembangan wilayah sebagai implementasi RTRW. Sumber daya ini yang akan dipertimbangkan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan perhitungan neraca air dan produksi kawasan, ma...

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Plannning Strategic of Irrigated Agricultural Land Convertion by Considering to The Irrigation System (Case Study : Cihea Irrigation System of Cianjur)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of DAYA DUKUNG LINGKUNGAN BERBASIS KEMAMPUAN LAHAN DI TUBAN, JAWA TIMUR (Land Capability Based Environmental Carrying Capacity in Tuban, East Java)

Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Renewable Energies and Low Carbon Society Application of Cge Model to Toyohashi City in Japan

Proceedings of 50th European Regional Science Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden, 2010

The traditional, rather sharp separation between and by disciplines is not anymore to be upheld, ... more The traditional, rather sharp separation between and by disciplines is not anymore to be upheld, if not just for operative, methodological or methodical reasons. This certainly leads to respective challenges on the side of scientific methodologists on the one hand, but also of social scientists, social philosophers, and moral philosophers on the other. We all know the problems resulting from the handling of documentation systems, the retrievability of data, the almost unlimited possibility of combining data with respect to data protection problems, respective legislations etc. Some even fear that we are on the brink of or already living in a "computerocracy"-being the fate and development of mass societies which Abstract Overall, the current real and the scientifically represented world is much more than hitherto characterized by problems of cross-disciplinary or "inter-areal" connections of diverse topical research fields within complex and highly interconnected real, model, and quasi artificial systems. Here, we will address the respected problem of the humanities and social sciences somewhat by the rather old-fashioned contrast to the natural sciences. In the main part, I shall sketch my own approach that I call (scheme-)interpretationism or methodological interpretative constructivism. This methodological concept seems to me to make possible a bridge between the disciplines-at least by going higher level in one's methodology. The next part will turn to the historical and methodological questions of text-interpretations or methodological hermeneutics thus amounting to a prominent special case of the scheme-interpretationist approach. Finally, the last part draws some methodological conclusions regarding an abstract interpretationist "reunification" between the different scientific disciplines and everyday understanding.

Research paper thumbnail of Kebutuhan Air Perkotaan Berbasis Pengelolaan Air Lintas Sungai

Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Caldera Landslide Due to the Sedimentation Level in Bili-Bili Reservoir South Sulawesi Province

This research aimed to study impact of caldera landslide at Jeneberang sub watershed to sedimenta... more This research aimed to study impact of caldera landslide at Jeneberang sub watershed to sedimentation rates in the Bili-Bili dam. The research was conducted based on field survey, caldera landslide at upstream and sedimentation rate in the Bili-Bili dam. The Result Showed that Jeneberang sub watershed dominated by steep areas topography is 10.080 ha (26.22%) and the closure of forested land is 12.250 ha (31.87%). Caldera landslide in 2004 caused sediment flow from upstream of Jeneberang watershed was 45,027,954 m 3. Sabo dam as a sediment control along the Jeneberang upstream has function effectively. It was seen from the volume flow of sediment that can be controlled up to the year 2008 is 1,915,671 m 3. Sedimentation rate before the event of landslide caldera, sediment deposited in Bili-Bili dam cumulatively is 8.376 million m 3 (April 2001). Five years after the landslide sediment volume has reached 60.959 million m3 in 2008. Based on Trap efficiency showed that efficiency of Bil...

Research paper thumbnail of The Life Cycle Assessment of Cement Product with Alternative Fuels Usage in Indonesia

Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management), 2022

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan Life Cycle Assessment dalam produksi semen. Unt... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan Life Cycle Assessment dalam produksi semen. Untuk mendapatkan perbaikan dampak lingkungan, maka pengkajian harus menemukan hotspot. Perbaikan tersebut diharapkan dapat menemukan komposisi bahan bakar yang lebih baik untuk mengurangi dampaknya dengan menggunakan varian bahan bakar alternatif. Lingkup LCA meliputi penambangan hingga pengolahan semen (cradle to gate). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai 1 ton semen : potensi dampak pemanasan global adalah 760,11 kg CO2-eq, potensi pengasaman 1,32 kg SO2-eq, potensi oksidan fotokimia 0,0508 kg C2H4-eq, potensi toksisitas manusia 123,97 kg 1,4-DB-eq dan potensi penipisan abiotik 2181,75 MJ. Data menunjukkan bahwa penyumbang dampak terbesar adalah unit kiln. Energi yang digunakan di unit proses kiln menyumbang 92,46% dari total intensitas energi dalam proses produksi semen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan produk semen 1 ton adalah 3,27 GJ dengan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Model of Sustainable Rural Development Based on Rice Agroindustry Development

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2017

Agroindustry is an activity which is able to create other activities that have value added; thus,... more Agroindustry is an activity which is able to create other activities that have value added; thus, the development of agroindustry in a rural area is expected to produce various products, from products that are not valuable into products with high economic value. The purpose of this study was to build a model that can describe the existence of rice fields and increase the farmers' income. This research used system approach and method of data analysis applied in this research was system dynamics. A result of simulation shows that the existence of rice fields will be converted to 1.5 percent along with the development of rice agroindustry which later will increase the farmer's income by two-fold from the previous farmer's income.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Wavelet Dan Variabilitas Temporal Hidroklimatologi Daerah Aliran Sungai (Studi Kasus Sub-Das Cisangkuy Kabupaten Bandung)

The research was conducted in the Sub Watershed Cisangkuy of theUpper Citarum Watershed in the Ba... more The research was conducted in the Sub Watershed Cisangkuy of theUpper Citarum Watershed in the Bandung regency. Cisangkuy river playsimportant role in the water supply to the population of Bandung regency andBandung city. In the last ten years, the debit of the river was decreased at dryseason but increased at rainy season that causes of flood in some places. It isneeded to research the variability of hydroclimatology at the region. The monthlyrainfall and debit in range of 2001-2011 was processed using the coefficient ofvariation (CV), wavelets and moving average analysis. The result of thecoefficient of variation and wavelets analysis show the monthly rainfall of fourweather stations: Cileunca, Kertamanah, Cipanas and Ciherang have the CV of78%, 82%, 84%, 70% respectively and show the dominant oscillation around 8-16months. The debit of two hydrology stations: Pataruman and Kamasan have theCV of 97%, 86% respectively and show the dominant oscillation around 128months and 64 months...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Neraca Air dan Prasarana Tampungan Air di DAS Ciujung

Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2021

Peningkatan jumlah penduduk, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pengembangan wilayah berdampak pada kon... more Peningkatan jumlah penduduk, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pengembangan wilayah berdampak pada kondisi sumber daya air. Keterbatasan prasarana tampungan air menjadi penyebab pentingnya distribusi sumber daya air secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kondisi neraca air dan prasarana tampungan air yang ada di DAS Ciujung. Metode yang digunakan adalah menghitung kebutuhan dan ketersediaan air, Neraca surplus-defisit, Indeks Pemakaian Air (IPA) dan Indeks ketersediaan air per kapita berdasarkan metode SNI 6728.1.2015 serta indikator tampungan air. Ketersediaan air dihitung berdasarkan debit andalan 80% (Q80). Kebutuhan air dihitung dari kebutuhan rumah tangga, perkotaan, industri (RKI), irigasi, peternakan, perikanan dan pemeliharaan sungai. Prasarana tampungan air dihitung melalui indikator tampungan bangunan konservasi air yang ada. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan air di DAS Ciujung sebesar 37,52 m3/detik sedangkan ketersediaan airnya sebesar 36,57 m3/det...

