You Are Not So Smart (original) (raw)
内容简介 · · · · · ·
An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise.
You believe you are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is, but journalist David McRaney is here to tell you that you're as deluded as the rest of us. But that's OK- delusions keep us sane. You Are Not So Smart is a celebration of self-delusion. It's like a psychology cla...
An entertaining illumination of the stupid beliefs that make us feel wise.
You believe you are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is, but journalist David McRaney is here to tell you that you're as deluded as the rest of us. But that's OK- delusions keep us sane. You Are Not So Smart is a celebration of self-delusion. It's like a psychology class, with all the boring parts taken out, and with no homework.
Based on the popular blog of the same name, You Are Not So Smart collects more than 46 of the lies we tell ourselves everyday, including:
Dunbar's Number - Humans evolved to live in bands of roughly 150 individuals, the brain cannot handle more than that number. If you have more than 150 Facebook friends, they are surely not all real friends. Hindsight bias - When we learn something new, we reassure ourselves that we knew it all along. Confirmation bias - Our brains resist new ideas, instead paying attention only to findings that reinforce our preconceived notions. Brand loyalty - We reach for the same brand not because we trust its quality but because we want to reassure ourselves that we made a smart choice the last time we bought it.
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- Apophenia is an umbrella term that encompasses other phenomena, like the Texas sharpshooter fallacy and pareidolia. When you commit the Texas sharpshooter fallacy, you draw a circle around a series of random events and decide there is some meaning in the chaos that isn’t really there. In pareidolia, you see shapes like clouds or tree limbs as people or faces. Apophenia is refusing to believe in clutter and noise, in coincidence and chance. Apophenia most often appears in your life when you experience synchronicity. Small moments of synchronicity seem meaningful even when you know they can’t be. If the date lines up in an interesting way, like say 8/9/10, people talk about it. You can’t just ignore it when something that should be random sorts itself out and becomes orderly. The clock reads... (查看原文)
—— 引自第13页 - Don’t let this discourage you, though. You can accept that life is unfair and still relish it. You aren’t in total control of your life, but there is a nice big chunk of your life over which you have complete authority—beat that part to a pulp. Just remember the unfair nature of the world, the randomness of birthright, means people often suffer adversity and enjoy opulence through no effort of their own. If you think the world is just and fair, people who need help may never get it. Realize that even though we are all responsible for our actions, the blame for evil acts rests on the perpetrator and never the victim. No one deserves to be raped or bullied, robbed or murdered. To make the world more just and fair, you have to make it harder for evil to thrive, and you can’t do this just by r... (查看原文)
—— 引自第19页
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喜欢读"You Are Not So Smart"的人也喜欢 · · · · · ·
Kyle 2014-01-31 10:43:28
2 有用
一本讲述思维、心理误区的书,比《Think,Fast or Slow 》简洁一点。书中讲的每个点都会有具体实例,我特别喜欢关于Situation和Character这一章,努力做到相对理性吧。
You Are Not So Smart的书评 · · · · · ·( 全部 10 条 )
zhifeige 2012-10-29 03:04:46
Good for psychological self-inspection
The book is a collection of psychological biases. Most of them are familiar to me, so by reading the book, I try to run into cases where I have no previous knowledge. What still echoes in my mind are author's illustration on procrastination, learned helpl... (展开)
晓健周 2013-11-01 14:13:08
开始读 You Are Not So Smart 这本书的缘起还算比较奇特。 欲偷闲,Google 了 “recommended books on philosophy”,点开第二条The 11 Best Psychology and Philophy Books of 2011,其中推荐的第一本书居然这么眼熟(话说此书封面很挫),不是何时见过这本书,然后感觉不错,... (展开)
哩哩哩 2013-12-23 17:20:26
LEARNED HELPNESS If you feel like you aren’t in control of your destiny, you will give up and accept whatever situation you are in. EXTINCTION BURST Any time you quit something cold turkey, your brain will make a last-ditch effort to return to your habit... (展开)
书格 2023-05-22 17:14:26 中国青年出版社2021版
邓宁和克鲁格是美国两位认知心理学家,以他们名字命名的邓宁-克鲁格效应(简称达克效应),是一种认知偏差,指能力欠缺的人更容易产生一种虚幻的自我优越感,错误地认为自己比真实情况更加优秀,也就是“不知道自己不知道”。这是一种盲目的自信或自满,相反,那些在能力顶端的... (展开)
让灵魂跟上脚步 2023-03-11 16:21:30 中国青年出版社2021版
物竞天择是自然选择的主旋律,大自然在自我进化的途中,不经意间给人类的发展设下了种种障碍,诸如四季的变迁,冷热的交替,食物的受限,猛兽的捕猎。人类兀自挣扎,克服了自然选择的考验,爬上了食物链的顶端。 为了适应环境的变化,人类付出了诸多代价,其中之一就是进化的不... (展开)
尔左月 2022-06-13 06:05:34 中国青年出版社2021版
我们在升学的过程中,达克效应,全称为邓宁-克鲁格效应,这是一种认知偏差现象,指的是能力欠缺的人在自己欠缺能力的基础上,得出自己认为正确但其实错误的结论,行为者无法正确认识到自身的不足,辩别错误行为。 《达克效应》一书就像是一门去掉了晦涩理论的心理学课程,充分... (展开)
冯德唐 2022-02-19 12:38:51 中国青年出版社2021版
考虑到存储反比于提取,还是写一次书评。存入记忆越困难,提取越简单。存入记忆越简单,提取越困难。 1、为什么要有仪式?通过预置的气氛,衣着来影响别人是非常有效的。特别是当你发现处于不熟悉的环境的,是非常容易接受预置暗示的。 2、当前偏见:人无法了解你想要的东西会... (展开)
S. Älskling 2017-09-22 16:07:50
读这本书纯粹因为书名,我并没有觉得自己很聪明,但是每天都有生活无忧无虑的斯堪的纳维亚朋友在我耳边感叹感叹”You are so smart." 自知长此以往肯定会自我膨胀,所以看到这本书时,就像看到了解药。 首先说我以为它会是怎样的一本书。它和我最喜欢读的非虚构类里边的经济学... (展开)
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