远大前程的另一个结局 (original) (raw)


现有结尾实在是太不可理解了。我当时看那结尾就觉得恶心。 然后我发现老人家原来好好地写了一个神结尾: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was four years more, before I saw herself. I had heard of her as leading a most unhappy life, and as being separated from her husband who had used her with great cruelty, and who had become quite renowned as a compound of pride, brutality, and meanness. 我再见到她,是四年之后了。我曾经听说她的生活并不如意,和虐待她的骄傲,残暴,卑劣的丈夫分开了。 I had heard of the death of her husband (from an accident consequent on ill-treating a horse), and of her being married again to a Shropshire doctor, who, against his interest, had once very manfully interposed, on an occasion when he was in professional attendance on Mr. Drummle, and had witnessed some outrageous treatment of her. I had heard that the Shropshire doctor was not rich, and that they lived on her own personal fortune. 我听说他丈夫死了(死于一场虐马事件),然后她又改嫁了一位医生。这位医生曾经在一次给她前夫看病过程中,不愉快的介入并且目睹了她前夫对她极其过分的行为。我还听说那个医生并不富有,他们靠着她的积蓄生活。 I was in England again — in London, and walking along Piccadilly with little Pip — when a servant came running after me to ask would I step back to a lady in a carriage who wished to speak to me. It was a little pony carriage, which the lady was driving; and the lady and I looked sadly enough on one another. 我又回到了英国——在伦敦,和小皮普沿着大街走——这时一个仆人从后面追上我,请我为一位想同我讲话的女士留步。女士坐在一架自驾的小马车上。我看着她,忧伤的对视了很久。 "I am greatly changed, I know; but I thought you would like to shake hands with Estella, too, Pip. Lift up that pretty child and let me kiss it!" (She supposed the child, I think, to be my child.) “我变了很多,我知道;可是我想你还是想和伊斯特拉握手吧,皮普。抱起那个孩子,让我吻吻他的手!”(我想,她觉得那个孩子,是我儿子。) I was very glad afterwards to have had the interview; for, in her face and in her voice, and in her touch, she gave me the assurance, that suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham's teaching, and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be. 我之后非常高兴和她重逢。因为,从她的面容,从她的声音,从她的手中,我相信,生活的苦难比哈维沙姆小姐的训导还刻骨铭心,并且,给了她一颗能懂我昔日的心。 — based on the proof slip reproduced by Edgar Rosenberg in the W. W. Norton (1999) edition of Great Expectations, p. 492. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 看完之后我觉得舒服多了;翻译一遍之后,我觉得舒服更多了。 C'est la vie. 2013-04-08 18:45:59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recent update. I watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM87DqDksLM推荐给所有对结局有兴趣的人。 在优酷应该可以搜: The Secret Life of Books Episode 1 Great Expectations BBC Documentary 2014 我一向很支持作者是难以摆脱自己的影子。这样看来:原文是现实,不加思索便可以描述;而后改写的便是愿想,需要勾勒才能表达出来。 实际上孰高孰低是分不清的。只是看读者是什么心境罢了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2015.11.13 更新,重翻 我是在四年之后才见到她的。听说,她的生活并不如意,她的丈夫极度自大,残暴,卑劣,还粗鲁的对待她。 我听说她丈夫已经去世 (和一场虐待马的事故有关)。她已经改嫁了一位医生。再一次给她前夫的出诊中,出乎他所料的,发现了她前夫对她的虐待。医生很绅士的阻止了他的暴行。可是似乎那个医生并不富有,他们两个人在靠着她的积蓄生活。 我又回到了英国。那天,我正和小皮普在皮卡迪利大街上,一个仆人从后面追上了我。他说,一位坐在马车里的女士想和我说两句话。那是一架她自己赶的小马车。我和她相对无言,眼神里都充满了忧伤。 “昔人已逝。但是,我觉得你还是会想和estella握握手吧?皮普。举起那个孩子,让我亲亲他!”(她或许认为那是我的儿子。) 和她重逢,我还是非常开心的。从她的面容,从她的声音,从她的体温里,她让我相信,苦难所教给她的,比哈维莎姆小姐的教导要多得多,也让她终于可以理解我当年的心。