Research paper thumbnail of Kebutuhan Air Sektoral untuk Pengembangan DAS

There is a requirement for providing water supply sufficiently for the major customer sectors inc... more There is a requirement for providing water supply sufficiently for the major customer sectors including residential areas in watershed development and planning. However, the sectoral water demand has also been changing over time. More over, continuing population growth and the job opportunity has resulted in increasing water demand within dynamic manner in residential areas. This study aims to develop water demand model in water management for watershed development planning. Actual water allocations for the experimental watershed, in Banten Province, were used for the model calibration process. The established model was used for predicting the amount of water demand in the future. The advantage of this model is for guiding the local government in providing water for the community. ABSTRAK Dalam kegiatan pengembangan daerah aliran sungai (DAS), diperlukan kebutuhan air untuk semua sektor yang akan dikembangkan di wilayah tersebut. Perkembangan wilayah dan komunitas selama kurun waktu...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Air Baku Berkelanjutan Dengan Metode Interpretative Structural Modelling (Ism) DI Kabupaten Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara

ABSTRAK Penurunan ketersediaan air dan peningkatan kebutuhan air telah terjadi di Kabupaten Konaw... more ABSTRAK Penurunan ketersediaan air dan peningkatan kebutuhan air telah terjadi di Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Hal ini disebabkan karena perubahan penggunaan lahan akibat eksploitasi lahan secara terus menerus sehingga terjadi penurunan kapasitas infiltrasi dan peningkatan aliran permukaan. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas maka diperlukan strategi pengelolaan dan pengembangan peran kelembagaan sehingga pengelolaan air baku untuk penyediaan air bersih di Kabupaten Konawe dapat berlangsung secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan: (1) menganalisis peran kelembagaan ditinjau dari aspek kendala yang dihadapi, kebutuhan program pemerintah terkait, dan lembaga yang berperan dalam pengelolaan air baku untuk penyediaan air bersih berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Konawe; dan (2) mengembangkan model kelembagaan pengelolaan air baku untuk penyediaan air bersih di Kab. Konawe dengan metode Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Struktur Box Girder Jembatan Fly Over Rawa Buaya Sisi Barat Terhadap Gempa

The Rawabuaya flyover bridge is an option to overcome the traffic jam that often happens in the R... more The Rawabuaya flyover bridge is an option to overcome the traffic jam that often happens in the Rawabuaya area. It has an extremely vital function to disentangle the traffic congestion; therefore, the structure must be strong in holding the on-going load, specifically the seismic load. The seismic load is dangerous to a structure because it has period that causes the structure to repeatedly shaken. If the movements happened continually, the structure will collapse ― depending on how much earthquake load that is being loaded on the structure. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a structur al analy sis on the earthquake resistance level of the Rawabuaya flyover bridge based on the "Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non-Gedung" RSNI 03-1726-2010 and "Peta Zonasi Gempa Indonesia 2010" to know further about the on-going deformation. This research was done thoroughly by recognizing the maximum forces in the combination of ultimate...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Alternatif Penggunaan Lahan Untuk Menjamin Ketersediaan Air D1 Das Konaweha Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

Title : The Analysis of Land Use Alternatives to Ensure Water Supply at Konaweha Watershed Southe... more Title : The Analysis of Land Use Alternatives to Ensure Water Supply at Konaweha Watershed Southeast Sulawesi Province. Fenomena of decreasing water supply and increasing water demand occurred at Konaweha watershed. Konaweha watershed shed is a priority watershed in Southeast Sulawesi Province due to its crucial function. Land use changes were suspected to be the cause of decreasing water supply. One effect of this condition was maximum discharge increase and minimum discharge decrease of Konaweha River resulted in water deficit. Research objectives were (1) to evaluate the effect of land use changes on hydrologic condition of Konaweha watershed; (2) to evaluate the water supply and water demand as well as supply and demand water balance at Konaweha watershed, and (3) to formulate land use alternatives and management policy of Konaweha watershed. This research had been conducted at Konaweha watershed for 10 months e.g. from June 2009 to March 2010. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Situ for Ciliwung Flood Mitigation in Bogor Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Bogor Regency is one of Regencies in Jabodetabek area that is experiencing rapid urban growth. Th... more Bogor Regency is one of Regencies in Jabodetabek area that is experiencing rapid urban growth. This condition impacted the decreasing conditions of 39’s from 95’s urban small lakes or locally known as ‘situ’. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of situ Kebantenan and situ Cikaret as Ciliwung flood mitigation measure in the Bogor Regency. The SWAT model was employed for quantification the water balance of situ and watershed management. The simulation results of the water balance analysis indicated that the monthly average of volume of Situ Kabantenan and Situ Cikaret (2008-2015) were 136,955 m3 and 508,907 m3, the annual inflow Situ Cikaret were 24,693,822 m3/year and outflow were 25,177,593 m3/year, precipitation were 648,520 m3/year, evaporation were 166,543 m3/year, delta storage (1,794) m3/year, respectively. The result of hydrological responses analysis on application of situ and watershed management scenarios that combined the structural and non-structural measures ...

