The Trees (original) (raw)
内容简介 · · · · · ·
Percival Everett’s The Trees is a page-turner that opens with a series of brutal murders in the rural town of Money, Mississippi. When a pair of detectives from the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation arrive, they meet expected resistance from the local sheriff, his deputy, the coroner, and a string of racist White townsfolk. The murders present a puzzle, for at each crime scen...
Percival Everett’s The Trees is a page-turner that opens with a series of brutal murders in the rural town of Money, Mississippi. When a pair of detectives from the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation arrive, they meet expected resistance from the local sheriff, his deputy, the coroner, and a string of racist White townsfolk. The murders present a puzzle, for at each crime scene there is a second dead body: that of a man who resembles Emmett Till.
The detectives suspect that these are killings of retribution, but soon discover that eerily similar murders are taking place all over the country. Something truly strange is afoot. As the bodies pile up, the MBI detectives seek answers from a local root doctor who has been documenting every lynching in the country for years, uncovering a history that refuses to be buried. In this bold, provocative book, Everett takes direct aim at racism and police violence, and does so in fast-paced style that ensures the reader can’t look away. The Trees is an enormously powerful novel of lasting importance from an author with his finger on America’s pulse.
The Trees的创作者 · · · · · ·
作者简介 · · · · · ·
Percival L. Everett (born 1956) is an American writer and Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Southern California.
There might not be a more fertile mind in American fiction today than Everett’s. In 22 years, he has written 19 books, including a farcical Western, a savage satire of the publishing industry, a children’s story spoofing counting books, retellin...
Percival L. Everett (born 1956) is an American writer and Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Southern California.
There might not be a more fertile mind in American fiction today than Everett’s. In 22 years, he has written 19 books, including a farcical Western, a savage satire of the publishing industry, a children’s story spoofing counting books, retellings of the Greek myths of Medea and Dionysus, and a philosophical tract narrated by a four-year-old.
The Washington Post has called Everett “one of the most adventurously experimental of modern American novelists.” And according to The Boston Globe, “He’s literature’s NASCAR champion, going flat out, narrowly avoiding one seemingly inevitable crash only to steer straight for the next.”
Everett, who teaches courses in creative writing, American studies and critical theory, says he writes about what interests him, which explains his prolific output and the range of subjects he has tackled. He also describes himself as a demanding teacher who learns from his students as much as they learn from him.
Everett’s writing has earned him the PEN USA 2006 Literary Award (for his 2005 novel, Wounded), the Academy Award for Literature of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award (for his 2001 novel, Erasure), the PEN/Oakland-Josephine Miles Award for Excellence in Literature (for his 1996 story collection, Big Picture) and the New American Writing Award (for his 1990 novel, Zulus). He has served as a judge for, among others, the 1997 National Book Award for fiction and the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction in 1991.
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威叔在香港 2022-10-16 01:50:30 中国香港
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2022.10.15. 书名和故事都受启发于Billie Holiday的传世“禁曲”《奇异水果》。故事始于2018年特朗普任期内、在虚构的小镇Money, Mississippi 发生的一宗怪异谋杀案:一个白人被残忍杀害,身旁还躺着一具做过防腐处理的黑人尸体。类似的谋杀案在小镇接连发生,州警官、FBI等接连介入,发现陆续被杀的白人通通与65年前被无故私刑弄死的黑人小男孩有关。警方与杀人凶手“猫鼠... 2022.10.15. 书名和故事都受启发于Billie Holiday的传世“禁曲”《奇异水果》。故事始于2018年特朗普任期内、在虚构的小镇Money, Mississippi 发生的一宗怪异谋杀案:一个白人被残忍杀害,身旁还躺着一具做过防腐处理的黑人尸体。类似的谋杀案在小镇接连发生,州警官、FBI等接连介入,发现陆续被杀的白人通通与65年前被无故私刑弄死的黑人小男孩有关。警方与杀人凶手“猫鼠游戏”的同时,越来越多白人被残杀的【仇恨犯罪】在美国全境开始了。平均每章仅2-3页,作者做到了仅寥寥几笔就呈现出一场充满张力的群戏,读起来如同在看一部节奏飞快的电影,阅读体验极佳。而我更佩服的是作者的行文:既极为松弛幽默、又非常紧凑锋利,惊悚/恐怖气氛与令人捧腹的喜剧性时刻交替并存。难得一见的奇书。 (展开)
Red Joker 2022-11-13 22:23:04 河南
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3.5☆ 个人偏爱前半部,节奏,人物,谋杀等等,包括那些幽默桥段。然而越往后就感觉愈发有些仓促了,一个死人接着一个死人,却并没有给出完整的故事以及交代。 但也许这也是作者的用意,当under pressure的人们走上街头,rise up,就失去了“你”“我”,而变成了“我们”,是throng,是发出轰鸣的龙卷风。 理解这并非一本whodunnit,但想起之前读的同是披着这层皮去探讨更深刻的议题的... 3.5☆ 个人偏爱前半部,节奏,人物,谋杀等等,包括那些幽默桥段。然而越往后就感觉愈发有些仓促了,一个死人接着一个死人,却并没有给出完整的故事以及交代。 但也许这也是作者的用意,当under pressure的人们走上街头,rise up,就失去了“你”“我”,而变成了“我们”,是throng,是发出轰鸣的龙卷风。 理解这并非一本whodunnit,但想起之前读的同是披着这层皮去探讨更深刻的议题的the alienist,还是觉得这部稍显逊色,很奇妙的是开篇的杀人方式几乎一模一样。 个人很不喜欢后面总统的部分,感觉这种没有艺术渲染的,按着头让人联想时事的写法像是低俗地摊货一样拉低了整本书的格调。 结尾Mama Z的问话特别好,像是一句幽魂的低语,hanging in the air,久久不散 (展开)
RoutineCat 2023-01-15 09:09:12 福建
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The Trees的书评 · · · · · ·( 全部 1 条 )
Mr. Infamous 2024-11-22 17:03:44
好爱《美国小说》,于是在这十年里,头一次参加试译。不过刚知道落选了。那就在这留个底吧,好歹花了很长时间翻译和打磨,还让 @7outta 帮忙校对。主打一个不浪费。 密西西比州的钱镇,完全是名字听起来怎么样,看起来就怎么样。镇名是依循南方那种话中带刺、兼具愚昧的悠久传... (展开)
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