The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat (original) (raw)

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In his most extraordinary book, "one of the great clinical writers of the 20th century" (The New York Times) recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre, apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders. Oliver Sacks's The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat tells the stories of individuals afflicted with fantastic perceptual and intellectual aberration...


In his most extraordinary book, "one of the great clinical writers of the 20th century" (The New York Times) recounts the case histories of patients lost in the bizarre, apparently inescapable world of neurological disorders. Oliver Sacks's The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat tells the stories of individuals afflicted with fantastic perceptual and intellectual aberrations: patients who have lost their memories and with them the greater part of their pasts; who are no longer able to recognize people and common objects; who are stricken with violent tics and grimaces or who shout involuntary obscenities; whose limbs have become alien; who have been dismissed as retarded yet are gifted with uncanny artistic or mathematical talents. If inconceivably strange, these brilliant tales remain, in Dr. Sacks's splendid and sympathetic telling, deeply human. They are studies of life struggling against incredible adversity, and they enable us to enter the world of the neurologically impaired, to imagine with our hearts what it must be to live and feel as they do. A great healer, Sacks never loses sight of medicine's ultimate responsibility: "the suffering, afflicted, fighting human subject."

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat的创作者 · · · · · ·

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Oliver Wolf Sacks, CBE, was a British neurologist residing in the United States, who has written popular books about his patients, the most famous of which is Awakenings, which was adapted into a film of the same name starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro.

Sacks was the youngest of four children born to a prosperous North London Jewish couple: Sam, a physician, and Elsie, ...


Oliver Wolf Sacks, CBE, was a British neurologist residing in the United States, who has written popular books about his patients, the most famous of which is Awakenings, which was adapted into a film of the same name starring Robin Williams and Robert De Niro.

Sacks was the youngest of four children born to a prosperous North London Jewish couple: Sam, a physician, and Elsie, a surgeon. When he was six years old, he and his brother were evacuated from London to escape The Blitz, retreating to a boarding school in the Midlands, where he remained until 1943. During his youth, he was a keen amateur chemist, as recalled in his memoir Uncle Tungsten. He also learned to share his parents' enthusiasm for medicine and entered The Queen's College, Oxford University in 1951, from which he received a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in physiology and biology in 1954. At the same institution, he went on to earn in 1958, a Master of Arts (MA) and an MB ChB in chemistry, thereby qualifying to practice medicine.

After converting his British qualifications to American recognition (i.e., an MD as opposed to MB ChB), Sacks moved to New York, where he has lived since 1965, and taken twice weekly therapy sessions since 1966.

Sacks began consulting at chronic care facility Beth Abraham Hospital (now Beth Abraham Health Service) in 1966. At Beth Abraham, Sacks worked with a group of survivors of the 1920s sleeping sickness, encephalitis lethargica, who had been unable to move on their own for decades. These patients and his treatment of them were the basis of Sacks' book Awakenings.

His work at Beth Abraham helped provide the foundation on which the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function (IMNF), where Sacks is currently an honorary medical advisor, is built. In 2000, IMNF honored Sacks, its founder, with its first Music Has Power Award. The IMNF again bestowed a Music Has Power Award on Sacks in 2006 to commemorate "his 40 years at Beth Abraham and honor his outstanding contributions in support of music therapy and the effect of music on the human brain and mind".

Sacks was formerly employed as a clinical professor of neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and at the New York University School of Medicine, serving the latter school for 42 years. On 1 July 2007, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons appointed Sacks to a position as professor of clinical neurology and clinical psychiatry, at the same time opening to him a new position as "artist", which the university hoped will help interconnect disciplines such as medicine, law, and economics. Sacks was a consultant neurologist to the Little Sisters of the Poor, and maintained a practice in New York City.

Since 1996, Sacks was a member of The American Academy of Arts and Letters (Literature). In 1999, Sacks became a Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences. Also in 1999, he became an Honorary Fellow at The Queen's College, Oxford. In 2002, he became Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Class IV—Humanities and Arts, Section 4—Literature).[38] and he was awarded the 2001 Lewis Thomas Prize by Rockefeller University. Sacks was awarded honorary doctorates from the College of Staten Island (1991), Tufts University (1991), New York Medical College (1991), Georgetown University (1992), Medical College of Pennsylvania (1992), Bard College (1992), Queen's University (Ontario) (2001), Gallaudet University (2005), University of Oxford (2005), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2006). He was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2008 Birthday Honours. Asteroid 84928 Oliversacks, discovered in 2003 and 2 miles (3.2 km) in diameter, has been named in his honor.