Research paper thumbnail of Management Strategy of Water Hyacinth (Eichorniacrassipes) Injatiluhur Reservoir, West Java

Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2021

Indonesia has quite extensive multi-purpose reservoir waters, one of which was built for the firs... more Indonesia has quite extensive multi-purpose reservoir waters, one of which was built for the first time is the Ir. H. Djuanda reservoir or better known as Jatiluhur reservoir. The activities carried out in the Jatiluhur reservoir are varied, such as fisheries, transportation,water sources as well as power generation as secondary functions of the reservoir. If managed properly, the reservoir will give a real contribution to the economy and welfare of the community without disrupting the sustainability of the ecosystems and its functions. In Indonesia, problems that often occur in all aquatic ecosystems are eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), sedimentation, and pollution. Water hyacinth (Eichorniacrassipes) is a type of aquatic plant that is generally considered as a weed. The study aims to formulate a water hyacinth management strategyusing the SWOT method with ten respondents.The selection of respondents using purposive sampling method.The results showed that all stakeholders, gov...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesesuaian Lokasi Bendung Kecil dan Daerah Pemanenan Air Hujan (PAH) dengan Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geogerafis (SIG) di Wilayah Perkotaan


Assessment of site suitability for water harvesting in Sentul City is an important, because the S... more Assessment of site suitability for water harvesting in Sentul City is an important, because the Sentul City area often problems with water supply and is expected to prediction a water deficit in 2050, other problems are floods often occur in the downstream during the rainy season. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the location for small dam and reservoirs determine the number of small dam and reservoirs that can be built in Sentul City based on location suitability maps. Identifying locations for the construction of small dam and reservoirs can use of Geographic Information System (GIS), the approach used multi criteria analysis and weighted overlay techniques with software ArcGIS. Six criteria were considered for this study, which include topographic factors (slope), land use, soil texture, rainfall, and distance to the river and distance to the road. The multi criteria analysis approach, each criterion was assigned a weight with slope being considered as the most impor...

Research paper thumbnail of Laporan akhir desain instalasi pengolahan limbah WC komunal masyarakat pinggir desa lingkar Kampus IPB

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic models of water conservation in sustainable palm oil plantations

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

The development of Oil Palm Plantations (OPP) in Indonesia faces problems related to land availab... more The development of Oil Palm Plantations (OPP) in Indonesia faces problems related to land availability and environmental damage. Changes in the hydrological conditions of The Lalindu Watershed in Konawe Utara Regency are caused by the reduction in the extent of forest cover in the river border areas as OPP increase. The purpose of this study is to design a model of OPP to support the conservation of water resources to maximize the ecological, economic and social benefits of land use activities, especially for OPP in watersheds in a sustainable manner. The research method uses a dynamic system model using a number of variables, which are the determinants of OPP sustainability, loop systems, and future behavior models. The results showed that the water conservation model in sustainable OPP consisted of three sub-models, namely: (1) environmental sub-models. The actions of OPP conservation affect the resulting infiltration capacity and runoff discharge so that the OPP will be sustainab...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Ekohidrolik dalam Pengendalian Banjir Studi Kasus di Sungai Lawo Kabupaten Soppeng Sulawesi Selatan

