chap4 (original) (raw)
- 章节名:chap4
- 2018-09-19 01:20:05
4.1.1 身体健康是一切的本钱
好多人收拾房子的时间比锻炼身体的时间多,忘记了身体才是我们最重要的房子。一个人应该做到基本的:身心健康、了解身体和心理基本知识、知道什么食物好什么不好、自律、能做基本的sports,任何sport specific的技巧是可以单独训练的,但是整体的physical应该是能够进行任何运动的。
应该有基本的经济学知识。好多人自己专业上汲汲营营为了5%的raise,而不愿与花时间学习经济学知识让Money work for yourself,让随便investment advisor拿你的钱,然后go with whatever that is in fashion。不过,不跟fashion我又该跟啥呢?
In additional to internal emotional awareness, external emotional awareness is also important. Aligning action with values requires persistent mental fortitude, an ability to handle stress, and a strong charactor. These attributes are all a consequence of agency--the supreme belief that you are in control of your own life, rather than the belief that your life is controlled by luck, destiny or powerful others.
引自 chap4
应该有基本控制情绪的能力,不让情绪影响我们做决定。不要让情绪来浪费时间金钱精力和resource。尤其不要buy in这种wishful, magical thinking。世间不存在心想事成,要action才可能
4.2 The Renaissance education
The most important purpose of education isn't getting a degree, nor is memorizing a collection of facts in order to win on quiz shows. Education is supposed to transform and build the character, mind, and body of the students. The point of an education is to learn a systematic way of improving those aspects -- exercising, researching, and figuring things out. To build a foundation for continued learning for the rest of one's life, so that one may live his life to the fullest extent possible. Learning must become a habit that is applied to all aspects of life before it can be said that a person is truly an educated person. That means learning never stops.
引自 chap4
很不幸现在的education system没有这个功能。
Education widens the focus while training narrows it.
引自 chap4
朝着Renaissance man的方向努力吧,目标是不用上班。