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《错把太太当帽子的人》:作为一个神经学家,Oliver Sacks把自己接触过的病患案例收集整理成了这本书,标题就是其中之一。一个音乐教授因为大脑障碍,可以看见周遭事物但是无法甄别其中区别,他可以把妻子认成帽子,拼命往头上戴。类似的故事还有二十三个,这不是关于具有先天特异的天才养成记,也不是令人同情的缺陷讲述,这只是一些不一样的人和他们的生活。这本书写成于1985年,距今30年整。也许书中很多脑神... 《错把太太当帽子的人》:作为一个神经学家,Oliver Sacks把自己接触过的病患案例收集整理成了这本书,标题就是其中之一。一个音乐教授因为大脑障碍,可以看见周遭事物但是无法甄别其中区别,他可以把妻子认成帽子,拼命往头上戴。类似的故事还有二十三个,这不是关于具有先天特异的天才养成记,也不是令人同情的缺陷讲述,这只是一些不一样的人和他们的生活。这本书写成于1985年,距今30年整。也许书中很多脑神经学的案例在30年后的今天已经在医学界有了合理的解释,也许有些仍旧是个谜。这就是这本书吸引我的地方,我们执念于探索大脑的未知,也期待着这个无法解释背后的智慧。但对于患者本身来说,这一切都不重要,因为这就是他们生活的全部,痛苦也好,享受也好,也同普通人一样,在找寻自己生活的意义。就像书中说的那样「Bi (展开)

有志加入camphill的同学来看Oliver Sacks的书,先从中文版开始!诸多gy结尾单词看得我精神错乱。physiology,neurology,psychiatry,pathology,phenomenology!


The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat的书评 · · · · · ·( 全部 131 条 )

艾芙 2008-04-14 23:19:08 译林出版社2003版


在我还很小很小的时候,家附近的桥洞里住着一个疯子。胆大的坏孩子会冲着他嬉笑叫嚷,而我这样胆小且听父母话的小孩则每天默不作声的走过,目不斜视,只怕多看一眼就会招致他发疯。他究竟是不是疯子,其实我并不确知,只不过人们都这么说罢了。印象中只见过他一次狂舞四肢大喊... (展开)

鲁西西 2011-04-30 21:44:01 中信出版社2010版


今天的儿童治疗工作坊第一天,Barbara老师讲了一句令我非常震动的话,她说:父母都是不完美的,为人父母的过程充满挣扎和困顿。但有时候我们的这种不完美,反而帮助我们的孩子变得更强壮。 这两年醉心于对精神健康、情绪和感受领域的学习,很多朋友都会问“异常的东西接触多了... (展开)

藤堂非 2010-06-10 14:27:28 中信出版社2010版


什么样的人算是精神病人? 有时候,做一个“知道分子”也是一种痛苦。 如果我们每天登陆围脖,如果我们每天关注新闻,如果我们每天看着小组讨论……那么或许我们会发现,我们生活的世界是这样的肮脏和混乱,甚至没有让人呼吸的空间。 几个月前,又或者... (展开)

玄客啸士 2010-01-12 03:45:25


这本书,严谨地说应该是属于神经学的书籍。其中的案例都是作者此前的患者,其中有24章,讲述24种不同的案例,一些案例非常简单,一些案例则发人深思。这些案例可以让我们分析一些不同,一些从神经学(侧重于脑神经学)的角度分析一些案例,可能完全得出和我们从社会学、心理学... (展开)

chong 2006-05-29 02:33:17 天下遠見出版股份有限公司1996版


外感: 因著陳炳釗《N.S.A.D.無異常發現》的感召,我在圖書室拿走了《錯把太太當帽子的人》。醫生的記錄,患者病歷,以小說的方式來寫,寫得感人,讓人對自我,對人的存在價值有了新的反思。 書中最動人之處是作者將患者當作人來看待,用他的話說,他最關註的不是患者的「不足... (展开)

威尼斯男人 2024-05-03 21:38:06 湖南文艺出版社2024版


人的肢体或者器官缺失,已经很可怕了。而他丧失的部分是认知功能。神经病学上指的是神经功能的损伤或者丧失,如说话、语言、记忆、视力、认知等各种官能的丧失,这会引起失音症、运动性失语症、失读症、失忆症等等特定的神经或精神功能受损引起的疾病。 神经功能丧失,比生理器... (展开)

藤原琉璃君 2010-07-20 12:41:40 中信出版社2010版


“你知道,我有一个芬兰籍的患者,因为大脑障碍,把身旁的妻子看成帽子,拼命地想往头上戴。还有一个为了治疗癫痫病而被切断胼胝体的英国人,当他用右手扣扣子的同时,左手始终准备解扣子;又或者看到去疗养院探望他的妻子,右手准备拥抱,左手却又放手,真是令人啼笑皆非。记... (展开)

赵思家 2016-07-27 05:39:56 中信出版社2016版


有三个问题,我一直认为,无论我要做什么、成为怎样的人,都值得不断思考的: • 问题一:到底什么是真实什么是虚幻? • 问题二:我是谁? • 问题三:身体和「灵魂」是怎样的关系? 1. 到底什么是真实什么是虚幻? 我本科入学时,读的是生物医学科学(或基础医学),... (展开)

自然 2024-05-04 13:54:22 湖南文艺出版社2024版



《错把妻子当帽子》用随笔的写作方式书写了24位患有神经疾病患者的故事,轻松活泼的讲述像是阅读一本生动有趣的故事集,本书一出版立即成为读者喜欢的畅销书。 本书作者奥利弗·萨克斯是最会写故事的神经学家,《错把妻子当帽子》是他的代表作,也是最著名的一本书。 他的父母... (展开)

> 更多书评 131篇

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