The Devil Wears Prada (original) (raw)

内容简介 · · · · · ·

A delightfully dishy novel about the all-time most impossible boss in the history of impossible bosses. Andrea Sachs, a small-town girl fresh out of college, lands the job “a million girls would die for.” Hired as the assistant to Miranda Priestly, the high-profile, fabulously successful editor of Runway magazine, Andrea finds herself in an office that shouts Prada! Armani! Ver...


A delightfully dishy novel about the all-time most impossible boss in the history of impossible bosses. Andrea Sachs, a small-town girl fresh out of college, lands the job “a million girls would die for.” Hired as the assistant to Miranda Priestly, the high-profile, fabulously successful editor of Runway magazine, Andrea finds herself in an office that shouts Prada! Armani! Versace! at every turn, a world populated by impossibly thin, heart-wrenchingly stylish women and beautiful men clad in fine-ribbed turtlenecks and tight leather pants that show off their lifelong dedication to the gym. With breathtaking ease, Miranda can turn each and every one of these hip sophisticates into a scared, whimpering child. THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA gives a rich and hilarious new meaning to complaints about “The Boss from Hell.” Narrated in Andrea’s smart, refreshingly disarming voice, it traces a deep, dark, devilish view of life at the top only hinted at in gossip columns and over Cosmopolitans at the trendiest cocktail parties. From sending the latest, not-yet-in-stores Harry Potter to Miranda’s children in Paris by private jet, to locating an unnamed antique store where Miranda had at some point admired a vintage dresser, to serving lattes to Miranda at precisely the piping hot temperature she prefers, Andrea is sorely tested each and every day—and often late into the night with orders barked over the phone. She puts up with it all by keeping her eyes on the prize: a recommendation from Miranda that will get Andrea a top job at any magazine of her choosing. As things escalate from the merely unacceptable to the downright outrageous, however, Andrea begins to realize that the job a million girls would die for may just kill her. And even if she survives, she has to decide whether or not the job is worth the price of her soul.

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Lauren Weisberger (born March 28, 1977 in Scranton, Pennsylvania) is an American novelist and author of the 2003 bestseller The Devil Wears Prada, a roman à clef of her time as a put-upon assistant to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.

In 2003, Weisberger authored her first book, The Devil Wears Prada, which spent six months on the New York Times Best Seller List. The book pro...


Lauren Weisberger (born March 28, 1977 in Scranton, Pennsylvania) is an American novelist and author of the 2003 bestseller The Devil Wears Prada, a roman à clef of her time as a put-upon assistant to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.

In 2003, Weisberger authored her first book, The Devil Wears Prada, which spent six months on the New York Times Best Seller List. The book provides a semi-fictional but highly critical view of the Manhattan elite's empty obsession with materialism and fashion. As of July 2006, The Devil Wears Prada was the best selling mass market softcover book in the nation.

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小说远比电影要细节和具体,电影拍的相对柔和,结局的处理也做了一些美化,女魔头远比电影里要可恶,加上主角本人,其实也不讨喜,当然是在某段时间内。 有时候人就是容易被眼前的景象迷惑而忘记了重要的人与事,认清这些事实,也总是需要付出些代价。



The Devil Wears Prada的书评 · · · · · ·( 全部 92 条 )

Gold5Unicon 2007-12-02 12:00:55 译林出版社2007版

Try or Whine

十分怀疑作者劳伦在写这本书的时候是一种什么目的或状态——报复?发泄?整本书看下来让人觉得很不舒服——一个整天穿着Jimmy Choo,Chanel,Versace,Gucci的主编助理Andrea(现实原型就是作者自己)每天都在抱怨她的工作,上司,同事,甚至她身边的朋友。 她的工作发挥... (展开)

momo 2012-04-17 11:30:49


人名:Gogol 果戈理 Tolstoy 托尔斯泰 Chekhov 契科夫 Nabokov Lolita Caesar 凯撒(古罗马的将军,政治家,历史家,公元前100-44) neoclassical 新古典主义的 地名:Tel Aviv 特拉维夫(以色列港市) Dubai 迪拜(阿拉伯联合... (展开)

宝宝彤 2007-03-01 16:44:28 译林出版社2007版


文/洁尘 不奇怪《时尚女摩头》的小说和它衍生的电影会成为一个噱头。时尚——那些字眼,普拉达、古弛、香奈尔、路易威登、芬迪……这些字眼本身就具有一种致幻的效果,它代表着市面上通行的关于华丽、高雅、昂贵、少数、出众、脱俗等诸多的标签,而那些标签代言着人们想象的完... (展开)

猫子 2006-07-18 11:56:39 译林出版社2005版


本年度最长、最厚、最沉的一本书,终于让我读完了。 而且是在几经断续中,结束了全书。 成就感陡然而生。 这个令人羡慕的女孩有着自己悲惨的一面,但是或许还是更多的羡慕,再一次充斥。 当站在顶级主管的身边,出入左右的时候; 当将无数凡人不可想象的大牌随手拈来的时候... (展开)

echo 2005-12-14 21:25:14 译林出版社2005版



《穿Prada的女魔头》是一本容易错过的好书。 在称赞此书之前,要狠狠的批评一下此书的出版者译林出版社。且不说平庸的封面设计让此书看起来像一本粗制滥造的网络文学作品,最不能让我容忍的是,此书的中文版竟然没有对作者劳伦•维斯贝格尔(LAUREN WEISBERGER)的身份... (展开)

静静的时光 2010-04-07 14:30:04 译林出版社2007版


看了电影兴冲冲跑去买书的,却发现书和电影的区别太大了。 作者的文字水平就不说了,书中的女主角完全不像电影里那么聪明可爱,不仅办事能力素质很差,而且自始至终没完没了地抱怨抱怨抱怨,对几乎每个人都那么恶毒。不仅如此,虽然处处宣传着自己多么纯真高贵,却面不改色地... (展开)

身心承碧落 2006-10-10 00:12:39 译林出版社2005版


LAUREN WEISBERGER,绝不仅仅是此书序言中“初出茅庐的小说家”那么简单,在撰写此书之前,她是全球最有影响力时尚杂志《Vogue》美国版的总编辑 Anna Wintour的助理。而此本小说描写的则是一位刚刚大学毕业的女学生 Andrea Sachs获得了一份在顶尖时尚杂志《Runway》为堪称暴君... (展开)

蓦烟如雪 2015-12-30 13:02:55 中信出版社2015版


——评《穿PRADA的女魔头》 文/蓦烟如雪 看《穿PRADA的女魔头》的时候,我特地是先看了安妮海瑟薇演的电影版,发现二者还是多有不同的,但剧情走线还是和书里差不多。 《runway》是很多人的爱,在书里有个安妮塔也给米兰达写过信,所以,《runway》是每个女孩的衡量标准,可是... (展开)

noir-l 2008-10-24 09:46:25 译林出版社2007版


先看了电影,感觉很赞,所以在书店看到这本书的时候就毫不犹豫地买下了。结果发现,终于找到了不如电影好看的原著。主要是不喜欢作者的那种态度,在她的眼中,Miranda只是个已折磨人为唯一目标的变态老板,而作者几乎用了所有的篇幅叽叽歪歪地抱怨,冷嘲热讽自己的老板。 然而... (展开)

> 更多书评 92篇

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