The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien (original) (raw)
内容简介 · · · · · ·
A comprehensive collection of letters spanning the adult life (1914-1973) of one of the world's most famous storytellers. 'It is not possible even at great length to "pot" The Lord of the Rings in a paragraph or two. It was begun in 1936, and every part has been written many times! the labour has been colossal; and it must stand or fall, practically as it is.' J.R.R. Tolkien ...
A comprehensive collection of letters spanning the adult life (1914-1973) of one of the world's most famous storytellers. 'It is not possible even at great length to "pot" The Lord of the Rings in a paragraph or two. It was begun in 1936, and every part has been written many times! the labour has been colossal; and it must stand or fall, practically as it is.' J.R.R. Tolkien was one of the most prolific letter writers of this century. Over the years he wrote to his publishers, his family, to friends (including C.S. Lewis, W.H. Auden and Naomi Mitchison) and to fans of his books. The letters present a fascinating and highly detailed portrait of the man in many of his aspects: as storyteller, scholar, Catholic, parent and observer of the world around him. They also shed much light on his creative genius and grand design for the creation of a whole new world -- Middle-earth. This collection will appeal not only to the legions of Tolkien fans, but will entertain anyone who appreciates the art of letter-writing, of which Tolkien was a master. 'I am nearly always written to as Tolkein (not by you): I do not know why, since it is pronounced by me always -keen.'
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- Since I have written so much (I hope not too much) I might as well add a few lines on the Myth on which all is founded, since it may make clearer the relations of Valar, Elves, Men, Sauron, Wizards &c. (查看原文)
Erio 5赞
2022-08-14 01:32:14 - The Valar or 'powers, rulers' were the first 'creation': rational spirits or minds without incarnation, created before the physical world. (Strictly these spirits were called Ainur, the Valar being only those from among them who entered the world after its making, and the name is properly applied only to the great among them, who take the imaginative but not the theological place of 'gods'.) The Ainur took part in the making of the world as 'sub-creators': in various degrees, after this fashion. They interpreted according to their powers, and completed in detail, the Design propounded to them by the One. This was propounded first in musical or abstract form, and then in a 'historical vision'. In the first interpretation, the vast Music of the Ainur, Melkor introduced alterations, not inter... (查看原文)
Erio 5赞
2022-08-14 01:32:14
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这本书作为睡前读物,陪伴了我很长一段时间。最初因为对Imladris的不安,希望从托尔金大人那里得到解答。每封信都可以单独拿出来读,所以没有期望整本读完。一开始翻遍全书只要看到那些熟识的人物和地名就扑上去读,尤其是131、163、211、246、257、276、297、347等几篇关于lotr关于middle earth的长信,的确让人满足。有次读到一封写给Sam Gamgee的,看得我眼泪汪汪,... 这本书作为睡前读物,陪伴了我很长一段时间。最初因为对Imladris的不安,希望从托尔金大人那里得到解答。每封信都可以单独拿出来读,所以没有期望整本读完。一开始翻遍全书只要看到那些熟识的人物和地名就扑上去读,尤其是131、163、211、246、257、276、297、347等几篇关于lotr关于middle earth的长信,的确让人满足。有次读到一封写给Sam Gamgee的,看得我眼泪汪汪,几乎能想象到收到信的sam的兴奋,仿佛那些美好的幻想真的出现了。后来,翻来覆去,书脊已经凹陷,那些长信已经看完,这也是原先的打算,只看和中土有关的内容。有些不舍,陪伴我这段时间的托尔金,也许可以在睡前找到一些可读的短信。 (展开)
The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien的书评 · · · · · ·( 全部 3 条 )
雪莱 2021-06-02 12:39:23
看了喷泉的文字,我也认同评价作者的观念,要回归到他所处的时代。托尔金创作《霍比特人》、《魔戒》正处于两次大战,他对兴起的种族主义乃至纳粹思潮是什么态度,就很能评价他个人的立场。而检阅托尔金书信的第29号、30号,即他对第三帝国出版社询问他“雅利安”血统的回复,... (展开)
Erio 2021-08-13 20:16:20
说明:1.终于找到“万恶之源”了,我不知道为什么有很多人能忽视它的语境和作者一贯立场还有研究方向读出很奇怪的结论来。 2.请您在在阅读的过程中审视一下自己被当代社会意识形态影响的种种思维定式,否则没有读书的必要。 3.中译文参考知乎 风太大我听不清 大大,稍作修改,黑... (展开)
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