Research paper thumbnail of Skenario Pengembangan Wilayah Berbasis Daerah Irigasi (Studi Kasus : di Cihea Kabupaten Cianjur)

Jurnal Irigasi, 2014

Pengembangan wilayah bertujuan untuk mendorong laju pertumbuhan suatu wilayah, dengan meningkatka... more Pengembangan wilayah bertujuan untuk mendorong laju pertumbuhan suatu wilayah, dengan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dan mengurangi kesenjangan antar wilayah. Pada prinsipnya, pengembangan wilayah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu wilayah dengan indikator pendapatan perkapita yang merata. Di daerah irigasi, pengembangan wilayah juga bisa menambah pendapatan kawasan dengan meningkatkan nilai tambah produk. Dalam Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah Cianjur (RTRW) 2005-2015, Daerah Irigasi Cihea direncanakan akan dikonversi menjadi areal industri seluas 4209,903 ha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan arahan strategi untuk Daerah Irigasi Cihea sebagai implementasi dari RTRW. Dalam sistem irigasi, ada sumber daya air dan aktivitas pertanian dengan komoditas pertanian yang bisa diarahkan untuk pengembangan wilayah sebagai implementasi RTRW. Sumber daya ini yang akan dipertimbangkan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan perhitungan neraca air dan produksi kawasan, ma...

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Plannning Strategic of Irrigated Agricultural Land Convertion by Considering to The Irrigation System (Case Study : Cihea Irrigation System of Cianjur)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of DAYA DUKUNG LINGKUNGAN BERBASIS KEMAMPUAN LAHAN DI TUBAN, JAWA TIMUR (Land Capability Based Environmental Carrying Capacity in Tuban, East Java)

Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Renewable Energies and Low Carbon Society Application of Cge Model to Toyohashi City in Japan

Proceedings of 50th European Regional Science Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden, 2010

The traditional, rather sharp separation between and by disciplines is not anymore to be upheld, ... more The traditional, rather sharp separation between and by disciplines is not anymore to be upheld, if not just for operative, methodological or methodical reasons. This certainly leads to respective challenges on the side of scientific methodologists on the one hand, but also of social scientists, social philosophers, and moral philosophers on the other. We all know the problems resulting from the handling of documentation systems, the retrievability of data, the almost unlimited possibility of combining data with respect to data protection problems, respective legislations etc. Some even fear that we are on the brink of or already living in a "computerocracy"-being the fate and development of mass societies which Abstract Overall, the current real and the scientifically represented world is much more than hitherto characterized by problems of cross-disciplinary or "inter-areal" connections of diverse topical research fields within complex and highly interconnected real, model, and quasi artificial systems. Here, we will address the respected problem of the humanities and social sciences somewhat by the rather old-fashioned contrast to the natural sciences. In the main part, I shall sketch my own approach that I call (scheme-)interpretationism or methodological interpretative constructivism. This methodological concept seems to me to make possible a bridge between the disciplines-at least by going higher level in one's methodology. The next part will turn to the historical and methodological questions of text-interpretations or methodological hermeneutics thus amounting to a prominent special case of the scheme-interpretationist approach. Finally, the last part draws some methodological conclusions regarding an abstract interpretationist "reunification" between the different scientific disciplines and everyday understanding.

Research paper thumbnail of Kebutuhan Air Perkotaan Berbasis Pengelolaan Air Lintas Sungai

Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Caldera Landslide Due to the Sedimentation Level in Bili-Bili Reservoir South Sulawesi Province

This research aimed to study impact of caldera landslide at Jeneberang sub watershed to sedimenta... more This research aimed to study impact of caldera landslide at Jeneberang sub watershed to sedimentation rates in the Bili-Bili dam. The research was conducted based on field survey, caldera landslide at upstream and sedimentation rate in the Bili-Bili dam. The Result Showed that Jeneberang sub watershed dominated by steep areas topography is 10.080 ha (26.22%) and the closure of forested land is 12.250 ha (31.87%). Caldera landslide in 2004 caused sediment flow from upstream of Jeneberang watershed was 45,027,954 m 3. Sabo dam as a sediment control along the Jeneberang upstream has function effectively. It was seen from the volume flow of sediment that can be controlled up to the year 2008 is 1,915,671 m 3. Sedimentation rate before the event of landslide caldera, sediment deposited in Bili-Bili dam cumulatively is 8.376 million m 3 (April 2001). Five years after the landslide sediment volume has reached 60.959 million m3 in 2008. Based on Trap efficiency showed that efficiency of Bil...

