R course (original) (raw)
to programming with R!
I hope learning to code will change your life like it did mine :).
Since 2012, I teach R courses with great joy, see brry.github.io.
This website is here to help you start your coding journey.
Here is an overview of my free online courses. They have autograded exercises and are fairly suitable to learn programming on your own.
- Short R intro (ca 1-5 hours): slides, videos
- Full R course (ca 30-70 hours): slides, videos+exercises, German variant (ca 20-50 hours)
- Python intro (ca 20-50 hours): slides, videos+exercises, German variant (ca 10-40 hours)
Feel free to book me as a trainer in addition.
A few notes on this website:
The source code is available at github.com/brry/course.
In case the table of content on the left is not shown, click the four bars at the top.
Pro tip: the arrow left/right keys jump between chapters.