Philosophy and Real Politics (original) (raw)

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Many contemporary political thinkers are gripped by the belief that their task is to develop an ideal theory of rights or justice for guiding and judging political actions. But in "Philosophy and Real Politics", Raymond Geuss argues that philosophers should first try to understand why real political actors behave as they actually do. Far from being applied ethics, politics is a...


Many contemporary political thinkers are gripped by the belief that their task is to develop an ideal theory of rights or justice for guiding and judging political actions. But in "Philosophy and Real Politics", Raymond Geuss argues that philosophers should first try to understand why real political actors behave as they actually do. Far from being applied ethics, politics is a skill that allows people to survive and pursue their goals. To understand politics is to understand the powers, motives, and concepts that people have and that shape how they deal with the problems they face in their particular historical situations. "Philosophy and Real Politics" both outlines a historically oriented, realistic political philosophy and criticizes liberal political philosophies based on abstract conceptions of rights and justice. The book is a trenchant critique of established ways of thought and a provocative call for change.

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很有趣的思路。美国式的pragmatism+剑桥学派的语境主义(只不过用在政治中)+施米特式的决断论。对罗尔斯(为代表的ideal theory)的批判酣畅淋漓:不以【现实】权力结构出发的思想实验式政治理论都是空中阁楼。我有些迟疑的地方在于,大概是为了挑衅主流liberals,书中霍布斯式的人性论和权力论没有得到足够的自我检验,很容易(尤其在本国的接受语境下)被简化为某种“厚黑学”,而作者自己的(... 很有趣的思路。美国式的pragmatism+剑桥学派的语境主义(只不过用在政治中)+施米特式的决断论。对罗尔斯(为代表的ideal theory)的批判酣畅淋漓:不以【现实】权力结构出发的思想实验式政治理论都是空中阁楼。我有些迟疑的地方在于,大概是为了挑衅主流liberals,书中霍布斯式的人性论和权力论没有得到足够的自我检验,很容易(尤其在本国的接受语境下)被简化为某种“厚黑学”,而作者自己的(新)列宁主义立场没有显示出来 (展开)


Philosophy and Real Politics的书评 · · · · · ·( 全部 3 条 )

装睡的人 2016-03-20 04:49:13


花了一个小时左右的时间翻阅了一遍这本书,随手写几句不成熟的想法: 一方面,葛依斯在这本书里对罗尔斯/罗尔斯式的政治哲学的诸多批评,很多从罗尔斯的角度来看是毫无道理的。比如,他说罗尔斯避而不谈“权力/力量”,但是罗尔斯等人之所以不谈权力,一个原因在于,他们认为... (展开)

堕落的爱德华 2020-05-31 19:35:40



政治现实主义(political realism)代表作,有几个点可以关注一下:1 对于ideal theory “ideological”的批评(罗尔斯被黑得很惨,就差指着头骂正义论一无是处了);2 伦理观上的“情景主义”(contextualism);3 the task of political philosophy(Understanding,Evaluation... (展开)

yike赛艇 2024-05-30 10:54:35 上海人民出版社2024版



内容同步发送于v信公众号【还是读点书吧】欢迎关注!(主要关注政治哲学与政治学领域书籍) 省流版 《哲学与现实政治》(雷蒙德·戈伊斯 著)是当代现实主义政治哲学的代表作之一,作者在书中批判了“应用伦理学”式的政治哲学,并发展了一种现实主义政治哲学。 雷蒙德认为,政... (展开)

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