Research paper thumbnail of The Life Cycle Assessment of Cement Product with Alternative Fuels Usage in Indonesia

Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management), 2022

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan Life Cycle Assessment dalam produksi semen. Unt... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan Life Cycle Assessment dalam produksi semen. Untuk mendapatkan perbaikan dampak lingkungan, maka pengkajian harus menemukan hotspot. Perbaikan tersebut diharapkan dapat menemukan komposisi bahan bakar yang lebih baik untuk mengurangi dampaknya dengan menggunakan varian bahan bakar alternatif. Lingkup LCA meliputi penambangan hingga pengolahan semen (cradle to gate). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai 1 ton semen : potensi dampak pemanasan global adalah 760,11 kg CO2-eq, potensi pengasaman 1,32 kg SO2-eq, potensi oksidan fotokimia 0,0508 kg C2H4-eq, potensi toksisitas manusia 123,97 kg 1,4-DB-eq dan potensi penipisan abiotik 2181,75 MJ. Data menunjukkan bahwa penyumbang dampak terbesar adalah unit kiln. Energi yang digunakan di unit proses kiln menyumbang 92,46% dari total intensitas energi dalam proses produksi semen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan produk semen 1 ton adalah 3,27 GJ dengan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Model of Sustainable Rural Development Based on Rice Agroindustry Development

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2017

Agroindustry is an activity which is able to create other activities that have value added; thus,... more Agroindustry is an activity which is able to create other activities that have value added; thus, the development of agroindustry in a rural area is expected to produce various products, from products that are not valuable into products with high economic value. The purpose of this study was to build a model that can describe the existence of rice fields and increase the farmers' income. This research used system approach and method of data analysis applied in this research was system dynamics. A result of simulation shows that the existence of rice fields will be converted to 1.5 percent along with the development of rice agroindustry which later will increase the farmer's income by two-fold from the previous farmer's income.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Wavelet Dan Variabilitas Temporal Hidroklimatologi Daerah Aliran Sungai (Studi Kasus Sub-Das Cisangkuy Kabupaten Bandung)

The research was conducted in the Sub Watershed Cisangkuy of theUpper Citarum Watershed in the Ba... more The research was conducted in the Sub Watershed Cisangkuy of theUpper Citarum Watershed in the Bandung regency. Cisangkuy river playsimportant role in the water supply to the population of Bandung regency andBandung city. In the last ten years, the debit of the river was decreased at dryseason but increased at rainy season that causes of flood in some places. It isneeded to research the variability of hydroclimatology at the region. The monthlyrainfall and debit in range of 2001-2011 was processed using the coefficient ofvariation (CV), wavelets and moving average analysis. The result of thecoefficient of variation and wavelets analysis show the monthly rainfall of fourweather stations: Cileunca, Kertamanah, Cipanas and Ciherang have the CV of78%, 82%, 84%, 70% respectively and show the dominant oscillation around 8-16months. The debit of two hydrology stations: Pataruman and Kamasan have theCV of 97%, 86% respectively and show the dominant oscillation around 128months and 64 months...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Neraca Air dan Prasarana Tampungan Air di DAS Ciujung

Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2021

Peningkatan jumlah penduduk, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pengembangan wilayah berdampak pada kon... more Peningkatan jumlah penduduk, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pengembangan wilayah berdampak pada kondisi sumber daya air. Keterbatasan prasarana tampungan air menjadi penyebab pentingnya distribusi sumber daya air secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kondisi neraca air dan prasarana tampungan air yang ada di DAS Ciujung. Metode yang digunakan adalah menghitung kebutuhan dan ketersediaan air, Neraca surplus-defisit, Indeks Pemakaian Air (IPA) dan Indeks ketersediaan air per kapita berdasarkan metode SNI 6728.1.2015 serta indikator tampungan air. Ketersediaan air dihitung berdasarkan debit andalan 80% (Q80). Kebutuhan air dihitung dari kebutuhan rumah tangga, perkotaan, industri (RKI), irigasi, peternakan, perikanan dan pemeliharaan sungai. Prasarana tampungan air dihitung melalui indikator tampungan bangunan konservasi air yang ada. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan air di DAS Ciujung sebesar 37,52 m3/detik sedangkan ketersediaan airnya sebesar 36,57 m3/det...

Research paper thumbnail of Kebutuhan Air Sektoral untuk Pengembangan DAS

There is a requirement for providing water supply sufficiently for the major customer sectors inc... more There is a requirement for providing water supply sufficiently for the major customer sectors including residential areas in watershed development and planning. However, the sectoral water demand has also been changing over time. More over, continuing population growth and the job opportunity has resulted in increasing water demand within dynamic manner in residential areas. This study aims to develop water demand model in water management for watershed development planning. Actual water allocations for the experimental watershed, in Banten Province, were used for the model calibration process. The established model was used for predicting the amount of water demand in the future. The advantage of this model is for guiding the local government in providing water for the community. ABSTRAK Dalam kegiatan pengembangan daerah aliran sungai (DAS), diperlukan kebutuhan air untuk semua sektor yang akan dikembangkan di wilayah tersebut. Perkembangan wilayah dan komunitas selama kurun waktu...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Air Baku Berkelanjutan Dengan Metode Interpretative Structural Modelling (Ism) DI Kabupaten Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara

ABSTRAK Penurunan ketersediaan air dan peningkatan kebutuhan air telah terjadi di Kabupaten Konaw... more ABSTRAK Penurunan ketersediaan air dan peningkatan kebutuhan air telah terjadi di Kabupaten Konawe Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Hal ini disebabkan karena perubahan penggunaan lahan akibat eksploitasi lahan secara terus menerus sehingga terjadi penurunan kapasitas infiltrasi dan peningkatan aliran permukaan. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas maka diperlukan strategi pengelolaan dan pengembangan peran kelembagaan sehingga pengelolaan air baku untuk penyediaan air bersih di Kabupaten Konawe dapat berlangsung secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan: (1) menganalisis peran kelembagaan ditinjau dari aspek kendala yang dihadapi, kebutuhan program pemerintah terkait, dan lembaga yang berperan dalam pengelolaan air baku untuk penyediaan air bersih berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Konawe; dan (2) mengembangkan model kelembagaan pengelolaan air baku untuk penyediaan air bersih di Kab. Konawe dengan metode Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Struktur Box Girder Jembatan Fly Over Rawa Buaya Sisi Barat Terhadap Gempa

The Rawabuaya flyover bridge is an option to overcome the traffic jam that often happens in the R... more The Rawabuaya flyover bridge is an option to overcome the traffic jam that often happens in the Rawabuaya area. It has an extremely vital function to disentangle the traffic congestion; therefore, the structure must be strong in holding the on-going load, specifically the seismic load. The seismic load is dangerous to a structure because it has period that causes the structure to repeatedly shaken. If the movements happened continually, the structure will collapse ― depending on how much earthquake load that is being loaded on the structure. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a structur al analy sis on the earthquake resistance level of the Rawabuaya flyover bridge based on the "Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa Untuk Struktur Bangunan Gedung dan Non-Gedung" RSNI 03-1726-2010 and "Peta Zonasi Gempa Indonesia 2010" to know further about the on-going deformation. This research was done thoroughly by recognizing the maximum forces in the combination of ultimate...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Alternatif Penggunaan Lahan Untuk Menjamin Ketersediaan Air D1 Das Konaweha Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

Title : The Analysis of Land Use Alternatives to Ensure Water Supply at Konaweha Watershed Southe... more Title : The Analysis of Land Use Alternatives to Ensure Water Supply at Konaweha Watershed Southeast Sulawesi Province. Fenomena of decreasing water supply and increasing water demand occurred at Konaweha watershed. Konaweha watershed shed is a priority watershed in Southeast Sulawesi Province due to its crucial function. Land use changes were suspected to be the cause of decreasing water supply. One effect of this condition was maximum discharge increase and minimum discharge decrease of Konaweha River resulted in water deficit. Research objectives were (1) to evaluate the effect of land use changes on hydrologic condition of Konaweha watershed; (2) to evaluate the water supply and water demand as well as supply and demand water balance at Konaweha watershed, and (3) to formulate land use alternatives and management policy of Konaweha watershed. This research had been conducted at Konaweha watershed for 10 months e.g. from June 2009 to March 2010. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Situ for Ciliwung Flood Mitigation in Bogor Regency

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Bogor Regency is one of Regencies in Jabodetabek area that is experiencing rapid urban growth. Th... more Bogor Regency is one of Regencies in Jabodetabek area that is experiencing rapid urban growth. This condition impacted the decreasing conditions of 39’s from 95’s urban small lakes or locally known as ‘situ’. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of situ Kebantenan and situ Cikaret as Ciliwung flood mitigation measure in the Bogor Regency. The SWAT model was employed for quantification the water balance of situ and watershed management. The simulation results of the water balance analysis indicated that the monthly average of volume of Situ Kabantenan and Situ Cikaret (2008-2015) were 136,955 m3 and 508,907 m3, the annual inflow Situ Cikaret were 24,693,822 m3/year and outflow were 25,177,593 m3/year, precipitation were 648,520 m3/year, evaporation were 166,543 m3/year, delta storage (1,794) m3/year, respectively. The result of hydrological responses analysis on application of situ and watershed management scenarios that combined the structural and non-structural measures ...

Research paper thumbnail of Management Strategy of Water Hyacinth (Eichorniacrassipes) Injatiluhur Reservoir, West Java

Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan, 2021

Indonesia has quite extensive multi-purpose reservoir waters, one of which was built for the firs... more Indonesia has quite extensive multi-purpose reservoir waters, one of which was built for the first time is the Ir. H. Djuanda reservoir or better known as Jatiluhur reservoir. The activities carried out in the Jatiluhur reservoir are varied, such as fisheries, transportation,water sources as well as power generation as secondary functions of the reservoir. If managed properly, the reservoir will give a real contribution to the economy and welfare of the community without disrupting the sustainability of the ecosystems and its functions. In Indonesia, problems that often occur in all aquatic ecosystems are eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), sedimentation, and pollution. Water hyacinth (Eichorniacrassipes) is a type of aquatic plant that is generally considered as a weed. The study aims to formulate a water hyacinth management strategyusing the SWOT method with ten respondents.The selection of respondents using purposive sampling method.The results showed that all stakeholders, gov...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesesuaian Lokasi Bendung Kecil dan Daerah Pemanenan Air Hujan (PAH) dengan Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geogerafis (SIG) di Wilayah Perkotaan


Assessment of site suitability for water harvesting in Sentul City is an important, because the S... more Assessment of site suitability for water harvesting in Sentul City is an important, because the Sentul City area often problems with water supply and is expected to prediction a water deficit in 2050, other problems are floods often occur in the downstream during the rainy season. This study aims to analyze the suitability of the location for small dam and reservoirs determine the number of small dam and reservoirs that can be built in Sentul City based on location suitability maps. Identifying locations for the construction of small dam and reservoirs can use of Geographic Information System (GIS), the approach used multi criteria analysis and weighted overlay techniques with software ArcGIS. Six criteria were considered for this study, which include topographic factors (slope), land use, soil texture, rainfall, and distance to the river and distance to the road. The multi criteria analysis approach, each criterion was assigned a weight with slope being considered as the most impor...